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After Schaub concussion, Helmet-to-Helmet offenders will be ejected


Hall of Fame
NEW YORK — The NFL has told its officiating crews to start ejecting players for flagrant helmet-to-helmet hits.
"We are disappointed in the sense that we have lost our starting quarterback for at least one game after the player took the crown of his helmet and delivered an illegal blow to Matt's jaw and the fine levied is only a small fraction of the player's weekly pay," general manager Rick Smith said.
I dunno, but I think this might be a case of too little too late for our guy ?
perhaps your thread title should have been...

"After Schaub Concussion, Texans Defense Will Repay Same To Opposing QB"
perhaps your thread title should have been...

"After Schaub Concussion, Texans Defense Will Repay Same To Opposing QB"

no to quote Kubiak. 'we dont play that kind of football here.'

well i guess we play the losing kind....carebears finish last in the NFL

walsh, belichik, ditka, even landry would have exacted retribution and kept it within the rules of the game 9 times out of 10. we just laid down and took it like a 'man'.....whatever, gary. just grow a damn pair.

Dog gonnit we're not playing that type of football ... it is'nt nice .
no to quote Kubiak. 'we dont play that kind of football here.'

well i guess we play the losing kind....carebears finish last in the NFL

walsh, belichik, ditka, even landry would have exacted retribution and kept it within the rules of the game 9 times out of 10. we just laid down and took it like a 'man'.....whatever, gary. just grow a damn pair.

I disagree. Gary embodies the southern, specifically houston texas-esque class (biggio, bagwell, hakeem, clyde, cambpell, moon) that not many in sports understand and he projects it onto his players. You can tackle and hit hard and make plays within the rules. Jammer and his moron coach don't get this. Reacting to such a classless bush league action would be stooping to their level. Schaub's a big boy, hell be fine. Footballs a man's game. He'll prove it the sunday after tomorrow.
no to quote Kubiak. 'we dont play that kind of football here.'

well i guess we play the losing kind....carebears finish last in the NFL

walsh, belichik, ditka, even landry would have exacted retribution and kept it within the rules of the game 9 times out of 10. we just laid down and took it like a 'man'.....whatever, gary. just grow a damn pair.

among others, dungy's done alright with that losing kind of football
I don't still irritates me that no one was by Schaubs side in a moment, at least to do some pushing and yelling.

I like Coach Kubiak and the team they are building, but even if you publicly dont advertise your desire to have revenge, it should be a team held belief that you watch each others back while on the field.
I don't still irritates me that no one was by Schaubs side in a moment, at least to do some pushing and yelling.

I like Coach Kubiak and the team they are building, but even if you publicly dont advertise your desire to have revenge, it should be a team held belief that you watch each others back while on the field.

It would appease many fans here, for differing reasons, to appoint Petey as the enforcer...:D

I disagree. Gary embodies the southern, specifically houston texas-esque class (biggio, bagwell, hakeem, clyde, cambpell, moon) that not many in sports understand and he projects it onto his players. You can tackle and hit hard and make plays within the rules. Jammer and his moron coach don't get this. Reacting to such a classless bush league action would be stooping to their level. Schaub's a big boy, hell be fine. Footballs a man's game. He'll prove it the sunday after tomorrow.

yeah and the only guy on that list who won anything was Hakeem and he was far from southern and was one of the most fiery competitors in the game. he also had a mean streak and got into so many fights early in his career to protect himself and his body.

so your argument is flawed and without merit. that stupid 'class' is just being punkass and being someone's bit*h. but whatever...if that is southern and being classy, then you can take that and cram it where the sun don't shine.

just a pathetic rebuttal in my opinion and one that only serves to point out how much Kubiak sucks and how much that mindset is for losers and not winners. so being flatlining and not sticking up for your teammates is classy and southern.....haha no wonder the South got crushed in the Civil War. Congrats on losing but at least you were nice *rolls eyes*

as for Dungy not doing this, you are crazy. Dungy is a nice guy but if a team took a cheap shot on Peyton and took him out of the game YOU ARE CRAZY if you dont think he would exact retribution. he is a defensive coach and from the Steelers pedigree of coaching and playing. He played with the Steel Curtain....just because he is soft spoken doesnt make him a wuss like Kubiak and does nothing to benefit your position of being another team's punching bag and prison skank.

this carebear attitude by the coach and a significant portion of the fanbase is EXACTLY why Houston doesnt ever win diddly until you get a true firebrand and a true leader. don't ever equate Hakeem with Kubiak, Bagwell, or Moon EVER. THose guys couldnt even hold Hakeems jock strap.
exactly. and the best way to counter sleazy hits like that is to make like it didn't even phase you. gets under their skin.

nice loser errrr southern mentality

i thought this was Texas not Romper Room....

nice guys finish last...houston fans should know that better than anyone
I disagree. Gary embodies the southern, specifically houston texas-esque class (biggio, bagwell, hakeem, clyde, cambpell, moon) that not many in sports understand and he projects it onto his players. You can tackle and hit hard and make plays within the rules. Jammer and his moron coach don't get this. Reacting to such a classless bush league action would be stooping to their level. Schaub's a big boy, hell be fine. Footballs a man's game. He'll prove it the sunday after tomorrow.

I guess you have never heard of the House of Pain.

For the record, no one ever hit Moon and didn't get paid back.
nice loser errrr southern mentality

i thought this was Texas not Romper Room....

nice guys finish last...houston fans should know that better than anyone

You (and everyone else complaining about the Texans not retaliating) would just start crying about them getting the penalty that resulted from such "retribution" so it's a lose-lose scenario either way.
I guess you have never heard of the House of Pain.

For the record, no one ever hit Moon and didn't get paid back.

And you obviously weren't paying attention to the games being played while that nickname was coined. Jerry Glanville and his "House of Pain" bunch played stupid football and never realized their potential while they were patting themselves on the back for how tough they were. The Oilers may have been over .500 for most of Glanvilles tenure here but if you actually watched the football being played (and can remeber it as opposed to looking back through rose colored glasses) you would know that they wasted some of the best years of those players careers with an "aggressive but stupid" defense that pissed off our opponents and then regularly got beat down by them as payback for their cheap and often borderline dirty play.

For the record lots of people hit Moon and didn't get paid back after that clown in black crawled to Atlanta. Getting hit is part of a football players job description even if he plays QB.
And you obviously weren't paying attention to the games being played while that nickname was coined. Jerry Glanville and his "House of Pain" bunch played stupid football and never realized their potential while they were patting themselves on the back for how tough they were. The Oilers may have been over .500 for most of Glanvilles tenure here but if you actually watched the football being played (and can remeber it as opposed to looking back through rose colored glasses) you would know that they wasted some of the best years of those players careers with an "aggressive but stupid" defense that pissed off our opponents and then regularly got beat down by them as payback for their cheap and often borderline dirty play.

For the record lots of people hit Moon and didn't get paid back after that clown in black crawled to Atlanta. Getting hit is part of a football players job description even if he plays QB.

Glanville was the best thing to happen to the Oilers since Bum Phillips. Glanville set the table and Pardee squandered the groceries.

Those Oilers were a tough, aggressive, scrappy group of players that put the Oilers back on the NFL radar after eight consecutive losing seasons.

House of Pain stood for "you come into my house and your gonna get hurt." People were intimidated to come to Houston. Now look at us, we are the welcome mat for the rest of the NFL.

I will take clown over class if it means getting us back to division wins and playoff appearances.
Agree to disagree on that one. In my opinion Bud Adams "squandered the groceries" as you put it by failing to hire a head coach who could do something with the talent he had (both with Glanville and with Pardee I believe).

I guess the rest of the NFL after he left Atlanta didn't want any part of "the best thing to happen to the Oilers since Bum Phillips".
Guys like Bill Belichick fail in places like Cleveland but eventually get additional chances because the league collectively sees something in them. Guys like Jerry Glanville get no more chances because the league collectively knows exactly what they have to offer.
yeah and the only guy on that list who won anything was Hakeem and he was far from southern and was one of the most fiery competitors in the game. he also had a mean streak and got into so many fights early in his career to protect himself and his body.

so your argument is flawed and without merit. that stupid 'class' is just being punkass and being someone's bit*h. but whatever...if that is southern and being classy, then you can take that and cram it where the sun don't shine.

just a pathetic rebuttal in my opinion and one that only serves to point out how much Kubiak sucks and how much that mindset is for losers and not winners. so being flatlining and not sticking up for your teammates is classy and southern.....haha no wonder the South got crushed in the Civil War. Congrats on losing but at least you were nice *rolls eyes*

as for Dungy not doing this, you are crazy. Dungy is a nice guy but if a team took a cheap shot on Peyton and took him out of the game YOU ARE CRAZY if you dont think he would exact retribution. he is a defensive coach and from the Steelers pedigree of coaching and playing. He played with the Steel Curtain....just because he is soft spoken doesnt make him a wuss like Kubiak and does nothing to benefit your position of being another team's punching bag and prison skank.

this carebear attitude by the coach and a significant portion of the fanbase is EXACTLY why Houston doesnt ever win diddly until you get a true firebrand and a true leader. don't ever equate Hakeem with Kubiak, Bagwell, or Moon EVER. THose guys couldnt even hold Hakeems jock strap.

wah wah wah. grow some balls buddy. if you wanna watch fights there's plenty of boxing and UFC on tv. everyone gets hit in football. dont cry over a skinned knee. if it hurt you so much go sit on mommies lap and put on a skirt.
as for Dungy not doing this, you are crazy. Dungy is a nice guy but if a team took a cheap shot on Peyton and took him out of the game YOU ARE CRAZY if you dont think he would exact retribution. he is a defensive coach and from the Steelers pedigree of coaching and playing..

whats it like knowing how things that have never happened will turn out??

we all see your agenda.. you dislike kubiak for some reason and hate on him every chance you get
whats it like knowing how things that have never happened will turn out??

we all see your agenda.. you dislike kubiak for some reason and hate on him every chance you get

maybe its because he is not a good head coach. the team has taken into his carebear philosophy and its no wonder that we can't get to the QB or step up and defend our players.

and as for those on the board who say the people who are upset about the lack of retaliation for the malicious hit on Schaub would be upset if a player drew a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, I say phooey. you actually believe we would be upset about a 15yard penalty in a blowout game where our QB just got taken out on a cheap shot? cmon now.

bottom line is that Kubiak has no fire and the team plays with that same mentality. there should have been retribution but Kubiak is too stupid or too much of a wuss to realize that. don't be surprised when it happens again and we do nothing about it...once again.

but whatever, kubiak will be back for another year and we will continue to suck and then everyone will finally realize that Gary sucks as a head coach. a good OC but a lousy head coach. but at least you got your stupid 'good guy' hero to fawn over and defend.....kubiak sucks.
Agree to disagree on that one. In my opinion Bud Adams "squandered the groceries" as you put it by failing to hire a head coach who could do something with the talent he had (both with Glanville and with Pardee I believe).

I guess the rest of the NFL after he left Atlanta didn't want any part of "the best thing to happen to the Oilers since Bum Phillips".
Guys like Bill Belichick fail in places like Cleveland but eventually get additional chances because the league collectively sees something in them. Guys like Jerry Glanville get no more chances because the league collectively knows exactly what they have to offer.

I agree to disagree as well. History is 90% perception and 10% facts. I am sure there are people out there who think Bum Phillips stunk and if Lou Rymkus was the coach we would have won the Super Bowl.

But here is an interesting fact that might explain Houston's woes, the first professional football game played in Houston was September 11, 1960.
Glanville was the best thing to happen to the Oilers since Bum Phillips. Glanville set the table and Pardee squandered the groceries.

Those Oilers were a tough, aggressive, scrappy group of players that put the Oilers back on the NFL radar after eight consecutive losing seasons.

House of Pain stood for "you come into my house and your gonna get hurt." People were intimidated to come to Houston. Now look at us, we are the welcome mat for the rest of the NFL.

I will take clown over class if it means getting us back to division wins and playoff appearances.

As a defensive coordinator he was good to great. But as a head coach he was a joke. This team won in spite of him, not because of him. You should listen to Mathews talk about the Glanville years with John McClain on he did not invite him to his induction to say the least.

That was a happy day when Glanville left, what a circus.
Glanville was the best thing to happen to the Oilers since Bum Phillips. Glanville set the table and Pardee squandered the groceries.

Those Oilers were a tough, aggressive, scrappy group of players that put the Oilers back on the NFL radar after eight consecutive losing seasons.

House of Pain stood for "you come into my house and your gonna get hurt." People were intimidated to come to Houston. Now look at us, we are the welcome mat for the rest of the NFL.

I will take clown over class if it means getting us back to division wins and playoff appearances.

I'll have to respectfully disagree with this "post"! With the talent the Oilers had at that time, Jerry "Clownville", Jack Pardee, and Bud Adams squandered both the teams elite status and reputation, with their circus atmosphere in the "house of pain".

Glibride vs. Buddy Ryan, "Clownville" and Elvis, Stagger Lee, Clownville vs. Chuck Noll at the 50 yard line after the game, put this "tough guy" mentality into the national spotlite for buffoonairey! It was embarrassing, at least to me!

I've always hated the Cowpatties in Big D(ump), but, Tom Laundry was a class act and took awhile to build their team. His fedora was better than our "man in black". Oh, we made playoff appearances but, when the team got there, well, you know the rest, if your old enough.

I believe (and I may be wrong) that the players will rise to the occasion, without looking stupid or giving their opponent extra opportunities to win with boneheaded plays to "retaliate". I also agree with protecting your teamate but, not in the detriement of the teams goals. With our injuries on this team, having a player kicked out of a game for a foul would not serve us well.

Getting it done in the trenches is where it needs to be done and the continual "fire Kubiak" for being "soft" is silly. Creating a team that wins without the "thuggery" but, being physical in all aspects of our game will make other teams take notice and not the referee's a chance to dictate the results or outcomes.

I'll have to respectfully disagree with this "post"! With the talent the Oilers had at that time, Jerry "Clownville", Jack Pardee, and Bud Adams squandered both the teams elite status and reputation, with their circus atmosphere in the "house of pain".

Glibride vs. Buddy Ryan, "Clownville" and Elvis, Stagger Lee, Clownville vs. Chuck Noll at the 50 yard line after the game, put this "tough guy" mentality into the national spotlite for buffoonairey! It was embarrassing, at least to me!

I've always hated the Cowpatties in Big D(ump), but, Tom Laundry was a class act and took awhile to build their team. His fedora was better than our "man in black". Oh, we made playoff appearances but, when the team got there, well, you know the rest, if your old enough.

I believe (and I may be wrong) that the players will rise to the occasion, without looking stupid or giving their opponent extra opportunities to win with boneheaded plays to "retaliate". I also agree with protecting your teamate but, not in the detriement of the teams goals. With our injuries on this team, having a player kicked out of a game for a foul would not serve us well.

Getting it done in the trenches is where it needs to be done and the continual "fire Kubiak" for being "soft" is silly. Creating a team that wins without the "thuggery" but, being physical in all aspects of our game will make other teams take notice and not the referee's a chance to dictate the results or outcomes.


We all have our POV. Glanville brought the Oilers back from being the NFL's whipping boys. The same players that got Hugh Campbell fired are the same players that Glanville got to the playoffs.

Some of those players should be thankful that Glanville was the way that he was b/c it took the spot light off of there poor play at times.

At least the Oilers were exciting to watch, can you say the same thing about this group? Other than "hey we are not down by 35 at half time! Yea!"

But again it is a POV, I like my Defenses to be more smash and crash and less excuse me, pardon me.
I guess you have never heard of the House of Pain.

For the record, no one ever hit Moon and didn't get paid back.

True. It's football Sir Isaac Newton style. Every action has an equal and opposite REACTION! In other words you'll get back twice the pain you administer. I'm of the opinion that teams when they see your name on their schedule should be thinking "Oh god not those guys." Your defense should cause physical and psychological PAIN to opposing offenses. Name ONE championship team that DIDN'T have a defense that instilled the fear of god in it's opponets?
On the other hand I'm opposed to mandatorily booting someone for helmet to helmet. I'm not a big fan of helmet to helmet, but rather or not it's "flagrant" is determined by the official. Giving officials that kind of power implies they don't make mistakes and we ALL know that's not true. An official can make a bogus helmet to helmet call and eject a valuable player in a play off game who could have made a pivotal difference. Much like the "tuck" rule and the "stiff arm" I disagree with this.
We all have our POV. Glanville brought the Oilers back from being the NFL's whipping boys. The same players that got Hugh Campbell fired are the same players that Glanville got to the playoffs.

Some of those players should be thankful that Glanville was the way that he was b/c it took the spot light off of there poor play at times.

At least the Oilers were exciting to watch, can you say the same thing about this group? Other than "hey we are not down by 35 at half time! Yea!"

But again it is a POV, I like my Defenses to be more smash and crash and less excuse me, pardon me.

It was very entertaining.....and painful! I was at the Cleveland game, in the snow, nasty fans, "Dawg Pound" reporter from Indy getting smushed and the snowballs hitting him while he laid there, after a "Clownville" statement. Ist half, we rocked and I wasn't spit on too much but, after warming up at the half, we came out flat and in Glanville tradition, we "left the building" and lost, thus earning the wild card.. Karma law let us win the next Sunday in the "mistake on the lake" in Cleveland...

Oh, and then there was the Pardee Bill's game :embarrass

But, I respect your point of view.
But here is an interesting fact that might explain Houston's woes, the first professional football game played in Houston was September 11, 1960.

My cousin was born on January 31.

Does that mean she can throw a fastball like Nolan Ryan?
And you obviously weren't paying attention to the games being played while that nickname was coined. Jerry Glanville and his "House of Pain" bunch played stupid football and never realized their potential while they were patting themselves on the back for how tough they were. The Oilers may have been over .500 for most of Glanvilles tenure here but if you actually watched the football being played (and can remeber it as opposed to looking back through rose colored glasses) you would know that they wasted some of the best years of those players careers with an "aggressive but stupid" defense that pissed off our opponents and then regularly got beat down by them as payback for their cheap and often borderline dirty play.

Sam Wyche admitted to purposefully kicking a FG with seconds left in the game to get the score to 61-7 (Bengals vs. Oilers, 1989) on NFL Films. He still hates Glanville to this day, as do most coaches that played against him in the AFC Central.

IIRC, the Oilers were the most penalized team for a couple of years in a row, and that sloppy play prevented them from ever doing anything with their playoff appearances during Glanville's tenure.

The last thing I want to see is the Texans devolve into that kind of circus atmosphere.

And how folks can slam Kubiak after only 1.5 seasons and dealing with $30 million in dead cap space from the Capers/Casserly debacle is mind boggling. Fast food culture at work, I suppose. Results demanded immediately.
Sam Wyche admitted to purposefully kicking a FG with seconds left in the game to get the score to 61-7 (Bengals vs. Oilers, 1989) on NFL Films. He still hates Glanville to this day, as do most coaches that played against him in the AFC Central.

IIRC, the Oilers were the most penalized team for a couple of years in a row, and that sloppy play prevented them from ever doing anything with their playoff appearances during Glanville's tenure.

The last thing I want to see is the Texans devolve into that kind of circus atmosphere.

And how folks can slam Kubiak after only 1.5 seasons and dealing with $30 million in dead cap space from the Capers/Casserly debacle is mind boggling. Fast food culture at work, I suppose. Results demanded immediately.

And I hate Sam Wyche as well. He also said in one interview that if there was one more quarter he would have scored a hundred.

Which atmosphere would you rather have, the current losing one were everyone downs the Texans or the one were they down the HC but we still go to the Playoffs and win division titles?

Also this is Houston, the Oilers went through 16 H/C's in 34 years. The Bengals hold onto there HC's longer than they should and look at what that gets them.
I want to see aggressive football, but there is no reason to hit a opponent late or out of bounds. There will be times we will be flagged and it could have gone either way. I also do not believe in playing dirty ball, punching in the pile or going for the guys eyes or to hurt a leg, knee or fingers. I do not want to see our players standing around when a teammate gets the slobber knocked out of him on a hit like Schaub received. The way the play happened most did not know about the hit initially, but when your player (QB or not) is lying on the turf the word can be communicated. Next play, eleven players should have gone for the other QB.

There are some things you just do not allow the other team to get away with. I can adjust that a bit if we were in a playoff game or the SB.
Which atmosphere would you rather have, the current losing one were everyone downs the Texans or the one were they down the HC but we still go to the Playoffs and win division titles?

Fair enough, but we do not have the benefit of hindsight to see where this current Texans experiment goes. So I cannot honestly answer the question, and in light of the fact that 35-3 was only a few seasons after Glanville, I'll probably take my chances with the modern Texans and hope for the best. I cannot live through another "Greatest Comeback in NFL History" again. The sloppy play in the 2nd half against Buffalo might have it's roots in the Glanville era for all we know.
Sam Wyche admitted to purposefully kicking a FG with seconds left in the game to get the score to 61-7 (Bengals vs. Oilers, 1989) on NFL Films. He still hates Glanville to this day, as do most coaches that played against him in the AFC Central.

IIRC, the Oilers were the most penalized team for a couple of years in a row, and that sloppy play prevented them from ever doing anything with their playoff appearances during Glanville's tenure.

The last thing I want to see is the Texans devolve into that kind of circus atmosphere.

And how folks can slam Kubiak after only 1.5 seasons and dealing with $30 million in dead cap space from the Capers/Casserly debacle is mind boggling. Fast food culture at work, I suppose. Results demanded immediately.

This is exactly the point. To many people want instant results from where the team was prior to Kubiak and Smith to when they signed their contracts. We should have fixed every single issue and have pro bowl players at all positions.
This is exactly the point. To many people want instant results from where the team was prior to Kubiak and Smith to when they signed their contracts. We should have fixed every single issue and have pro bowl players at all positions.
I think a fair assessment would not hold Kubes/ Smith accountable for prior mistakes, however, it is quite fair to hold them responsible for issues since kubes came on board. Example would be the struggle between the offensive schemes; clock managment and leaving players such as Gado and Flannagan on roster and starting, repectfully. Very few posters seem to be calling Kubes out but he can correct some of these things.