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AJ:A lesson on rock stars for Rick Smith


100% Texan
Texans GM Rick Smith made a surprise visit to the sports net today, subbing for a vacationing Peter King and authoring King's Monday Morning Quarterback column.

It was a good effort and very un-Smithlike in the context that it's not the type of thing Texans fans are used to seeing from their stealth GM.

Read Smith's MMQB effort here.

While Smith didn't offer up anything new, for Texans fans at least, he did catch my attention with a comment he made about new Texans defensive coordinator Wade Phillips.

"Wade has a history here in Houston and is a rock star. People in Houston love him..."

Now forgive me if I've missed something because I've only been going to NFL games in Houston since 1976, but 'rock star?'

Rick, are you sure you're not getting Wade confused with his Daddy?

To paraphrase a late great Senator from Texas. 'I know rock stars, and Mr. Smith, Wade Phillips is no rock star.'

Sure we're excited to have Wade here, mainly because a) our past two defensive coordinators have failed miserably, b) there's nowhere to go but up and c) Wade has had some level of success in the league. More on that later.
Phillips is a rock star of the Barry Manilow genre. :smiliedance:
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If he turns the Texans defense around he'll sure as hell be treated like a rock star in Houston. If only we could sign Matt Jones and some of the Sexboat Vikings to provide Wade with the coke and strippers.