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Carr and hair Again???


I noticed in the latest pictures of Davie Franchise, that the hair is "a little" long again. Is he planning on stretching the hair issue into motivating the team again or what. The buzz cut gave him more respect in my eyes, almost looking like a drill sergent or something! Anyway, as long as the hair in any direction equals a playoff appearance, I'm all for it! :dangit:
Im pretty sure its long because the wife likes it long. I dont like it short. He looks like a 13 year old boy with it.

He might get it cut when he gets tackled by it from behind, as the NFL has ruled that as legal. Wait, he is a QB, wonder if that would fall under a 'blow to the head' rules instead?
I don't think that Carr is going to have a problem with people pulling his hair, I mean the o line is going to be better.
My hair is getting pretty shaggy too. I must be doing it as a motivational thing. I've kinda got a Mad Scientist look with a beard. That works doesn't it? If I go w/o a cut much longer I'll be styling a mullet. :dangit:
texasguy346 said:
My hair is getting pretty shaggy too. I must be doing it as a motivational thing. I've kinda got a Mad Scientist look with a beard. That works doesn't it? If I go w/o a cut much longer I'll be styling a mullet. :dangit:

Don't ever underestimate the power of The MULLET.:headbang:
I don't care what his hair looks likes as long as he is standing on his feet throwing more touchdowns and less interceptions!
All that hair acts as extra padding inside his helmet. This is part of his technique for avoiding concussions from his head hitting the ground so many times. :ouch:

Hopefully this season, it will be safe for him to cut his hair again... :rolleyes:
As long as his wife likes the hair, it isn't coming off. Besides this hairstyle has grown on me. I think he needs a goatee now.
I think that Carr's hair looks so good long like this. He either needs to have it this long or go back to the buzzcut. The in-between stuff is just annoying.

I just figured it out, I'm such a genius.

He wants to look like Kianeu Reeves from the movie "The Replacements"


Did any of you happen to watch the Packers vs Texans game last night on NFL network? It was quite aggrevating how much David messes with his hair. It seemed like everytime they were showing him, he was pulling it back behind his ears or something. Personnaly, I think that if he worried less about his hair and more about the game at times, we might play a little better. I'm not bashing him, I am a devoted Texan fan, but Favre didn't touch his hair one time and I don't think I've ever seen him worry about how he looks on camera. Come on guys, it's supposed to be football not a runway model show. It was bad enough that my wife was getting aggrevated on how much he was messing with his hair! :hairpull:
I saw the game of the week last night too. I was aggravated with how much he was touching his hair. I don't think his hair has any relevance to his level of play, but I do agree, I wanted him to just leave the stuff alone. I'm sure the only reason he messes with it is to keep it out of his face, but man, if you have to mess with it that much, just cut it!

I was quite annoyed.
Texans Pride said:
I saw the game of the week last night too. I was aggravated with how much he was touching his hair. I don't think his hair has any relevance to his level of play, but I do agree, I wanted him to just leave the stuff alone. I'm sure the only reason he messes with it is to keep it out of his face, but man, if you have to mess with it that much, just cut it!

I was quite annoyed.
I saw it talked about on other NFL boards after the game. Many of the comments weren't nice. I think Carr doesn't realize how much it makes him look prissy.
Cjeremy635 said:
Personnaly, I think that if he worried less about his hair and more about the game at times, we might play a little better.

You are aware that most people can play with their hair and think about the game at the same time, right?
thegr8fan said:
He might get it cut when he gets tackled by it from behind, as the NFL has ruled that as legal. Wait, he is a QB, wonder if that would fall under a 'blow to the head' rules instead?
No, the nfl ruled a few years back that excessive hair can be used to tackle a player (why Ricky shaved his head, and why Edge trimmed the locks)

Strange that they allow that, but don't allow horse collar tackles
TEXANS84 said:
He wants to look like Kianeu Reeves from the movie "The Replacements"
Carr is obviously better looking than Kianeu Reeves ever was, and that will help him be a national level sports celeb when and if we get into the playoffs
and start making some noise. I'm not that sympothetic though, he is a very
wealthy young man already and set for life financially if he does get real stupid along the way.
wiley2002 said:
As long as his wife likes the hair, it isn't coming off.

I've conducted a 'scientific' poll of men around me, including friends, family, business associates, truck drivers, and whoever is standing in line with me that wants to talk Texans...and I have yet to find even ONE dude that has a hair cut specifically because their wife likes it.

Seriously, not even one man really cares, because we all know if we let the women-folk choose our hairstyle, we'd be using blow dryers, curlers, perms, hair coloring, brushes (as opposed to combs), hair weaves, straighteners, relaxers, and a whole bunch of other hairstyle related stuff that we still don't know the long term health ramifications of using on our heads!

So how many of us dudes ask our wives' permission before cutting our hair? Really, I'm curious to know. I know I don't...I mean, I might ask how it looks after the haircut (just to be nice), but NEVER before the haircut.

A previous poster's mention of "prissy" seriously comes to mind about this whole Carr's hair business. And I wholeheartedly agree about the Green Bay game last year. I remember talking with my buds during the game about his constant attention to his hair every time he took his helmet off. Heck, I remember him taking his helmet off just to brush his hair aside before putting it right back on!
:homer: I remember watching old Baltimore Colt footage and thinking to myself how much Johnny Unitas messes with his hair . My point is this is not new for the QB position it happens .
Look, all I'm saying is it gets quite annoying to watch the guy tug at the locks all the time. If it's that bothersome, cut the crap off.....simple as that! :bomb: It isn't that I don't "understand" professional athletes...well, I don't understand having that kind of money, but I do think that he should not worry so much about it during the game. It does make him look like a :cat:
All I know is if they don't get Carr some protection, he will be hair today and gone tomorrow. :crying:
Double Barrel said:
A previous poster's mention of "prissy" seriously comes to mind about this whole Carr's hair business. And I wholeheartedly agree about the Green Bay game last year. I remember talking with my buds during the game about his constant attention to his hair every time he took his helmet off...
Don't you think a bunch of guys sitting around talking about another guys hair is well...odd? I've got to admit that I've never talked about haircuts with another man. Not even a barber except to say "The Usual". Getting a little weird here.
I think taking every snap through 76 sacks as a rookie overshadows what he ever does with his hair.

Seriously, this team has many problems but I really don't think Carr's hair is one of them.
As I recall, the whole Carr hair thing really took off after he was selected one of the sexiest men alive 2004 in People's Magazine.
I had thought we/ and David were past all that by now. Guess not.


^^ He at least won a Super Bowl. ...oh, back to that cool Super Bowl Shuffle.
(Maybe I need to ask Lauren for a copy of that yet) ;)
Lucky said:
Don't you think a bunch of guys sitting around talking about another guys hair is well...odd? I've got to admit that I've never talked about haircuts with another man. Not even a barber except to say "The Usual". Getting a little weird here.

Odd, yes...except when it's on the FRONT PAGE OF OUR SPORTS SECTION!!!! :hmmm:

I mean, it wouldn't even be an issue if David Carr had not made it an issue. He's the one making the bold statement of not cutting it off unless they win.

I thought the whole issue was a bit fruity to begin with! :dangit:

ps. The People mag thing was kinda' goofy to, but I understand that athletes are celebrities, so I never really gave it much thought.
Double Barrel said:
I've conducted a 'scientific' poll of men around me, including friends, family, business associates, truck drivers, and whoever is standing in line with me that wants to talk Texans...and I have yet to find even ONE dude that has a hair cut specifically because their wife likes it.

Seriously, not even one man really cares, because we all know if we let the women-folk choose our hairstyle, we'd be using blow dryers, curlers, perms, hair coloring, brushes (as opposed to combs), hair weaves, straighteners, relaxers, and a whole bunch of other hairstyle related stuff that we still don't know the long term health ramifications of using on our heads!

So how many of us dudes ask our wives' permission before cutting our hair? Really, I'm curious to know. I know I don't...I mean, I might ask how it looks after the haircut (just to be nice), but NEVER before the haircut.

A previous poster's mention of "prissy" seriously comes to mind about this whole Carr's hair business. And I wholeheartedly agree about the Green Bay game last year. I remember talking with my buds during the game about his constant attention to his hair every time he took his helmet off. Heck, I remember him taking his helmet off just to brush his hair aside before putting it right back on!

As long as a man has hair he is happy. He does not make a big deal about long or short becuase he knows one day is only choice might be: shave or not shave.
TEXANS84 said:
I just figured it out, I'm such a genius.

He wants to look like Kianeu Reeves from the movie "The Replacements"



I was thinking either that or the guy that plays superman in the WB show Smallville... (esp with the football episode) :heh:
Wow. My hair is looking alot like Keaneau Reeves and Joe Namath at the moment. Looks like its time for a haircut before I start saying "Dude" after everything.

Later......dudes. AHHHH it begins. :crying:
I saw the Game as well, and seeing Carr go three and out three straight times, and going to the well with the same play three times, had me scratching my head as to why you all are not starting from scratch with a new OC.

I didn't know you all had the worst 3rd down defense last year either.

Carr needs to ditch the hair, I think his confidence in how good his hair looks is taking away from the focus of how he looks on the field. He was not zipping the ball in when he needed too, he came off the field non chalant when his drives sputtered, I think the guy was just a little too cool for the pressure he was under in that game. He had a union on the job 9 to 5 poise rather than we are at war and war is hell mentality. That bothered me.

But I got to hand it to him, Carr is tough as nails, coming back from lala land the way he did...