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Evaluating Matt Schaub


Texans #1
Matt Schaub
2007 289 192 66.4 2241 7.75 77 9 9 16
2008 380 251 66.1 3043 8.01 65 15 10 23
2009 583 396 67.9 4770 8.18 72 29 15 25
2010 574 365 63.6 4370 7.61 60 24 12 32

Arian Foster
2010 327 1616 4.9 74 16

Yes Schaub's numbers dropped in 2010, with Fosters help. Do you see him as average? Gaining on being an elite quarterback? Or nothing matters until playoff birth or Superbowl appearance?
Matt Schaub
2007 289 192 66.4 2241 7.75 77 9 9 16
2008 380 251 66.1 3043 8.01 65 15 10 23
2009 583 396 67.9 4770 8.18 72 29 15 25
2010 574 365 63.6 4370 7.61 60 24 12 32

Arian Foster
2010 327 1616 4.9 74 16

Yes Schaub's numbers dropped in 2010, with Fosters help. Do you see him as average? Gaining on being an elite quarterback? Or nothing matters until playoff birth or Superbowl appearance?

I don't think he will ever be truly elite due to the following limitations:

athleticly limited so can not extend plays often
moderate NFL arm
slightly elongated delivery

There are, clearly 7 elite QBs in the NFL right now:
Big Ben
Drew Brees
and maybe Mike Vick

He belongs in the conversation regarding the next group of QBs. Also, he has shown to be consistent, and, related to the number of QB starts, is just entering his prime years... So, if healthy, he should continue to be a fringe probowl player if surrounded by qualtiy offensive talent for the forseeable future.
I don't think he'll ever be an Elite Quarterback in the talks of Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. But I do think he's a very efficient QB. Is able to play conservative when needed and is able to get down the field quickly when needed. I think he can easily be the QB of this team that takes us to the playoffs and ultimately the superbowl. But he's not an elite QB that can do it by himself. He's a huge reason why this offense clicks, I'm not worried about him and don't want to replace him.
He does not have to be elite and I think that word gets thrown around too much to be quite often. Shaub just has to win football games and with the right coach and players he would win the Superbowl JMO.
I don't think he will ever be truly elite due to the following limitations:

athleticly limited so can not extend plays often
moderate NFL arm
slightly elongated delivery

There are, clearly 7 elite QBs in the NFL right now:
Big Ben
Drew Brees
and maybe Mike Vick

He belongs in the conversation regarding the next group of QBs. Also, he has shown to be consistent, and, related to the number of QB starts, is just entering his prime years... So, if healthy, he should continue to be a fringe probowl player if surrounded by qualtiy offensive talent for the forseeable future.

How can you say there are currently 7 elite QBs. 21% of the starting QBs are elite? I don't buy it. There are currently TWO elite QBs. Manning and Brady. There are 2 or 3QB's who are in "elite discussion" but not all 4 of them get in. Brees, Rodgers and Big Ben. Rivers and Schaub are in the same category. They are in the next class below that group along with 4 or 5 other QBs that are close. Vick might enter a discussion but I'm not putting anyone in either discussion based on a few games. He's always been exciting and he's even won before. Has he really learned how to pass or do DCs just need a reminder of how to turn him into average.

Schaub may never be elite. I don't think you can put 20-30% of starting QBs in the league as "elite", I think that's limited to 5-10% at most and usually 1 or 2.

Marino lacked mobility for much of his career, montana didn't have a rocket of an arm. Schaub has the ability to extend plays better than most give him credit for and heck, Manning does ok as a statue. Time will tell but for all of his limitations Schaub is on a short list of QBs I would give something up to start a franchise with him.

I don't think he will ever be truly elite due to the following limitations:

athleticly limited so can not extend plays often
moderate NFL arm
slightly elongated delivery

There are, clearly 7 elite QBs in the NFL right now:
Big Ben
Drew Brees
and maybe Mike Vick

He belongs in the conversation regarding the next group of QBs. Also, he has shown to be consistent, and, related to the number of QB starts, is just entering his prime years... So, if healthy, he should continue to be a fringe probowl player if surrounded by qualtiy offensive talent for the forseeable future.

I completely agree with this assessment. I never understood all of the crap some people were saying about Schuab last season. I thought he played well considering who his coach is and what a horrible defense he had to work with. Put Schaub on a team where he's not constantly having to score and play from behind and I think Schaub's a lot more efficient and has less mistakes. It's extremely hard to find a QB that can be an elite and very hard to find a QB who can play at the level that schaub has proven he can. I'm fine with Schaub for now and I think he's got several good years left unless he has a bad injury.
I am not sure how many elite QB's in the NFL there really are everyone knows about Manning and Brady but the rest are really good too.
I'm fine with Matt Schaub as QB.

That said, I don't think he is elite and I don't know exactly what to think of him as a player overall. He has been decent in the clutch...not great, not terrible...

He has physical limitations with both his mobility and his arm.
But overall Matt is efficient, he can get the offense moving downfield and he is pretty accurate.

There are certain games where he just scares me though...Against good defenses Matt sometimes just folds...

Then when the other team looks like they are running off with the game and we go into pass heavy mode and the opposing defense lays off a bit to protect the lead we start lighting them up through the air.

If I had to rate Matt I'd rate him as a 84-88 out of 100
Notice how Schaub got sacked more in 2010 than any other year, even with the improved running game. It just seemed like last year, Schaub never really had time to sit back in the pocket comfortably and throw.
I don't think he'll ever be an Elite Quarterback in the talks of Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. But I do think he's a very efficient QB. Is able to play conservative when needed and is able to get down the field quickly when needed. I think he can easily be the QB of this team that takes us to the playoffs and ultimately the superbowl. But he's not an elite QB that can do it by himself. He's a huge reason why this offense clicks, I'm not worried about him and don't want to replace him.

I was going to comment on the OP but I read this.... no need for me to say anything. OMT summed it up nicely! :fingergun:
How can you say there are currently 7 elite QBs. 21% of the starting QBs are elite? I don't buy it. There are currently TWO elite QBs. Manning and Brady. There are 2 or 3QB's who are in "elite discussion" but not all 4 of them get in. Brees, Rodgers and Big Ben. Rivers and Schaub are in the same category. They are in the next class below that group along with 4 or 5 other QBs that are close. Vick might enter a discussion but I'm not putting anyone in either discussion based on a few games. He's always been exciting and he's even won before. Has he really learned how to pass or do DCs just need a reminder of how to turn him into average.

Schaub may never be elite. I don't think you can put 20-30% of starting QBs in the league as "elite", I think that's limited to 5-10% at most and usually 1 or 2.

Marino lacked mobility for much of his career, montana didn't have a rocket of an arm. Schaub has the ability to extend plays better than most give him credit for and heck, Manning does ok as a statue. Time will tell but for all of his limitations Schaub is on a short list of QBs I would give something up to start a franchise with him.


Mike, over the past two years, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning have not performed better than: A.Rodgers, P.Rivers, or Drew Brees... Roethlisburger and Vick are special athletes that do things nobody else can do... Would you prefer: "top tier"? From my perspective, I wouldn't put Vick in that group, but people that I respect do put him there after his season, so I included him as well. Regardless, those group of QBs play at a level, consistently, that is above any other QBs in the NFL.
Notice how Schaub got sacked more in 2010 than any other year, even with the improved running game. It just seemed like last year, Schaub never really had time to sit back in the pocket comfortably and throw.

Others can speak better to this... but, my understanding is that when the offensive line gets its pre-snap splits, the splits are wider in the zone game than in other offenses. The downside of that is it creates more pass rushing opportunities. I would guess that the dominant run game led to more zone looks, even in the passing game, and that contributed to a few more sacks. Remember, in 2009, the run game was non-existent. So, I'm guess the o-line was more often setup pre-snap to maximize pass protection.
Any QB who throws for the 6th most yards in NFL history should be in the running. But only having 1 or 2 good seasons isn't enough to get there. And that's all Schaub has at this point.

I consider the Elite (first tier) guys to be: Brady and Manning.

The Sub-Elite (second tier) guys are: Brees, Rivers, and Rogers.

I consider Schaub a third tier QB. He's a guy that with more years and more success could move up into the Sub-Elite category but he doesn't have the body of work. He needs to continue to put up statistics but more importantly, he needs more team success to help propel him into that category. To get to Elite, he needs to put up 7+ 4000 yard season, appear in at least 1 Super Bowl, and lead his team to the playoffs at least 6-7 times.

I consider Vick, Roethlisburger and Eli Manning to be in that third tier as well.
To get to Elite, he needs to put up 7+ 4000 yard season, appear in at least 1 Super Bowl, and lead his team to the playoffs at least 6-7 times.

Have to pick a nit here. Brady only has 3 4000+ yard seasons. But overall I liked your analysis. Maybe a slight alteration to the above sentence of "or some similarly impressive combination thereof." Manning has plenty of 4000+ yard seasons and 1 ring while Brady has 3 of each.
Any QB who throws for the 6th most yards in NFL history should be in the running. But only having 1 or 2 good seasons isn't enough to get there. And that's all Schaub has at this point.

I consider the Elite (first tier) guys to be: Brady and Manning.

The Sub-Elite (second tier) guys are: Brees, Rivers, and Rogers.

I consider Schaub a third tier QB. He's a guy that with more years and more success could move up into the Sub-Elite category but he doesn't have the body of work. He needs to continue to put up statistics but more importantly, he needs more team success to help propel him into that category. To get to Elite, he needs to put up 7+ 4000 yard season, appear in at least 1 Super Bowl, and lead his team to the playoffs at least 6-7 times.

I consider Vick, Roethlisburger and Eli Manning to be in that third tier as well.

That's an interesting way to look at it.

I'm not really a numbers guy, so I would probably disagree with some of your groupings.

I simply look at it like this: If I were starting a team today, which QB's would I take and in what order. Lots of things to consider beyond the numbers they have put up...

Like Manning could be an elite QB for most of his career, but when he reaches a certain age he may not be the same as he had been...Therefore I would no longer consider him an elite QB in the game at that time. All time great...sure...
Have to pick a nit here. Brady only has 3 4000+ yard seasons. But overall I liked your analysis. Maybe a slight alteration to the above sentence of "or some similarly impressive combination thereof." Manning has plenty of 4000+ yard seasons and 1 ring while Brady has 3 of each.

Yeah, those weren't hard and fast rules and of course there's an equation sort of thing in play. Brady's SBs and playoff performance offset his relative lack of 4000 yard seasons.
That's an interesting way to look at it.

I'm not really a numbers guy, so I would probably disagree with some of your groupings.

I simply look at it like this: If I were starting a team today, which QB's would I take and in what order. Lots of things to consider beyond the numbers they have put up...

Like Manning could be an elite QB for most of his career, but when he reaches a certain age he may not be the same as he had been...Therefore I would no longer consider him an elite QB in the game at that time. All time great...sure...

I think if we were drafting QBs, I would go with Aaron Rodgers or Sam Bradford for the potential over the next 10 years. If we are in 'win now' mode, it would go Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, and then whatever...
That's an interesting way to look at it.

I'm not really a numbers guy, so I would probably disagree with some of your groupings.

I simply look at it like this: If I were starting a team today, which QB's would I take and in what order. Lots of things to consider beyond the numbers they have put up...

Like Manning could be an elite QB for most of his career, but when he reaches a certain age he may not be the same as he had been...Therefore I would no longer consider him an elite QB in the game at that time. All time great...sure...

I agree with that. I excluded Favre because he's on the downside of his career and hopefully finished. And hopefully there will be a point SOON where Manning's performance degrades and he drops down tiers. But at this point, he's still near the top of his game and the weight of the experience of all those great seasons is what makes him elite.

With your way, are you choosing QBs by what you'll think they'll do this next year or what you think they're going to do for the next several years?

But even if I was choosing a QB for next season, I'd still break things down pretty much the same way. I trust Brady and Manning to get it done more than I trust Rodgers, Brees, or Rivers.
I think if we were drafting QBs, I would go with Aaron Rodgers or Sam Bradford for the potential over the next 10 years. If we are in 'win now' mode, it would go Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, and then whatever...

I agree with that. I excluded Favre because he's on the downside of his career and hopefully finished. And hopefully there will be a point SOON where Manning's performance degrades and he drops down tiers. But at this point, he's still near the top of his game and the weight of the experience of all those great seasons is what makes him elite.

With your way, are you choosing QBs by what you'll think they'll do this next year or what you think they're going to do for the next several years?

But even if I was choosing a QB for next season, I'd still break things down pretty much the same way. I trust Brady and Manning to get it done more than I trust Rodgers, Brees, or Rivers.

That's something that I thought about as I was typing...

I really think it depends on preference. Personally, if I could choose any QB I wanted I'd take Rodgers.

1) I think he is definitely elite talent wise. He has shown that he can perform when his team needs it most and against some pretty damn good defenses. I also like his moxie.

2) he is still young

I'm not sure what to think about Manning this past season. Definitely still a beast, but it seems as if he declined a bit. I don't know if that was due to personnel around him/losing Clark or if the league is catching up to him or if he's just slowing down a bit with age.

So even if we are talking about next year I may still go Rodgers over Manning...And believe me, it felt strange typing that...But I'm really just going off of what I feel...

I also don't know what to think of Brady and Belichick with how the Jets handled them...

But yeah...I was just really impressed with what Rodgers did and how he did it. Dude is a monster and I can't really think of a glaring flaw in his game. He has the preparation down, he has the arm, the smarts, pocket presence, the bad ass type aura...and oh yeah, he's pretty damn mobile...
Mike, over the past two years, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning have not performed better than: A.Rodgers, P.Rivers, or Drew Brees... Roethlisburger and Vick are special athletes that do things nobody else can do... Would you prefer: "top tier"? From my perspective, I wouldn't put Vick in that group, but people that I respect do put him there after his season, so I included him as well. Regardless, those group of QBs play at a level, consistently, that is above any other QBs in the NFL.

Over the past two years Manning has to be the Elite QB in the league. You can argue numbers, and I'm willing to hear that argument but he has thrown an AVERAGE of 625 times. He's thrown a higher percentage of interceptions but consider that he is literally the only threat in Indy. Brady in his second year back to competitive football threw a TD on 7% of his passes last year and that is compared with only .08% of his passes going for INTs.

The numbers of Rivers, Rodgers and Brees are impressive and they are certainly all coming into the argument of elite but they have neither the longevity nor the ability to make claims like Brady and Manning. Put this in perspective, Manning threw the ball an amazing 65% of the Colts possessions. Not only that but he was throwing the ball to guys off the street. Hell E. James' cousin was running the ball for them. There isn't a QB in the league that would have turned out the kind of season that Manning did with the group of receivers he had to throw to. Especially as they were calling them up throughout the year and plugging them in in a week or two.

Top tier is a better term, but I still think that Brady and Manning are in a class of their own. Brees is close to that class, and maybe one day he gets there Rodgers too. Rivers though, I just have a hard time putting him in that class though statistically he makes a solid case for being in the discussion.

So fine, Manning, Brady, Brees are elite. I don't think that Big Ben Rogers or Rivers are in the same class. I think they're half a step below and I'm ok with making that the top tier. Schaub is in the next group if you ask me but he makes it hard to not put him in that elite group. His problem is he does just about everything just a hair below the elite level. Except his Play Action... that is one of the best in the league.

I think that the last 2 years is a tough gauge for Brady since one of them is the year after he got pollardized. I think last year he was absolutely incredible. Oh, and I can't stand him. I absolutely hate that he's as successful as he is. Manning had a bad year last year, mainly because all of his options seemed to be hurt or rotating in and out last year. He was throwing to guys I've never heard of and still puts up numbers that put him in the Elite category. And that's discounting what that guy does and the control he has over that offense. He does everything and I don't see how someone can say he's not the best QB in the league. In my honest opinion, and I only go back to the end of the Luv ya blu days, he's the best football player I've ever seen at any position.

I don't think he will ever be truly elite due to the following limitations:

athleticly limited so can not extend plays often
moderate NFL arm
slightly elongated delivery

There are, clearly 7 elite QBs in the NFL right now:
Big Ben
Drew Brees
and maybe Mike Vick

He belongs in the conversation regarding the next group of QBs. Also, he has shown to be consistent, and, related to the number of QB starts, is just entering his prime years... So, if healthy, he should continue to be a fringe probowl player if surrounded by qualtiy offensive talent for the forseeable future.

i dont know if u saw 2 key plays he made this season by extending the play, one was against Washington to force OT then we won, one was against the Chiefs to win the game.
drafting Julio Jones would help Matt Schaub become a better QB :specnatz:

I think a better line would be more helpful than another WR. If we drafted Tyron Smith, we could slide Duane over to LG, flip Smith over to RG, keep Winston at RT and let Caldwell and Myers fight it out for the Center spot.

This new lineup would give Schaub a few more seconds to throw as opposed to having to take sacks to throw the ball away. A few extra seconds can mean the difference between a receiver, tight end, or half back getting a step on a defender and Schaub trying to scramble.
I think that overall Duane has been a solid LT. Besides Freeney in the 2nd Colts game I can't really think of too many rushers that have just given him fits all game long.

If anything, Winston needs to work on his pass protection.
I really think it depends on preference. Personally, if I could choose any QB I wanted I'd take Rodgers.

My only real fear with Rodgers is that they're going to get him killed and that's going to shorten his career. Granted last year was only thirty some-odd sacks but he had fifty the year before. I think he's been sacked 115 times over the past 3 years.

Other than that, yeah. If I'm drafting a QB that I need to build a team around for 10-15 years, Rodgers is the front-runner. Brees, Manning, and Brady don't have that much time left. And I'm not sure which of the younger guys (Flacco, Ryan, Bradford) to really trust, yet.

I don't really trust E. Manning or Roethlisburger.

That basically leaves Rivers and something about him just kinda rubs me the wrong way.
How can you say there are currently 7 elite QBs. 21% of the starting QBs are elite? I don't buy it. There are currently TWO elite QBs. Manning and Brady. There are 2 or 3QB's who are in "elite discussion" but not all 4 of them get in. Brees, Rodgers and Big Ben. Rivers and Schaub are in the same category. They are in the next class below that group along with 4 or 5 other QBs that are close. Vick might enter a discussion but I'm not putting anyone in either discussion based on a few games. He's always been exciting and he's even won before. Has he really learned how to pass or do DCs just need a reminder of how to turn him into average.

Schaub may never be elite. I don't think you can put 20-30% of starting QBs in the league as "elite", I think that's limited to 5-10% at most and usually 1 or 2.

Marino lacked mobility for much of his career, montana didn't have a rocket of an arm. Schaub has the ability to extend plays better than most give him credit for and heck, Manning does ok as a statue. Time will tell but for all of his limitations Schaub is on a short list of QBs I would give something up to start a franchise with him.


I agree with this almost entirely.
When it's 3rd and 3 and we need to keep the ball and coverage is tight and the pocket breaks down and Matt decides to tuck it and pick up the 3 instead of moving laterally to throw the ball out of bounds because keeping the ball is so important when you don't have a defense that can hold a lead and getting a brand new set of downs will help you win the game, then I will start to say elite QB. Until then he's a good QB that I don't mind having on my team but I will continue to look for the QB who just wins games because he's not afraid to get hit and his teammates see that and the defense puts it all on the line because they know they got a QB who's going to do everything he can to score and keep them off the field.

P.S. I meant to run on my sentences because I say this about Schaub over and over again.
When it's 3rd and 3 and we need to keep the ball and coverage is tight and the pocket breaks down and Matt decides to tuck it and pick up the 3 instead of moving laterally to throw the ball out of bounds because keeping the ball is so important when you don't have a defense that can hold a lead and getting a brand new set of downs will help you win the game, then I will start to say elite QB. Until then he's a good QB that I don't mind having on my team but I will continue to look for the QB who just wins games because he's not afraid to get hit and his teammates see that and the defense puts it all on the line because they know they got a QB who's going to do everything he can to score and keep them off the field.

P.S. I meant to run on my sentences because I say this about Schaub over and over again.

See, I think Matt does that and has done that. Except for the defense laying it all on the line part. And I don't think that's his fault or an issue with his leadership. I think he's shown that he's not afraid to take the hit to complete the pass. I think he's shown that he's willing to put his head down and get a first down.
See, I think Matt does that and has done that. Except for the defense laying it all on the line part. And I don't think that's his fault or an issue with his leadership. I think he's shown that he's not afraid to take the hit to complete the pass. I think he's shown that he's willing to put his head down and get a first down.

Just look at the Redskins game last season. He got drilled on that last second pass to AJ. He knew he was going to get rocked, but he stepped into his throw anyways and threw a perfect pass. He's smart and won't take unnecessary hits, but will take a hit to win the game.
the part where Rodgers is not elite maybe?

I'm just not ready to call the kid elite yet. He may well be the next crop of elite, but he's had 1 elite season and two great seasons. He's just not there for me, YET. He may well get there in a year or two but if he were to retire tomorrow, nobody would remember him. YET. Manning/Brady retire tomorrow, you will tell your grand kids about watching the Great Manning play. Of course its not ALL historical, but that has to play some role. If I had to pick the next great QB.. Rogers is on a short list.

I'm just not ready to call the kid elite yet. He may well be the next crop of elite, but he's had 1 elite season and two great seasons. He's just not there for me, YET. He may well get there in a year or two but if he were to retire tomorrow, nobody would remember him. YET. Manning/Brady retire tomorrow, you will tell your grand kids about watching the Great Manning play. Of course its not ALL historical, but that has to play some role. If I had to pick the next great QB.. Rogers is on a short list.


I can agree that he isn't on Brady and Mannings level yet just because he hasn't been around long enough. But just watching the guy play, he is every bit as good if not better than those two.

His three seasons starting in the league have all been elite IMO.

season 1 - 4038 28/13
season 2 - 4434 30/7
season 3 - 3922 28/11

Plus his rushing stats

1 - 207 4 tds
2 - 316 5 tds
3 - 356 4 tds

He's 4-1 in the playoffs while averaging over 300 yards and over 3 TD's per game. If I'm starting a franchise today, he would be the guy I would build my team around. The sky is the limit for Rodgers as he is only going to get better.
I can agree that he isn't on Brady and Mannings level yet just because he hasn't been around long enough. But just watching the guy play, he is every bit as good if not better than those two.

His three seasons starting in the league have all been elite IMO.

season 1 - 4038 28/13
season 2 - 4434 30/7
season 3 - 3922 28/11

Plus his rushing stats

1 - 207 4 tds
2 - 316 5 tds
3 - 356 4 tds

He's 4-1 in the playoffs while averaging over 300 yards and over 3 TD's per game. If I'm starting a franchise today, he would be the guy I would build my team around. The sky is the limit for Rodgers as he is only going to get better.


Numbers help create a starting point, but I trust my eyes. Watching him play tells me he is right up there. Only thing he is missing is experience. That super bowl run he had this past season was pretty amazing. Especially considering that the running game wasn't that big a factor and all the injuries the team had to deal with.
That basically leaves Rivers and something about him just kinda rubs me the wrong way.

I know a lot of people don't like him, but I love Rivers.

Dude is just a baller.

I know a lot of people don't like his attitude, but I look at it like this...If he was the QB for my team I'd love him...
I know a lot of people don't like him, but I love Rivers.

Dude is just a baller.

I know a lot of people don't like his attitude, but I look at it like this...If he was the QB for my team I'd love him...

I know. I know a lot of guys really like Rivers. I think most people do. He's definitely put up some great numbers. He's played in some big games and although he hasn't gotten to the big one, yet, he's fought through injuries and really show a gutsy side.

But I swear, I look at him and see Ryan Leaf. I see a guy that's just on the verge of losing it and going irrationally ballistic. If he was my QB, I'd be really scared that he'd go off on a rant and get suspended or worse.
I know a lot of people don't like him, but I love Rivers.

Dude is just a baller.

I know a lot of people don't like his attitude, but I look at it like this...If he was the QB for my team I'd love him...

I don't like his attitude, he just seems like a little punk to me and he gets under my skin. With that said, the guy plays well and I do have to commend him for his passion. I'm starting to ease up on my dislike towards him. :pissed:

I really like Aaron Rodgers and Matt Ryan. Thos are two of my favorite "young" franchise type of QBs and would love them on my team if not for Schaub.