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Moore could have been a Texan?

Errant Hothy


Texans | Team contacted by Minnesota about Moore
Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:48:43 -0700

Jason Cole, of Yahoo! Sports, reports the Minnesota Vikings have contacted the Houston Texans to inform them they have dropped their demand of a third-round draft choice for RB Mewelde Moore. According to league sources, the Vikings will accept a fourth-round draft choice.

As I am not a huge fan of Mewelde I'm glad that this deal was not made; just that I found it interesting that the Vikings were willing to drop the price and the Texans still didn't make the move.

Makes me wonder who on the roster they think is better them Moore, or if he is not better then anyone and then he is not worth giving up a draft pick.
Leads me to believe that Houston brass feels a fourth round pick is better than Mewelde Moore.

I tend to agree.
I think Smith and Kubiak regard 4th round picks as players who will become foundations of the franchise. Look at Owen Daniels and Bennett who both appear to be headed toward starting and making significant contributions. I wouldn't give up that for a non-spectacular temporary patch. 6th rounder maybe, but nothing higher.
Each year Kubiak has been with us/ will be with us...he's started the behind in picks.

2006- No 5th round pick b/c of Moulds
2007- No 2nd round pick b/c of Schaub
2008- No 2nd round pick b/c of Schaub

We've had two really good drafts the last 2 years imo and thats starting without all 7 picks. I don't want to see us trade away any more picks and if anything trade down, if it warrants it. I'm starting to think if we can start collecting draft picks here and there- they will turn them into gold.
Personally, I'd rather not trade any draft picks away. I'd rather keep building through the draft. We traded picks for our franchise QB (and I'm all for it), so let's draft young players which we can groom and keep building around our core players.

We need all of the picks that we have and I believe Mewelde is going to be a free agent in the offseason too. If they have any interest they can go after him there. Minnesota dropping their demands shows that there wasn't much interest in him in the league at that price.
Mewelde Moore is seen by most analysts I've read as a third down back and not much more. I'd rather have a fourth round pick any day.
I wonder why Minnesota beilieves we'd be interested in a running back.

Kubiak & Sherman decided to go with Green, Dayne, and Lundy.

& while I'd personally like an upgrade in the backfield, those three guys have done about what you'd expect of them with the way the OL's been playing.

I've never seen Dayne or Gado create big plays by themselves.... so to expect them to do so now doesn't make a lot of sense. They knew what they were getting when they picked them to make the team.

I can't see us carrying 4 RBs.... And Green ain't going anywhere.
One of these days, I'm hoping we can get past posts that are critical of other posts. :whip:

See I would have been the one to copy and paste her post and say Ding Ding Ding we have a winner just for chits and giggles.

I guess I am to much of a smartass for my own good.
I assume Moore would need holes to run through also. Why waste a pick on a guy to watch him run into the back of our O-line as they get blown of the line.
One of these days I hoping we can get past these ding ding ding we have a winner posts. Please.

One of these I hope people with nothing to say would do just that - say nothing. Contribute something or move. Please.
I think Smith and Kubiak regard 4th round picks as players who will become foundations of the franchise. Look at Owen Daniels and Bennett who both appear to be headed toward starting and making significant contributions. I wouldn't give up that for a non-spectacular temporary patch. 6th rounder maybe, but nothing higher.

Agreed, and factor in not having a 2nd rounder for two years.

I am not complaining about the Schaub decision, but it does impact future trades that involve draft picks.
The problem with the ding ding ding we have a winner posts is the poster makes him/herself out to have the right answer all along and is just waiting for someone to post it.
The problem with the ding ding ding we have a winner posts is the poster makes him/herself out to have the right answer all along and is just waiting for someone to post it.

I agree there is a certain level of arrogance in a post like that. IMHO
The problem with the ding ding ding we have a winner posts is the poster makes him/herself out to have the right answer all along and is just waiting for someone to post it.

I understand, I was just being a dork and having a little fun. Nothing was ment by my comment other than just a smartass being true to form.
that's some pretty forward thinking there bill...

better step back, there is humor being flung around and we wouldn't want anybody to get hurt because of it...

One of these days I hope that we're able to make posts without the word "flung" in them.
"One of these days.....I'm gunna climb that mountain[echoing]"

Rep to the first that names the song and artists without cheating.:)
I guess with can safely surmise that the Bucs thought that a first round pick was too much for Moore as well considering they traded for Bennett.
says the guy who has a monkey in his avatar...

you know what word i hate? penetrate. you'll never be able to use the word penetrate without it being a sex joke.

Mario was unable to penetrate their Oline due to performing patty-cake with the linemen.:cool:
Perhaps 'patty-cake' was just foreplay...?

Oh my...I guess ya got me there. Well, I hope he has the stamina to take on a whole offensive line.

How about this one: The needle penetrated the skin then spewed the medication with authority

Oh my...I guess ya got me there. Well, I hope he has the stamina to take on a whole offensive line.

How about this one: The needle penetrated the skin then spewed the medication with authority


Gimme a minute...........

Got it..

The 'protection' broke
I had hope that this would turn into a penetrating thread bursting with seminal thoughts and ideas.

Didn't happen. Went the way of the potty.....
Each year Kubiak has been with us/ will be with us...he's started the behind in picks.

2006- No 5th round pick b/c of Moulds
2007- No 2nd round pick b/c of Schaub
2008- No 2nd round pick b/c of Schaub

We've had two really good drafts the last 2 years imo and thats starting without all 7 picks. I don't want to see us trade away any more picks and if anything trade down, if it warrants it. I'm starting to think if we can start collecting draft picks here and there- they will turn them into gold.

Exactly! No matter who we bring in this year at running back, it's not going to put us over the top., We aree a year or two away and need to fill some other holes. You do that through the draft. This team has a bright future... do it the right way and the sky is the limit!!! :texflag:
One of these I hope people with nothing to say would do just that - say nothing. Contribute something or move. Please.

Agreed. One of these days I hope we can get past people being arrogant and thinking Ding, Ding, Ding posts are anything but a way for a poster just joining the conversation to say "IMHO, you nailed it." People need to get over themselves and stop taking it so seriously.

Back to football...besides a guy names Peterson I wouldn't touch any back out of Minny. For years they seemed to keep running the same combo of guys out, jittery, oft-injured back who could put up yards a few games a year and have one big year and a bruiser who spelled them. Neither I'd want alone.