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Brandon Harris/Brice McCain

This is nothing new Harris was playing better than McCain at the end of last year. Mccain has played horrible this year and should of been taken off the field in principle alone. Not even mentioning the fact we had a better option sitting on the bench.
McCain isn't even depth. He should be selling beers at Reliant Stadium. That's as close as I'd want him to the field.

Harris should have been thrown out there to sink or swim long ago. How McCain has kept him on the bench I will never know but I think it's hurt the team and it's probably stunted Harris's development too. My theory is that the Texans kind of fall for a guy and decide that there's more to him than what's really there. McCain they seem to really like. Keyshawn Martin is I think the offensive equivalent of that. No idea why they seem to think so highly of these guys but they do and once they decide that's the way it's going to be they're like a human road block at their position.
McCain isn't even depth. He should be selling beers at Reliant Stadium. That's as close as I'd want him to the field.

Harris should have been thrown out there to sink or swim long ago. How McCain has kept him on the bench I will never know but I think it's hurt the team and it's probably stunted Harris's development too. My theory is that the Texans kind of fall for a guy and decide that there's more to him than what's really there. McCain they seem to really like. Keyshawn Martin is I think the offensive equivalent of that. No idea why they seem to think so highly of these guys but they do and once they decide that's the way it's going to be they're like a human road block at their position.

Schaub, McCain, Ed Reed, Keyshawn, detc.

This coaching staff has shown this trend for a while now and I'm not sure why.
Pure speculation on my part, but I bet Harris has not shown to "be a pro" according to Kubiak's standards, which have nothing to do with on field play. That can sometimes be good and sometimes be bad.
Pure speculation on my part, but I bet Harris has not shown to "be a pro" according to Kubiak's standards, which have nothing to do with on field play. That can sometimes be good and sometimes be bad.

Yep, truth be told certain guys you can tell are in the coaching doghouse and probably wouldn't ever get time on the field without injuries.

McCain came in as a project special teamer, had one stellar year when Wade first came in and most of the team was healthy, and water has returned to level with him being a substandard corner back. When Jackson went down, I knew they would bump McCain up and he would be picked on.

McCain had a horrible Pass interference call and was scored on for a TD.

Could Harris, Mack or heck even Safety Eddie Pleasent have done better, I don't know. But McCain has had a history of under performing at the slot position, what the heck did they think would happen if they had him guarding #1 or #2 receivers on the outside?

Instead of elevating another player, they have no intention of ever seeing on the field on game day (Andrew Gardner, Ray Graham, Cody White), I hope they do the smart thing and use the spot Foster will open up via IR by getting a freaking CB because if they don't trust Harris at this point, then they must realize McCain isn't a answer.
Brandon Harris made two good plays today while Brice McCain continues to look lost and confused. The better question is why is Brice McCain still playing in the NFL? He doesn't look like he's in the right profession. A lot of head coaches would have released him a long time ago.
Brandon Harris made two good plays today while Brice McCain continues to look lost and confused. The better question is why is Brice McCain still playing in the NFL? He doesn't look like he's in the right profession. A lot of head coaches would have released him a long time ago.

Brice McCain makes Petey Faggins look like a legitimate starting CB.
I've been asking this for a couple years. I don't get this teams personnel decisions at times. I just knew they were going to let McCain walk and no resign him. When they did, ok...I thought it'd be good to have competition for the buckle spot and not anoint Harris. Nope...McCain owns the third corner spot...
You know how the commentators make all the comments about how Keenum was playing CB in practice?

I guarantee you he was better than Brice McCain.
Lol low and behold was it good last year he was hurt and Brandon Harris took over... imagine what Brady would have done?
Lol low and behold was it good last year he was hurt and Brandon Harris took over... imagine what Brady would have done?

Been saying that since middle of last season, people were praising McCain's loss as major last season because in 2011 he was playing like a pro bowler but anyone that paid attention to him that season would have seen how he sucked before going out. Which honestly is him just returning to form because the reason we drafted Brandon Harris to begin with was because they had no hope McCain would ever be a legit slot CB.

Honestly, I'm not sure what Wade Phillips or whoever makes the decisions on play time see in him.
I don't think either are as bad as they look in this defense.

I don't really know wades history, and it might be blasphemy, but I'm not impressed with him as a coordinator. He's better than some guys we've had around here, but in the grand scheme of things he seems about average.
Because they're equally shoite? Yup. Believe that's it :)

Bingo....Harris got beat a number of times play specifically the WR just dropped the ball...harris did the proverbial "no good" thing every cb does when they break up the play........except Harris did it as if he had something to do with play...:kubepalm:

People also need to keep in mind that this was a rookie qb making his 1st start today....and he and McCain still got their lunch money taken...
I don't think either are as bad as they look in this defense.

I don't really know wades history, and it might be blasphemy, but I'm not impressed with him as a coordinator. He's better than some guys we've had around here, but in the grand scheme of things he seems about average.

Wade's history as a DC is good first year turnarounds then trending downward from there. I haven't followed his career from team to team, this is just from reading sports mags.

History tells the tale.
