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Congratulations to JJ Watt


Hall of Fame
NFL sack leader for the 2012 regular season. Aldon Smith didn't get a sack against Arizona so JJ wins the title. Watt a great season for him. Congrats JJ you are the man. So glad you are a Houston Texan.
JJ Watt is a MEAST. Half man, half meat lover, half beast. That's 150%!


Never go vegan bro!
NFL sack leader for the 2012 regular season. Aldon Smith didn't get a sack against Arizona so JJ wins the title. Watt a great season for him. Congrats JJ you are the man. So glad you are a Houston Texan.

Couldn't agree more...wish we had more on the team with his intensity...should be a lock for DPOY...I hope for his sake, and AJ's, that we can make a run...they deserve it.
i agree.. congrats JJ we'd have looked 2010-ish on D without him. JJ and kareem are the only guys on D who improved since last yr
Watt is an example for the rest of the team. If the rest of the Texans played lights out every play like he does, we wouldn't be having all this pessimism.

Thank you JJ Watt for your efforts.

It's amazing he was able to achieve so much with Kubiak's lack of leadership. It must've been tough for him to motivate himself without having a general to lead him into battle. Incredible, Mr Watt! Well done.
It's amazing he was able to achieve so much with Kubiak's lack of leadership. It must've been tough for him to motivate himself without having a general to lead him into battle. Incredible, Mr Watt! Well done.

Agreed. The guy just gets it done. Most exciting defensive player I have ever seen.
For a DE in a 3-4 defense, this is an even more remarkable achievement !
Congrats JJ !
Agree with all of you. The man is a freak of nature, but my favorite part of the man is the way he gives absolutely everything he has and leaves nothing left in his tank. At the end of the game, you know at least one guy on the D left it all on the line.

This is the kind of guy that if he was working at McDonalds, he would be the best damn burger maker in the entire chain. He would be named like employee of the year. LOVE people like JJ Watt. If you have a kid and want him to admire an athlete, I can't think of a better example.
Agree with all of you. The man is a freak of nature, but my favorite part of the man is the way he gives absolutely everything he has and leaves nothing left in his tank. At the end of the game, you know at least one guy on the D left it all on the line.

This is the kind of guy that if he was working at McDonalds, he would be the best damn burger maker in the entire chain. He would be named like employee of the year. LOVE people like JJ Watt. If you have a kid and want him to admire an athlete, I can't think of a better example.

Couldn't agree more, Porky. Totally upstanding young man. An excellent example for people of all ages to follow. Congrats JJ!!!
I think Watt would have had the record if the Texans offense hadn't had the motor drop out of it a few weeks ago. Teams that are behind have to throw the ball and over the past four weeks I think it might have translated into a couple more sacks. Still, an impressive accomplishment regardless.
Agree with all of you. The man is a freak of nature, but my favorite part of the man is the way he gives absolutely everything he has and leaves nothing left in his tank. At the end of the game, you know at least one guy on the D left it all on the line.

This is the kind of guy that if he was working at McDonalds, he would be the best damn burger maker in the entire chain. He would be named like employee of the year. LOVE people like JJ Watt. If you have a kid and want him to admire an athlete, I can't think of a better example.

And he does it off the field, too...

Photo-op with kids from a family decimated by tragedy? Nope, he's with those kids all the time. Take a rest day before a big game? Nope, those kids in Newtown need a few hours of time away from thoughts is what took place so I'll fly up & visit them.

J.J. is the perfect example of: If you want better self-esteem, do esteem-able things.

DPOY is a given, but there's another award J.J. is in the running for...

the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year Award, honoring a player's volunteer and charity work, as well as his excellence on the field.
He is indeed an inspiration to all who watches him. He deserves all of the credit that is coming his way.

I'm just concerned that he wishes that he was on another team. Really sad that he plays with such intensity knowing that the defense has to score a couple of touchdowns or they are going to lose.

He would never say that, but, I can't help feeling that he feels that way.

He is an outstanding role model for all young people to emulate.
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He is indeed an inspiration to all who watches him. He deserves all of the credit that is coming his way.

I'm just concerned that he wishes that he was on another team. Really sad that he plays with such intensity knowing that the defense has to score a couple of touchdowns or they are going to lose.

He would never say that, but, I can't help feeling that he feels that way.

He is an outstanding role model for all young people to emulate.

He won a playoff game in his first year in the league. I'm not concerned about that with JJ Watt.... YET. If Kubes stays around another few years, then I will be worried.

Hope he does not leave like Mario Williams for pay day.

(not saying MW compares to JJW, but still fear the same result)
Another little "honor" for J.J.

J.J. Watt is the first player in history to get an overall rating of over 100 by ProFootballFocus. He ended 2012 with a +101.7 rating. How good was this?

Watt's pass rush rating alone for 2012 (+55.9) is higher than 4-3 DE Cameron Wake's overall rating for this year ... and 3-4 DE Justin Smith's overall ratings for 2011, 2010, 2009 ...

Only NT Geno Atkins at 79.9 and 4-3 OLB Von Miller at 78.5 come close to J.J. overall, both this year.

Watt's "run rating" of +45 ..... well, nobody has sniffed that level.

The kicker is, flipping through every player at every position, each one's overall ratings consist of one very high rating in a single category. No one has every mastered two ratings categories equally. No one.

Remember this day, Texans fans? Who'd have thunk it would turn out so well?


ratings courtesy of ProFootballFocus.
Watt, a 3-4 DE leading his team in tackle? I find that to be mind boggling the most. Even if he didn't have all those sacks, swatted pass, and tfl. Leading his team in tackles at that position is unimaginable.
I don't think I could achieved those numbers in Madden if I were to customized my player with max attribute on all level. Simply ridiculous.

A player with stats like that in that position is equalvilent to a QB with 5000 yards passing, 55 tds, and 1000 yds rushing in the same season. Numbers if it were to ever achieved will never be duplicate. So let's enjoy this historic achievement everyone.
i agree.. congrats JJ we'd have looked 2010-ish on D without him. JJ and kareem are the only guys on D who improved since last yr

Nice sentiment, but you're forgetting Antonio Smith who needs a lot of props for his motor and play. At 31-years old, for a 3-4 DE he had his best season in 2012 with 7 sacks, 3 passes defended and and 2 forced fumbles.

So, to me, JJWatt, Antonio Smith and Kareem Jackson are our trifecta of guys that really pushed their play up a notch.
He had 1/2 a sack stolen by the refs on the "incomplete" pass by Luck.
Nice sentiment, but you're forgetting Antonio Smith who needs a lot of props for his motor and play. At 31-years old, for a 3-4 DE he had his best season in 2012 with 7 sacks, 3 passes defended and and 2 forced fumbles.

So, to me, JJWatt, Antonio Smith and Kareem Jackson are our trifecta of guys that really pushed their play up a notch.

You're right, and I never thought KJ would look as good at times as he has this year. Big improvement on his part.
Nice sentiment, but you're forgetting Antonio Smith who needs a lot of props for his motor and play. At 31-years old, for a 3-4 DE he had his best season in 2012 with 7 sacks, 3 passes defended and and 2 forced fumbles.

So, to me, JJWatt, Antonio Smith and Kareem Jackson are our trifecta of guys that really pushed their play up a notch.

i would say antonio was one of the few (along with GQ) that maintained their good standards from last yr... so by my count, you have 2 that improved, 2 that maintained and 9/10 (inc brice & demps that played worse)

dont even talk about offence though. DB, myers and maybe aj & od had better/same yrs. everybody else... worse.i will say arian ran tougher v the colts than ive seen in a while. hopefully he was saving himself for the playoffs
IMO stop with this **** right now Even JJwatt himself said he does not care about records right now ......
You're right, and I never thought KJ would look as good at times as he has this year. Big improvement on his part.

Statistically, I believe he is our best corner. Unfortunately that means that QBs pick on our 3rd CB which is Brandon Harris.

It bothers me that we kept Harris on the bench for so long. He needed reps early in the season and now we are relying on him and he is getting burned.

I don't expect Watt to have another season like this year, but even if he regresses to the mean, his mean is way above anyone else on our team.