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Blue Lot Outsiders

No thread hijacking.

<raises hand> "outsider" here - but actually, since the platinum addition, I feel like I tailgate closer to the stadium (rows from the street anyways). I'm usually 4 rows back, often down the same row as the blow up santa. We don't have anything extravagant - a 10x10, some good friends, food, and drinks along with a great neighborhood of approx. 60,000 people.
I tailgate in the Blue lot also, with aj. Usually right alongside the drive that seperates the Blue and Platinum lots.

would love to see some of the members drop in and say hi when the season starts.

It is also good to walk around and see some of the other MB members tailgate party's.

as Ozzo put it,
We don't have anything extravagant - a 10x10, some good friends, food, and drinks along with a great neighborhood of approx. 60,000 people.]
that sure seems like a little piece of football heaven on game day to me.

when the season gets closer we can swap info on how to find one another and do a face to face meet, drink a couple of cool brews, talk football, and enjoy the day.
Do it before the hype brings the bandwaggoners back in. I know during the down years, I was able to grab another parking pass (along with relo seats) so the crew doesn't have to cram into one vehicle to get in the gates.
The Battle Red Bunch has been in the blue lot since the 3rd game of 2002. We get over to the far east side next to the grassy esplanades.
Come early.
Drink beer
Eat good.
Cheer on the Texans inside Reliant.
Stay late.
Outsider here. Never had the time to do much Tailgaiting yet. Waiting for the kiddos to get alittle older so I can bring them along.
Just got to upgrade my parking passes to Blue lot from Maroon. Looking forward to seeing yall on Sundays real early. Hope to get to tailgate and meet all of the posters here

P.S. Didn't know anbout this board till today. Like it better than the other, it feels like home.

well actually i used to be where the platinum lot is now but we couldnt give up the thrill of trying to get our usuall spot so we found a new spot instead of moving to the platinum lot.

we're the ones with the tallest flags in the lot
you can make your guesses
I am thinking of ditching my Vagabond status and grabbing me a parking space this year.

I am a vagabon, but then again no season tickets and I live in Austin so I will go where I am wanted.

Oh ok and occassionaly where i am not wanted.

Just me and no one else.