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Aldon Smith DUI & Felony Assault Weapon Charges


Hall of Fame

San Francisco 49ers linebacker Aldon Smith has been charged with driving under the influence in Miami Beach.

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After a fine resurgence under Jim Harbaugh, the 49ers must answer a few questions. Most pressing: Is Alex Smith a franchise QB? Elliot Harrison weighs in. More ...
Miami-Dade County jail records show Smith was booked Saturday morning and held on $1,000 bond. Jail records did not show whether Smith was represented by an attorney.

A Miami-Dade County Corrections spokeswoman said Smith was arrested by Miami Beach police. A police spokesman said he had no information immediately available about the arrest.

The 49ers issued a statement on Saturday afternoon.

"The 49ers are aware of the recent matter involving Aldon Smith," it read. "We take these issues very seriously, but will reserve further comment at this time, as this is an ongoing legal matter. The 49ers will continue to gather the facts and monitor the developments closely.”

Smith was selected as the seventh overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft. He recorded 14 sacks during his first season, a franchise record for a rookie linebacker. He also ranked first in the NFL in sacks among rookies.


I don't think I'd want to arrest him.
Just drink your azz off boy and have a good time, but don't drive during or right after you get all lit-up. Fortunately it seems nobody got hurt here ?
Uh oh...

Matt Maiocco ‏@MaioccoCSN1h
49ers OLB Aldon Smith was arrested at 7 a.m. today under suspicion of DUI, according to San Jose Police.

Cam Inman ‏@CamInman19m
Per @mercnews: #49ers Aldon Smith blew a .15 in his DUI arrest; has prescription for the marijuana; crashed into a tree

Cam Inman ‏@CamInman8m
Correction: Aldon Smith did NOT have prescription for marijuana found in car. Either way, NFL players can't use under its policy
Uh-oh indeed. How does California feel about 2nd offense DUI with a little illegal eye medicine to boot? Serious question. Some states would come down hard on him while others, not so much.

Either way he's missing some major playing time, per Goodell. Niner Nation must be going nuts about now.
I have zero tolerance for anyone who is stupid enough to drive under the influence, especially if they had an earlier wake-up-call like this idiot. He deserves to do time.
Marijuana and pills also were found in the car, sources said. Smith had a blood alcohol level of .15 -- nearly twice the legal limit -- and didn't have a prescription for pot, sources said.

"Every time as the years go on, I mature more and more," Smith, a Kansas City native, said in an interview last month.

It is Smith's second such arrest, the first having occurred in January 2012 in Miami Beach. That charge was later reduced to reckless driving, but Smith has since been involved in several other off-field incidents.
I have zero tolerance for anyone who is stupid enough to drive under the influence, especially if they had an earlier wake-up-call like this idiot. He deserves to do time.

and especially when he has the means rent a limo or driver and not out himself AND OTHERS in harms way.
Not that it makes a difference to whether players should use it but it is not free. Last time they published a rate it was $90/hr.
Passed out, head on collision into tree and still didn't wake up or take his foot off the accelerator pedal. Dude is dangerous.
According to Matt Barrows of the Sacramento Bee, a neighbor who witnessed the accident said Smith’s foot was still on the accelerator of his SUV, which was against a tree, when police arrived. That caused the tires to smoke, and that suggests that Smith (who also had marijuana and pills in his possession) was seriously impaired.

here is where his REAL problem is....
The DA's office said that Smith is expected to surrender later this month. If convicted, Smith could face up to four years and four months in jail.

“The preamble to the assault weapons law states that each assault weapon ‘has such a high rate of fire and capacity for firepower that its function as a legitimate sports or recreational firearm is substantially outweighed by the danger that it can be used to kill and injure human beings,'" district attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement. “California's prohibition of these powerful weapons is not about
hunting or target practice. It is about interrupting the long history of death, carnage and grief assault weapons have inflicted on California communities.”

The DA says that during the party, Smith fired his .45 handgun twice from his balcony to "dissipate the crowd." The DA also says one of Smith's friends also fired that same handgun "several times" in the air.
From the DA press release:

Following the shooting, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department searched Smith's residence for evidence related to the assaults. As part of that search, Sheriff's investigators recovered two rifles from Smith's bedroom, including an Armalite AR10-T .308 caliber rifle. In a second search two weeks later, Sheriff's investigators recovered three additional firearms from Smith's bedroom and closet, including a Bushmaster ACR rifle chambered for 5.56mm NATO and a Bushmaster Carbon-15 .223 caliber rifle. None of the five weapons were registered with the California Department of Justice. Sheriff's investigators documented several additional large-capacity magazines strewn about the floor of Smith's bedroom. Ammunition in several calibers -- both expended and unexpended -- was found in Smith's bedside table.
So Aldon Smith is a drunken terrorist, Von Miller is a pothead and JJ Watt just sends personal thank you letters to his fans:

Suzanne Newsom ‏@NewsomSuzanne · Apr 12
Words cannot express how excited I am right now after receiving this today from @JJWatt. My smile is forever frozen!


Pay the man Rick!

Moral of the story: draft nice Sconi pass rushers and avoid the SEC

Now that take a new definition of dumb to do something like that. Dumb in saying it, and dumb in expecting a TSA agent to know the difference between a joke and sarcasm. Meh, who cares? In the end, it'll be just another wrist slap.

The league needs to clamp down on this nonsense and starting dishing out season long suspensions without pay. But it'll never happen. As long as "we" keep on buying the tickets and trinkets, there is no incentive for league owners and players to change.
Now that take a new definition of dumb to do something like that. Dumb in saying it, and dumb in expecting a TSA agent to know the difference between a joke and sarcasm. Meh, who cares? In the end, it'll be just another wrist slap.

The league needs to clamp down on this nonsense and starting dishing out season long suspensions without pay. But it'll never happen. As long as "we" keep on buying the tickets and trinkets, there is no incentive for league owners and players to change.

It was stupid but why should the league do anything about it? It's a matter for the TSA/police. The team also can suspend for up to 4 games if they want.
It was stupid but why should the league do anything about it? It's a matter for the TSA/police. The team also can suspend for up to 4 games if they want.

Indefinite suspensions without pay isn't a new precedent set. It just needs to happens more often. That is of course the NFL truly cared about its public image. :rolleyes:
Indefinite suspensions without pay isn't a new precedent set. It just needs to happens more often. That is of course the NFL truly cared about its public image. :rolleyes:

Tell me again why a run in with TSA (I cant stand them) should result in a 4 game suspension?
Tell me again why a run in with TSA (I cant stand them) should result in a 4 game suspension?

Well, why don't you go to the airport, walk up to a TSA agent and make a comment (sarcasm/joke/whatever) about a bomb?

And if you think, "well no, I might not want to do that, because it just might get me into trouble".... well congratulations! It just certified that the peanut bouncing around in that thick skull just might contain some brain matter.

But I could be wrong. :whistle:
Tell me again why a run in with TSA (I cant stand them) should result in a 4 game suspension?

Because as an NFL player he is a representative of the NFL the same as any other employee is a representative of their company. This is especially true of high profile employee's like star NFL players. Go on TV making an ass of yourself while wearing your companies hat, shirt, and name tag and see if the boss doesn't have some words for you the next day, unless of course your the owner of the company in which case this doesn't apply.

P.S. I don't like the TSA either. They're grossly over empowered security guards.
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Increasing frequency of finding trouble, sandwiched around a stay "in rehab", the young man is spinning out. Not an uncommon pattern. Needs more help. May be dual diagnosis.
Aldon Smith’s future: Court date, probable NFL suspension and the 49ers’ overwhelming weariness and frustration
My view, after talking to several sources involved with the 49ers’ decision-making, is that troubled linebacker Aldon Smith hasn’t only lost the benefit of the doubt, he probably won’t play for the 49ers in 2014.
But there is a weariness and frustration over Smith’s behavior that I’ve never heard involving any recent 49ers player. Until this week.
This comes after all the steps the franchise took to support him–including Jed York standing with Smith at his locker two days after his DUI–and the hopes they had that Smith’s trip to a treatment center in the middle of last season had put him on the right road...

It’s a very, very different tone now. Starkly different.
It’s about a pattern of behavior–also about some things that haven’t made headlines but have occurred involving Smith before and after his DUI arrest last year–and about a team that no longer can give him the benefit of the doubt.

Practically, the 49ers have a May 3 deadline to pick up Smith’s $9.75M option for 2015 and I’m told that they are very unlikely to do that.
Jim Harbaugh and the 49ers’ angry evasion of a rationalization of a tired excuse for their handling of Aldon Smith
All actions have consequences-for a player, a team, for everybody involved-and right now, the 49ers have no answers for their own actions. Actually, for their inaction.
Harbaugh gets snippy, yelling back and forth, with 49ers beat writer Tim Kawakami...
-Q: Aldon Smith was successfully prosecuted on three felony counts and one misdemeanor count. Does he remain a member of this team in full good standing?

-HARBAUGH: Uh, yes.

-Q: So what’s your standard? Is it 10 felony counts the standard? Do you have a standard?

-HARBAUGH: I know you probably worked really hard on asking that question. Probably stared in the mirror and thought about just the way you could [ask] that.

-Q: No, I did not.

-HARBAUGH: There’s a legal process… you’re talking…

-Q: What you said was untrue. It’s wrong.

-HARBAUGH: OK. Well, then you can write your story how you write it. If you want me to answer the question, I’d be glad to.

It’s part of a legal process. I am not an attorney or a judge. I’m a football coach. So I will let that go through the legal process. There’s nothing more that I can add to it. At this time.

-Q: Is he still your starter?

-HARBAUGH: Is he part of this team? Yes.

-Q: Is he your starting linebacker?

-HARBAUGH: We’re too early to tell who the starters are right now.

-Q: He was your starting linebacker two days after he was arrested for DUI last season.

-HARBAUGH: There’s nothing further I can add to that right now.

-Q: Last year at about this time, we were asking you about Seattle’s situation with several of their players having issues with PEDs and you said you wanted your players to be above reproach. I know that was specifically an answer about the PED issue. But do you want you want your players to be above reproach legally, criminally? Is that important to you?

-HARBAUGH: I want our players to strive to be above reproach in all regards. And I can’t imagine that anybody would tell anybody any differently.

I can’t imagine–if it were you, or I, or anybody else here would want their youngsters to strive for anything less. Certainly wouldn’t promote that they strive to be below reproach.

Would you, Tim?

-Q: No.


-Q: So are all of your players above reproach right now?

-HARBAUGH: No, we’ve got some things we’ve got to resolve. But we are in a process–and always are in a process of striving to be above reproach, yes.

-Q: Is there any negative to a team to have players in trouble. Is that a problem at all for you? Does it take effect on a locker room?

-HARBAUGH: The locker room… you tend to put a lot of things on a locker room. A locker room isn’t an all-encompassing… to take care of all the world’s problems or each individual’s problems.

There’s a process that he’s taking care of individually, that is his accountability, just like all of us.

Anything that we do–if we do things right, there’s going to be consequences. If we do things wrong, there’s going to be consequences for that. All of our actions, there’s consequences, good or bad.

-Q: Practically, he has a sentencing hearing on July 25, which is a few days after you’re set to open training camp. Would he be in training camp to start? Is that the plan?

-HARBAUGH: As I said earlier, there’s really nothing further that I can add to it.

-Q: We do know the hearing is the 25th, that’s a fact. That’s after you start camp. In your mind is he starting camp with pads with everybody else?

-HARBAUGH: I’m not going to get into speculating on what’s going to happen, what could happen, what will happen. There’s nothing really further that I can add to this line of questioning.

You can take bamboo shoots and stick ‘em under my fingernails and there still wouldn’t be any more I could add further to this discussion.

-Q: Has a decision on that been made or will you just not say the decision?

-HARBAUGH: There’s nothing further that I can add right now without speculating. I don’t know why you can’t understand that at this time.

-Q: Is he still here? Is he participating in the off-season program here?

-HARBAUGH: Yes, he’s coming to work. Showing up, he’s working hard, he’s listening, he’s doing what he says he’s going to do. We give him that opportunity, yes.
I dunno but I think I'm kinda sympathetic to Harbaugh here, this Kawakami guy seems to be a real pain in the azz. I wouldn't have blamed Harbaugh for saying 'enough already' about half-way thru that xchange.
Jim Trotter ‏@JimTrotter_NFL
FILED TO ESPN: 49ers to release Aldon Smith.​

Aldon Smith arrested in California on charges including DUI, hit and run

Oft-troubled linebacker Aldon Smith of the San Francisco 49ers was arrested Thursday night on hit and run, driving under the influence and vandalism charges, according to police in Santa Clara, California.

Smith was booked into the Santa Clara County jail and held on $26,000 bond before his release Friday. Authorities said they would provide more information later Friday morning.

This is the 25-year-old Smith's third arrest on suspicion of drunken driving since entering the league in 2011 as a first-round draft pick out of Missouri...​