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DeMeco Questions


Where do you guys think that DeMeco would go if the draft was held today? Does he have a shot at the Pro Bowl?

I know that CNNSI article had DeMeco going 9 but just wanted a different perspective.

Thanks guys
I think he would go #3 overall, and yes he is a pro bowler.
Someone had posted a link (which I can't find now) to SI or someother site and they kinda of went through this.. They had us taking an OL and the Bills selecting Ryans 8th overall. is what it is. But I think it worked out to his favor more, less press and less pressure to have to perform. This way he just went out to prove he just belonged in the NFL, and by the looks of it, he's made his case pretty darn well !!
He's definitely the best LB in the draft, but I don't know where that would put him. Did that guy from Ohio State, old what's his name, go top five?
Well, I had him as #9 in the draft class on my board ... and it seems I've underestimated him a bit. So somewhere around #5 sounds about right. Green Bay takes him over Hawk. If he goes much above that, it's too much to pay for a LB.
i am not a big fan of the probowl in general... i think its a stupid idea and once every few years somebody gets hurt.. i.e. mathis.. but, demeco better make the probowl unit.. seeing that he is a top 3-5 LB in the NFL.. i'd probably put shawn merriman ahead of demeco,.. but its hard to compare the top tier LB's, because each player has their own facet of the game that they dominate in.. man o man, having demeco and mario on our squad is a breath of fresh air for a terrible, terrible defense last year (with exception to drob and petey).. demeco better not pull a mathis in hawaii this offseason, but demeco is a heady player, i really dont invision him getting a serious injury anytime soon.. (with all my fingers crossed!!!)
I think only 2 MLBs go to the Pro Bowl & even if they chose 3 I dont think DeMeco would get in.

Zach Thomas will get in. He leads the NFL in tackles.

London Fletcher will get in. He is 3rd in tackles.

Ray Lewis will get in. He hasn't done anything special but he goes every year no matter what his stats are.

I would choose Thomas, then DeMeco, & then Fletcher as the 3rd.

But I dont think it's gonna happen.
Fletcher wont get in ahead of Meco right now. Ryans leads the NFL in solo tackles and is second in overall. He's also pretty high in sacks for MLB. I dont think Lewis will get into the Pro-Bowl, but Scott or Adelius Thomas will. Also, Zack Thomas is a Jamie Sharper type right now, lots of tackles, but not a lot of big plays.
96 solo tackles (amazing, no one else is even close to that), 17 assists, 4 pass defensed, 3.5 sacks, 1 INT, 1 FF, 2 FR. The kid could play with one arm for the next four games and still get in. Dude is a beast.
Fletcher wont get in ahead of Meco right now. Ryans leads the NFL in solo tackles and is second in overall. He's also pretty high in sacks for MLB. I dont think Lewis will get into the Pro-Bowl, but Scott or Adelius Thomas will. Also, Zack Thomas is a Jamie Sharper type right now, lots of tackles, but not a lot of big plays.

Thomas will get in based on reputation if he leads the NFL in tackles.

Fletcher will get in before Meco because he is not too far behind him in the stats & he doesn't play for Houston. Face it, we dont get a lot of respect.

Meco is a rookie. A great rookie. But he is still just a rookie & the Pro Bowl is kinda like the Heisman in that perspective.

If a rookie finishes with the same numbers as a 10-year vet then he isnt gettin in.

I think he should. I'm just preparing myself in case he gets jobbed.
Where do you guys think that DeMeco would go if the draft was held today? Does he have a shot at the Pro Bowl?

I know that CNNSI article had DeMeco going 9 but just wanted a different perspective.

Thanks guys

I don't want to even think about that or we might not have gotten him...
When the season ends DeMeco is going to have the most tackles in the NFL, by atleast 6, every week he climbs the charts in LB stats and is only lacking a tie for the league by 2.

60% of Zach Thomas' 116 tackles are solo

85% of DeMeco's 114 tackles are solo

thats a BIG differential
Whats interesting to me is that both guys ('Meco and Zach) were both regarded as undersized. Guess it shows you that 'heart' is an intangible that can't be measured...
I don't think there's a Texan fan who doesn't think DeMeco deserves to get in. That's not the question. The question is: "WILL he get in?" I just don't see it. To do so as a Houston rookie, you must be clearly better than the competition. Now, you can certainly put up arguments that DeMeco is one of the two best MLBs in the AFC, but there are other arguments for other people.

The two most astonishing things about DeMeco's performance are:

1) He's a rookie and
2) He's running away with the solo tackle count

The trouble is that the first is irrelevant to the ProBowl - that's why you have rookie of the year awards, after all. The second is VERY relevant, but most ProBowl voters will never know, because the ProBowl ballot only has one column for tackles and does not break out solos vs. assists.

Since he's kind of quiet, he gets no RayLewesquian press and a bunch of people don't even know he exists. There's two things that could get him in ... one would be to LEAD the NFL in combined tackles, preferably by 10 or more or two, to bump up his "special" stats - picks and sacks. He is leading AFC MLBs, but only by a little bit. It's not enough to make a guy who only barely knows who he is vote for him over say London Fletcher (1 fewer tackle and 1.5 fewer sacks, but 1 extra INT). All else being equal, people are always going to vote for the "name".

Oh, and for the guy who said Zach Thomas' performance has been reminiscent of Jamie Sharper, remember - Jamie Sharper got in the ProBowl.