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PFT: Dungy Out as Head Coach of Colts


Hall of Fame
POSTED 2:06 p.m. EST, January 16, 2008


A league source tells us that Colts coach Tony Dungy will step down, and that assistant head coach/quarterbacks coach Jim Caldwell will take the reins.

More to come.

closest thing i could find was a piece by clayton from 3 days ago:

INDIANAPOLIS -- The defending champion Indianapolis Colts lost more than a playoff game on Sunday to the San Diego Chargers. The vibe coming out of the Colts' locker room following their devastating 28-24 loss to the Chargers was that Tony Dungy might have coached his last game. As expected, fans said goodbye to the RCA Dome on Sunday -- a new stadium is rising in the dome's parking lot and opens this summer. Dungy, meanwhile, wouldn't say anything Sunday night about his coaching future. He will continue his discussions with owner Jim Irsay about returning next season, but he's probably going to say goodbye this week. "We love coach Dungy,'' safety Bob Sanders said. "We definitely want him around here. I don't know the situation. I don't know what's going to go on. We'll know and we'll see.''
"He's a great coach and a great person,'' cornerback Kelvin Hayden said. "I really don't know to give a call on it. I hope he does come back. He didn't say anything after the game. We don't know. I'm concerned about it because he's the guy who brought me in.''
Some assistant coaches were teary-eyed as they left the RCA Dome. They sensed Dungy could be stepping down. He hasn't even said anything to the coaches who have been around him the longest. They honestly don't know. Two years ago when Dungy lost his son to a suicide, everyone sensed he wanted to continue coaching. He did and the Colts won a Super Bowl last February.
Maybe the thought of losing Dungy short-circuited the Colts against the Chargers. (wah wah.) The Colts pride themselves on efficiency, but their offense made many uncharacteristic mistakes.
I'll wait for an ESPN or CNNSI to report it...then I'll believe it.

I actually think it's true, but would rather wait for the mainstream media to go on record before I comment...
I'll wait for an ESPN or CNNSI to report it...then I'll believe it.

I actually think it's true, but would rather wait for the mainstream media to go on record before I comment...

ya, but for some speculation should that excite texans fans or sadden us/? i personally am siked because he is one hell of a ball coach and am glad we wont have to face him.... what yall think?
ya, but for some speculation should that excite texans fans or sadden us/? i personally am siked because he is one hell of a ball coach and am glad we wont have to face him.... what yall think?

Thats true.

But I dont care how much you hate the Colts, you have to respect Tony Dungy and its sad to see him go.
Sad to see one of the best coaches in the NFL leave. He seemed like a pretty good guy too

Assuming it's true
Unless he's taking Peyton, Freeney and Bob Sanders I don't care. He's a good coach, but those players make the Colts go.

No news here...carry on.
Unless he's taking Peyton, Freeney and Bob Sanders I don't care. He's a good coach, but those players make the Colts go.

No news here...carry on.

It could be the first loose thread that finally unravels the Colts, probably not next season but it will be sooner with Dungy gone. I won't be sad to see one of the best coaches in the league leave our division.
I don't think Dungy leaving is gonna make Manning look like David Carr.

No it won't. It might have an effect on their defense however and I simply can't bring myself to believe that any team that loses a coach like Tony Dungy would be no worse for doing so.

Anything that weakens the Colts in any way is a good thing.
It could be the first loose thread that finally unravels the Colts, probably not next season but it will be sooner with Dungy gone. I won't be sad to see one of the best coaches in the league leave our division.

It's not like Caldwell will be a spring chicken to that organization. Polian is still one of the better GMs and they'll still have continuity within the organization. Peyton and crew are still going to be there and what concerns me even more....they were 13-3 while still injury bitten and LOT of the younger guys got PT this year. Just strengthens their depth.

All that said it is kind of sad to see one of the classier coaches retire.
Losing your Head Coach is a big thing, I don't think you can just assume they will continue to be as good as they were if he leaves.

Because a good Coach instills a mentality in his team, gives his team a identity.

Yes they still have good players but still the Coach is a main reason they were winning, because he had everybody playing the best they could.

You look at Bill Belichick and Tony Dungy, they both have their players playing at a consistently high level. I bet if Mario Williams played with the Pats, he'd probably get 15+ sacks a year and break records...because Belichick seems to be the guy that always harps on a guy 'No, you can play better than this.' All you hear from the Pats when they win is that they can still do better.

Just look at our change, before Kubiak our guys would completely give up down by 10 points or more. At least now we still fight (some weeks) we don't lay down easy no more and the mentality of this team has been slowly changing.

A coaching change is a pretty big change and if Dungy leaves I wouldn't be suprised if the Colts didn't win the division that year.
No it won't. It might have an effect on their defense however and I simply can't bring myself to believe that any team that loses a coach like Tony Dungy would be no worse for doing so.

Anything that weakens the Colts in any way is a good thing.

Losing your Head Coach is a big thing, I don't think you can just assume they will continue to be as good as they were if he leaves.

Because a good Coach instills a mentality in his team, gives his team a identity.

Yes they still have good players but still the Coach is a main reason they were winning, because he had everybody playing the best they could.

You look at Bill Belichick and Tony Dungy, they both have their players playing at a consistently high level. I bet if Mario Williams played with the Pats, he'd probably get 15+ sacks a year and break records...because Belichick seems to be the guy that always harps on a guy 'No, you can play better than this.' All you hear from the Pats when they win is that they can still do better.

Just look at our change, before Kubiak our guys would completely give up down by 10 points or more. At least now we still fight (some weeks) we don't lay down easy no more and the mentality of this team has been slowly changing.

A coaching change is a pretty big change and if Dungy leaves I wouldn't be suprised if the Colts didn't win the division that year.


2007 Dallas Cowboys
2007 San Diego Chargers
2007 Pittsburgh Steelers

2007 Dallas Cowboys
2007 San Diego Chargers
2007 Pittsburgh Steelers

Parcells was a good coach, he had the Cowboys closer to winning a game then Wade, its not his fault a guy botched a snap.

The Chargers have underachieved all year and they don't even seem like the same team they were last year. They DOMINATED teams last season and was a ELITE team with Marty.

The Steelers didn't do anything good the whole year besides win enough games to make the playoffs. A lot of people felt they were overrated, but Tomlin is a good coach IMO, I expected him to have success.

I'm saying, you lose a guy like Dungy thats a big loss...that's the Coach...he was a BIG reason the Colts are where they are at today...he's a reason they have the talent they have today. If they don't find a capable Coach they could begin to go backwards.

You don't lose a potential HOF coach and just continue like nothing happened.
Parcells was a good coach, he had the Cowboys closer to winning a game then Wade, its not his fault a guy botched a snap.

The Chargers have underachieved all year and they don't even seem like the same team they were last year. They DOMINATED teams last season and was a ELITE team with Marty.

The Steelers didn't do anything good the whole year besides win enough games to make the playoffs. A lot of people felt they were overrated, but Tomlin is a good coach IMO, I expected him to have success.

I'm saying, you lose a guy like Dungy thats a big loss...that's the Coach...he was a BIG reason the Colts are where they are at today...he's a reason they have the talent they have today. If they don't find a capable Coach they could begin to go backwards.

You don't lose a potential HOF coach and just continue like nothing happened.
Who came first though? Manning/Harrison or Dungy? I know one came a year earlier but I can't seem to remember who it was. I think it was Manning/Harrison.

I'm not saying that Dungy is a bad coach or anything but I certainly get the impression (as a casual fan) that Manning does a lot of the playcalling/coaching himself while I see Dungy just standing around with his arms crossed. I dunno but I've never seen anyone call as many audibles as Manning.

Dungy? HOF worthy? I don't know about that. One Super Bowl win shouldn't be enough to get you in as a coach. I would think that they'd need more rings to be considered. Certainly more than a player.
Who came first though? Manning/Harrison or Dungy? I know one came a year earlier but I can't seem to remember who it was. I think it was Manning/Harrison.

I'm not saying that Dungy is a bad coach or anything but I certainly get the impression (as a casual fan) that Manning does a lot of the playcalling/coaching himself while I see Dungy just standing around with his arms crossed. I dunno but I've never seen anyone call as many audibles as Manning.

Dungy? HOF worthy? I don't know about that. One Super Bowl win shouldn't be enough to get you in as a coach. I would think that they'd need more rings to be considered. Certainly more than a player.

Manning was there before Dungy, when Dungy arrived they started to become a a great team consistently. With that said, I think Dungy's style is a more hands off approach, and it works.

I just said Dungy is a 'potential' HOF. His career isn't done, but he is one of the best Coaches today no one can deny that.

All I'm saying is...if the Colts had a horrible coach or average, and the guy was leaving...then yeah you can say 'Oh they are not going to lose a step.' but you lose a guy like Dungy...unless the next guy they hire is going to fill just fine then yeah, they are going to go backwards
Caldwell withdrew his name from the Falcons list of candidates, according to the scrolling ticker on ESPN this afternoon.

That pretty much tells me all I need to know pertaining to whether this rumor of Dungy leaving the Colts is true or not.
Parcells was a good coach, he had the Cowboys closer to winning a game then Wade, its not his fault a guy botched a snap.

The Chargers have underachieved all year and they don't even seem like the same team they were last year. They DOMINATED teams last season and was a ELITE team with Marty.

The Steelers didn't do anything good the whole year besides win enough games to make the playoffs. A lot of people felt they were overrated, but Tomlin is a good coach IMO, I expected him to have success.

I'm saying, you lose a guy like Dungy thats a big loss...that's the Coach...he was a BIG reason the Colts are where they are at today...he's a reason they have the talent they have today. If they don't find a capable Coach they could begin to go backwards.

You don't lose a potential HOF coach and just continue like nothing happened.

Cowboys lost both years in the final seconds of their first playoff game both years. I hardly see how Parcells, whom you call just a "good" coach, had them closer. Parcells is a first ballot HoF.

Chargers - take a look at the Strength of Schedule differences. Easy to dominate weaker opponents.

Steelers - "Didn't you anything besides win enough games to get into the playoffs?" Are you kidding me? They lost key players across the board due to injuries (just like we did) they however managed to get into the playoffs.

The Colts were good before Dungy, they'll be just as good after him. Dungy didn't win it all with his players - a good number of them were from the previous regime. OK, he brought with him his defense which took years for them to "gel" meanwhile the Marvin and Peyton were just chugging along. I'm in no way belittling what Dungy has done in Indy, I'm simply saying that lots of teams have overcome the loss of "HoF" head coaches this year alone and have continued and will continue to be successful. Thinking the entire organization is going be fold is ludicrous.
We agree.

2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers

I think that's more indicative of how overinflated Jon Gruden is as a coach.

Not Saying Dungy leaving didn't help and not saying it won't hurt the Colts if this is verfied. But there will be a good amount of continuity on that staff and I wonder if Dungy wouldn't still have a some role for a while as a consultant.

As long as Peyton is at the helm I don't see the colts at least not battling it out for tops in the league, much less division.
I think this brings up a good subject of how much value does a coach really have? I think it's clear that the difference between a poor HC and an ok to average is night and day (Capers-Kubiak); but what about those upper level coaches? How much does that change effect a team? I think from the previously cited examples it shows that not much. Most of these HC leave a solid staff and great core of players to continue on.
Manning was there before Dungy, when Dungy arrived they started to become a a great team consistently. With that said, I think Dungy's style is a more hands off approach, and it works.

I just said Dungy is a 'potential' HOF. His career isn't done, but he is one of the best Coaches today no one can deny that.

All I'm saying is...if the Colts had a horrible coach or average, and the guy was leaving...then yeah you can say 'Oh they are not going to lose a step.' but you lose a guy like Dungy...unless the next guy they hire is going to fill just fine then yeah, they are going to go backwards

You do realize Jim Caldwell will most likely be the next coach, right? He's been with the Colts for 6 years now. You don't think that Dungy's coaching mentality has been instilled in the asst. coaches too?

Excluding Dungy they will likely have the same coaches as years past. I don't see much digression, if any at all.:cool:
This is just the latest domino to fall that will end the Colt's dynasty in the AFC South. This is a huge development that benefits the Texans.

Marvin's breaking down. Their big money defensive players are constantly dinged (sanders and freeney). Dungy quits. Peyton getting older and a much more pedestrian receiver corps to throw to.

Maybe 08 or 09 is the year that things finally start catching up to the Colts.

The Titans are too cheap to be truly relevant and Jacksonville will always only be a bridesmaid. maybe the Texans could step up in this division the next few years.....looks good imho.
when/where are the keggers celebrating the eventual softening of our division planned?

Superbowl Sunday at my house. 6 kegs and 1000+ jello shots. Of course, the softening of the division will have to be named co-reason for the party, but I can swing it.
BTW, I'm not joking, this is the 14th year running for our fantasy league SB party, and third consecutive that my wife and I have hosted.
Every year, the only mandate is that it is bigger and better than the previous one. We never fail the mandate. Last year we floated 5 kegs, and snarfed 987 jello shots...

ummm... sorry, back OT...
You do realize Jim Caldwell will most likely be the next coach, right? He's been with the Colts for 6 years now. You don't think that Dungy's coaching mentality has been instilled in the asst. coaches too?

Excluding Dungy they will likely have the same coaches as years past. I don't see much digression, if any at all.:cool:

Jim Caldwell did what again as a Head Coach...we'll have to wait and see...

Cowboys lost both years in the final seconds of their first playoff game both years. I hardly see how Parcells, whom you call just a "good" coach, had them closer. Parcells is a first ballot HoF.

Chargers - take a look at the Strength of Schedule differences. Easy to dominate weaker opponents.

Steelers - "Didn't you anything besides win enough games to get into the playoffs?" Are you kidding me? They lost key players across the board due to injuries (just like we did) they however managed to get into the playoffs.

The Colts were good before Dungy, they'll be just as good after him. Dungy didn't win it all with his players - a good number of them were from the previous regime. OK, he brought with him his defense which took years for them to "gel" meanwhile the Marvin and Peyton were just chugging along. I'm in no way belittling what Dungy has done in Indy, I'm simply saying that lots of teams have overcome the loss of "HoF" head coaches this year alone and have continued and will continue to be successful. Thinking the entire organization is going be fold is ludicrous.

Parcells had them closer because all his QB had to do was hold the snap...Wade had them in the position where they had to drive down the field and score...

You can't blame the Chargers diffrences on strength of schedule...that team is NIGHT and DAY from last season and this one. They were a ELITE team last season, now they are considered a good team, a 2nd tier team. It wasn't no they play the Chiefs, Raiders, and Broncos and last year the Chiefs and Broncos were pretty good team, this season they played with 3 bad teams in one division, it seems to me their road to the playoffs was actually easier this year.

Steelers just didn't impress many people when it came to playing good teams, that's all.

Also who said the whole organization was going to fold? I never said that, I said you don't lose a potential HOF coach and act like nothing happened...thats all I said.

I think that's more indicative of how overinflated Jon Gruden is as a coach.

Not Saying Dungy leaving didn't help and not saying it won't hurt the Colts if this is verfied. But there will be a good amount of continuity on that staff and I wonder if Dungy wouldn't still have a some role for a while as a consultant.

As long as Peyton is at the helm I don't see the colts at least not battling it out for tops in the league, much less division.

Gruden is a pretty good coach, Look at that Tampa team on paper, they were not supposed to go to the playoffs.

As I said, you don't lose a guy as good as Dungy and continue like nothing has happened. Are they going to go from 14-2 to 6-10 or somehting like that, no never said that. I said I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't win the division (a very tough division) and that if the coach that is replacing him is average, than the team will slowly as the years go by without Dungy turn into a average team. Yes the asst. coaches will help continuity...but can the run the whole team? Just because you are mentored by Dungy or Belichick DOES NOT mean you will be as good as them. Its possible that Jim Caldwell will do a better job, but if he's just a average coach than its not like they can continue on like nothing happens.

A coach is VITAL to a teams success...look at the Panthers, go to their board and many of their fans hate their coach. The Panthers have the talent to make the playoffs in the NFC...yet they underacheive, and when there coach loses he says things like "Other teams practice like we do." what kind of message is that to send to a team? People feel like the Saints have the talent to do better also. There are plenty of teams that are considered to have talented players yet underacheive...then there are teams that you look at on paper and go "How do they win so many games?" and yet they do.

There is a reason why Belichick and Dungy would lose so many guys, and another guy would fill in that spot just fine, lets not underrate the value of a Head Coach.