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Do You Think That We'll Get Lucky Next Weekend?


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And the Tacks will either rest all of their starters or at least take them out of the game early because they do not have to win this game? I wish.
The secret to beating the meatballs is to get a lead and make Kerry Collins toss it around the yard.

i dunno, that drunkard has been playing pretty well this season. . .

next week's game worries me, but then again, so did this week's.. with houston teams, who the hell knows?
We played them pretty good the last time, and that was in their stadium. We are a better team now and this is a home game. But as we all know, it all depends on which Texans team shows up and whether or not they remembered to wash the bacon grease off their hands before hitting the field.
I didn't think they were a good team when they beat us at their place - but they look like a daunting prospect right now. They've gained in confidence and found a reliable quarterback and a successful system. I don't think they're good enough to get to the super-bowl, but I think they're consistent enough to handle our turn-over-happy team.
No, I don't think we will get lucky next weekend. Jeff Fisher is the better coach and prepares his players well, something Kubiak is still learning how to do. We will be out coached, sorry to say!!!
Titans need to keep winning - the Steelers are 2 back and they play in 2 weeks, so the Titans have plenty to play for next Sunday
No, I don't think we will get lucky next weekend. Jeff Fisher is the better coach and prepares his players well, something Kubiak is still learning how to do. We will be out coached, sorry to say!!!

Thats okay SheTexan they have been proving us wrong all season.
If we get into a shootout, the Texans win. If they run the ball down our throats, it'll be a long day. This game will be my 1st in person. I can't wait.
And the Tacks will either rest all of their starters or at least take them out of the game early because they do not have to win this game? I wish.

Why would we want to win that way? When we win, & we will win, I want us to have beaten the best they had to throw at us. The Texans are really starting to believe in themselves. Earlier in the year, 4 turnovers would've caused them to close up shop & mail the rest of it in. They didn't do that today. They're getting there.
Why would we want to win that way? When we win, & we will win, I want us to have beaten the best they had to throw at us. The Teaxans are really starting to believe in themselves. Earlier in the year, 4 turnovers would've caused them to close up shop & mail the rest of it in. They didn't do that today. They're getting there.

I blame Sage
when i look at the titans there like a mirror image of us on how ther team is built but with no turnovers

i still cant beleive this how could a team who i thought had the worst Draft and Off season have a turnaround like this

anywayz ill finally go out on a limb here and say the texans win this one in a tought battle by at least 10 points ............

i think this will finally be the game where we only have like 1 turnover

the texans will feel goo coming back home and playing in the heat

maybe something bizzare will happen and it will be a TIE !!!!!!!!!!
Why would we want to win that way? When we win, & we will win, I want us to have beaten the best they had to throw at us. The Texans are really starting to believe in themselves. Earlier in the year, 4 turnovers would've caused them to close up shop & mail the rest of it in. They didn't do that today. They're getting there.
True, I agree all the way but I don't like them at all and would like to beat them even if it their backups that play. I'm very sorry to say that I do not think that our team is not quite good enough yet to beat the Tacks starters we're close though maybe next season and would have a much better shot at winning on Sunday if their starters did not play JMO though. I do hope that I am wrong though. That'd be very nice.
And the Tacks will either rest all of their starters or at least take them out of the game early because they do not have to win this game? I wish.

The Titans don't scare me. Now that our defense found there nuts and our ability to run the ball, the Texans have turned out to be a pretty good team.

I think the Texans put a hurt on the Titans this weekend and spank them by 20 points.
The Titans don't scare me. Now that our defense found there nuts and our ability to run the ball, the Texans have turned out to be a pretty good team.

I think the Texans put a hurt on the Titans this weekend and spank them by 20 points.
From your lips to God's ears.
Why would we want to win that way? When we win, & we will win, I want us to have beaten the best they had to throw at us. The Texans are really starting to believe in themselves. Earlier in the year, 4 turnovers would've caused them to close up shop & mail the rest of it in. They didn't do that today. They're getting there.

:goodpost: This was the type of win I've been waiting for-minus the turnovers of course. But it was great to see them battle through & find a way to win :yes:
The Titans don't scare me. Now that our defense found there nuts and our ability to run the ball, the Texans have turned out to be a pretty good team.

I think the Texans put a hurt on the Titans this weekend and spank them by 20 points.

Good luck! :)
No, I don't think we will get lucky next weekend. Jeff Fisher is the better coach and prepares his players well, something Kubiak is still learning how to do. We will be out coached, sorry to say!!!

yep. Hopefully the game doesn't come down to coaching decisions. I really hope our boys RISE to the challenge for TEXANS FANS and beat them Titans in our crib. Any given Sunday, yeah?!!

It's going to be tough, though. Tenn is one of, if not the, best team in football right now. We need to play mistake-free ball (no more freakin' turnovers!!!), we need a homefield advantage with our fans, and I hope that the Titans are looking ahead to the Steelers game and just don't pay us any mind.
yep. Hopefully the game doesn't come down to coaching decisions. I really hope our boys RISE to the challenge for TEXANS FANS and beat them Titans in our crib. Any given Sunday, yeah?!!

It's going to be tough, though. Tenn is one of, if not the, best team in football right now. We need to play mistake-free ball (no more freakin' turnovers!!!), we need a homefield advantage with our fans, and I hope that the Titans are looking ahead to the Steelers game and just don't pay us any mind.

You know Jeff Fisher by now - this team isn't capable of looking past any opponent. He won't let them do that.

You think the Titans looked past a division leading 8-3 team? You serious?

They laid a bad egg that day and it sucked to watch it. Since then the Jets have, as NBC put it, got people spraining ankles jumping off their bandwagon.

It was a lousy game, cmon, who the hell expected the Titans to have this record? There's a thread on the TOMB that relives ESPN's pre-season predictions, where not a single 'analyst/expert' had the Titans winning the division, or even finishing 2nd.

Needless to say, it's been a good frigging ride. Look forward to Sunday!
when i look at the titans there like a mirror image of us on how ther team is built but with no turnovers

i still cant beleive this how could a team who i thought had the worst Draft and Off season have a turnaround like this

anywayz ill finally go out on a limb here and say the texans win this one in a tought battle by at least 10 points ............

i think this will finally be the game where we only have like 1 turnover

the texans will feel goo coming back home and playing in the heat

maybe something bizzare will happen and it will be a TIE !!!!!!!!!!

About the only two things I see in common with the tacks is an explosive rookie running back, and a DE that can rush the QB.
They've got no receivers to speak of, and no tight end, but those are some of the better players on our entire team.
They have a bruising defense, and we have a defense with no identity.
We pass to set up the run, and they run to set up the run, and occasionally pass because, hey we're paying the QB, so let him earn a nickle...
Sorry, I see no mirror image... unless I happened to be in the fun house at the carnival and it's one of those freaky, distorted mirrors...
Earlier in the year the game was close until the end, and we blew it. That was when the defense was playing soft. Know that Richards Smith is under fire, he's letting the dogs loose and the defense is playing tough.

Also our offense has been getting better and better. (Minus the Turnovers) It seems like the ZBS is really starting to click.

I think this one should be interesting!!!!!!!!

We have a chance.
You think the Titans looked past a division leading 8-3 team? You serious?

They laid a bad egg that day and it sucked to watch it. Since then the Jets have, as NBC put it, got people spraining ankles jumping off their bandwagon.

It was a lousy game, cmon, who the hell expected the Titans to have this record? There's a thread on the TOMB that relives ESPN's pre-season predictions, where not a single 'analyst/expert' had the Titans winning the division, or even finishing 2nd.

Needless to say, it's been a good frigging ride. Look forward to Sunday!

Hmmm seems a lot of people picked Tenn. to be the wildcard.

Not a single expert? WRONG.
This is going to be one of those games that will have me all hyped up. I get pissed when we lose, but even more so against the Titans. Bastards! :bat:

I'm not even going to get too hyped, I hate being set up for a letdown. That's kind of become part of being a Texans fan though. We'll see. :texflag:
You know Jeff Fisher by now - this team isn't capable of looking past any opponent. He won't let them do that.

yeah, you're probably right. I'm just hoping that the players have a mental letdown because they see the Texans, a team that they have traditionally owned.
yeah, you're probably right. I'm just hoping that the players have a mental letdown because they see the Texans, a team that they have traditionally owned.

Meh on the 'owned' part. I can remember 3 of those games being won in the last 2 minutes. Other than this year's 1st game - which really wasn't out of reach until the Finnegan pick6....
Meh on the 'owned' part. I can remember 3 of those games being won in the last 2 minutes. Other than this year's 1st game - which really wasn't out of reach until the Finnegan pick6....

Regardless of the individual games, the fact of the matter is that we are currently 2-11 against the Titans. That speaks of ownership...unfortunately.

Scoreboard at the end of the day.

C'mon Lucky Lady, shine your bright light on the Texans this weekend!! :texflag:
I don't think it would be luck. If you guys can stop the run and then get consistent pressure on Collins without blitzing then its very possible. I say pressure without plitzing because Collins will pick you apart if you bring eight or nine guys in the box.

Look at the difference between the Bears and Jets games. Chicago loaded the box, stopped the run and blitzed, but still didn't get consistent pressure so Collins picked them apart off of 41 passes. The Jets, however, stopped the run without loading the box and got pressure (though few sacks) consistently and threw us off our game offensively. Then, the defense was on the field too long and Favre tore it up. Bad formula for Titans success.

If you guys can do that then yea its very possible, but I wouldn't count on luck.
Well, LUCK or not, we're gonna need the football gawds to look down on us, if we stand a chance in hell of winning his game. Our Texans have gotta make things happen, upset their rhythm, CAUSE some turnovers, not be the victim of shooting themselves in the foot with their own silly mistakes.

I hate to sound negative, BUT, the Titans have a chance of getting two TDs off Reeves alone! JJ will cough up another one. IF our mediocre players don't step it up and play on an ELITE level, we will get stomped. I'm just not sure how much more my old ticker can take of JJ!! That boy drops another catch I just might jump the fence and give him an old fashioned butt whooping!! Will anyone bail me out of jail???!:)
We're going to win this game.

Remember that with 5 minutes and change, I predicted that we would have a Kris Brown field goal attempt? I didn't commit to if he would make it or not...and then before he came on the field, I said "He's going to make it."

I have that same feeling. The timing is right: End of the year, the game is in our house, and the Titans have locked up their playoff position. Steve Slaton is going to shine. We're going to race out to a big lead, and the crowd will be electric.

We're going to win. Tack fans will be kind, there will be "congratulations" thrown our way due to how happy they are about being where they are vs. where we are. It will be a "meh" reaction out of them.
We're going to win this game.

Remember that with 5 minutes and change, I predicted that we would have a Kris Brown field goal attempt? I didn't commit to if he would make it or not...and then before he came on the field, I said "He's going to make it."

I have that same feeling. The timing is right: End of the year, the game is in our house, and the Titans have locked up their playoff position. Steve Slaton is going to shine. We're going to race out to a big lead, and the crowd will be electric.

We're going to win. Tack fans will be kind, there will be "congratulations" thrown our way due to how happy they are about being where they are vs. where we are. It will be a "meh" reaction out of them.

That is not entirely accurate. They have locked up the division and a first round by but not home field for the AFC Championship game. I think we have a decent shot to beat them but they will have motivation for playoff seeding.
Run defense. The Texans need to have some run defense. Not overpursue. The Titans-Detroit game shows how the Titans can exploit overpursuit.

And not play too aggressively on offense. I want to see as much Slaton as Christopher Walken wants cowbell. So that the Titans can't play whackamole on Schaub because they know the Texans are perpetually throwing.
That is not entirely accurate. They have locked up the division and a first round by but not home field for the AFC Championship game. I think we have a decent shot to beat them but they will have motivation for playoff seeding.

Sure, there's still the issue of home-field advantage.

For the Titans, getting the first round bye is enough of a reward to cause them to stumble. This Titans team has played under the radar all season. Let's see how they fare now that they have a bye locked up and are sitting pretty.

They're not going to beat us. I didn't have this feeling in the first game this year. Things have lined up nicely for this Sunday's game.