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Call it: What will the Texans' record be.

What will the final regular season record be?

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Given the Schaub injury, where do you think the Texans end up this year? This is your chance to go on record.

For me, I think the defense, run game, and AJ are enough to finish out 3-3, and they make the playoffs, where they're quickly eliminated.
The optimist in me says 11-5. The part of me that hasn't been pounding booze says 9-7.
I think Kubiak shows us he is the coach we've wanted all along.

We finish 4-2, we'll be the second seed in the AFC, & go on to win the Super Bowl.
Given the Schaub injury, where do you think the Texans end up this year? This is your chance to go on record.

For me, I think the defense, run game, and AJ are enough to finish out 3-3, and they make the playoffs, where they're quickly eliminated.
Under the new circumstances we are faced with (Schaubs injury), ending up
10-6 (3-3 in remaining games) would have to be viewed as a huge success and I think it's the best we can hope for realistically.
I am going to go out on a limb and say 12-4! I feel like even though we won't have schaub, Johnson coming back will help take pressure off of the QB and we will still dominate. I hope to God I am right
They will lose one game from here on out. Whether that's the Atlanta game or Cincy game I don't know.

Joseph is still out there, Cushing, A.Smith, Ryans, entire Oline, Daniels, Tate, Foster, Ward, Watt, Reed....this team is loaded with talent, they are not the Colts. Oh yeah almost forgot that their best player is returning to the team most likely.

Worse comes the worse they lose 5 or 6 games, but that is it. 12-4 is my prediction.
If the jets can go to the AFC championship game with Sanchez

With our running game and defense, the sky is the limit
I was down when I first heard the news but then it hit me: this IS NOT the Texans team of past years! I have faith in Leinart! Next man up baby!
I said 11-5 partly because I find it even more depressing to think about anything less.

The other part is if Leinart is ever going to be a starter anywhere, this is his time. Fail here and he might as well go find another day job or be like HWSNBN for the remainder of his career and just a back up.

Everything is in place for him to succeed and he should work his little tail off to see to it that we continue to win. I don't think we could find a better back up situation. I just hope he has the skills as well as the desire to pull it off.
honestly this team has showed all yr that they can cope with injury i keep with my beginning of the yr prediction of 11-5 and a first round bye. after that we win one and loose in the AFC championships.
I put 12-4 because of the rest of our players n I also believe that Leinart has it in him. I think 13-3 is also possible

Edit: What is HWSNBN?
Man I just dont know .... Leinart , can he just manage the game and take what the defense gives him while not turning the ball over ?! If so , 12-4 is possible , if not .... they might not even make the damn playoffs.

The injuries to this team this season are almost overwhelming.

AJ , Walter , Casey , MW , Foster , Ward , Manning , Schaub .... Kubiak's done well to keep them winning with the injuries before Schaub's but this one might be just too much to overcome. The QB spot is just that important and despite Schaubs limitations , he's a top half NFL QB.

I dont think any of us know what we have in Leinart.

We're living in epic times. NFL films will be doing some serious work compiling our "Road To The Super Bowl" film and covering all of our injuries.
I'm going with 12-4. The D is playing well, and Hot Tub Matt should have matured a bit since the last time he played. As long as he can hand off and throw it to Andre, this team should keep stacking up the wins.
im kinda in a space out feeling right now all i can say is i think we can win some games with this lienart guy
If the jets can go to the AFC championship game with Sanchez

With our running game and defense, the sky is the limit

That actually gives me a shitload of hope considering our offense is still way better than anything the Jets ever had and our defense is playing just as well.
Before the season, my prediction was 10-6.

But this team has played tons better than I thought it would -- especially considering the injuries it's had up to this point.

On the strength of the defense and the running game and the fact that Andre's returning and we haven't really been throwing that much recently... I went 11-5.

I expect that to be good enough to win the division.
I was down when I first heard the news but then it hit me: this IS NOT the Texans team of past years! I have faith in Leinart! Next man up baby!

That's how I was. My first instinct was to call Smithiak and tell them to get a call into Mississippi.

Then I realized I don't have Smithiak's number and my brain started functioning.

I think we lose just 1 game. Cincy is hurting worse with the loss of Hall. The Jags can't put up points on us. Indy will roll over and give us their bellies. Carolina can't stop anyone and Newton's struggled over the last couple of weeks.

The only game that concerns me is Atlanta since they'll be fighting for their playoff lives at that point. Still, I think we win this one.

So that leaves us losing in Week 17 to the Titans. I think we have a bye sewn up and rest players at this point.
I say 10-6 right now but if leinart has stopped partying like he was at USC then we might be able to go 11-5 or better if he has learned to make quick decisions with the ball and if he has learned to read a defense we will be fine, the guy was a top 10 pick who got beat out by Kurt Warner lets see if his confidence is back.
I say 10-6 right now but if leinart has stopped partying like he was at USC then we might be able to go 11-5 or better if he has learned to make quick decisions with the ball and if he has learned to read a defense we will be fine, the guy was a top 10 pick who got beat out by Kurt Warner lets see if his confidence is back.

Got beat out by a hall of famer ..... :cool:
7 - 9 is one of your choices...?
You actually think we'd lose to the Colts??

I went 11-5.
The road game in Cincy and getting into a shootout with Atlanta - without Schaub - worry me.

We're living in epic times. NFL films will be doing some serious work compiling our "Road To The Super Bowl" film and covering all of our injuries.


I like where your head's at
Matt L. should be fine leading up to the playoffs. As long as the team believes in him and protects him. If we did not have the defense or the run game we have i would be more worried. He will struggle as he tends to stare down the receiver. I say 12-4.
Here's how I see the rest of the season panning out:

Week 12: @ Jacksonville - WIN
Week 13: vs Atlanta - WIN
Week 14: @ Cincinnati - LOSS
These two games worry me. We'll beat Atlanta @ Reliant, but having to travel to the Bengals could be a game too far for us.

Week 15: vs Carolina - WIN
Week 16: @ Indianapolis - WIN - Are you kidding me?! The only thing that could give us problems with this game is the short week, and even I don't see that being a problem.
Week 17: vs Tennessee - This one could go either way (especially if we rest our starters), but I've gone for a WIN

I voted 11-5, but only because of those two trap games in the middle, but as I said above, we should have enough to beat the Falcons at home and go 12-4. Whether that's enough for a bye, we'll have to wait & see.
Gotta say the Texans will be fine with Matty Hot Tub. I sure will miss #8, who, with 10 TD's to 1 int, as of late, brings the right tangibles to the play action offense we are built on.

However, I am going with 13-3 just to stay hopeful, as anything less severely diminishes the Texans chances with post season success. They NEED a 1st rd bye, as it gives yet another week of Schaub recovery. Home field advantage won't be a bad thing either.

We shouldn't lose to Atlanta at home and Cincy, we own, even on the road. We'll be even further along Defensively. We'll have Dre back, hopefully. MHT should have some success. I don't believe he'll be asked to carry the team, as he was asked in Arizona. He's had time to mature and learn this system, so don't set the Barn on fire, just yet. As much as I like #8, he's not ELITE. MHT isn't filling in un-fillable shoes.

I would like to point to New England waaay back when Bledsoe went down.... Their season was supposed to be over.

If MHT can come in and effectively manage the game from behind center, this team is built for him to succeed.

However, when it gets to playoff time, facing the best... I will be ecstatic to see Shaub under center.
Week 17: vs Tennessee - This one could go either way (especially if we rest our starters), but I've gone for a WIN

I voted 11-5, but only because of those two trap games in the middle, but as I said above, we should have enough to beat the Falcons at home and go 12-4. Whether that's enough for a bye, we'll have to wait & see.
Wow, talk about your pollyannas !
This is our starting QB we just lost who's held that position for 4-5 years and is rated as maybe not a gifted but never the less a very competant NFL QB, and the guy stepping in to replace him reportedly has not thrown a pass in anything but an exhibition game since 2009.
I think there's a very good chance the last game of the year in Relaint vs the Titans will be for the AFC South championship. In case you haven't noticed the Titans are playing much better lately and unlike us they now have an experienced NFL QB with a solid resume running their offense.
11-5 or 10-6 - All the Schaub haters will see exactly how far the drop off is. Party Matt hasn't faced a real NFL pass rush in awhile and it'll show. I voted 11-5 to be optimistic, but I've got a bad feeling we'll sneak another loss in there for good measure.

Anybody think we'll only lose one more down the stretch, hasn't been drinking, they've been snorting, mainlining, or smoking something. This may be the injury that breaks the camel's back.
Wow, talk about your pollyannas !
This is our starting QB we just lost who's held that position for 4-5 years and is rated as maybe not a gifted but never the less a very competant NFL QB, and the guy stepping in to replace him reportedly has not thrown a pass in anything but an exhibition game since 2009.
I think there's a very good chance the last game of the year in Relaint vs the Titans will be for the AFC South championship. In case you haven't noticed the Titans are playing much better lately and unlike us they now have an experienced NFL QB with a solid resume running their offense.

And leading into the game in Tennesse, people said the same thing. Result, 41-7. Dre coming back helps greatly. We'll still curb stomp their quitting ass.
I said 10-6 before the season started and that is still what I think it will be. I thought I was going to be wrong and we were going to do better than that as the season was unfolding until Schaub got hurt. Now, it looks like a good chance of a happening.
I'll go with 11-5... Losing to ATL at hone and Cincy on the road...

I don't know exactly what Leinart will give us, but i can't see it hurting us too bad against Jax, @$%olina and Indy... That'll put the guys at 10-5 going into Tennessee and i'll go with 'em at home...

I'm not going to freak out....yet.. I'm a Schaub guy, not because i think he's an elite QB or hell, even great, he's just a solid QB in this offense. With that said, 'my guy' has been a tad off this year (completion %age down etc...), but they've still managed to win... They also haven't been lighting up the stat-sheet with attempted passes, so who knows...

I don't think Leinart's a bad QB, he just didn't come into the league the right way... Hopefully over a year and a half on the bench behind Schaub, and taking more reps in practice this year matured and prepared him for this "opportunity"... But what worries me most here is timing... Schaub has had years in this offense and with these receivers, developing a good timing... Leinart hasn't had that.

We. Shall. See.

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And leading into the game in Tennesse, people said the same thing. Result, 41-7. Dre coming back helps greatly. We'll still curb stomp their quitting ass.
I'm very aware of that glorious victory by the Texans as it's still fresh in our collective memory, but especially in "rivalries" the NFL is replete with examples of a team being blown out in one game and then later that same year turning around and winning the rematch. For example, remember the beating the Pats gave the Jets last year (victory along the lines of the margin of the Texans win) in regular season, and then the Jets beating Brady and the 14-2 Pats in the playoffs ?
Party Matt hasn't faced a real NFL pass rush in awhile and it'll show.
Cincinnati is the only team we'll face in the regular season with a top 10 pass rush. Jacksonville has the next lethal pass rush at 18. Everyone else is fighting for the worst pass rush in the league.
I voted 11-5 to be optimistic, but I've got a bad feeling we'll sneak another loss in there for good measure.
We're going into week 11. We pretty much know who we are & we know who we'll be facing. For the first time in Kubiak's history here, we are not defined by our QB.
This may be the injury that breaks the camel's back.

We've got Kubiak.... we've been kicking ass with a broke down Camel all year long.
