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Okoye or Peterson?


Hall of Fame
If the Vikings offered Peterson for Okoye right now,should the Texans do it?

This is just hypothetical and I'm bored and just having fun, so don't start with "that's not realistic, the Vikings don't need a DL". I'm just asking on the Texans side of things. I'm not armachair quarterbacking or being silly, just having some fun.

As much as I think that a good defensive lineman are hard to find, I would do it becasue I think AD is just something special. Amobi will probably be a solid, maybe even a great player for years to come but Adrian is the real deal.

Mods, if you can move this thread to the "NFL". I started it as a "going back to the draft" discussion.
adrian peterson is a man god. As much as i love amobi, We would have our RB for the next 10 years.
no question, Peterson has hall-of-fame written all over him, you take that in a heartbeat.

I don't think Okoye could be having a much better season at this point, unless we somehow played him against Winston Justice every game.

If we assume that they both get into the HoF, which one do you take? I think most fans would take the RB, but I think most coaches would take the DT.
As much as I love Peterson, I don't think I would do it. Running backs are important, but are significantly exposed to injury with the pounding they take which is why most seem to fade after 30. DT's can be dominant for years and are a priority for top defenses. Okoye is definately showing that he will be a force in the interior that offenses WILL have to account for.
Reggie Bush did too... didnt he?

Only as per the media.

You'd be surprised how many of our knowledgeable members called RB a slot receiver before he ever saw an NFL snap.

AD has proven more in 4 games than Reggie has with a full season under his belt. AD will likely have more rushing yards in his first 6 starts than Bush did all of the 06 season. He is the real deal and I think we are only seeing the floor right now.

My $0.02
Only as per the media.

You'd be surprised how many of our knowledgeable members called RB a slot receiver before he ever saw an NFL snap.

AD has proven more in 4 games than Reggie has with a full season under his belt. AD will likely have more rushing yards in his first 6 starts than Bush did all of the 06 season. He is the real deal and I think we are only seeing the floor right now.

My $0.02
for his career, Bush has 645 yards rushing. Peterson has 383. he's going to get Bush by midseason.
Only as per the media.

You'd be surprised how many of our knowledgeable members called RB a slot receiver before he ever saw an NFL snap.

AD has proven more in 4 games than Reggie has with a full season under his belt. AD will likely have more rushing yards in his first 6 starts than Bush did all of the 06 season. He is the real deal and I think we are only seeing the floor right now.

My $0.02

I know.

I was one of those knowledgeable members.

Just pointing out that any Hall of Fame talk about a rookie is overstating things.
well i was saying Hall of Fame for Peterson before he was drafted, becuase there haven't been too many guys to come out of college with his abilities. best RB prospect since Barry Sanders.
Assuming both live up to their full potential I'd take Okoye.
no question, Peterson has hall-of-fame written all over him, you take that in a heartbeat.

It is WAY TOO EARLY to even mention HOF to any player not even through his first quarter in the league, and even talk of it is a disrespect for those in it now. HOF is greatness over time, not a few good games at the start of a career.
Now I get what you are saying, but 4 games in the season to even know how good a player either can and will be is premature. Until there is at least a year or 2 under thier belts, any HOF talk is nuts..
But I would take Okoye...
i said he has HOF potential, which means his abilities are extremely rare and you don't see them very often.
adrian peterson is a man god. As much as i love amobi, We would have our RB for the next 10 years.

I think we have our DT for the next 15 years. I would keep Okoye. I love Peterson and wish he would've fallen to us, but I am still a little worried about the way he runs and potential injury problems. I also think we can get an elite running back next year who may not be as good as Peterson, but is pretty close.
Prior to the draft some people compared Peterson to an LT or a Steven Jackson. Prior to the draft some people compared Amobi to a Tommie Harris. If those comparisons hold up, answer this question. Would you rather have a young Tommie Harris or a young LT or SJ? I say Tommie Harris.
i have no idea why anyone would compare Peterson to Tomlinson. makes no sense, really. all i've heard are comparisons to Eric Dickerson, which i get.
Peterson was the best propspect in years in my opinion. However, I like Amobi and I ain't trading him for a position that has a short life span in the NFL.
I'll take the DT with the longer shelf life. Then again, I think football games are won and lost in the trenches.
I wanted Peterson, figured there was no way he'd fall past Cleveland, was stunned when he made it all the way to the Vikings and crushed when he was taken by them (also surprising in light of their expensive resigning of Chester Taylor.) I thought he would be the biggest "difference maker" we could hope to acquire last year.

Having said that, Amobi has been a force so far and I am quite happy with the early results of that pick. What's more is he seems a positive community and lockerroom influence (not saying that Peterson wouldn't be) so I really am quite enthused that he is a Texan.

Yes, sir. I think everyone knows that i was big on AD in the draft.

Another reason you make that trade IMO, is b/c our offense keys off the run.

Even though Okoye has done great for us, we've got DT's coming out of our ears plus we're shuttling them in anyway & they have probably been the best group on the D-line as a whole.

The RB position................ not so much.
Lets also reflect on their ages. AD is 22 and Amobi is 20.

Peterson was used a lot in his junior and senior years in highschool and freshman year in college. He had injuries that curtailed parts of his soph and junior years. We all know that many backs start to see their numbers go south when they reach 30.

Amobi is 2 years younger and playing a position that you can be dominant intoi your mid 30s. In addition he has played very well this year. So, with Amobi 2 years younger, in a position that has more longevity, and has better than expected this early, the smart and logical decision is to keep Amobi.
If the Vikings offered Peterson for Okoye right now,should the Texans do it?

a couple questions: does Peterson fit Kubiaks system? are you going to be back picking in the top 10 again so you could replace Okoye with a similar talent like LSU's Glenn Dorsey? is Mario going to survive the comparisons while being double & triple teamed?

I would have to say no in all three cases. now if your reflecting back to the 07 draft I would agree that Peterson is the higher ranked prospect (9.59 vs. 9.17 ourlads) & needs now would indicate RB as a higher priority.
Things are fine the way they are. However, the family does like the Houston area which is where AD's mom chose to move.
This is a great and tough question. Some similar to this are quite ridiculous but this one really makes you think, and I'm not sure what I'd do.

I liked Amobi before the draft, loved it when we took him, and am really looking forward to him getting better and helping mario out. He has exceeded my expectations two-fold. I can't believe how he's come out of the gate, starting, and basically dominating!

I like Amobi a whole lot and think he does so much to make our DL better but Peterson has the sexier position and I might lean towards him, I must admit. I hear the shelf life arguement and that's totally valid and what makes it so hard. Okoye should be playing in the league at least 4-5 years longer, imo.

I think having Green and Peterson would be great. Our offense is a 'run first' and Peterson is a home run threat every play, can catch the ball out of the backfield, and will punish cb's and safeties that try to tackle him. Schaub has impressed me so much with his passing attack thus far, and that's with teams not respecting our running game at all. Right now it seems we run to control the clock, pick up some yardage for 3rd and shorts, and enough for schaub to bust out his patented play action. having Green & Peterson would really make teams play up in the box and expose their secondary a lot for AJ, JJ, AD, KW, and Daniels!

I wasn't worried about Green, Dayne, and Gado at first...but I am now. I can't believe Okoye has 4 sacks already and is 2nd in sacks of all DT's in the nfl!
The biggest impact "right now" for the Texans would be AP, definitely. I'd have killed to get him in the draft and it's still a no-brainer for me.

Am I still happy w/ Amobi? I was absolutely shocked he fell to us, and can't believe our luck. One piece at a time and we will have a "world-beater" defense.
If we redrafted and both were available I'd take Peterson easily...but I'm not unhappy at all with Okoye.
Calvin Johnson was the best prospect. AD was the second best. I would have taken Peterson because I have never been high on Green, and AD's measurables and production turned me on.

In short, I would have killed to have CJ, I would have taken AD, but I'm ok with Okoye given how the draft played out I guess, though I still would have taken Revis probably.
nope, not to me, and that's the only opinion that matters. Peterson is clearly a better prospect than Bush, but the hype overshadowed the facts.

Well one way or the other...we're going to find out for a fact if he is (stick in your own peronal icon) Another Kansas comet, Gale Sayers or ESPN got a bad case of man love in '06. There is no question that RB is an excpetional athlete. But now...he's got the Saints on his back and he's the man. We'll see. My line was he was weak between the tackles, he couldn't block worth a spit. All he's gotta do to shut my mouth is walk the walk. If he ends up getting Brees killed , and his output is marginal at best, at some point you got to wonder, did the Saints overpay for a utility running back ? I mean nine to ten touch downs per year is sweet, but at what price beyound the fifty million ?
If we redrafted and both were available I'd take Peterson easily...but I'm not unhappy at all with Okoye.

You never pass up an elite first step DT. With out Mario and the kid we'd be 0-4 and looking for McFaddin in the '08 draft. There are always once in a life time backs. The elite DT guys do not grow on trees. We're fixin to learn that lesson this year when we go up against Stroud, Henderson and Haynesworth and our shakey o-line. They drafted Okoye specifically to go after the QBs in our division.
You never pass up an elite first step DT. With out Mario and the kid we'd be 0-4 and looking for McFaddin in the '08 draft. There are always once in a life time backs. The elite DT guys do not grow on trees. We're fixin to learn that lesson this year when we go up against Stroud, Henderson and Haynesworth and our shakey o-line. They drafted Okoye specifically to go after the QBs in our division.

If we redrafted and both were available I'd take Peterson easily...but I'm not unhappy at all with Okoye.

You never pass up an elite first step DT. With out Mario and the kid we'd be 0-4 and looking for McFaddin in the '08 draft. There are always once in a life time backs. The elite DT guys do not grow on trees. We're fixin to learn that lesson this year when we go up against Stroud, Henderson and Haynesworth and our shakey o-line. They drafted Okoye specifically to go after the QBs in our division.
That's just silly....there are no 'never shoulds' when it comes to the you say the Oilers should have taken Art Still or Ross Browner over Earl Campbell? If there is one D line that the Texans have whipped in the past it has been the Stroud Henderson combo...and we have had crap centers and mostly up and down guard play since the start of time. The Jags are built around "elite DT's.....look what that has gotten them. Nice players but they don't win much.
just because a guy is a "once in a lifetime" back doesn't mean you won't see plenty of those guys come out every year. last year, it was Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson. this year, it's Darren McFadden.
Remind me again who were the starters at C and G against the Jags last year?

those three inside guys are among the best in the league. I do not know their names.
I'm just hoping Demeeeeco quits chasing wrabbits like he has the last three games or we'll all have them perpetually branded on our collective Texan's brains. Br're Wrabbit isn't in that hole Demeeeeeeco.
That's just silly....there are no 'never shoulds' when it comes to the you say the Oilers should have taken Art Still or Ross Browner over Earl Campbell? If there is one D line that the Texans have whipped in the past it has been the Stroud Henderson combo...and we have had crap centers and mostly up and down guard play since the start of time. The Jags are built around "elite DT's.....look what that has gotten them. Nice players but they don't win much.

We'll let us see there now vinny.... Just exactly how many SBs did Earl play in there ? Silly is drafting a premier back befor the o-line is complete. And on Hind sight after the thirty to forty years of heart ache in this town, you'd of think most folks would of gotten it by now. There are anomilies...Trent Green or Jim McMann getting there with great defenses. But what isn't an anomole is the fact that the SB list of RB's is littered with guys no one has ever heard of. And the list of premier Backs, first round backs, who have never gotten there is very long.

The common theme for all of the SB teams is that they had very good to superior lines. And as always, you build from the inside out first...then you fill in with the rest. And every draft there is always going to be the next great RB phenom. And every year most of the teams with the duel need will take preimer OLTs and CBs over RBs and WRs. I'm finding prety comical Reggie Bush the guy that half of this board wanted in '06 is going through another six game slump. For how many million ? Blind man could see it this year....It ain't the backs. When your starting center and Right gaurd gets crushed by a moss backed seveteen year vets in back to back got a tallent problem.

And you get a shot at a kid, who's first step is beyound 99% of the DTs ever to have played this game...and you by pass him for a RB, a dime a dozen RB...Yeah someone is being prety silly alright.
i agreed with you up until there. that is, if you are talking about adrian peterson as a "dime a dozen"...that's just incorrect.

When he makes two three hunderd carry seasons with out an can throw the statement back into my face if a want. If it's a prop bet I'll take the under thank you very much. Everyone called me crazy for dissing Reggie Bush and Lendale "pass me another bisciut" White also. The jury is still out on Tater Tot and the U of H slinger. He, "all day " runs high and backs who run high get hurt. Believe it or not.
I think Okoye only for the injuries AP has had in the past. His running style is too much like a fast Earl Campbell. He is great, but that style doesnt last for near as long. You love his grit and punishing hits, but it wont last near as long. At dline, you can learn ways to :cheat" later on, and still contribute even as your skills decline. However, for the record, I wouldnt cry over either of them. What a problem top have, deciding who you want more.