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DRob Poll

How much wood would a DRob chuck?

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Leave him right where he is at, as a good - very good cover corner.

Moving him to safety seems crazy with the way he's been tackling this season.

He's having his best year as a pro, and there's no reason for people to be complaining about his coverage. Now his tackling is another matter entirely. That has just been flat out ugly.

People are letting their bias over his offseason shenanigans cloud their judgment of his performance.

The Texans are blessed to have Reeves, and Robinson as their corners.
I don't like DRob any more than the rest of you, but until we find someone who can play better than him, he should start. He needs replaced though. Hopefully we get some good corners though free agency or the draft this coming offseason.
Of course, the team will continue to pretend that he is good.

I say send him the shoes!

He was at least one step behind every receiver that I saw him covering on camera Monday night. And he missed several tackles, too.
I can't pick any of that crap. The only response to Dunta Robinson at this point in the game is to finish the season out, offer him what you think he's worth in light of this seasons performance (Hint, it ain't 9 million dollars a year. That's for damn sure), and be prepared to see him walk out the door when some other GM overpays him.

And then find a replacement at a rational, reasonable cost. That means pretty much draft a CB on the first day.
I agree with Herv 100%. Play him because you pay him, make him a reasonable offer, and wave goodbye when he wants to try to find someone that will value him as much as he does himself.
Agree with joker on this one, the extra pick could work out well

Its tricky to know how compensatory picks are calculated but from what I understand if you do not sign a comparable FA replacement you could get as high as a 3rd round pick. I think we would end up getting a 4th for Dunta... we usually do fairly well with our 4th round picks.
I didn't see the option that truly represented my stance

I'll vote "keep him in the starting lineup, let him play out his contract this year and let him walk in free agency and spend that money on someone better"
I didn't see the option that truly represented my stance

I'll vote "keep him in the starting lineup, let him play out his contract this year and let him walk in free agency and spend that money on someone better"

Considering the last two losses have probably put the Texans in a position that they must win out to make the post season - and I just dont see that happening - D-Rob's inability to cover wont make a whole lot of difference in the grand scheme - Starting him is probably the best option , another team will pick him up in FA. Im not sure how the compensatory picks work but anything that will help that value is good for the team going forward.
Considering the last two losses have probably put the Texans in a position that they must win out to make the post season - and I just dont see that happening - D-Rob's inability to cover wont make a whole lot of difference in the grand scheme - Starting him is probably the best option , another team will pick him up in FA. Im not sure how the compensatory picks work but anything that will help that value is good for the team going forward.

Interesting thought about not making the post season, I don't think we'll make it this year either. Is there still time to trade him, or is the trading deadline past? We probably still need him if we want to have a 9-7 record this year though.
Considering the last two losses have probably put the Texans in a position that they must win out to make the post season - and I just dont see that happening - D-Rob's inability to cover wont make a whole lot of difference in the grand scheme - Starting him is probably the best option , another team will pick him up in FA. Im not sure how the compensatory picks work but anything that will help that value is good for the team going forward.

He's gonna command a high per year cap number. We already have one CB with a high number (Reeves) and Quinn can move into Dunta's spot. We can spend that 7-9 mil per year on 1 good guy or 2 pretty good guys. Draft a CB/S with one of our first 2 picks. Let D-Rob make his case for a contract with us for the rest of the year and wish him luck with his next team.
D-Rob is still our 2nd best CB on our team right now, so benching him would probably be kind of useless. Let him play the rest of the year, then work on finding an upgrade in the off-season. Not really much else we can do. Calling him out won't change anything because its not his lack of effort that is holding him back, but simply that he just isn't fast enough anymore.
What would you do?

My option is not available. He's a very good football player and he's having a decent season. Not worth 9 million but don't let that cloud your distaste for him and his performance. He's our best CB. At least our second best so he should be starting at all times.

We'll upgrade next year but Dunta better be starting every game until his contracts' up. He's paid for so let's get what we can from it.
I'd say he's our second best corner. Quin is our best corner now, as
the QB's are choosing to throw at Dunta A LOT MORE than Glover. Brice
McCain has tremendous upside, and I like that he's getting his feet wet
this year in the Dime packages.
I'd say he's our second best corner. Quin is our best corner now, as
the QB's are choosing to throw at Dunta A LOT MORE than Glover. Brice
McCain has tremendous upside, and I like that he's getting his feet wet
this year in the Dime packages.

You don't think Reeves is in the top 2? I think he has been our best CB this year.
Reeves has been the best by far I think... Quinn has outplayed Dunta but thats because Dunta is out there more snaps so he's gonna be beat more and give up a lot of catches. I'm fine with Quinn starting for this team next year though.
I can't pick any of that crap. The only response to Dunta Robinson at this point in the game is to finish the season out, offer him what you think he's worth in light of this seasons performance (Hint, it ain't 9 million dollars a year. That's for damn sure), and be prepared to see him walk out the door when some other GM overpays him.

And then find a replacement at a rational, reasonable cost. That means pretty much draft a CB on the first day.

QFT - I've been saying for weeks - pay OD, pay Ryans, and offer DRob market value, whatever that is. And if he doesn't sign that contract within 60 seconds of getting it in his hand, see ya'.
QFT - I've been saying for weeks - pay OD, pay Ryans, and offer DRob market value, whatever that is. And if he doesn't sign that contract within 60 seconds of getting it in his hand, see ya'.

If they dont pay Ryans - Something is broken - They probably should have locked him up at the end of last season along with OD but this "Uncapped" year crap has everyone doing dumb things.

As for OD - He was having a hell of a year before going down. The offense hasnt been the same since. But I have a feeling they will be hesitant to give him a very large long term deal until they are sure the injury is behind him.
My judgement must be pretty clouded. Everytime I see him he's falling over himself, not making a play or complaining about making a **** ton of money to fall over himself and not make plays. I think I let him find out what everyone else is willing to pay him before I even offer ANYTHING.

The OD/Ryans/DRob trifecta of contract matters has changed since last I commented on it. Right now I let DRob walk his big talk right out the door and if he comes back :shrug: Franchise OD, lock up 59 for as long as he can stand to play for this inconsistent team.
I'd say he's our second best corner. Quin is our best corner now, as
the QB's are choosing to throw at Dunta A LOT MORE than Glover. Brice
McCain has tremendous upside, and I like that he's getting his feet wet
this year in the Dime packages.

You don't think Reeves is in the top 2? I think he has been our best CB this year.

Reeves has been one of the best corners in the league this year. Quin isn't in the top 32, but has been quite solid for a rookie.

Reeves has been the best by far I think... Quinn has outplayed Dunta but thats because Dunta is out there more snaps so he's gonna be beat more and give up a lot of catches. I'm fine with Quinn starting for this team next year though.

D-Rob is giving up 33% fewer receptions, and 31% fewer yards than Glover, despite covering the opponents 1st option for most of the season. In what universe is he being outplayed?
dunta's smart, i just hate seeing him play soft. if he wants to hit you, he'll shake your ribcage, but he's hesitating now. it seems like can't shake the houston overthink.
You gotta wonder if memories of his knee injury pop up whenever he's about to get physical.

Anyway, here's a list of FA DBs this upcoming offseason. Looks like a lot of players will get overpaid.

I've seen Stanford Routt play well with the Raiders, but he's not a top corner.

Routt is a halfway decent nickle corner, but well bellow average for a starter.

From the players listed at your link:

If Richard Marshall shakes loose he has been playing some great football this year. I wouldn't mind if they took a shot at him.

Dunta Robinson is easily the second best free agent corner available from these options.

Carlos Rogers is a little overrated. He's an average #2 corner, but not a #1. If people think D-Rob lacks ball skills they will really dislike Rogers. The man has hands of stone.

Marlin Jackson is a good cover 2 corner, but wouldn't really fit here.

After that it is slim pickins.
I can't pick any of that crap. The only response to Dunta Robinson at this point in the game is to finish the season out, offer him what you think he's worth in light of this seasons performance (Hint, it ain't 9 million dollars a year. That's for damn sure), and be prepared to see him walk out the door when some other GM overpays him.

And then find a replacement at a rational, reasonable cost. That means pretty much draft a CB on the first day.

This option. Can he play center? He may be a bit undersized, but he is quick and might excel in the zone blocking scheme like Meyers does. :sarcasm:
Cut him.

He was afforded the opportunity to show his value this season and earn a big contract.


If Dunta made that INT it could've shifted the momentum in our favor just enough to not have to rely on Kris Brown in the end :(
Send him the shoes and then cut him at the end of the season.


Then spend the money on a CB, (Rodgers,Marshall or Sheldon Brown works for me) and Casey Hampton. Then draft a CB in the 3rd or 4th Rds. IMO

If Smithiak were to draft a Kyle Wilson from Boise St. that would be an upgrade over Dunta. IMO

If The Texans were to sign a CB and spend a high draft pick on a CB Quin could move to his more natural S position.
If Dunta made that INT it could've shifted the momentum in our favor just enough to not have to rely on Kris Brown in the end :(

yep. But still, that's speculative. Fact is that if KB had made the kick it would have been a tie game going into OT.

(disclaimer: not blaming KB for everything, just his fair share of the loss)
yep. But still, that's speculative. Fact is that if KB had made the kick it would have been a tie game going into OT.

(disclaimer: not blaming KB for everything, just his fair share of the loss)

Indeed... Just goes with the Texans theme of missed opportunities this season :(
Reeves has been one of the best corners in the league this year. Quin isn't in the top 32, but has been quite solid for a rookie.

D-Rob is giving up 33% fewer receptions, and 31% fewer yards than Glover, despite covering the opponents 1st option for most of the season. In what universe is he being outplayed?

D-Rob has taken numerous poor angles on tackles he should have made that don't show up in receptions/yards stats. I think Quin is absolutely better in this respect. Also Quin covers slot receivers which most often are one-on-one matchups with none to little help from the safeties or linebackers. Yes Dunta is covering the other teams 1st option but he's getting more help to cover those #1 receivers via double/triple teams. So receptions/yards allowed stats don't tell the whole story.
D-Rob has taken numerous poor angles on tackles he should have made that don't show up in receptions/yards stats. I think Quin is absolutely better in this respect. Also Quin covers slot receivers which most often are one-on-one matchups with none to little help from the safeties or linebackers. Yes Dunta is covering the other teams 1st option but he's getting more help to cover those #1 receivers via double/triple teams. So receptions/yards allowed stats don't tell the whole story.

I agree that Dunta's tackling has been quite poor this year, but it's only resulted in 5 more missed tackles than Quin. Covering the opponents 3rd or 4th option helps Quin a lot more than it hurts. He does spend a good amount of time on the outside though, as he starts against run first teams like the Titans, where his tackling abilities are more important than his coverage ability.

We don't give our corners a lot of help. We play a lot of cover 1 with a single high safety, or cover 3 where they're alone on an island. We're blessed to have 3 guys who can be left alone and still do very well.
We have no one else to replace him so leave him alone, the person that should be cut is Chris Brown who cost us two games in a row.
at this point i wouldnt mind seeing Jacques Reeves and GQ has our two starting CB ......
We have no one else to replace him so leave him alone, the person that should be cut is Chris Brown who cost us two games in a row.

Aside from the fact that it's incredibly unlikely that one player loses a game for a team in the NFL, since it's the epitome of a team sport, Chris Brown doesn't kick field goals. Kris Brown missed two field goals that wouldn't have won the game, though.
None of the above. I would try to sign him as a FS or let him seek his fame and fortune in Cleveland or St. Louis. I'm not a very good position analyzer, but I think he might make a pretty decent FS. He's better as a centerfielder than a man on CB and he brings the wood. It could also make up for the step he lost since his leg injury. If he bitches, bid adeiu and draft a CB.
None of the above. I would try to sign him as a FS or let him seek his fame and fortune in Cleveland or St. Louis. I'm not a very good position analyzer, but I think he might make a pretty decent FS. He's better as a centerfielder than a man on CB and he brings the wood. It could also make up for the step he lost since his leg injury. If he bitches, bid adeiu and draft a CB.

D-Rob is actually excellent in man to man. He covers his man like a blanket. His problem is ball awareness. He is one of the least thrown at corners in the NFL, but he doesn't play the ball well so he ends up giving more receptions and yards than he should.

I think all those years with Hoke really hurt him. Gibbs seems to have done a good job turning Reeves' career around, so maybe as he works more with D-Rob he can fix his problems too.

You might as well forget about a move to safety. D-Rob has been a poor tackler this year.