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Brady Slide Reviewed By NFL

I really didn't see a big deal. Everyone gets offended at stuff like this too easily.
I really didn't see a big deal. Everyone gets offended at stuff like this too easily.

It's not about being offended. It isn't my junk he is aiming at.

It's about fairness in competition. Touch Bradys head (any offensive player) and its a penalty. QB sliding w/foot raised, quite apparently with evil intentions, will be overlooked.

Lets's just turn them all loose , no holds barred.

Survivors get to play in the SB.

It sounds like Brady thought Reed was going to hit him even though he was sliding and so did intentionally put the leg up but as a defensive measure.

I thought it was a defensive position when it happened. It looked awkward, but not vindictive.

Obviously, those jealous with hatred of Brady see it differently. :boogereater:
Reverse the roles and no doubt Pollard would be getting hit with a huge fine. Just the way the NFL is.
If Watt can get fined for a clean hit on Stafford then Brady can get fined for that, just look at his eyes.

But ohhhh my its tom brady and the patriots, they would never go above and beyond to get the slightest advantage :kitten:
Its ridiculous to ***** and moan about this. It was obviously a defensive reaction. I remember watching in real time thinking Reed was going to come in and lay a hit on him before Brady used his feet to block him.

If Reed is not worried about it, why are some Texan fans?
Well, all those folks who say the Patriots get special treatment from the league office are feeling a little vindicated right now. Or maybe foolish.

According to Ian Rapoport of NFL Network, the league has fined quarterback Tom Brady for his Tin Man sans oil can slide, which ended with a Ty Cobb cleating of Ravens safety Ed Reed.

From - $10k fine.
The NFL should be fined for fining Tom Brady! Who the Hell do they think they are!! :wild:

Nice form.
10k? Really? Frank Gore got a 10k fine for having his socks too low against the Falcons. So evidently nut shots are now viewed, by the NFL, the same as dress code violations....

What an F'ing joke of a system in the NFL...

Nut shot? Are you making up an event that didnt happen?
10k? Really? Frank Gore got a 10k fine for having his socks too low against the Falcons. So evidently nut shots are now viewed, by the NFL, the same as dress code violations....

What an F'ing joke of a system in the NFL...
I'm ok with the clothing fine. In the 70's NFL everyone looked sloppy as hell. Now the uniform is more uniform, so I think the league looks better across the board when I view them (which I must admit is pretty much 365 days a year now). I'm not really a neat freak, just a little Japanese is my excuse.