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Bengals fan here


Practice Squad
Was wondering what is going on,im not here to talk trash was just wondering how your team was looking through the fans eyes,and not that damn bandwagon jumpin espns eyes.The Bengals are surprising alot of people we are very excited in Bengaldom, we havent had much to get excited about for quite a while. So feel free to hit me back with a fans eye of what we should be looking for in next weeks game. Thanks.
The Bengals look to be one of the fun teams to watch this year...

However I cannot watch them because their uniforms hurt my eyes.
Honch Delgado said:
Expect to be 4-0.
LOL.... you are a sad sad fan.

I just viewed your post history. You have NEVER made a single positive post about the Texans or one of our players. Not one.

Keep up the good work.

I on the other hand expect the see a shaken up Texans team playing with some desperation, and competing hard. Go Texans
LBC_Justin said:
LOL.... you are a sad sad fan.

I just viewed your post history. You have NEVER made a single positive post. Not one.

Keep up the good work.

I on the other hand expect the see a shaken up Texans team playing with some desperation, and competing hard. Go Texans

This team has done NOTHING positive to post about. I suggest you take your blinders off and look at the sad state of affairs. In 4 years of loyal watching the Texans haven't done anything to shake their expansion status. Unless things start coming together quick, the team is looking at another rebuilding phase.
I think it will be a close game. One should never underestimate a team coming off of a bye week nor a coordinator change. Moreover, after a 3-0 start you will be seeing a lot more attention and this will give Chad Johnson a chance to run his mouth which always makes for good locker room fodder

This is a draw a line in the sand type of game for the Texans and individual players. It should be close.
The Bengals look pretty good so far. Carson is obviously the real deal at QB. I wish DC would have had the luxury of sitting a year before being thrown into the fray. You have a stud at receiver in Chad Johnson. Your d looks good.

I look for the Texans to come out with something to prove and know they can compete with Cincy. Could a 3-0 record have the Bengals looking past the reeling Texans?? I hope so. :texflag:
Yo Honcho...I think the issue here is this thread was started by a Bengal fan. If you want to bash the team, as 50% of the posts in this deal do, have the deasancy not to hand it to the other side on a silver platter.
Honch Delgado said:
This team has done NOTHING positive to post about. I suggest you take your blinders off and look at the sad state of affairs. In 4 years of loyal watching the Texans haven't done anything to shake their expansion status. Unless things start coming together quick, the team is looking at another rebuilding phase.
Maybe you should read my post history.

I am critical but I realize the sky is not falling, this isn't the end of the world, if you can count on one thing in the NFL that is "expect the unexpected". - How bout them Dolphins, wasn't Carolina supose to be a superbowl contender? Weren't the Dolphins suppose to be horrible again this year?

We have some great players. Don't we? I think we do. Great players make plays and as long as you have a few playmakers you have a chance.

I think it is a mental thing. All this team needs is a shift in mindset. If someone flips that switch they could go off. Will that happen? Who knows but that is the reason I watch every sunday. If I thought there was no hope at all I would go play golf. (my golf clubs will be gathering dust this winter.)

Boomer1989 said:
Was wondering what is going on,im not here to talk trash was just wondering how your team was looking through the fans eyes,and not that damn bandwagon jumpin espns eyes.The Bengals are surprising alot of people we are very excited in Bengaldom, we havent had much to get excited about for quite a while. So feel free to hit me back with a fans eye of what we should be looking for in next weeks game. Thanks.

You guys have a great young team. Good line, one of the best young QBs in the game with a great group of WRs and a good running game. And your defense is looking real good (picked them up one hour before kick-off today and they got me 5 picks and allowed 7 points). HOwever, I think that Dunta can cover Chad Johnson, its about time AJ gets a big game and DD needs to get of the ground. If it was not for the bye week and firing Chris Palmer, I would not give the Texans much of a chance, but its going to be closer than most people think, and if our O gets going and we can acctually force a turnover, we might just pull this one out in a shoot-out.
I think our offense will look much better, but not great, and our D will look horrible. We're just going to get trounced in a different way this time.
Greetings ... just a quick howdy...

As a Bengals fan (having suffered through many years of "learning from losing") I unfortunately know very little about your team.

Anyone willing to help me with whom to watch during the game? What are your strengths? What are your less-than-strengths? I really don't place alot of value in the so-called "experts" or "analysts" (see their reaction to how the Bengals have played only "marginal" teams thus far) so I look to other fans for some "education". Makes the game more exciting to watch the better players on other teams.

Not a homer, or troll, just genuinely interested in watching a great game.

I'll try to answer any football questions about the Bengals you have, but I don't really want to waste my time (or yours) with alot of empty smack talk.

Our boards are at (easy to register) and most Bengals fans enjoy a good discussion with opposing fans. I say most, but our boards are generalyl moderated pretty well, methinks.

Hope you are all recovering from the two storms, and we wish you all the best.

WHO DEY!!! (standard Bengal greeting <chuckle>)
well despite Honcho's nay-saying.. the Bengals can probably expect to go 4-0.

Even if Pendry is "the guy" at OC.. even if our bye week changes lit a fire under everyones butts.. I seriously doubt that we are going to go out there and win against a fired up Bengals team.

I just dont think we are ready to make our "come back" yet. I give us at least 2 more weeks before we look like a professional team.. and thats if things go well.. if things go badly.. I see us finishing in the bottom 5 and going through some BIG changes this offseason (thank god)
oh.. and Sapper.. we currently look like a bad college team on offense right now.. so even with the talent we have there, there isnt much to see. Hopefully our new OC will do better and you will get to see Andre Johnson and Domanick Davis lighting things up.. but im skeptical this season.

on Defense there is a bit more to watch. Mostly.. Dunta Robinson is quickly becoming one of the top 5 CBs in the league (and may already be there IMO).. though our lack of production on defense has forced us to keep him in coverage.. we havent seen many Dunta Robinson rushes this season yet.

ALso.. we just benched two guys on Defense.. Jason Babin (OLB) and Phillip Buchanan (CB).. taking their place is Orr at OLB and Faggins at CB. Faggins has been our nickle back for a while now. Some people dog on him here.. personally I think he is full of untapped potential.. even so, he is already pretty dang solid as a CB.. so it will be fun to watch him starting and see if he brings his A game to impress the coaches. Orr has never had the chance to start.. but he is a special teams monster. It will be interesting to see if he is a long term answer at OLB for us.

that is about all there is to watch. You can also watch Carr if you want to see what it looks like when an extremely talented QB is ruined by inept coaches.
Grid said:
that is about all there is to watch. You can also watch Carr if you want to see what it looks like when an extremely talented QB is ruined by inept coaches.
Been there, done that... got a t-shirt...I can't recall how many qb's we "ruined" from bad olines/coaching/play calling/poor teamwork...

Our team is getting better each of the last 3 years for one reason and one reason only... the coach.

He sat a Heisman trophy-winning QB his rookie year (took ALOT of heat from fans and mgm't alike) so the kid could learn from a reall pro (Jon Kitna).

He benched the ONLY pro-bowler and later sent said pro-bowler packing (Corey Dillon) because CD whined about playing time and lack of respect...

He "traded" anyone who didn't want to second their own futures for the sake of the team (a la Takeo Spikes)... caught ALOT of heat...

BUT... if you watch the Bengals being interviewed (Palmer esp) he credits his line, the defense, the coaches, the equipment guys, heck, even the fans, for any successes he has...

btw - how do you see Dunta stacking up against our WR? Chad J. is a bit of a talker, but he can produce... TJ Houshmanzaduh can catch and run, and a rookie (C. Henry) today scored against a tough Bears D. Who're your other CB's?
Bengals 38 Texans 3 :ouch:

Is how I see this one going,but don't put any money on it because I picked them to win the first two games. I hope to be 0-3 :fans:
Hey guys. Another Bengals fan here. I hope you all made it through Rita's wrath ok and are able to get on with your normal routines. I have family in Lampassas and Copperas Cove but fortunately they were far enough away from the storm to not be effected.

I haven't had a chance yet to see your team play this year but in the NFL any opponent is dangerous if you don't come to play. The current Bengals team is in unchartered waters when it comes to being a big favorite and getting alot of national attention, so you never know how they might come out next week. This could easily be one of those "trap" games. Two weeks from now the Bengals play on national TV in a Sunday night game against Jacksonville, so we could easily get caught looking ahead to that game and get knocked off by the Texans instead.

I guess this will be another one of those games where we find out just how much the Bengals have improved. We know they can get the job done, but will they have the right mindset to get the job done? That will be one of my biggest concerns.

I'll look forward to reading your thoughts on the game and finding out more about your team in the next few days.

btw - how do you see Dunta stacking up against our WR? Chad J. is a bit of a talker, but he can produce... TJ Houshmanzaduh can catch and run, and a rookie (C. Henry) today scored against a tough Bears D. Who're your other CB's?

I see Robinson stacking up well against Chad. He has had no shortage of elite WRs lining up across from him.. both in games, and in practice (Andre).. and he has always stacked up well. Chad is a great WR though so im sure Dunta wont be able to shut him down.. but I dont think Chad will be able to run rampant either. I think Dunta has the ability to shut down ANY WR on any given day though.. just depends on how much help he has. We will see.

As for our other CBs... Faggins is solid.. he isnt elite.. but he makes plays and what he may lack in physical abilities, he makes up for in heart and determination. hes one of my favorite Texans.

I am actually not sure who we have on the depth chart behind Faggins.. but I imagine we may be seeing Buchanan (Formerly our #2 cb) as our nickle back. He has had a TERRIBLE time so far.. he is giving way too much cushion.. he isnt getting good leverage, and he refuses to step up and tackle when its necessary. I think he will be alright in the nickle position, maybe even pretty good.. but I dont trust him as a starter.
One thing I'm wondering about, how is it that the Bengals "only" scored 24 points when bears QB Orton threw _5_ INT's?
Did your O suck, I would think that you, based on the 5 INT's, should be able to score more, or at least produce more yardage?

Anywho, I'm looking forward to next week's game, hopefully We'll be able to pull a rabbit out of our hats and surprise a 3-0 Cincin team :)
Boomer1989 said:
Was wondering what is going on,im not here to talk trash was just wondering how your team was looking through the fans eyes,and not that damn bandwagon jumpin espns eyes.The Bengals are surprising alot of people we are very excited in Bengaldom, we havent had much to get excited about for quite a while. So feel free to hit me back with a fans eye of what we should be looking for in next weeks game. Thanks.
what we should be looking for in next weeks game... hmmm. Perhaps a different channel?

If you really want a more competitive game, contact UC's athletic director about the possibilities of subbing for the Texans.
As a Bengals' fan up here in Southwest Ohio, I just wanted to tell the Texan fans good luck this week. I'm a little worried that the Bengals may be overlooking you all this weekend. Hopefully Marvin will habe them focused and well prepared.

One thing I wanted to say is all I keep hearing is the chatter about Chad and A.J. I really believe that the Texans need to establish the run and stick with it to have any kind of success. Even if y'all fall behind 10 points, it would be crazy to not stay focused on the run. For one I'm still not convinced of the Bengals run defense and you also want to try to control the clock and keep it away from Cinci's offense. I think the game will be closer than what most people think, but hopefully the Bengals will win by a 7-10 point margin.

undefinedundefinedGO Bengals !!!!
:texflag: Bengals will be 4-0. I would take Andre over Chad any day, but Carson has more options to go to than David. Plus you guys have a decent o-line, whereas Houston has nothing. I still love the Texans, but it's not looking good this year.
Malloy said:
One thing I'm wondering about, how is it that the Bengals "only" scored 24 points when bears QB Orton threw _5_ INT's?
Did your O suck, I would think that you, based on the 5 INT's, should be able to score more, or at least produce more yardage?

Anywho, I'm looking forward to next week's game, hopefully We'll be able to pull a rabbit out of our hats and surprise a 3-0 Cincin team :)

Yes they shoulda scored at least 4-7 more points. the biggest was on the two yard line after a pass interference called against the bears. but a penalty and a bears stand killed the TD. All in all though the field was mushy with a rain in the second half. so I'm not going to complain about 24 points against on of the better defense in the NFL.
covcath1 said:
Yes they shoulda scored at least 4-7 more points. the biggest was on the two yard line after a pass interference called against the bears. but a penalty and a bears stand killed the TD. All in all though the field was mushy with a rain in the second half. so I'm not going to complain about 24 points against on of the better defense in the NFL.

As a Bengals fan, I think credit should be given to the Bears defense; they made the Bengals work hard and gave the Bengals offense there biggest test so far. Had the Bears defense not been so good, the Bengals would have done to the Bears what they did to Minnesota. The Bears defense was good enough to keep them in the game until the Bengals last score in the fourth quarter.
Malloy said:
One thing I'm wondering about, how is it that the Bengals "only" scored 24 points when bears QB Orton threw _5_ INT's?
Did your O suck, I would think that you, based on the 5 INT's, should be able to score more, or at least produce more yardage?

Anywho, I'm looking forward to next week's game, hopefully We'll be able to pull a rabbit out of our hats and surprise a 3-0 Cincin team :)
The Bears' D was, as advertised, AWSOME. But the Cincy Coach decided before the game he was going to play THAT kind of game, i.e. - ball/clock control, run at 'em up the middle, etc.

The weather was a significant factor as well... rainy, muddy, long grass (they didn't cover the field - on purpose) and if you watched the game, the WR's were slipping every time they tried to make a cut. No excuses , just trying to explain.

Also, with 1:30 left, we had 1st & goal at the 3.... Coach took a knee... no need to rub anyone's face in it. Be sure he knew he was going to get the standard "6 to's and ONLY 24 pts??!!" criticism... still, a pretty classy thing to do.

Played at Soldier Field (in Chicago) and very loud fan base (altho they got kinda quiet in the 4th qtr <grin>)

I think your team has a big task ahead of them, but this is a home game for us (Cincy) against an underrated team. Ask KC how that feels... (they were undefeated coming here 11-0) and looked way past us. Huge moral victory... I think that marked our true "believe in us we're on the rise" turning point. That scares me about this game.

Anyway... our coaches are the true architects of this team. What a nice change for us. Ok... having Palmer/Johnson/Johnson/Houshmandzadeh/Perry/thornton/etc. is nice too...

Hey, Boomer and J.S.!
Cincy looks tough this year. Good for y'all. Your WR corps is deep. The Texans is not. Texans pass rush is almost non-existant. Expect Palmer to have good game this week.
With our new O-Coordinator, expect the Texans to try to shorten the game by running as much as possible. I don't know about your D-Line, but if you can stop Dom Davis early, you will have the edge. Texans O-Line can run block, but not so good at pass blocking.
I love my team, but on the road at Cincy, I have to be honest and say that Bengals will be 4-0.
I will be very happy if I am wrong!
Well after a week of no Texans ball, I'm excited again. Cinci looks real good, gotta credit to my Fantasy Football QB and WR; Houston should finally be playing like a team and cutting out the stupid penalties. I'm prediciting a close game, hopefully HOU wins by 3. Not sure of your kicker, but I think ours is pretty good. If the Texans of the last 3 regular season games show up, then Cinci takes it in a landslide.

Matchups to watch:
C. Johnson vs D. Robinson
D. ONeal (your #1 CB?) VS A.Johnson
Our O-Line/D-Line vs your Our O-Line/D-Line - If our guys play decent, we have a chance.
Our kicker is really good, one of the best in the NFL/AFC. Don't know his stats off the top of my head, but they'll back me up. I like the Texans, and I feel for you guys--obviously Bengal fans know where you're coming from. I'm surprised that Andre Johnson hasn't done anything. Dude's killing me on my fantasy team.

Does that all stem from the OC, or is it Carr, or the O-Line. Dare I say combo of all 3?
Sapper87 said:
Also, with 1:30 left, we had 1st & goal at the 3.... Coach took a knee... no need to rub anyone's face in it. Be sure he knew he was going to get the standard "6 to's and ONLY 24 pts??!!" criticism... still, a pretty classy thing to do.

Not criticising at all, that was the smart call to make in a situation like that. I did not have the chance to watch the game, only the stats of, hence the questions about the points/yardage. :)
I think the Bengals need to watch out for #7. Chad Stanley. Aparently we have a great punting game. Dom Capers says so every week. ;) Ok im done.

Seriously, the Bengals look great. Palmer and Johnson look really good. But this years Texans team has me all flipped around. I dont know if a new OC can right the ship.

Bengals 31 Texans 10
BengalTyler said:
I'm surprised that Andre Johnson hasn't done anything. Dude's killing me on my fantasy team.

Does that all stem from the OC, or is it Carr, or the O-Line. Dare I say combo of all 3?

It's all of it....and that even includes some of it being AJ's fault because he's been having the drops. The whole franchise is in a funk.
CajunTexan said:
The Bengals look pretty good so far. Carson is obviously the real deal at QB. I wish DC would have had the luxury of sitting a year before being thrown into the fray. You have a stud at receiver in Chad Johnson. Your d looks good.

I look for the Texans to come out with something to prove and know they can compete with Cincy. Could a 3-0 record have the Bengals looking past the reeling Texans?? I hope so. :texflag:
Its been a long time since we had anything to cheer about, all Marvin Lewis has said is we havent done anything yet. At the end of the Bears game the team met him and said we havent done anything yet. So im hoping they dont overlook the hungry Texans. If you dont bring your A game in the NFL youll get smashed in the mouth,hope for a good game Sunday yall had plenty of time to prepare so noone round here is overlooking yall.
Sapper87 said:
The Bears' D was, as advertised, AWSOME. But the Cincy Coach decided before the game he was going to play THAT kind of game, i.e. - ball/clock control, run at 'em up the middle, etc.

The weather was a significant factor as well... rainy, muddy, long grass (they didn't cover the field - on purpose) and if you watched the game, the WR's were slipping every time they tried to make a cut. No excuses , just trying to explain.

Also, with 1:30 left, we had 1st & goal at the 3.... Coach took a knee... no need to rub anyone's face in it. Be sure he knew he was going to get the standard "6 to's and ONLY 24 pts??!!" criticism... still, a pretty classy thing to do.

Played at Soldier Field (in Chicago) and very loud fan base (altho they got kinda quiet in the 4th qtr <grin>)

I think your team has a big task ahead of them, but this is a home game for us (Cincy) against an underrated team. Ask KC how that feels... (they were undefeated coming here 11-0) and looked way past us. Huge moral victory... I think that marked our true "believe in us we're on the rise" turning point. That scares me about this game.

Anyway... our coaches are the true architects of this team. What a nice change for us. Ok... having Palmer/Johnson/Johnson/Houshmandzadeh/Perry/thornton/etc. is nice too...

Yeah dont forget Henry kids got some hands
Grid said:
oh.. and Sapper.. we currently look like a bad college team on offense right now.. so even with the talent we have there, there isnt much to see. Hopefully our new OC will do better and you will get to see Andre Johnson and Domanick Davis lighting things up.. but im skeptical this season.

on Defense there is a bit more to watch. Mostly.. Dunta Robinson is quickly becoming one of the top 5 CBs in the league (and may already be there IMO).. though our lack of production on defense has forced us to keep him in coverage.. we havent seen many Dunta Robinson rushes this season yet.

ALso.. we just benched two guys on Defense.. Jason Babin (OLB) and Phillip Buchanan (CB).. taking their place is Orr at OLB and Faggins at CB. Faggins has been our nickle back for a while now. Some people dog on him here.. personally I think he is full of untapped potential.. even so, he is already pretty dang solid as a CB.. so it will be fun to watch him starting and see if he brings his A game to impress the coaches. Orr has never had the chance to start.. but he is a special teams monster. It will be interesting to see if he is a long term answer at OLB for us.

that is about all there is to watch. You can also watch Carr if you want to see what it looks like when an extremely talented QB is ruined by inept coaches.
Ive actualy wanted to see the Robinson CJ matchup for a while Dunta Robinson is very impressive.
Boomer1989 said:
You can also watch Carr if you want to see what it looks like when an extremely talented QB is ruined by inept coaches..

I think the Bengal fans had their share of that in the 90's. Okay, they weren't extremely talented QB's, but they had no chance when they were lying on their backs every other pass play. Until your alls offensive line comes together, you will struggle like the Bengals did.
BengalTyler said:
Our kicker is really good, one of the best in the NFL/AFC.

I don't care if you have the world's greatest kicker or the best kicker ever in the history of the game. He's not worth a damn if the Offense goes 3 and out. He never gets a chance.

bobby 119C :brickwall
You know BUE i like your approach to the **** talking, but how quickly you forget of how bad you were not 3 years ago. come on man you won 3 games against chumpass teams, dont get that confident. I will make you a bet right now that if Cinci makes the playoffs and actually wins a game against a legitimate team I will profess how great the Bungles are.
cadahnic said:
You know BUE i like your approach to the **** talking, but how quickly you forget of how bad you were not 3 years ago. come on man you won 3 games against chumpass teams, dont get that confident. I will make you a bet right now that if Cinci makes the playoffs and actually wins a game against a legitimate team I will profess how great the Bungles are.

Trust me I haven't forgotten the Bungles. But it's just nice to gloat every once in a while. Unless you were a season ticket holder for all those years, 15 long years, you wouldn't understand. So trust me that is still burned into my memory.

But the thing about the NFL is, I will explain it so Titan Hater will understand it. Football aint like big time 'Wrastlin.' There isn't one person who holds a belt and that's the person you have to beat. No one has to beat the Patriots this year to be Superbowl Champs this year. Every year starts fresh. The past couple haven't been bad. This looks to be pretty great for the Bengals.
Malloy said:
One thing I'm wondering about, how is it that the Bengals "only" scored 24 points when bears QB Orton threw _5_ INT's?
Did your O suck, I would think that you, based on the 5 INT's, should be able to score more, or at least produce more yardage?

Chicago's D is no joke. They will win plenty of games this year. Well, they will win 8 for sure, which should be enough to take that division...LOL
Look at the stats before the Bengals v Bears game last Sunday. The Bears were one of the top rated defenses before the game and playing at Soldier Field is no easy task.

But anyway you want to spin it or slice it the Bengals will be 4-0 at about 4 pm on Sunday 10/02/05.
Kaiser Toro said:
I think it will be a close game. One should never underestimate a team coming off of a bye week nor a coordinator change. Moreover, after a 3-0 start you will be seeing a lot more attention and this will give Chad Johnson a chance to run his mouth which always makes for good locker room fodder

This is a draw a line in the sand type of game for the Texans and individual players. It should be close.

This is what worries me- not this week :heh: , but at some point that we under estimate somebody. Sometimes the margin between a great team and a mediocre team can be pretty small on a given day. Fortunately we have been on both sides of this the last two years and I know Marvin won't let them let up.
HJam72 said:
I think our offense will look much better, but not great, and our D will look horrible. We're just going to get trounced in a different way this time.

Do you think it will take a few games to adjust to the new OC?
Jophis said:
Do you think it will take a few games to adjust to the new OC?
I dont realy think so. Because were realy going to run the same offense the new coordinator is just more intense. Aleast thats what ive heard.
BengalTyler said:
Not sure what set you off there... the Bears D is for real, and is the reason we "only" scored 24...
I agree the Bears defense is for real. There's just one problem who's there QB again? That could have somthing to do with the reason they suck.
I hear ya... the Bears aren't too far off--I wouldn't say they suck. (oh, and after reading a few other threads, I see what "set you off", metal mike.