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Earl Supports Patriots*

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Yaters Gonna Yate.
Thank God for this article. I was beginning to think everyone in America had lost their ****ing minds.

Pro football: Hall of Famer Campbell says Patriots deserve asterisk

[SIZE=-1]Chad Peters
Express-News Staff Writer

Having gradually lost interest in the pro game, the legendary Earl Campbell said he doesn't follow the NFL much these days.

But that didn't stop the Hall of Fame running back from sounding off Wednesday on one of the league's season-long hot topics.

Stating the New England Patriots' “Spygate” scandal “was nothing but pure cheating,” Campbell drew a stark contrast between the character of Cowboys coach Wade Phillips — a longtime friend going back to their time together with the Houston Oilers — and Patriots coach Bill Belichick.
In fact, if Campbell had his way, he said Belichick would be out of the NFL and the Patriots would be stripped of their three Super Bowl victories following the spying incident that drew Belichick a $500,000 fine and cost the Patriots a first-round pick.

“I think if I was the commissioner, I would fire him,” Campbell said. “And I'd also fix it so he couldn't coach in the NFL anymore. And those teams that played (and won three Super Bowls), I'd consider that a tie. The other teams would get a ring, too.”

Campbell was one of a handful of former professional athletes in town to promote the launching of the Triton Sports Center, a health club that will provide young athletes specific sports training — particularly in football — from pros. The center, located southeast of the Loop 1604 and U.S. 281 intersection, is expected to open late in the spring.

Campbell, who was using a walker, said his inspiration to help such a venture is to provide young athletes life lessons and the value of education through sports.

Considering as much, Campbell said it's a “bad example” if the Patriots (13-0) go on to win the Super Bowl.

“We try to teach our young kids how to be honest and all that,” Campbell said, “and here we've got grown people. ..... (Belichick) is no better than those guys in baseball taking them steroids.

“..... If they win the Super Bowl, I think there should be an asterisk by the Patriots' name. And if they don't win, I still think there should be an asterisk by their name. Because that's wrong. A lie is a lie.”

Campbell said his opinion wouldn't change even if other teams also were found to employ secretive videotaping tactics.

“Belichick got caught,” he said. “He did a good job of doing it, too. ... He got away with it.

“I often wondered because, man, when you win the Super Bowl, it's like you move on and go to other teams. But all those guys kept staying there. I knew there was something. And all of a sudden this cheating came out and I said, ‘Ah, boy. That's it.' ”

Asked what he would think if he discovered one of his former coaches videotaped opponents, Campbell said he “wouldn't respect him as an individual.”

Campbell likely wouldn't expect Phillips to be accused of such.

Praising his former coach for “his character and what he stands for,” Campbell said Phillips deserved the success he has had in leading the Cowboys to a franchise-best 12-1 mark.

Smiling widely, Campbell recalled how he used to like to “mess around” with Phillips — the Oilers' defensive coordinator in Campbell's first three NFL seasons (1978-80) — during extra-point drills. Campbell would interrupt the drills by getting linemen to jump offside.

“Wade would get so upset,” Campbell said, laughing heartily.
he cheated........ plain and simple....... cheating is cheating is cheating.... i still think they would be killing teams but still..... i dunno how ida handled it, but it would have been different than what happened.....

for the record id still be investigating NBA refs as well, if i could.... to dismiss the fixed games thing as one person is rediculous....
Earl is a living legend who never minces his words & he's on the money.

It took the Pats 3 requests/ultinatums & 10 days before they finally turned over a truckload of tapes dating back to 2000. Goodell then took a mere 36 hrs to say the tapes were not incriminating & had been destroyed.

What a crock,thats more suspect than Michael Jackson.

BTW we should ban kanofsna.:thinking:
Having gradually lost interest in the pro game, the legendary Earl Campbell said he doesn't follow the NFL much these days.
he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a blathering moron, every team does it, yada yada yada.
Have to disagree with MRHOUSTON OILER HOF'er CAMPBELL
that ment everything to everyone in Houston from way back.

Hey if anything Earl was just tring to make Wade(JErry Jones Sock Puppet) look good in the fish rap and for that I give him neg rep.
Are you referring to Mr. Earl Campbell by any chance? I just want to be sure before I make a decision.

This being the same guy that thinks the BCS is a great system and playoffs in college football would be a bad idea. :elle:
you guys would probably vote for the guy if he ran for president simply because he's Earl Campbell. fine with me. just don't pretend your agreeing with him has to do with anything else.
In fact, if Campbell had his way, he said Belichick would be out of the NFL and the Patriots would be stripped of their three Super Bowl victories following the spying incident that drew Belichick a $500,000 fine and cost the Patriots a first-round pick.

“I think if I was the commissioner, I would fire him,” Campbell said. “And I'd also fix it so he couldn't coach in the NFL anymore. And those teams that played (and won three Super Bowls), I'd consider that a tie. The other teams would get a ring, too.”

i respect earl campbell alot but i just don't agree with how he would deal with the spygate scandal.
you guys would probably vote for the guy if he ran for president simply because he's Earl Campbell. fine with me. just don't pretend your agreeing with him has to do with anything else.

Dont get all high and mighty, Marino was a hack with really good regular season stats.

I bet you have several pairs of Isotoner gloves somewhere in your house.
you guys would probably vote for the guy if he ran for president simply because he's Earl Campbell. fine with me. just don't pretend your agreeing with him has to do with anything else.

Goot lawd man.You really don't think the Pats committed a crime & got away with it? Your a divisional rival,I doubt many of your fellow Dolphins fans share
your opinion on this one.
Goot lawd man.You really don't think the Pats committed a crime & got away with it? Your a divisional rival,I doubt many of your fellow Dolphins fans share
your opinion on this one.

No they are to busy sitting in the dark waiting to pop the cork on the bottle of champaign.
i dont know why everyone getting so sore with kast.. hes right.

belichick recorded some signs- something which is generally accepted that alot of others have done/ attempted in the past also.. and earl think goodell should sack bill and give back the 3 SB's over it? :crazy: if that wasnt earl and just some random poster you know y'all would calling him a dumbass

sounds to me like an old man talking like an old man :listening :rant:

and why should that incident put an * next to the pats anyway- does anyone honestly think that this was the main reason behind 17-0?? i thought so.. but if it makes people feel better i guess.. what was it that kanye west said again 'there'll always be haters, thats just the way it is....'
What you think about Earl Campbell's "take" on this subject means nothing. Whether you think he was right or wrong, ridiculous or insightful is immaterial. He IS Earl Campbell and this is a message board that focuses it's attention on the Houston Texans. Earl Campbell is a legend in these parts and he will always be accorded a certain amount of leeway by the people who saw him play and loved him for it.

Disagreeing with Earl Campbell is permissable. He is not infallible as he will readily admit. Showing a lack of respect for Earl Campbell is unforgivable in my opinion and calling him a moron (twice, in a single thread no less) is reprehensible. You've earned a permanent place on my ignore list. If I had the power to do so I'd send you on the walk of shame out the door.

The appropriate way to disagree with Earl Campbell while in the company of Houston Texans fans is as "wicked wayz" put it in post #22

wicked wayz said:
i respect earl campbell alot but i just don't agree with how he would deal with the spygate scandal.

kastofsna you sorely dissappoint me.
What you think about Earl Campbell's "take" on this subject means nothing. Whether you think he was right or wrong, ridiculous or insightful is immaterial. He IS Earl Campbell and this is a message board that focuses it's attention on the Houston Texans. Earl Campbell is a legend in these parts and he will always be accorded a certain amount of leeway by the people who saw him play and loved him for it.

Disagreeing with Earl Campbell is permissable. He is not infallible as he will readily admit. Showing a lack of respect for Earl Campbell is unforgivable in my opinion and calling him a moron (twice, in a single thread no less) is reprehensible. You've earned a permanent place on my ignore list. If I had the power to do so I'd send you on the walk of shame out the door.

The appropriate way to disagree with Earl Campbell while in the company of Houston Texans fans is as "wicked wayz" put it in post #22

kastofsna you sorely dissappoint me.

What you think about Earl Campbell's "take" on this subject means nothing. Whether you think he was right or wrong, ridiculous or insightful is immaterial. He IS Earl Campbell and this is a message board that focuses it's attention on the Houston Texans. Earl Campbell is a legend in these parts and he will always be accorded a certain amount of leeway by the people who saw him play and loved him for it.

Disagreeing with Earl Campbell is permissable. He is not infallible as he will readily admit. Showing a lack of respect for Earl Campbell is unforgivable in my opinion and calling him a moron (twice, in a single thread no less) is reprehensible. You've earned a permanent place on my ignore list. If I had the power to do so I'd send you on the walk of shame out the door.

The appropriate way to disagree with Earl Campbell while in the company of Houston Texans fans is as "wicked wayz" put it in post #22

kastofsna you sorely dissappoint me.

Aw come on Herv, I'm sure you have the power and if you did a little politickin you'd get him/her out the door. :cool:
Sorry, but gotta agree, Earl is a little off base. I think they should lose a multiple picks and get fined, but a asterik? They do something everyone does but were the only ones who got caught. If you are gonna make ties in superbowls, whats next? Send rings to all 32 teams so no one gets their feelings hurt? Give me a break. Indy pumps crowd noise. Where is the call for blood to get their home wins stripped from their last 8 years or whatever? :gun:
Sorry, but gotta agree, Earl is a little off base. I think they should lose a multiple picks and get fined, but a asterik? They do something everyone does but were the only ones who got caught. If you are gonna make ties in superbowls, whats next? Send rings to all 32 teams so no one gets their feelings hurt? Give me a break. Indy pumps crowd noise. Where is the call for blood to get their home wins stripped from their last 8 years or whatever? :gun:

Off-base or not. Everyone, yes I mean everyone should :bowdown: to Earl '36" thighs' Campbell.
Whatever Earl says should be chiseled in stone!

A columbia blue jersey with the numkber 34 should be the state flag!
I've always had great respect for #34, and still do.

But I'll have to respectfully agree to disagree with him on this subject. :howdy:
Dont get all high and mighty, Marino was a hack with really good regular season stats.

I bet you have several pairs of Isotoner gloves somewhere in your house.
Goot lawd man.You really don't think the Pats committed a crime & got away with it? Your a divisional rival,I doubt many of your fellow Dolphins fans share
your opinion on this one.
you folks should've figured out a long time ago i'm not a blind Dolphins fan. i've found the Dolphins fans calling the Patriots cheaters ridiculous since they were so quick to defend last year's actions of recording Brady's signals and using them throughout practice the entire week. it's the same thing. it's embarrassing to see some of their reactions.
(Sigh) I HATE being the voice of reason...

Kastofsna is a pain in the @ss, but the man IS entitled to his opinion. We are after all an open forum. I disagree with the great Mr. Campbell and I wager that the issue that many have is the fact that he was refered to as a "moron." I disagree with K's assessment of Earl's comment, but I don't think it warrants a ban.
nobody but nobody calls Earl Campbell a moron. i don't care if you agree with him or not, he is Houston, and he is a legend. Disagree if you want with the mans opinion, but the moron comments should get you a permanent ban.
personally i think making fun of Katrina victims should get you a permanant ban. see, different strokes for different folks.
Let's face it, Earl is getting up there in years and he probably isn't all there in the head. Calling him a moron is just plain moronic, calling his words moronic can be argued, but please.......this guy is an icon in Houston, show some respect.

PS Why did Earl end up going to the Saints? I'm not old enough to remember Earl and the reasons why he left.
personally i think making fun of Katrina victims should get you a permanant ban. see, different strokes for different folks.

and now that you've insulted earl campbell, i'd be very suprised if anybody cares what you think. Why don't you just leave?
He was actually traded, because Bud 'the bad rug' Adams beleived that his better days were behind him.... While there was some truth to that - Earl should have been able to call it quits on his own as an Oiler..Also, I think it was two years before that the Oilers fired Bum...

Bud Adams, what an assclown!!
and now that you've insulted earl campbell, i'd be very suprised if anybody cares what you think. Why don't you just leave?

Well your still here after all your comments about Vick and other highly charged things, so he is not entitled to his opinion as much as you are entitled to yours. You are entitled to say something pretty damn stupid on a regular basis but he is not allowd to make just as many stupid comments.

There are just as many people who do not care what you think as there are with people who do not care what Kast says.

Oh hell I am sure you could find a few people think I am completely full of crap and do not care what I think as well.
Well your still here after all your comments about Vick and other highly charged things, so he is not entitled to his opinion as much as you are entitled to yours. You are entitled to say something pretty damn stupid on a regular basis but he is not allowd to make just as many stupid comments.

There are just as many people who do not care what you think as there are with people who do not care what Kast says.

Oh hell I am sure you could find a few people think I am completely full of crap and do not care what I think as well.

When in rome, you probably shouldn't attack the romans. On a Houston board, you should probably leave earl campbell be. Would be a parallel if i went on the atlanta boards with my vick views, and it was a parallel when i went to the new orleans boards and told those people exactly what i thought of them. and guess what? they banned well i expected them to.
When in rome, you probably shouldn't attack the romans. On a Houston board, you should probably leave earl campbell be. Would be a parallel if i went on the atlanta boards with my vick views, and it was a parallel when i went to the new orleans boards and told those people exactly what i thought of them. and guess what? they banned well i expected them to.

So you routinely go around trying to be a jerk? Is that what you are saying

Well stated!!!! :whip:

I figured you would make a comment on that. I am to please.

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