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Another strange presser..Mario?

I guess flashes to you are not the same as flashes to me.

I've really only seen one Mario sack that I thought he just flat out beat his man on...

I give him credit for the other sacks he's gotten, I just don't think they were all that impressive...

I guess we can just agree to disagree because I really have seen nothing from Mario--other than his size, speed and strength--that would indicate he is going to be a dominant....

I've gone back and forth with this because I have see a lot of things out of Mario that I have liked...But he lacks the one thing that I like to see out of players...especially defensive players...

That is natural instincts.

I hope Mario turns into a force, but until he does he isn't.

Which is exactly what can be said for most of the young players in any pro league.

Other than DeMeco Ryans, MJD, Addai...someone I am missing? Other than those guys who has proved to the league that they are a force? That is continuing their success into this season also.
Which is exactly what can be said for most of the young players in any pro league.

Other than DeMeco Ryans, MJD, Addai...someone I am missing? Other than those guys who has proved to the league that they are a force? That is continuing their success into this season also.

Manny Lawson wasn't doing too bad for himself before he got injured...

But really that is not relevant...

Mario was the number 1 Overall selcetion in a draft full of studs...

No it wasn't his fault, but that has nothing to do with my expectations of him...

Mario's "mere presence" was supposed to make other players better...I think he will be consistently good at the least...But given the circumstances I just expect so much more....

Getting stiff armed to the ground by Lindell White is under achieving expectations IMO....
Kubiak actually liked the play of Mario in the presser. Says he got 7 tackles and 3 pressures. Of course he said he wanted Mario to take it to a pro bowl level.

Asked about Mario Williams, Kubiak said: "He played pretty good yesterday; he graded out well. I think he had seven tackles. He had three quarterback pressures. We continue to try to get more out of him. I say that, and when I say what I mean is that I think for our football team to reach another level of play, he's got to continue to find another gear. Is his gear good now? Yeah, it's pretty darn good, but we need Mario to become a great, great player - a Pro Bowl player for a long, long time for our organization. So we're going to keep pushing him. Was his effort pretty good yesterday? Did he play well? Yes, he did."
I dunno is this really what Kubiak thinks in his heart of hearts or is it just a protective type of response to shield Mario from criticism ? The Chrons Richard Justice says that Mario is becoming a big-time jerk with the media.
Apparently he's already had too much fun with all the continuing talk about
his play ?
I don't know--a statement that he needs to get better and they are continuing to push him seems to recognize weakness. Coaches just aren't going to throw players under the bus the way fans like to.
VY and RB have both stepped up in the clutch when their teams needed them, Mario has yet to do this. I would have loved a big sack to stop Collins on sunday during the last drive.

VY is established
Reggie is comming into his own and starting to be a leader
AJ Hawk is wrecking Shop
Hopefully Mario will follow
VY and RB have both stepped up in the clutch when their teams needed them, Mario has yet to do this. I would have loved a big sack to stop Collins on sunday during the last drive.

VY is established
Reggie is comming into his own and starting to be a leader
AJ Hawk is wrecking Shop
Hopefully Mario will follow

Of course it is very difficult for you to quantify this, that is why you have not.
apple & real, you guys really need to go back and break down each play of every single game to aprreciate the job Mario has done this year.

He's our best lineman.
Ok ? And?

What does that do ?

You need to go back and review my post history about Mario. I've given the guy plenty of props.
It wasn't a good idea that I put your name together with Apple (no knock to apple).

I understand that you are looking at it from a totally different angle.
it should be a given Mario attracts double teams, but largely he has been handled one on one by LT's. he plays too high & gets locked up to deep into the body where they can control him with good technique. How many holding calls has he drawn? I can't think of any, to me if he is effective then he either gets better production or causes breakdowns on the corner where the tackle is forced to hold or get help. besides his speed around the corner of his bull rush inside what moves is he developing? where is the spin move, use of hands to slap/disengage from blocker only when he gets mad does he swim or rip the players away & thats the kind of urgency I wanted from Mario in that crucial last drive, just get to Collins once & blow up his confidence. I'm not seeing it happen without saying as much I think thats excatley what Kubiak said without beign as graphic or critical of :mario3:
it should be a given Mario attracts double teams, but largely he has been handled one on one by LT's. he plays too high & gets locked up to deep into the body where they can control him with good technique. How many holding calls has he drawn? I can't think of any, to me if he is effective then he either gets better production or causes breakdowns on the corner where the tackle is forced to hold or get help. besides his speed around the corner of his bull rush inside what moves is he developing? where is the spin move, use of hands to slap/disengage from blocker only when he gets mad does he swim or rip the players away & thats the kind of urgency I wanted from Mario in that crucial last drive, just get to Collins once & blow up his confidence. I'm not seeing it happen without saying as much I think thats excatley what Kubiak said without beign as graphic or critical of :mario3:

He attempted a spin move in Sunday's game and it was like watching a fawn try to stand up for the first time. I do not recall him doing so before, so who knows maybe he is trying to get used to it in game time situations.

In essence he spun in space, whereas the spin move should be done upon impact to gain the advantage.
VY is established
Reggie is comming into his own and starting to be a leader
AJ Hawk is wrecking Shop
Hopefully Mario will follow
VY is established and already his teams offensive leader.
Bush is without question the Saints top Hot-Dog but will never be the guy he was projected to be whos real name is Adrian Peterson.
Haven't seen too much of Hawk this year, so I dunno ?
I would be sick if we took Mario and left AD on the Board, but I still dunno about the Mario vs. Bush argument ?
He attempted a spin move in Sunday's game and it was like watching a fawn try to stand up for the first time. I do not recall him doing so before, so who knows maybe he is trying to get used to it in game time situations.

In essence he spun in space, whereas the spin move should be done upon impact to gain the advantage.

Yeah, his spin move isn't very pretty. It reminds me of Ace Ventura doing his slowmo at the psychiatric hospital. I forget which game it was, but I remember he attempted a spin move and actually fell down. It might of been the pre-season game vs the Cards. It's painful to watch. :gun:
Mario isn't that type of athlete...

He doesn't move well from side to side, and he doesn't have real good feet...

Mario needs to look at some of Reggie White and Bruce Smith's pass rushing techniques...He needs to work on his leverage and getting OT's off balance with his hand placement...

But I really don't ever expect Mario to be a great pass rusher...But there is more to playing DE than rushing the passer...
Yeah, his spin move isn't very pretty. It reminds me of Ace Ventura doing his slowmo at the psychiatric hospital. I forget which game it was, but I remember he attempted a spin move and actually fell down. It might of been the pre-season game vs the Cards. It's painful to watch. :gun:

lol rep
I am very big on breakout sessions at the position level where a certain position will go through drills that other positions play. I cried for Carr to hang with the DB's years ago. I hope that Mario is getting some footwork practice in somewhere.

I cannot stand Richard Smith's work to date, but did like when I saw him working with the WR's during training camp. He appeared to be showing the WR's how he teaches to jam WR's.

Best practice sharing or cross pollenization of positional skills/development may be in order for Mario if it has not been going on already.

Mario is not setting the world on fire, but he ain't killing us either. If I were to give him a grade year to date it would be a C.
7 tackles and 3 pressures? pretty good day for any DE not named mario williams if you get my drift...

why would mario even allow those guys within 10 ft of his locker? no matter what he does it isn't right...i'd just tell him (what an ironically inappropriate name for a columnist who does no team any justice with his 'reports') to f off everytime his espn-loving ass came near me...

Nothing he does is ever right to some people. Some people thought he was foolish to set his goals as high as "Breaking the single-season sack record" yet if VY set a similar record it would have been cute and courages.

I really don't know how good he's going to be, but I can see him progressing which is what I want to see. I've seen him have some really good games over the last season and a half, and there is still time for him to improve.
We knew getting Mario would be a project, it was pretty much said that any team that got him would know he would be a project, so we just have to be patient and recognize when he's doing good.

Let me just say this, we were patient with Travis...and it sure is looking like its going to pay off. The guy has really shown us his potential and I don't think he is in his prime as of yet. In fact on his scouting report it said something like if I can remember correctly "Expect him to be a top 10 DT in 3 seasons." which is why you have to be patient and I fully expect him to play probowl caliber next season and the rest of this season. Looks like he gets it now.
I am very big on breakout sessions at the position level where a certain position will go through drills that other positions play. I cried for Carr to hang with the DB's years ago. I hope that Mario is getting some footwork practice in somewhere.

I cannot stand Richard Smith's work to date, but did like when I saw him working with the WR's during training camp. He appeared to be showing the WR's how he teaches to jam WR's.

Best practice sharing or cross pollenization of positional skills/development may be in order for Mario if it has not been going on already.

Mario is not setting the world on fire, but he ain't killing us either. If I were to give him a grade year to date it would be a C.
Can you and/or Real share with us as to how you grade a DE like Mario Williams?
Can you and/or Real share with us as to how you grade a DE like Mario Williams?

It's really not an exact science for me...

I just think, all things considered, Mario has been a high C, low B kind of player this year...
So which was Mario's worse game this year, in your opinion?

I have no clue...

He's often such a non-factor as far as directly making a play , that I'd have to go back and look at film to make that call...

I've watched Mario on film plenty in the past though, and I like a lot of what I see...

I personally don't think he's a bad ball player, I just don't like him at my weakside DE....I don't think he has the instincts, nor the desired physical skill-set to be a consistently effective pass rusher...

I think he would be perfect at SDE though....
Don't ever expect Kubiak (or any head coach) to say anything negative, publicly, about any player. About the farthest he, or they, will go is making a "he needs to a better job at ______", and that's pushing the envelope.

They have to be careful with what they say.

We don't.
VY is established and already his teams offensive leader.
Bush is without question the Saints top Hot-Dog but will never be the guy he was projected to be whos real name is Adrian Peterson.
Haven't seen too much of Hawk this year, so I dunno ?
I would be sick if we took Mario and left AD on the Board, but I still dunno about the Mario vs. Bush argument ?

At this point, neither Bush nor Young is top 15 at their positions.

At this point, I would say Mario is.
Yeah, his spin move isn't very pretty. It reminds me of Ace Ventura doing his slowmo at the psychiatric hospital. I forget which game it was, but I remember he attempted a spin move and actually fell down. It might of been the pre-season game vs the Cards. It's painful to watch. :gun:

I wish he looked more like this after a play...


I'm going to give Mario the rest of the season to make more progress but that's it. I want more sacks out of him.
As of the 7th week....

For QBs, Vince Young is 30th (Schaub is 10th)

Mario Williams ranks near the bottom in both tackles and sacks

Reggie Bush is 30th in rushing
As of the 7th week....

For QBs, Vince Young is 30th (Schaub is 10th)

Mario Williams ranks near the bottom in both tackles and sacks

Reggie Bush is 30th in rushing

Which is exactly my point.

None of these guys are doing well. But its going to take TIME for us to know what type of player they will be. We've seen Travis step up his game vastly, its about that time for him(3rd or 4th season) that guys start to breakout and move towards to play their best football. Many guys don't play their best football their first or second year.
Like most folks, I'm irratated as hell with the season so far. Pissed off as a matter of fact.

But I also feel this D-line of ours is going to be the best in football someday. Something that will distinguish the Texans from other teams in the NFL. It won't be this year, as we can all see. And it probably won't be next year either.

However, if we are still bitching about this three years from now, I'll be pulling my hair out and bashing the D-line with everyone else.
Like most folks, I'm irratated as hell with the season so far. Pissed off as a matter of fact.

But I also feel this D-line of ours is going to be the best in football someday. Something that will distinguish the Texans from other teams in the NFL. It won't be this year, as we can all see. And it probably won't be next year either.

However, if we are still bitching about this three years from now, I'll be pulling my hair out and bashing the D-line with everyone else.

I'm with you on this.

I was a Carr Supporter until his last year here, at the start of last season I wasn't going to put up much with him, i'd give him his 4 years and he just looked the same and hardly ever improved.

I am going to give Mario that same time. I guess some of you would be willing to trade him, and watch him go somewhere or something and watch him become a dominant DE and then say you should have been more patient.
I think a lot of coaches feel Mario was a project, just like Bush and VY. They were all projects.

If you have the #1 pick you take a guy with a high ceiling rather than a high floor. Why get a guy who is going to peak to be a good player than take a guy who can potentially peak and become a GREAT player... you draft on potential and we all know the type of Potential Mario had coming into the NFL.
As far as drafting Mario, I was totally in favor of taking him instead of Bush when we did that two years ago. I have never thought Bush would amount to even half his hype in the NFL. I, however, was one of the VY crybabies. LOL

Schaub has helped me get over that though. :splits: