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David Anderson sits down with RJ

I will always love hearing somebody badmouth RJ to his face. I don't care if it makes DA look childish or whatever, it still makes me feel good inside.
I think DA was on to something there... but as soon as RJ realized that DA was pointing out how no one wanted to talk to RJ cause he is a douche and that it is an illogical reputation to garner in his line of business... well.. RJ just flew off the handle.

When his voice went up two octaves I think DA realized that if he continued to point out these things, he was gonna have RJ screaming at the top of his lungs before long.

I wish DA would have kept going actually :D.. if he would have kept egging RJ on i bet we would have had a sound byte worthy of an ESPN headline. "Richard Justice exposed as epic ********* with a hilariously girly scream by Texans wide receiver David Anderson"
DA was too easy on him, little dicke is a complete and utter jackhole....who takes uncesscary jabs at the Texans which seem to be more on a personal level or at least so his quotes that I read on this board seem to suggest because I refuse to read any of his verbal sewage these days.

I am all for being critical and objective, dickhole however is the epitome of flea excrement.....look no further than how he treated a certain blogger and bigtime contributor of this fanbase.
DA took the wrong tact. Justice is right in that it's not a journalist's job to be liked. The whole, "how many players' numbers do you have" was funny but irrelevant. He should have focused on Justice's tone and flip-flopping in his articles and blogs.
I only listened to "the portion that had everyone talking" and not any full segment but saw this quote in the article and found it funny:

Could D.A. have held back on some of the bald comments and little "dork" jabs? Probably, but that was more show than it was mean-spirited. D.A. is not a bully.
As an avid 1560 listener, This wasn't as heated as it may seem.... According to 1560 folks they were smiling at each other while they were talking ****....

Truth be told, and having listened to it live, Dick kinda owned DA.. What Up with dat???
As an avid 1560 listener, This wasn't as heated as it may seem.... According to 1560 folks they were smiling at each other while they were talking ****....

Truth be told, and having listened to it live, Dick kinda owned DA.. What Up with dat???

DA wa a puh-cee. He said later on his twitter that he couldn't talk **** like he wanted without getiing in trouble, or something to that effect.
DA wa a puh-cee. He said later on his twitter that he couldn't talk **** like he wanted without getiing in trouble, or something to that effect.

Yup, I know... He got pwned!!

But he still had a few good points about Dick!! :D
I don't mind RJ (or anyone else) being critical, it's just way too often, his columns comes off as not pointing out legitimate flaws, or bringing valid issues to the surface, but rather - stating that his pee pee hurts (To steal from one of Dickie's own employers). You fired my good buddy S&C coach, you didn't draft my alma mater's QB, you hired an offensive line coach who's mean to the players (and won't give me the time of day). For me, I don't read him anymore because I just always find myself assuming he has an agenda that I don't really give a crap about.

The blog interaction with TC trumps anything listed in the above paragraph.
I don't mind RJ (or anyone else) being critical, it's just way too often, his columns comes off as not pointing out legitimate flaws, or bringing valid issues to the surface, but rather - stating that his pee pee hurts (To steal from one of Dickie's own employers). You fired my good buddy S&C coach, you didn't draft my alma mater's QB, you hired an offensive line coach who's mean to the players (and won't give me the time of day).

The blog interaction with TC trumps anything listed in the above paragraph.

I think RJ's pee pee does hurt. He is devastated that no one on the Texans staff will feed him info and he is bitter. And pissed at TC because she gets better info than he does.
I think RJ's pee pee does hurt. He is devastated that no one on the Texans staff will feed him info and he is bitter. And pissed at TC because she gets better info than he does.

Pfffft. She works her ass off to get that info where as RJ is a lazy dooshe (yes I know I misspelled that, but it looks funnier) who just throws together a blog post in about 10 minutes on whatever subject will bring him the most comments, negative or whatever.

Nobody would hate RJ if he didn't use this schtick to get page hits.
Pfffft. She works her ass off to get that info where as RJ is a lazy dooshe (yes I know I misspelled that, but it looks funnier) who just throws together a blog post in about 10 minutes on whatever subject will bring him the most comments, negative or whatever.

Nobody would hate RJ if he didn't use this schtick to get page hits.

He know it's the only way to keep his job. If it were not for controversy, he would have no "schtick" at all.
Well its true that it is not the journalists job to be liked.. but it IS the journalists job to be objective, factual, and fair. Now when it comes to opinion pieces, obviously you cannot really be objective, factual, and fair... but you ARE expected to have a valid and educated opinion that is based on those "things".

The problem isnt that Dick is doing his job and because "it isnt his job to be liked", he is hated... no he is hated because he is a ********* that thinks that because it isnt his job to be liked, then it is his job to be DISLIKED.

DAs question about how many player's numbers he has IS valid because the players know they are in the spotlight and they know that it is the journalists job to state the facts and their opinions from their perspective...even if it doesnt always agree with the players... but the journalists who do it correctly (read: respectfully) can "bash" the Texans without being booed out of the lockerroom. But Dick prefers to get his notoriety through pure viciousness, sarcasm, and slander... obviously no one on the Texans is going to want anything to do with him.

Its a matter of trust. Players talk to the journalists who they know they can trust to be respectful to the players, the team, and the situation in their articles. Dick cant be trusted.
The Texans threw RJ a bone, interview DA. That's it, we're giving you one chance, if you continue writing that garbage that you do, this will be the last interview ever. It's an opportunity RJ, for your own sake, take it.
Well its true that it is not the journalists job to be liked.. but it IS the journalists job to be objective, factual, and fair.
Maybe in a perfect world. In the Chronic's view, Justice's job is to sell newspapers. He attempts to achieve that goal by polarizing opinions. Facts and fairness be damned. That doesn't work on me, as I don't buy the rag (though I often peruse LZ's and Texans Chick's respective online blogs). Whether his methods obtain his goals is unknown to me. But if you're talking about what Richard Justice has penned, his job is done.
Maybe in a perfect world. In the Chronic's view, Justice's job is to sell newspapers. He attempts to achieve that goal by polarizing opinions. Facts and fairness be damned. That doesn't work on me, as I don't buy the rag (though I often peruse LZ's and Texans Chick's respective online blogs). Whether his methods obtain his goals is unknown to me. But if you're talking about what Richard Justice has penned, his job is done.

I agree with you Lucky. LZ and TC blogs are worth reading but RJ, no thanks not worth reading.

GO DA!!!
Maybe in a perfect world. In the Chronic's view, Justice's job is to sell newspapers. He attempts to achieve that goal by polarizing opinions. Facts and fairness be damned. That doesn't work on me, as I don't buy the rag (though I often peruse LZ's and Texans Chick's respective online blogs). Whether his methods obtain his goals is unknown to me. But if you're talking about what Richard Justice has penned, his job is done.

Eh.. as a Journalism major in college myself.. id rather find a new vocation than sacrifice my morals to push papers.

I dont think it has to be a perfect world for integrity to exist in journalism.

I think people will buy your paper and read your article if you have something worthwhile to say. People like Dick are a relic.. in the age of the internet, you cant sell papers with sensationalism. Dick says something stupid and within 10 minutes we hear about it here on the forums and someone is pasting a quote. 20 years ago if someone says that Dick wrote something inflammatory.. you might go buy the paper at lunch time.. not today.

His brand of journalism may still work, kinda...since some people will click a link and go to the article's page.. but people are just as likely, if not more likely, to click a link with player interviews and informed commentary.

I recommend that every time Dick says something stupid/inflammatory/ignorant.. that you copy and paste it on all the Texans forums, without providing a link. Let people see his idiocy for free... that way he is getting all the hate, and none of the sales. It will put him on the fast track to the unemployment line.
It's not a question of like or dislike. It's a question of trust.

If people from the Texans, players etc, do not trust a reporter to inform, analyze and entertain in a fair, rational and reasoned way, they won't share information with that reporter. If they believe that the reporter is inclined to do hack jobs on the player because of crazy things he's written, they don't want to talk to him.

Also, I think the rollercoaster way that RJ reports sometimes misses out on the nature of NFL football. Yes results, meaning wins, matters. But in the big picture, a team can play very poorly and get a win, and a team can play very well and get a loss. And it isn't the end of the world with each loss where the team is dog crud. And it doesn't mean they are going straight to the playoffs with every win.
I recommend that every time Dick says something stupid/inflammatory/ignorant.. that you copy and paste it on all the Texans forums, without providing a link. Let people see his idiocy for free.
We don't allow unlinked or uncredited columns here. And pasting an entire column is frowned upon.

The best thing to do is just ignore Justice. That's what I do. If he doesn't pop up here, I have no idea what he's talking about. I don't listen to his radio show, either (though he is occasionally on LZ's and Granato's drive in show). Richard Justice is not going to change. He's made a living doing exactly what he's doing. He just won't make his living off of me.
I listened to the main clip.. RJ pee pee got hurt that no one talks much too him and defends it with "I can only form an opinion with the info I got"

so basically what I got out of it was a way of RJ saying" if the players won't talk to me, you will have to deal with my opinions"

DA hit a nerve there LOL
I listened to the main clip.. RJ pee pee got hurt that no one talks much too him and defends it with "I can only form an opinion with the info I got"

so basically what I got out of it was a way of RJ saying" if the players won't talk to me, you will have to deal with my opinions"

DA hit a nerve there LOL

It's a very large and exposed nerve.
Well its true that it is not the journalists job to be liked.. but it IS the journalists job to be objective, factual, and fair. Now when it comes to opinion pieces, obviously you cannot really be objective, factual, and fair... but you ARE expected to have a valid and educated opinion that is based on those "things".

The problem isnt that Dick is doing his job and because "it isnt his job to be liked", he is hated... no he is hated because he is a ********* that thinks that because it isnt his job to be liked, then it is his job to be DISLIKED.

DAs question about how many player's numbers he has IS valid because the players know they are in the spotlight and they know that it is the journalists job to state the facts and their opinions from their perspective...even if it doesnt always agree with the players... but the journalists who do it correctly (read: respectfully) can "bash" the Texans without being booed out of the lockerroom. But Dick prefers to get his notoriety through pure viciousness, sarcasm, and slander... obviously no one on the Texans is going to want anything to do with him.

Its a matter of trust. Players talk to the journalists who they know they can trust to be respectful to the players, the team, and the situation in their articles. Dick cant be trusted.


I liked how after DA asked about Texan's phone numbers and RJ said something like.. I don't have any Astro's numbers ..

I thought" well must be a reason not many athletes let you have their number"

anyway...can't believe this thread didn't have the official smiley posted on it yet

It's amazing how many people fall for Justices act. Richard Justice is a provocateur, people. Don't you get it ? Apparently not, because a lot of you are swallowing his bait hook, line, and sinker ?
It's amazing how many people fall for Justices act. Richard Justice is a provocateur, people. Don't you get it ? Apparently not, because a lot of you are swallowing his bait hook, line, and sinker ?

That is brand new information. :fingergun:

Um, yeah, most of us get it.....and just one of the reason I don't read or pay attention to anything he says. Even when I run across it here I typically don't click on it. I ONLY checked this out because DA is a funny dude and I was hoping that he brought him down a peg or two.
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Justice's stance and justifications are about as brown as the crap he writes daily.

Your job isn't to be liked. Sure but it shouldn't be to be hated either. It also shouldn't be to ignore what I think most people want in order to be hated. Let's say" half" the readers hate it because it's largely based on conjecture and reads like crap....the other "half" buy into it and have this ridiculous opinion of what's up because they read what the "expert" had to say when the truth is he has EXACTLY AS MUCH CONNECTION TO THE TEAM as any reader does.

Then a guy FROM A TEAM says why do you think nobody will talk to you? and he says "Oh I didn't really notice except from ONE player"....what a tool. What a complete ****ing waste of a writer.

Then you read a TexansChick article and even though a good portion of them don't put the Texans in a very good light, it's largely based on facts which are presented in black and white.
I think RJ's pee pee does hurt. He is devastated that no one on the Texans staff will feed him info and he is bitter. And pissed at TC because she gets better info than he does.

That's why he was mad when they **** canned the Strength and Conditioning coordinator. No one else feeds him info. If you were them, why would you talk to that little penis wrinkle?

DA wa a puh-cee. He said later on his twitter that he couldn't talk **** like he wanted without getiing in trouble, or something to that effect.

I think he got in the heat of the moment when he said 90% of the Texans wont talk o him. I don't think he ment to say that, cause he back tracked off of it. Not saying he wasn't right, but he realized he shouldn't say it. Dick is a waste of space, and I turn off anytime he is on the air. He is the biggest flaw to 1560.
I don't think DA got owned.....I think he backed off when RJ flipped out, because he knew if he kept going he probably could've made RJ cry or made RJ do something that he would've regretted.....I think he started feeling pity for him.

The same thing happened when I was in middle school. (let me start off by saying kids are cruel and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't recognize how much of a mean little **** that I was). I took band as a elective just to have another period to blow off (I'm not going to lie, back then I didn't really care about school or classes like that, I was a immature mean kid) and we had this dorky 20 something year old band teacher who had this enormous hairy mole that stuck out of his neck and we would tease him about it every day.

One day he had a mental breakdown and went into his office and started crying like a little girl. Well when you're dealing with kids that age, that's like dropping blood in a shark tank, the guy had no backbone (absolutely no backbone) and couldn't take control of his class to save his life. I was the ring leader and it got to the point where he wasn't even able to run the band class...there were alot of days where he would just walk into his office and sit there and we would just do whatever the hell we wanted.

Then came the day where I pushed him a little too far (started cracking on him about his mole) and he cursed at me (I was 12 at the time), told me that my mother wasn't even qualified to raise a dog and picked up the chair that was in front of him and threw it at me. He snapped and went total bat **** crazy. I stepped out of the way and as soon as the chair bounced across the class he snapped back to reality and knew he had screwed up. I just smiled and said "I got you" and then proceeded to walk to the principle's office and long story short... my parents were called, my dad was restrained from beating his ass and he was fired and the next day I was no longer in band.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret being a cruel little kid who purposely tried to get this guy to flip out on a daily basis and that changed me from then on...(I know what I did was wrong and I cost a man who was passionate about his craft his job) I straightened up after that.

Anyways when I heard Justice raise his voice it reminded me of that band teacher about to blow his top, same tone and everything. I think Anderson knew he took it a little too far and backed off a little bit. I also now know that Justice has some serious underlining issues with the Texans and their fans. I think he wants to be liked and wants inside sources and inside is extremely bothered that he doesn't...that's why he is so pissed at Smith when they fired Riley (which is really when most of this negativity started...that and when they took Mario over Vince) and got so pissed when Anderson mentioned that nobody likes him...he definitely hit a nerve there and if DA kept laying into him it could've gotten out of control.


What I love is not only did DA lay into Justice...he also bagged on David Carr. I love this guy.
The Texans threw RJ a bone, interview DA. That's it, we're giving you one chance, if you continue writing that garbage that you do, this will be the last interview ever. It's an opportunity RJ, for your own sake, take it.

Not arguing here but do the Texans *allow* or prompt DA to *do* this interview or is it more of a thing he did on his own accord?

Just axin?
Not arguing here but do the Texans *allow* or prompt DA to *do* this interview or is it more of a thing he did on his own accord?

Just axin?

With his relationship with 1560, and past history with Justice, I'm going to take a guess that this was all Anderson. The Texans couldn't give a rats ass about Dick Justice...and that's what pisses off Justice the most.
With his relationship with 1560, and past history with Justice, I'm going to take a guess that this was all Anderson. The Texans couldn't give a rats ass about Dick Justice...and that's what pisses off Justice the most.

Pretty much what I fingered.