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Andre Johnson - Calvin Johnson is best WR


Marshall says AJ, AJ says Calvin..

Houston receiver Andre Johnson is widely regarded as the best receiver in football. He’s also the poster boy for the anti-diva wide receiver. He’s not showy or loud or arrogant. He doesn’t brag.

A guest on Dan LeBatard’s radio show on 790 The Ticket in Miami, Johnson showed all that off.

LeBatard: Are you the best wide receiver in football?

Johnson: “No. I’m not the best [laughs].

LeBatard: “Come on who is better?”

Johnson: “There’s a lot of great guys out there man. I’m a fan of the game. You look at ... I’m a big fan of Calvin. Calvin Johnson. Right now I would probably say he is the best.”

Dan LeBatard: “He's taller than you?”

Johnson: “He’s a pretty big guy. He’s a very talented guy. He’s my favorite guy from a fan perspective from the outside looking in.”

LeBatard: Are you a top-five wide receiver?

Johnson: “I’m somewhere in there.”

He’s somewhere in there all right. Somewhere right around No. 1.
Andre is too modest. But i do think Calvin Johnson is easily the 2nd best as far as talent is concerned. If he was on a consistently better team with a QB that could stay healthy i'd be much more of an argument as to who the best is.
Andre is too modest. But i do think Calvin Johnson is easily the 2nd best as far as talent is concerned. If he was on a consistently better team with a QB that could stay healthy i'd be much more of an argument as to who the best is.

AJ is a beast. I love, love, love me some AJ. I wouldn't take another WR in the league over AJ and for what hes done for Houston..


Calvin Johnson is a complete physical freak. Dude is a legit scoring machine. I would LOVE to have me some CJ...

(A)Johnson, (B)Johnson, and (C)Johnson 2013..

Andre will probably never say he's the best. Not that I think he's being humble, I just think he's the type of guy that thinks he can always get better.
Johnson not thinking he's the best seems like a good sign to me. The idea of Andre getting better than he is is mind-boggling, but in a good way.

And ya Calvin would be a close second, that guy can almost always deliver a great game.
Calvin is excellent but let's not forget about the guy out in Arizona. Nobody has better body control that that dude, and excellent hands to boot.

Those guys are 1a, 1b, and 1c. Those are your top 3 but Marshall from Miami is in the conversation with the next group right under the super elite.
AJ will easily be the first Houston Texan inducted into the Hall of Fame.

I dunno.

We better start winning a lot of playoff games really soon.

This era is stacked with WR and while AJ has accumulated some gaudy stats these last few years, he has been oddly low on TD totals and hasn't even been to the playoffs as of yet.

If someone like Chris Carter can't make it in, AJ isn't a shoe-in.
Andre is just not going to say he is the best and he is not the man who would do that but deep down he knows that he is solely the best. Good for him way to be classy AJ.
I never think in terms of "the best" when it comes to football players/positions. I think there are levels or tiers if you will occupied by individuals. AJ, CJ, and Fitzgerald (among others) are solid year-round residents on the top tier. You got guys who go up there once, maybe they have a few top-tier seasons but to stay up there and be in the debate over who's the best year after year means you're among the best.

Arian is a visitor until he pulls another season like 2010 out of his hat. Then he's spent two years at that level. Do it a third year and you're solidly among the best. Running backs I don't expect to have the longevity that WR's do but you get the idea. Long term production is the key.
The fun thing about these debates is that there really is no right answer. This isnt Madden, you can't check a rating to see who is better (thats why we all hate madden ratings - we look at them and go ugh, I think ____ is better, how is this guy rated higher?!)

I think Larry Fitzgerald is the best at going up and getting it. The guy has great hands and can make some catches that make you need a replay just to believe it happened.

Andre lacks some of the ability to go up and grab some of the same balls that Fitz can get, but he is faster. I think Andre is the best all-around WR of these 3.

Calvin Johnson is an athletic freak. The guy is tall and fast, which is not usually in the same sentence. However, I think he lacks a bit of the physicality of Andre and Larry.

So basically its a big circle. Everyone has their own strengths that the other two aren't quite as good at, though none of these 3 are really bad at anything.
I to like the fact that Andre is modest. He is such a cool customer except when he encounters Finnegan,,,lol
I will go with the NFL player's opinion.

Andre has been the best for the last 3 years. Top 3 last 5 years.

He will be elite most likely until his late 30's (T.O.)

He is the anti diva. I am so proud to root for this guy each weekend.
Im biased but I think you have three guy's in the NFL who stand head and shoulders above the rest - AJ , C.Johnson and Larry Fitzgerald ..... then everyone else.
I don't know about you guys, but in every fantasy draft I have done for the last 2 years, Andre Johnson has always been the first WR drafted. That means the expectation is that he will have the best performance each year. Sure Fitz is handicapped because of their QB situation, but it's not like AJ has Peyton or Brady throwing to him.
I to like the fact that Andre is modest. He is such a cool customer except when he encounters Finnegan,,,lol

Dude where the hell did you find that AWESOME picture?!? Got a higher res version?
The Washington receivers do a good job with Kyle calling the plays and they don't have anyone nearly as good as either Johnson.
I don't know about you guys, but in every fantasy draft I have done for the last 2 years, Andre Johnson has always been the first WR drafted. That means the expectation is that he will have the best performance each year. Sure Fitz is handicapped because of their QB situation, but it's not like AJ has Peyton or Brady throwing to him.

Andre had Carr throwing to him for a few years.

The last excuse/reason I want to hear for not as great of a performance is the QB sucks.
AJ, CJ and LF are all fantastic football players and seem like great people. It is amazing how these 3 are the best WRs in the game, yet if you added all of their egos together it would still be smaller then some of the individual egos further down the list. I have huge respect for all 3.
Andre had Carr throwing to him for a few years.

The last excuse/reason I want to hear for not as great of a performance is the QB sucks.
AJ wasn't considered the best WR in the NFL outside of Houston when Carr was throwing him the ball, either. Once AJ got a legitimate NFL caliber QB, he skyrocketed to the top. It should be fun to watch CJ take a similar ride if Stafford can stay healthy.
Jerry Rice saying so is enough confirmation for me. I saw him saying it.

But Roddy White is severely underrated I see. Look at the numbers he's put up. He's above Calvin if you ask me he's #3 IMO. Calvin is just more flashy and explosive but Roddy gets it done.
The are many good receivers in the league and very few great ones or should I say elite ones.
As far as pure talent goes, Randy Moss is, in my opinion, the most talented receiver ever(I know he's retired, but still). I would say Calvin Johnson and Brandon Marshall are AS talented as Andre. Fortunately, it's not all about talent, but work ethic and intangibles, which Andre has in spades. Overall best? AJ 80 by far.
I think that one thing that works in Andre's favor is the media perception of him being able to do no wrong. I'm sure there are a lot of other players that would recommend him over and over again as well that will be hall of famers.
AJ is a beast. I love, love, love me some AJ. I wouldn't take another WR in the league over AJ and for what hes done for Houston..


Calvin Johnson is a complete physical freak. Dude is a legit scoring machine. I would LOVE to have me some CJ...

(A)Johnson, (B)Johnson, and (C)Johnson 2013..


We win the superbowl, anyway calvin would come to houston ? WOW ??Calvin and AJ. That would be beast.
AJ is one of the few elite player athletes that you don't fully appreciate him until he's gone. When you try to replace this big hole he leaves in the team when he no longer plays. You watch the highlight reels again and realize you're never going to see another player like him again and you remember the thrills he provided while he played. It's just unfortunate he's been stuck with this franchise and hasn't hit the national spotlight like he deserves if he had been with a winning team such as the Patriots.

Hopefully this team finally realizes its potential and Andre gets to show off his skills to a national audience. As much publicity as he's gotten the past couple of years because of his stats, it would be awesome to see him explode on a playoff level that he so richly deserves.
AJ is one of the few elite player athletes that you don't fully appreciate him until he's gone. When you try to replace this big hole he leaves in the team when he no longer plays. You watch the highlight reels again and realize you're never going to see another player like him again and you remember the thrills he provided while he played. It's just unfortunate he's been stuck with this franchise and hasn't hit the national spotlight like he deserves if he had been with a winning team such as the Patriots.

Hopefully this team finally realizes its potential and Andre gets to show off his skills to a national audience. As much publicity as he's gotten the past couple of years because of his stats, it would be awesome to see him explode on a playoff level that he so richly deserves.
Didn't he make the decision to re-sign here?
I think the case can be made that these guys are all on the same level:

1. AJ

2. CJ

3. GJ (Greg Jennings)

4. Brandon Marshall (he's legit, I don't care about his personality issues)

5. Hakeem Nicks (when healthy, he's hard to handle every Sunday)

6. Reggie Wayne

7. David Anderson (he is SO reliable. And adorable.)
I think the case can be made that these guys are all on the same level:

1. AJ

2. CJ

3. GJ (Greg Jennings)

4. Brandon Marshall (he's legit, I don't care about his personality issues)

5. Hakeem Nicks (when healthy, he's hard to handle every Sunday)

6. Reggie Wayne

7. David Anderson (he is SO reliable. And adorable.)

No Fitz or Roddy??
Boy, you forget just how many really good receivers there really are and also running backs too when you sit down and write out a list.
I think the case can be made that these guys are all on the same level:

1. AJ

2. CJ

3. GJ (Greg Jennings)

4. Brandon Marshall (he's legit, I don't care about his personality issues)

5. Hakeem Nicks (when healthy, he's hard to handle every Sunday)

6. Reggie Wayne

7. David Anderson (he is SO reliable. And adorable.)

Odd list imo.

I would go like this...

1. Andre
2. Fitz
3. Roddy
4. CJ
5. this is where things get tricky for me. Wayne, Jennings, Nicks, Marshall are all good WRs.

But for me Andre, Fitzgerald, and Roddy are the guys that have been putting up consistent huge numbers nearly every season. If any one said Roddy or Larry was the #1 WR I wouldn't look at them crazy. Calvin still has to go out and consistently do it year to year but it feels like it's only a matter of time before he's the clear #1 WR in the NFL.