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Ed Reed will miss OTA's due to hip surgery.

Part of the deal with him. As long as he's ready to go for the start of the real season, it's no big deal.
This was reported as something that was going to happen before he even signed.

Although I believe the "hip" part is wrong. I'm pretty sure it's his shoulder.
Swearinger, "Jungle Boi"...hilarious nickname, better bring his a game to OTA's and training camp. Hope Ed Reed heals fast, maybe he can get some dear antler spray from Ray.
This was reported as something that was going to happen before he even signed.

Although I believe the "hip" part is wrong. I'm pretty sure it's his shoulder.

Hope they knew about it before he signed. Anybody got a link? Probably showed up when they did his medical but I'm just curious because I had not heard anything about this prior to today.
Did he already have the surgery?

If not, why wait so late to have it?

If I remember correctly, he actually had major hip reconstruction some years ago. No mention if this recent (last week) arthroscopic surgery was on the same hip.
If I remember correctly, he actually had major hip reconstruction some years ago. No mention if this recent (last week) arthroscopic surgery was on the same hip.

Is there any reason why they'd wait until the tail end of the off season to do this surgery?
Is there any reason why thpley'd wait until the tail end of the off season to do this surgery?

When dealing with a "minor" tear, players can many times rehab by trying to strengthen the muscles around the hip joint. If they continue to have significant debilitating pain or limited free range of motion, arthroscopy is performed. The Texans may have seen that the rehab alone wasn't working and rather see him attend to it now rather than into the season. Seeing that Reed made his original injury much worse by trying to work through the pain before finally succumbing to major reconstructive surgery (found a link:
Jun 26, 2010
Ravens S Ed Reed says hip is healing and he wants to play at least one more year), he may have not told anyone that he was having problems at all and the Texans medical staff may not have caught it when signing him up........probably being more concerned about his shoulder.

We are not told if this is the same previously reconstructed or the other hip each may carry their own unique implications.
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If I remember correctly, he actually had major hip reconstruction some years ago. No mention if this recent (last week) arthroscopic surgery was on the same hip.

Doc, this doesn't sound good. I know Reed is not the player he was a number of years ago but this sounds like something that is normally career ending for most. Is he more susceptible to a career ending hip injury now or is his hip stronger since the surgery and it's a non issue?
Doc, this doesn't sound good. I know Reed is not the player he was a number of years ago but this sounds like something that is normally career ending for most. Is he more susceptible to a career ending hip injury now or is his hip stronger since the surgery and it's a non issue?

At this point, there are a lot of holes in the information available. If it is his other hip and it is indeed "minor" requiring only minor debridement, I have seen patients weight bear within 1 week and be back within 4-6 weeks. On the other hand, if this is to go back into the previously reconstructed hip, return could be anywhere from 8-24 weeks, depending on the extent of surgery was necessary and if it involved revision of the iliotibial band graft which I found was used to reconstruct the labrum.

In either case, it has been shown if there is significant chondromalacia (essentially destruction of the cartilage) in the joint present, which is almost certainly the case in an example of major labral reconstruction, arthritis becomes a major factor in obtaining long-term success/performance. Even small labral tears may be associated with significant underlying areas of cartilage damage.

As always, we will need to wait for additional information or just have to be patient to see how his rehab progresses to extrapolate the extent of his injury(ies).
I had arthroscopic hip surgery in Aug. 2009 for femoral-acetabular impingement and articular and labrum tears in my right hip. I was on crutches for 2 weeks and rehabbed for a month. I felt better the day after surgery than the day before. I'm not overly concerned about Reed's surgery. I would let him rehab it till training camp or longer. Reed is a smart veteran that can learn the defense from the sidelines.
I had arthroscopic hip surgery in Aug. 2009 for femoral-acetabular impingement and articular and labrum tears in my right hip. I was on crutches for 2 weeks and rehabbed for a month. I felt better the day after surgery than the day before. I'm not overly concerned about Reed's surgery. I would let him rehab it till training camp or longer. Reed is a smart veteran that can learn the defense from the sidelines.

DocBar, from my recollection of our discussions, your surgery did not involve a graft harvested from a remote site. Is my memory faulty?
As far as I am concerned , Ed Reed can sit out the entire training camp, which I bet he milks this until end of TC, as long as he is good to go Game 1 of the season.

I think it is stupid for veterans, especially 10 + year vets, to have to attend training camp, or at least partial camp. What are you going to teach a 10 + year vet that he doesn't already know?
Keep in mind the previous hip injury was in 2010 and he played 10 games. 2011 & 2012 played 16 games each with 52 and 58 tackles respectfully. I am not worried.
Texans a 'little concerned' about Ed Reed's hip surgery

Following Ed Reed's recent hip surgery, we got the "minor" and "will be ready for camp" routine. This ignored the fact that Reed turns 35 in September and he had surgery on his hip. It's always minor when it's someone else.

A few days after the news first broke, the Houston Texans are already sounding more realistic. Owner Bob McNair admitted Monday that Reed might not be ready until "the middle" of training camp, according to Nick Scurfield of

Defensive coordinator Wade Phillips admitted he's a "little concerned" with Reed's surgery because of the timing. Reed didn't undergo surgery right after the season, presumably because it wouldn't be a good look as he searched for a new team in free agency. The delay could wind up costing Reed the entire OTA/minicamp season in addition to a chunk of the preseason.

Reed has been a very durable player throughout his career, but there's reason to think he'll only last one season in Houston.
Did Reed conceal this injury?
Is this an reocuring injury?
Where do the Texans go from here?
Sign another vet?
The Texans need to be patient with Reed. His importance to the team won't be during the beginning of the season anyway. The overall goal should be having him healthy by Week 1. If he's ready before then, well great. If its a week or 2 after week 1 then its no big deal IMO. We do need him healthy towards the latter half of the season and into the playoffs though. No reason to rush him at this point.
Stephanie Stradley ‏@StephStradley 14m Think #Texans fans putting Boselli/A Green on Ed Reed overlearning lessons. Each player unique. That said, buyer beware on $100 Reed jersey.
Didn't we do a physical on him?

Nick Scurfield ‏@NickScurfield 27m
Kubiak on Ed Reed (hip): "We didn't expect it, but it started bothering him. That's when we got aggressive in what we needed to do"

Coach Gary Kubiak acknowledged Monday that the Texans did not expect FS Ed Reed to need hip surgery when they signed him in March.
On March 20, the Texans signed (Ahman Green) Reed to a three-year, $15 million deal with $6 million guaranteed. "We didn't expect it, but it started bothering him," said Kubiak. "That's when we got aggressive in what we needed to do." It's believed owner Bob McNair was the driving force behind the Texans' pursuit of Reed after the club lost Glover Quin and Connor Barwin in free agency. McNair conceded Monday that Reed may not be ready for training camp.
That sounds like it was a known issue that wasn't bothering him when we did the physical. Then after we signed him, he started having some pain or something and so we jumped on it aggressively.


You can be sure that if his hip was bothering him in April, it was bothering him at the end of the season. Whatever pathology was there at the time of surgery was there at the time we signed him.......and at a time that he would have supposedly had a "thorough" evaluation by the medical staff. He had a major hip labrum reconstruction in April 2010..........having had problems for at least 6 months prior to giving into the surgery. His injury required an iliotibial band graft. For those that don’t understand the implication of the use of this graft, it is used to reconstruct large absent/unsalvageable portions of the labrum........meaning that the labrum was destroyed and could not be simply “cleaned up”/trimmed and tacked back down to the underlying structures (which is the most common type of surgery required).

From June 25, 2010:

"They had to go in and reconstruct my whole hip. They took about 6-7 inches from my IT band, replaced my labrum that I tore. They went in in two spots, so I mean it's a slow process. Plus I have other injuries that, you know, really probably had an effect on causing this that I have to pay attention to also. So I'm just taking my time.

"I played the last couple of games with a torn labrum and just messed my hip up worse, you know, going back out there and doing things the way I was able to do things," he said

It is not a good sign that the same hip required ANY further surgery. Approximately 75% of those returning for arthroscopic labral tear/“revision” result in the findings of additional significant cartilage damage. Keep in mind that studies have found that anywhere from 1 out of 4 to 1 out of 3 of those undergoing major hip labrum reconstruction go on to require hip replacement by 4-5 years following their initial INJURY not surgery.

All we can realistically do at this time is hope for the best.
Hate to say I told you so but ....

Just a quick browse of your posting history and I only saw one injury related post from you and it was about his neck.

As a matter of fact you were insistent that Reed wasn't signing here. Your last post since this one was about how Reed wasn't signing here.

Who told who so again?
Why I only had one caveat: A bonus structure in his contract for games played, for example.

AJ had an escalation in his contract!
You can be sure that if his hip was bothering him in April, it was bothering him at the end of the season. Whatever pathology was there at the time of surgery was there at the time we signed him.......and at a time that he would have supposedly had a "thorough" evaluation by the medical staff. He had a major hip labrum reconstruction in April 2010..........having had problems for at least 6 months prior to giving into the surgery. His injury required an iliotibial band graft. For those that don’t understand the implication of the use of this graft, it is used to reconstruct large absent/unsalvageable portions of the labrum........meaning that the labrum was destroyed and could not be simply “cleaned up”/trimmed and tacked back down to the underlying structures (which is the most common type of surgery required).

From June 25, 2010:

It is not a good sign that the same hip required ANY further surgery. Approximately 75% of those returning for arthroscopic labral tear/“revision” result in the findings of additional significant cartilage damage. Keep in mind that studies have found that anywhere from 1 out of 4 to 1 out of 3 of those undergoing major hip labrum reconstruction go on to require hip replacement by 4-5 years following their initial INJURY not surgery.

All we can realistically do at this time is hope for the best.

It's the other hip..

“He has had this issue on the other side before, so once it started happening, that's when we got aggressive in what we needed to do to get him ready to play this season."
Texans a 'little concerned' about Ed Reed's hip surgery

Did Reed conceal this injury?
Is this an reocuring injury?
Where do the Texans go from here?
Sign another vet?

Reed underwent a lengthy physical when he visited the Texans before agreeing to sign in Houston. This wasn’t an issue that came up then.

They gave him a lengthy physical. This is something that probably just started bothering him a bit and they wanted to nip it as soon as they could. We're lucky it was minor and not the same hip as 2010.
It's the other hip..

“He has had this issue on the other side before, so once it started happening, that's when we got aggressive in what we needed to do to get him ready to play this season."

I read that last night. Most of my previous posts still stand re. the originally injured hip, and a "minor" tear of a contralateral hip (cartilaginous damage). With this confirmation of the new tear being on the contralateral hip, there brings into play the possibility of presence of a classic "triad" which is not uncommonly closely associated with these injuries.........i.e., hip labral tears, rectus abdominis tears, and adductor strains in NFL players have come to be formally coined the “Sports Hip Triad.” There is nothing to be getting relaxed about by the revelation of any additional injuries to Reed's hip, even though it is on the other side. It only affirms progression of an injury history. Yet time will tell what affect it has in terms of short-term and long-term performance.
Beginning to sound like we got taken to the cleaners a bit on this.

One of the benefits of having Reed in the fold was supposed to be his mentoring our young guys. Now it sounds like he won't be around to do that, perhaps until middle of training camp. That's a lot of missed opportunity for "Coach" Reed's contribution.
Beginning to sound like we got taken to the cleaners a bit on this.

One of the benefits of having Reed in the fold was supposed to be his mentoring our young guys. Now it sounds like he won't be around to do that, perhaps until middle of training camp. That's a lot of missed opportunity for "Coach" Reed's contribution.

Getting taken to the cleaners would mean he was out for the year or most of it, including the playoffs. He's not even going to miss much of training camp. reported that Ed Reed will be ready for TC.

Also, both Kubiak and Wade said that Cushing is looking good and ready to go.
So when do we get to start callling Ed The Six Million Dollar Man?

This Steve Austin is better...


OOOOOoooH Heeeeellll YEAH!!!