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Big Bad Schaub

Now we know why McClain does so little reporting on the Texans and the NFL. Between his acting gigs and his video productions, Da General just doesn't have the time.
Pretty good little takeoff on the original Jimmy Dean song. And I bet most of you thought he only made sausage. :devilpig:
ooops, my bad, I was sure I had heard somewhere he had passed on....well, I still think he'd upchuck some sausage on this one....:)
lol, funny.
Surprisingly, McClain was the best vocalist.
Would have been better w/o the screamin' chick.
Originally Posted by eriadoc
That ...... was horrible. Really.

Originally Posted by Shaft75
That was really horrible...

Originally Posted by GlassHalfFull
That really was horrible...

Originally Posted by Porky
That was horrible. Really?

Originally Posted by Double Barrel
Really, that was horrible.

Originally Posted by HoustonFrog
Was really that horrible?

Originally posted by Hoth-Boy
Really, was that horrible?

Originally posted by Specnatz
Really horrible, was that!

Originally posted by BeerTastesLikeVictory
Horrible, that really was

Originally posted by stevn8r
horrible, really that was.

That was horribly real...
when i heard it on the radio, it pissed me off. this is an embarrassment to houston. anna-megan raley can not sing but tries like hell. and why'd the dummy have to talk about vy so much. if you look real carefully in the video, you can see a smudge on mclain's nose. so bad.
when i heard it on the radio, it pissed me off. this is an embarrassment to houston. anna-megan raley can not sing but tries like hell. and why'd the dummy have to talk about vy so much. if you look real carefully in the video, you can see a smudge on mclain's nose. so bad.

Dude... If you are going to post in this thread, you have to play the game.

Was the smudge from a powdered, cream filled or chocolate donut??
I want to carve open my head and pull that out of my mind. I wish that had never entered my consciousness.

Which is a shame because it could have been done properly and worked. This version wasn't it.
McLain said on 610 this morning that they were going to do a song about Kyle and Mike Shanny right before the Denver game. Let's hope they decide to draw a picture instead. That was AWFUL.
What an utter pile of crap.

What's with the Houston Chronicle sports "journalists"? I have no problem with something that's funny, but that was bad amateur unfunny grade-school-production-quality schlock. Less entertaining than a David Brent video.
That was horribly real...

Horrible was that reel.

John McClain and The Internet is like your buddy and the sports car he bought during his mid-life crisis. Your buddy drives up and you're like, "Damn John, that's a sweet ride." And then the months go on, and John keeps inserting his car into every conversation you and your friends have...what kind of oil he's putting in his car, where he's driving his car, who rode in his car, etc. Then you go over the John's house and he's out of beer because he bought awesome new rims. Pretty soon you wish John's car would crash and he would get back to who he was before the car.
What an utter pile of crap.

What's with the Houston Chronicle sports "journalists"? I have no problem with something that's funny, but that was bad amateur unfunny grade-school-production-quality schlock. Less entertaining than a David Brent video.

how do you really feel?
Make it stop! I can't take it! No matter what I listen to, this song keeps coming back and swirling around my brain! Between this and Frosty, I'm having major musical issues this season. :gun:
First off, it is really annoying how I keep getting logged off every 5 minutes.

Secondly, I though the song was horribly awful. I have no problem with people having fun by making a parody, but the way they did it made me feel embarassed for them, so much so that I couldnt enjoy the fun idea that they had.
As you guys know.... I'm Deaf. That being said...

I absolutely loved the video! I didn't have to 'hear' or 'listen' to any said screeching or whatever it was that went on. The video was captioned. I loved the words in the song/poem. For what it's worth, I read and comprehend songs as poems.

Now the words Big Bad Schaub are ringing in my head over and over.

*with a whisper* Schaaauuub.
As you guys know.... I'm Deaf. That being said...

I absolutely loved the video! I didn't have to 'hear' or 'listen' to any said screeching or whatever it was that went on. The video was captioned. I loved the words in the song/poem. For what it's worth, I read and comprehend songs as poems.

Now the words Big Bad Schaub are ringing in my head over and over.

*with a whisper* Schaaauuub.

For once be thankful you did not have to hear that. Anna "I got my job because I have two qualities that stick out" Megan is possibly the worst singer on the planet her singing is to paris hilton acting. Nothing you ever want to see repeated.

Ya know I thought the video and the song was to be about Schuab not some fat ugly fat guy trying to sing into a mic. But looking at the video it appears that I was wrong.
Some of you are taking this out of context or thinking about it too much. Just some Texan fans having fun supporting BIG BAD SCHAUB. Not trying to win any awards. I keep hearing the deap voice singing BIG BAD SCHAUB in my head, I guess I block out the "screaching"!
just my :twocents:
AM really sings horribly, i wanted to stick a hot poker in my head after hearing her try to add "soul" to that song. On an unrelated note, i think mcclain has a crush on anna meagan. General, i know you read these posts, just tell her how you feel. I believe in you!
AM really sings horribly, i wanted to stick a hot poker in my head after hearing her try to add "soul" to that song. On an unrelated note, i think mcclain has a crush on anna meagan. General, i know you read these posts, just tell her how you feel. I believe in you!

She has a boyfriend. She mentioned him in passing when we were conversing after the Cowboys game.

You guys are funny sometimes.