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Any update on Briesel?????

I didn't realize how much better Briesel is, until now. Hurry back!

Yeah I do remember posting in the Caldwell love fest thread that he'd be getting blown up with regularity. I hate that I'm right, would have much rather written a foot in mouth thread.
NickScurfield Nick Scurfield
Kubiak said RG Mike Brisiel (fibula) still could return this wk. "The hope is that he may be able to contribute this next weekend." #Texans
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply
NickScurfield Nick Scurfield
Kubiak said RG Mike Brisiel (fibula) still could return this wk. "The hope is that he may be able to contribute this next weekend." #Texans
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Uncle Sam's nipples! This is great news.
..this is why I really wanted that bye (we have a lot of banged up players who could've used that extra week off), but that ship has sailed and it is what it is.

Hopefully he's able to return this week. Caldwell sucks and I think we need to add interior lineman to our draft needs, because we need a viable backup. Even with Briesel going down we've been extremely lucky regarding injuries with our starting group and that simply is the exception and not the norm in this league. We do have Shelly Smith, so hopefully he comes on strong when he returns from injury next season.
I think if there is a chance he is going to play Saturday. From what Kubiak has said about him.....I think he will make every effort to play
I think if there is a chance he is going to play Saturday. From what Kubiak has said about him.....I think he will make every effort to play

Yeah, after watching him play the majority of the game on a broken leg, I will never doubt Briesel's toughness again. Superstah!!!:heart:
Hey after 10 years of misspelling Texans players names by putting "S" where "S" didn't go and omitting "S" where "S" should have been I finally get to correct someone else's spelling other than mine.

It's Brisiel.

That felt kinda good. :boogereater:
Hey after 10 years of misspelling Texans players names by putting "S" where "S" didn't go and omitting "S" where "S" should have been I finally get to correct someone else's spelling other than mine.

It's Brisiel.

That felt kinda good. :boogereater:

LOL!! I know what ya mean! I got blasted to hell and back when Kubiak first came because i spelled his name ending with a c rather than a K. Truthfully, didn't even think about it at the time. I was just lettin my fingers fly over the keyboard. My thought was, "WHO THE HELL CARES, you know who I'm talkin about!!" :)

My grammar is NEVER perfect on this board, and never will be! I have to worry bout that at work. I come here for fun, so if I misspell a word or someone's name, use incorrect punctuation marks, or grammar, I really don't care. I'll correct it when I feel like it!!:evil: :winky:
Hey after 10 years of misspelling Texans players names by putting "S" where "S" didn't go and omitting "S" where "S" should have been I finally get to correct someone else's spelling other than mine.

It's Brisiel.

That felt kinda good. :boogereater:

You should feel kinda good about yourself. Oh wait, you do... Keep it up!
I sure hope Breizilla plays, his absense has had an effect here... And maybe his leg is still bad enough it won't allow him to false-start, yet good enough it allows him to play better than Caldbad...

As for adding S's, I'm gunna hit up H.E.Bees after work Friday for playoff game watching materials... I live in BFE, our local Wal Marts isn't of the Super variety...s
9 mins ago via Twitter

NickScurfield: RG Mike Brisiel participated in about 1/2 of practice. Kubiak said he hopes he can play 60-70% of reps on Saturday"
I went back and re-watched the first game vs the Bengals, I saw the play where he injured his leg. The next play he got blown up and struggled as you can expect after an injury like that. I hope a good mix of him and Caldwell will be OK, but that right side of the line is a question, lots of running and roll outs to the left!
9 mins ago via Twitter

NickScurfield: RG Mike Brisiel participated in about 1/2 of practice. Kubiak said he hopes he can play 60-70% of reps on Saturday"

Pain and play-conditioning will be his main limitations to seeing the field. Since the fracture was to the non weight-bearing bone in his leg and the fracture will have been plated, refracture is virtually a non factor. If he has enough pain or lack of returned strength, the higher probability of compensatory injury is what may be the greatest concern.
Even if he's fully recovered from the injury, I would think his general conditioning which had to regress during his down-time would be an issue which would really limit his total snaps ?
Even if he's fully recovered from the injury, I would think his general conditioning which had to regress during his down-time would be an issue which would really limit his total snaps ?

"60-70% of the reps on Saturday" would be limited, so yah...
20 mins ago via Twitter:

NickScurfield: Kubiak said after 2 days of practice, all indications are that RG Mike Brisiel will be ready to start on Saturday
Please get Briesel back caldwell was getting his ass whipped the last few games he needs to move back to being a back center which is what he played at Alabama Center!!!