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Adams Wants Young to Start Against Texans

Thats alright. Somebody will be waiting for him...


"So, should I make it out to VINCE, V.YOUNG, or VY??....."

*insert young* :heh:

seriously.. should be a good fired up game. It will be interesting on the different style our team will play on both sides of the ball ..also how Chow would run the offense without McNair.
i'm almost as big of a vince homer as anyone, but to start him at any point this coming season is IMO a huge mistake. there are just too many risks to take when you dont have to, and spite is deffinately not a good enough reason to take that risk.

i hate bud just like every good houstonian, but being a vince fan, i wouldnt want to risk his developement. tennessee needs time to write a "vince" playbook and acclimate him to the NFL. he's got the skill for it, but i think there are very few that will argue that he's got the head for it at this point. besides, i want vince fully NFL ready when mario knocks his block off.

:fireball: :bowser:
If VY is going to start that game I wll get the NFL package from my cable provider just to see Mario eat he alive.Figure it will be Marios 8TH game he will will be ready to realy prove himself to the home fans that VY is not all that.
Was there ever any doubt that Dud would want to do this? He over rode his coaches and made them pick VY just so he could do this. Not a particularly smart thing to do IMO.
Carr played as a rookie. Let's hope for the Texans sake that if Vince does start it won't be one of his better, pull all rabbits out of the hat days.
LMBH said:
Carr played as a rookie. Let's hope for the Texans sake that if Vince does start it won't be one of his better, pull all rabbits out of the hat days.

yes carr played as a rookie but they didnt have a solid backup QB they has the potential to start on a few teams
LMBH said:
Carr played as a rookie. Let's hope for the Texans sake that if Vince does start it won't be one of his better, pull all rabbits out of the hat days.

Yes and it was a terrible mistake IMO for the Texans to do that. Tony Banks should have been fed to the wolves our first season. All Carr learned to do in 2002 was run for his life, eat dirt, and count clouds.

I'm not a Vince fan and I personally hope he busts but not because I'm some kind of UT "hater" or something. I want the Texans to start winning this division and so anybody that Indy, Jax, or Possum Holler drafts I want to see bust. I want to see Mario hit Young so hard that Vince stumbles over to the Texans huddle before the next play. I don't want him to know what state he's in much less which team he plays for.

Having said that I wouldn't wish a "Carr/2002" type of season on anyone. Sure Vince is probably more mobile and prepared to move than Carr was but he's not going to be any more accustomed to the speed of the pro game than DC was when he got here. Tennessee has a better line than we did but it's not the kind of line we all remember the Oilers having. This is an average line at best.
Now, I'll just plan to bring up my new franchise slowly like this...............over my head...........................


..............And drop it on my big toe...................just like I used to in Houston.
Well, look how well all that running around in fear and such helped him survive the past 3 seasons! One knock on him was that he was a Cali wussy.......I think he has proven he is a tough SOB!
CloakNNNdagger said:
Now, I'll just plan to bring up my new franchise slowly like this...............over my head...........................


..............And drop it on my big toe...................just like I used to in Houston.
This post on this thread helped me get what you are saying.
MikeMc said:
Well, look how well all that running around in fear and such helped him survive the past 3 seasons! One knock on him was that he was a Cali wussy.......I think he has proven he is a tough SOB!
No wussys in California brother:cool: .................But your right he is a tough one.:redtowel:
Well, people in TX think CALI guys are nothing but long haired hippies....I know better, I am a Texan that has been throughout Cali.....but Carr has not lived down the hollywood/long-haired pretty boy stigma.
Like I said I think this was Buds pick, you can not tell me that Norm Chow and the way he runs his Offense wanted Vince over gunslingers Liehnart and Vanderbelt guy(cant believe his name slips my mind right now), he was picked to get at Houston and sale jerseys, he is a good player but I do not think he fit what they were looking for in a QB, Matt could have stepped in there this year the first game and done just fine.

Dont get me wrong I wish all these guys good luck (not when they play us but) BUT Vince has a big mountain to climb, he has never had to learn a Offense like this before, ever, just look at Billy Volek came from Fresno State but they had a Offense like Tennesse runs, came more natural for him.
MikeMc said:
Well, people in TX think CALI guys are nothing but long haired hippies....I know better, I am a Texan that has been throughout Cali.....but Carr has not lived down the hollywood/long-haired pretty boy stigma.
Comes with the California stigma, your right, just like there is only 2 things in Texas, Steers and............:bananasplit: J/K I respect you guys.
I thought it was pretty well known that the GM and Bud made the decision to draft VY. Obviously Chow and Fisher wanted Leinart. Fisher knows he'll probably be out the door by the time VY is ready so he needs to win now.
This 'demand' by Bud doesn't surprise me. And I don't imagine that Coach Fisher is too happy to have an owner dictating who will start and when they will do it.

But hey, division rival, throw him to the wolves as soon as possible. I don't want him to fail because he's Vince Young. I want him to fail because he's a Tennessee Titan! :muscles:
Say what you will, but having Young starting THIS season in Reliant would be a blast to watch.

Mario vs. Vince round 1... :redtowel:
I don''t think it matters much this year who starts. Both Volek and Vince have the ability to torch our defense.
MikeMc said:
Hulk, that would be Wyoming...not Texas! We have steers, beers, and careers!

And long haired hippie pretty boys are not from bakersfiled ca, they are in San Fran and San Jose, Bakersfield is half farm town and half city folk, kind of a mix of city and farm land. Not to many places to go surfing, like Santa Cruz.

Now the Board Walk down here is some were that the long haired hippies hang around.
wags said:
I don''t think it matters much this year who starts. Both Volek and Vince have the ability to torch our defense.
Maybe last years D. This year we got Williams, Ryan,Weaver,Smith,Babin,Peek,Polk,Orr,Drob, all playing in a D, One under stand and two play to there strengths.:sumo:

Vince is a dead man if he steps onto that field. :hunter: :crutch:
edo783 said:
Geezzz, Hookem, there ya go raising everyones hopes.

Actually, I want Bud to live as long as possible. When he dies or is committed to an "assisted living" facility that team will be in much better hands (at least that is a good guess, how can you get worse).
I am just glad Air McNair is in Baltimore so we will never see him more than once a year, unless we meet in the playoffs, because no matter how much you dislike the team McNair is a GREAT player with a will to win like only the great ones have.

I am not a real big fan of Adams... but there is nothing in the article that is quoting Adams. It looks like a sports hack with hope that Young starts, to have something to talk about.
TwinSisters said:
I am not a real big fan of Adams... but there is nothing in the article that is quoting Adams. It looks like a sports hack with hope that Young starts, to have something to talk about.


From ALL HEADLINE NEWS (and this has been quoted in other sources):

Titans Will Replace McNair With Volek, Not Young

June 10, 2006 11:40 a.m. EST

Matthew Smith - All Headline News Contributor
Nashville, TN (AHN) - The Tennessee Titans have named Billy Volek as the starting quarterback for the 2006 season.

The Titans traded franchise quarterback Steve McNair to Baltimore on Thursday. At the 2006 draft, they selected Texas quarterback Vince Young as the No. 3 overall pick to make him the quarterback of the future.

For now, Volek will assume duties behind center. The 2000 undrafted free agent had his best season in 2004, passing for 18 touchdowns and nearly 2,500 yards.

Titans coach Jeff Fisher said Thursday, "Let's face it. You're going to see [Young] on the field this year. Where and when and how, I can't be specific, but you're going to see him on the field at some time.

"How things are going to unfold, I can't be specific. But I can say Billy is going to line up as our starter. He inherits the role now, and we're getting Vince ready to play as quickly as we can."


If this didn't come directly from Big BUD, Fisher by now would have had his lips superglued and a cork up his @ss, with Bud asking repeatedly "Who's your Daddy?"
CloakNNNdagger said:
If this didn't come directly from Big BUD, Fisher by now would have had his lips superglued and a cork up his @ss, with Bud asking repeatedly "Who's your Daddy?"

I know.. I saw this same line in a series of interviews that Fisher gave out to NFL Network and the team press release. He starts out talking about how Volek is the starter and Vince will be groomed. Then he comes out and says that he'll try to work Vince into some type of role while he is being groomed.

Most of Fisher's press releases are talking about Volek as the quarterback ( when he is talking about QBs and the upcoming season ).

I couldn't find a single news clipping anywhere quoting Bud Adams or even talking about Bud Adams recently. If Bud would have said this you would have to expect to find some kinda mini-parade going on. But there isn't anything else on the wire about it. I am just saying, it doesn't look like healthy journalism.

(on the importance of reps for the starting quarterback)

What happens is the starter gets 60 or 70% of the reps and we divide up the rest. So, Billy hasn’t had the numbers and it’s going to really help him. Today’s a good example, in the 7-on-7 (passing drill), I don’t think he threw a ball that hit the ground today. It’s only going to help him as we push through this.

All he ever talks about is Volek. The context here is McNair left.
Kevin Mawae-NFL Player journal

Well, we finished another OTA day at the Titans today. Not much to report, just another day at work! Everyone wants to know about Vince Young. Now that it's for sure McNair won't be here they are even more interested. I can't comment on wether or not he will start but he is a great athlete with a good head on his shoulders. For now though, this is Volek's team.
TwinSisters said:
I know.. I saw this same line in a series of interviews that Fisher gave out to NFL Network and the team press release. He starts out talking about how Volek is the starter and Vince will be groomed. Then he comes out and says that he'll try to work Vince into some type of role while he is being groomed.

Most of Fisher's press releases are talking about Volek as the quarterback ( when he is talking about QBs and the upcoming season ).

I couldn't find a single news clipping anywhere quoting Bud Adams or even talking about Bud Adams recently. If Bud would have said this you would have to expect to find some kinda mini-parade going on. But there isn't anything else on the wire about it. I am just saying, it doesn't look like healthy journalism.

All he ever talks about is Volek. The context here is McNair left.


I know where you're coming from. But when the draft was coming up, there were no direct quotes to Bud's preference for Young either. There were many references though to the dichotomy which existed between Bud and Fischer and company as concerned the pick of Young over Leinart. It was clear that Bud had "overruled" others, and "forced" the pick........without a direct quote from "The Man."
The way the draft went down for the Titans' was that most likely Fisher and Chow were leaning Leinert and Reese/Adams were leaning Young ( they were taking a QB no matter what ). So it wasn't like a typical Bud Adams thing. That's your Number 1 football guy the Director versus your number 2 HC. Fisher doesn't captain that ship, nor has he ever.

Reese is responsible for all aspects of the Titans’ football operations, including player personnel, scouting and contract negotiations. He joined the Oilers in 1986, serving as linebackers coach four seasons before shifting to the front office in 1990 as the club’s Assistant General Manager.
From Titan's HQ

It's not like we are dealing with Fisher and Chow as stand up "pure" football calls either, both of them are from USC. Reese is UCLA and Adams is a UT man ( all of his kids went to UT ). He's on record talking about it along with Reese ( just the selection of Young, not the in-house debate ).

It's not a big surprise that White was taken in the second round either.

McNair and Dan Reeves are Carolina men. Hell they might have even known each other in school?!?! Not sure never looked... but I heard what was going down when Reeves was brought in for consul. Casserly did not go to a major football school and his daughter attends a DC school.

This is not to say alumni control the world ( just in case a conspiracy nut is trying to decode this message ), but they play a part.

Under no circumstances should this disclaimer be seperated from the context of this thread. I am not defending Adams. I am merely talking about football and news. There are 1,003 real reasons Adams is a blatant idiot, you don't have to make up imaginary ones. Sure Bud wants to beat the Texans, but that's only because he wants to win the Super Bowl. He's not clever enough to want to rub Houston. He's just a bungeling oaf.

I am actually not even sure if Stanely wants to win a Super Bowl. To be honest somebody most likely just told him that's what you want to do and he just went along with it.
wags said:
I don''t think it matters much this year who starts. Both Volek and Vince have the ability to torch our defense.

I just don't see it. Volek maybe but Young? No way in hell he's "torching" anything as a rookie. Keep in mind that Young is going to be a rookie and rookie QB's don't light anybody up. Elway didn't light anybody up as a rookie and Peyton Manning was pretty mortal as a rookie. Vick didn't either.

Young might be everything his fans say he is but next year he's a rookie QB and he's going to be challenged by anyone with a halfway decent defense and I don't see the Texans having any trouble fielding at least a halfway decent defense. The best defense this team has ever fielded was in 2002 and that was whipped up out of an expansion draft and thin air by Vic Fangio. I can only assume he hadn't had enough time to really get them doing things his way that year because they were pretty good. I expect much better from this, more talented and presumably better coached group. They'll tear Young up and if Tennessee doesn't have their pass protection together next year Volek will do about the same.
VY to start agianst us in Dec. Ha, thats great by then our D will be kickin' ***.Vince better be ready to try to pull something out because he's going to need it with the *** whiping he's got coming from Mario! V Bust will never be more than hope for that organization, Great pick Bud!:confused:

Just woundering, is Dec. 10th Battle Red Day? Maybe we will be wearing our whites, by the end our the game it will look like our D is wearing the Battle Reds with Youngs blood. :logo:
Hervoyel said:
No way in hell he's "torching" anything as a rookie. Keep in mind that Young is going to be a rookie and rookie QB's don't light anybody up.

Ryan Fitzpatrick anyone?

The one thing I worry about with Young is that to stop him we need a spy. We need someone with speed WHO CAN TACKLE. Greenwood has speed but he's about as physical as a dead fish handshake. Our safeties are brutal at taking bad angles. Who's our Polamalu?

BTW I hope you're right.
Double Barrel said:
This 'demand' by Bud doesn't surprise me. And I don't imagine that Coach Fisher is too happy to have an owner dictating who will start and when they will do it.

But hey, division rival, throw him to the wolves as soon as possible. I don't want him to fail because he's Vince Young. I want him to fail because he's a Tennessee Titan! :muscles:


Throwing him to the dogs is exactly what it'll be like. Young will have a much more difficult time of it adjusting to his new NFL status. Remember, he was brought up as a "shotgun" QB....................and in a ONE READ system. Under center will be a whole new world. You don't have the luxury of time and seeing the field in panarama. It's difficult enough for a rookie coming from a pro offense school to adapt to the speed of the NFL game. Take one that's not used to sniffing the center's but in college, and the game will seem as though it is passing the speed of light. If Young is put in this year, he will be counting clouds while smelling the bad breath of many a D player.
CloakNNNdagger said:

Throwing him to the dogs is exactly what it'll be like. Young will have a much more difficult time of it adjusting to his new NFL status. Remember, he was brought up as a "shotgun" QB....................and in a ONE READ system. Under center will be a whole new world. You don't have the luxury of time and seeing the field in panarama. It's difficult enough for a rookie coming from a pro offense school to adapt to the speed of the NFL game. Take one that's not used to sniffing the center's but in college, and the game will seem as though it is passing the speed of light. If Young is put in this year, he will be counting clouds while smelling the bad breath of many a D player.

If you don't like a player just say it instead of beating around the bush with meaningless babble...Who cares if he rarely was under center in what...Have you seen him play...ever??? ...All players leaving college for the NFL will be asked to do something they aren't used to doing...You are acting like last year he was playing touch football...this is the same guy that won the N'tl championship...Yes he will have to adjust to taking more snaps under center, but I seriously doubt that will make or break him as a QB...
xtruroyaltyx said:
If you don't like a player just say it instead of beating around the bush with meaningless babble...Who cares if he rarely was under center in what...Have you seen him play...ever??? ...All players leaving college for the NFL will be asked to do something they aren't used to doing...You are acting like last year he was playing touch football...this is the same guy that won the N'tl championship...Yes he will have to adjust to taking more snaps under center, but I seriously doubt that will make or break him as a QB...
It is a bigger problem then you think............NOT huge but it is something he will have to get used to............The Offense he ran at UT and the one he is running now are night and day, I am sure they will have Draws and designed runs for him, but as for dropping back hitting is back foot ball out, is going to be hard.
Those videos of him dropping back in practice, he is really off balance, and for a QB your feet is what really make or break your throw, I dont care how it comes out if your feet are not right you will have major problems.
wags said:
Ryan Fitzpatrick anyone?

True, he "lit up" the worst team in the NFL and then led the Rams to three straight losses on his way to throwing 4 TD's and 8 picks last year.

I do not expect the Texans to be the worst team in the NFL next year by a long shot. I know I'm right on this. There's no reason to fear Vince Young in 2006. Later maybe, next year no way.
xtruroyaltyx said:
If you don't like a player just say it instead of beating around the bush with meaningless babble...Who cares if he rarely was under center in what...Have you seen him play...ever??? ...All players leaving college for the NFL will be asked to do something they aren't used to doing...You are acting like last year he was playing touch football...this is the same guy that won the N'tl championship...Yes he will have to adjust to taking more snaps under center, but I seriously doubt that will make or break him as a QB...


Meaningless babble?? I see. I guess it's easier to avoid facing reasonable concerns of how prepared Young is to start THIS YEAR (that is the point to this thread) than addressing the facts as they stand. I believe that Young could develop into a fine NFL QB.........but that won't be evident THIS YEAR ....for the mere fact that he is a ROOKIE compounded by the reasons
I've already mentioned. And yes, being from Houston, I've seen him play, and that is from which my opinion or, as it has been referred to "meaningless babble," is based.
Beyond taking snaps from shotgun, I'd say the biggest concerns are Young's tendency to run (instead of scramble behind the line waiting for a receiver to get open) and those nice, fluffy air balls he has a tendency to throw under pressure.

Of course, these are things that can be worked on. And Young will [eventually] be a player that we'll have to worry about twice a year. But not this year, not as a rookie struggling to learn the complexities of an NFL offense.

We've got some breathing room with this season, but I have little doubt that we'll see Vince Young gaining ground in our rearview mirror over the next couple of seasons. I hope Mario Williams is gaining the same ground, though, because it could be like a heavyweight title fight. As an NFL fan, I relish the thought. :thumbup
wags said:
Ryan Fitzpatrick anyone?

The one thing I worry about with Young is that to stop him we need a spy. We need someone with speed WHO CAN TACKLE. Greenwood has speed but he's about as physical as a dead fish handshake. Our safeties are brutal at taking bad angles. Who's our Polamalu?

BTW I hope you're right.

Our Polamalu is C.C. Brown, hard hitter and has a nose for the ball.