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At this point in the season...

Do you like where we are at?

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how many of you are happy with where we are at? 2-2 is a lot better than 0-4 or 1-3, though it seems the last two games we've had a chance at winning...

some of the pieces we have are really good, getting better, and are young. guys like williams, okoye, ryans, dunta on the defensive side and schaub, johnson, jones, daniels on the offensive side give us a real solid foundation to build on for years to come...but for now, how do you feel about their play?
Not completely dissapointed with 2-2, but I think we could have easily been 3-1.

At the same time we could have just as easily been 1-3.
I think the Texans have done very well! They're respectable opponents for any team. They've turned the corner.

They have holes to fill but they will....
I expected us to be 2-2 at this point of the season. Could be better though but the future is very bright. :shades:
I am glad we are better than last year, but I expected us to beat Atlanta, at least pre-injuries. I can live with 2-2 but we really need to beat Miami.
Considering the injuries, is this not pretty much the same team we put out there last year? #80 is out, but at least we have a QB this year. I'm "ok" with were we are at, we should be 3-1, but we need the team that played against Carolina (or something similar) to be back on the field soon.
i think we should be doing better. injuries directly influenced the last two games, but we're shooting ourselves in the foot with unforced mistakes. we've been unable to get teams off the field on 3rd down, and yesterday failed to convert on 3rd and 4th & short. we're 0-4 in the turnover differential these two losses, and only 1 of those was forced. penalties are coming at very costly times (big returns negated, first downs lost & given, a touchdown lost, etc). and yesterday we simply got sloppy and undisciplined ... dayne's caught that pitch a million times, kris brown not lining up properly, leech losing the ball, failure to gameplan and attack with our defense, and so on.

we ARE better than we've showed, the only problems we're suffering right now are self inflicted (aside from manning picking us apart). we're a young team with a young coach and our biggest players are injured, those things will fix themselves as the year goes on. i'm not worried or "here we go again", but i'm pretty disappointed with the last two weeks because we beat ourselves.

for the first time though we have a real team, so nomatter how disappointed after these losses, i'm still confident that we're going to be able to go out next week and every week and win.
I hoped for a win but expected a loss to the Panthers, and expected a win against the Falcons despite the injuries. So, ok with 2-2. Some of the mistakes could be attributed to injuries, but others not. The offense made dumb mistakes early in the game in the two wins as well. That has to be corrected.

But what I'm more disappointed with is the game-planning and more so clock management the past two games. IMO Kubiak wasn't great at the latter last year either, but he's still learning on the job, and I expect him to get better.
We should be 3-1 right now. I expected us to get a win in Atlanta.

I thought it might be a trap game. The thing that will hold this poll down is that we all know that they were very close in both games. A few different bounces and they'd have 3-1, a winning september.

So anyone besides me, and I realize about the home cooking officiating....about the 7:50 mark of the second or third quater, when the Falcons
RG tackled Omboi in front of the refree, and nothing was called ? That guy should of been out of the league five years ago. I'm thinking the fantom chop block call was a make up call for the mised one.
how many of you are happy with where we are at? 2-2 is a lot better than 0-4 or 1-3, though it seems the last two games we've had a chance at winning...

I vote:

5. I'm happy with 2-2 because it was about what I was expecting, however, I thought we'd lose to the Panthers and beat the Falcons.

There's no doubt we could be a 3-1 team right now. Why the old Texans reappear this weekend I don't know, but I'm just hoping it was some kind of one-off reminder of things past. Like that morning burp after a night on Guinness and pickled eggs.
The Texans are improved clearly but I think there are still problems and there's still a lot of work to do.

Last season we were, without the "Carr Effect" about a .500 team. I don't think that you will find too many people out there willing to argue that we didn't leave a couple of wins on the field. We should have been 8-8 if we'd played up to our capabilities.

This year I think at the 1/4 point in the season we should be a 3-1 team. I don't think there is any excuse for what happened Sunday in Atlanta. The Texans didn't show up and play the way that we know they are capable of playing. We know it, Coach Kubiak knows it, and the players clearly know it.

One of the biggest hurdles in the development of an NFL team is getting past that middle of the pack, 7-9 to 9-7 area. Everybody in the NFL is talented enough to stumble into a .500 or so finish most seasons. Get enough injuries, a few locker room cancers, or incompetent enough coaching and you become one of the 2-14 teams but any halfway intelligent pack of bobos can guide a team to a roughly 8-8 finish every once in a while.

Becoming truly good and consistently winning is the elusive part. Getting above 10-6 and staying there year after year is hard. The Texans are in that .500 zone right now and have been since last year (despite their 6-10 finish). Most of what they need to do to go on from here is mental. They (players) can either get it or not and if they can't then the team needs to jettison them ASAP.
At this point in the season...

I want to fire Kubiak for clock mismanagement.
I want to bench Faggins for pretending to be a starting CB.
I want Frank Bush to call the defensive signals.
I want to cut Mathis for insubordination.
I want to dump Dayne.
I want to sign Ricky Williams. Or Ramonce Taylor. Or any pot smoking Longhorn RB.
I want to trade a 1st round pick to the Bolts for Michael Turner.
I want to move Fred Weary to center.
I want to cut Kris Brown and sign that drunken ex-Colt kicker.
I want to blame it all on Mario.

But get back to me next week. I might have changed my mind by then.
I think that we should be 3-1. Hopefully, this was just a nightmare game where Murphy's Law prevailed and we will be back on track.
I dunno......on the one hand after the 2-0 start I guess I'm not entirerly satisfied with 2-2 at this point, but on the other hand before the season started I honestly felt the best we could do in September was 1-3.
We should be 3-1 right now. I expected us to get a win in Atlanta.

Especially with the passion Shaub and Amobi should have had for this game....not saying they didn't play well themselves, but the team should have rallied to win this for Schaub and Amobi!! I don't care what you say....they WANTED to win for personal reasons as well as the obvious ones.
At this point in the season...

I want to fire Kubiak for clock mismanagement.
I want to bench Faggins for pretending to be a starting CB.
I want Frank Bush to call the defensive signals.
I want to cut Mathis for insubordination.
I want to dump Dayne.
I want to sign Ricky Williams. Or Ramonce Taylor. Or any pot smoking Longhorn RB.

I want to trade a 1st round pick to the Bolts for Michael Turner.
I want to move Fred Weary to center.
I want to cut Kris Brown and sign that drunken ex-Colt kicker.
I want to blame it all on Mario.

But get back to me next week. I might have changed my mind by then.
My votes in bold
I'll take 2-2 over 0-4 anytime. But I realize that we could've been 3-1 had we been healthy. But I think we're making progress every game and I think we'll be a better team than we are now by the end of the year.
I'll take the 2-2 and be satisfied...for now. We must beat the Dolphins on Sunday, but i'm good with the team right now.

You guys have seen it year after year, there are some gimmie games that you come up short on...and then there are the games that you play your ass off and sneak out with a win. See KC vs San Diego

We need guys to get healthy quickly, a tough stretch of the schedule is right around the corner.
After the first quarter of the season, the Texans are 16th over all offensively, and 14th overall defensively in the NFL. I don’t care what anyone says, that’s an improvement over last year. We are heading in the right direction Texan fans. Maybe a little slower than some of us want, but we are getting there.
We are quite far from having the talent to win a Super Bowl, but we are realistically only a few players from being a wild card team.