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Charlie Casserly, Our Hero (Take THAT, Reggie Bush)

Hermano said:
One point worth mentioning–the marketing impact of Reggie Bush. Mario Williams has been a nice player, but the Texans have not been able to build season ticket campaigns and jersey sales around Williams the way they could have around Bush. Also, despite Steve Slaton’s 2008 numbers, by and large the RB position has been a large void in the Texans offense.
While substance over style might have translated to a slightly better team on the field (a point which is highly specious given the different impacts of a RB/RET vs. DL), off the field, quite the opposite is the case. The Texans missed out on a chance to increase their revenue streams by latching on to Reggie Bush and promoting him as the face of the franchise. Instead, Williams is at best the fifth most recognized player in Houston (Johnson, Schaub, Cushing, Slaton/Daniels/Walters).

My Reply:
D-Bridge said:
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Hermano –

The Texans have sold out every single game in their existence, Reggie would not have made them build extra seats and sell extra tickets.

Revenue from jersey sales are shared among teams, the Texans would not have benifited from the sales any more than they do now.

The problem with the Texans’ running game has been injuries to the OL, last year there was pretty much a new front 5 each week.

Reggie would not have been more recognized than Schaub, Andre, Cushing or Demeco. So if you want to place Mario at #5, which is debatable… the highest you’d place Reggie would be #5. Unless your just talking about the casual football fan, which quite frankly is pointless.

Mario was the best pick at #1 then, and he continues to be the best of “The Top 3″ from that year.
And D-Bridge... is my alias. Alert the Feds.
I would hardly call Casserly "our hero". IF, and thats a big IF ol' Chuck was responsible for Mario, which Ill go ahead and believe, then thats a very small penance he paid for the previous years of garbage he bestowed upon us. By no means do I thank him for anything hes done for us............remember it was his job.

Im just happy we have someone in the FO now that isnt a friggin moron.

One point Smithiak.
Asserly was actually in love with Reggie Bush. I have a hard time believing that he was the one who pulled the plug on taking Bush.

Next time you think of Asserly as a hero just remember all of this ...








We are only allowed 6 images a post, however I really needed to add these 2.

I will always hate the Travis Johnson pick. Especially when I see Derrick Johnson still starting at KC.

I liked Jonathan Wells. I think under better circumstances he would've been a PRODUCTIVE back. Hard to come in as a rookie as it is let alone being a rookie for the expansion franchise with a scared QB.

How is ol' Jason Babin doing in Tennessee anyhow?

The Dave Ragone was a bad pick.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Casserly was an awful GM who missed more than he hit. And with high draft choices each year he should have been able to field a better team.

The Travis Johnson pick was the worst. Derrick Johnson was ripe for the picking. And we plucked a turd.
Even IF (big IF) Casserly somehow managed to not *#$% up the 2006 1st pick all by himself, it does absolutely nothing to redeem him for the awful picks from the first 4 years. He was a complete failure as an NFL GM through and through. There is nothing that he ever did that can make up for all the terrible picks he made during his time here.

Oh, and no he doesn't deserve credit for picking Andre Johnson; the Detroit Lions deserve credit for taking Charles Rogers away from Casserly and Capers. The Lions made that decision for them.
When I heard the REASONS for picking Mario I was behind him, and learning that Reggie didn't WANT to be here made me think F him anyway.
I love the fact that we've quickly turned a Charlie Casserly thread into one pretty much dedicated to my gender misperception and recent college football misfortunes.
Señor Stan;1515939 said:
Why the heck didn't I go to Mississippi State?!?!?!


Ole Miss Texan

Junior colleges are nice and all, but you should aim higher for a 4 year university. Maybe use Mississippi State as a stepping stone to Vanderbilt or something.
from Hermanoby and large the RB position has been a large void in the Texans offense.
My Reply:

And D-Bridge... is my alias. Alert the Feds.

You should have mentioned to him that Reggie Bush has done little to nothing so far as securing the Saints RB position. Peirre Thomas holds that honor, and they continue to search for a suitable back up for him.

Reggie has locked up their third down change of pace back, but that's about it.
You should have mentioned to him that Reggie Bush has done little to nothing so far as securing the Saints RB position. Peirre Thomas holds that honor, and they continue to search for a suitable back up for him.

Reggie has locked up their third down change of pace back, but that's about it.

I'm no Reggie Bush fan but he is the Saints starting RB, although Thomas gives them their best the Saints attack they don't utilize a 3rd down change of pace back as we think, they utilize Bush as their versatile back 1st. Their change of pace is the running game when they feature their best rusher Pierre Thomas...but Bush is first on the depth chart and starts.
If I recall currectly, Kubiak had the final say of things during the period as Charlie was already set to leave(or let go) from the Texans FO right after the draft. So Charlie might suggested Mario but Kubiak had the final say of things. Of course, Kubiak would not say bad things about Charlie as we all know his personality.
He started 8 games last year. That is only on the basis of who takes the first play. With 70 attempts last year he clearly is not their starting RB.

It might have something to do with marketing since Drew Brees is the only other household name on that roster. They are the two players that all casual football fans can identify. Maybe it helps them sell jerseys.
I liked Jonathan Wells. I think under better circumstances he would've been a PRODUCTIVE back. Hard to come in as a rookie as it is let alone being a rookie for the expansion franchise with a scared QB.

doubt it, seeing as he didn't get sniffed by any nfl teams after he was released.
for the record, Casserley has stated that he wanted Bush. it is only been the past few years that Acne Boy Asserley has tried to spin that he was the one who wanted Mario.

McNair didn't like Bush's attitude or his agent's demands and that made them look hard at Mario. Once they looked hard at Mario, they started seeing how that pick may actually be the safer pick and then moved that way.

When Mario was sucking his 1st year and Bush was helping the Saints get to the NFC Championship Game, Casserley stated that he had Bush at the top of his board and wanted to take him. I heard it out of his own mouth.

Screw Casserley. There is a reason the guy is unemployed. Here are 2 of them.

David Carr and Heath Shuler. Anyone who screws the pooch so bad over and over, deserves to be beheaded.
When I heard the REASONS for picking Mario I was behind him, and learning that Reggie didn't WANT to be here made me think F him anyway.

I don't think it was that Reggie didn't want to be here. He wanted to be the #1 overall draft pick and would have gone with whatever team had it.

He probably wasn't too thrilled with the idea of playing Houston. At least he never said anything that indicated it before the draft.

Casserly's been all over the map on this one. I still remember what he said his first week at CBS and tend to believe that more than what he's said since...

He said he got wind of the USC scandal and told Bob McNair about it about a week before the draft. I'm sure McNair didn't want to get too deep in negotiations with a guy that had that kind of cloud hanging over him.
I'll say this: I know, for a fact, that the Texans and Reggie Bush's people were setting up media interviews two days before the draft. There was a plan in place to introduce Reggie to Houston via interviews and events. This was a done deal, two days before the draft.

Something went down over a period of like 24 to 36 hours. Something happened and someone changed their minds. Don't know what, but Reggie was pretty much a done deal.

Regardless, I'm happy with how things turned out.