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Jacoby Jones starting this week


Didn't see this posted yet...

Jacoby joins the ones: Wide receiver Jacoby Jones has had quite a week, and his stellar performance in the preseason opener against Chicago was capped off today by Kubiak with the announcement that Jones has been moved to the number-one offensive unit in some play packages and may see a start at the second receiver spot Saturday against the Arizona Cardinals.

“He just continues to make plays,” Kubiak said. “This kid just handles himself like he’s been doing it a long, long time. We need to study him pretty hard and make sure we go get some more like that because he has made a lot of ground pretty quick.”

Jones knows that he has advanced quickly up the depth chart, but he knows that he isn’t close to proclaiming that he’s “made it” in the NFL.

“I don’t think it will ever just be a time where I’ve made it, because I’m still working to get better,” Jones said. “I hope it’s a long time from now, because I want to keep getting better and better and better.”

Let's all wish him luck this upcoming game and hope he proves to the coaches he deserves to start!


On a side note, Patrick Pass is starting at FB. Is there something wrong with Leach?

EDIT: Rookie mistake, heres the link:
Didn't see this posted yet...

Let's all wish him luck this upcoming game and hope he proves to the coaches he deserves to start!


On a side note, Patrick Pass is starting at FB. Is there something wrong with Leach?
wow this is great! go jacoby! andre and jocoby baby!
Good news...

On a side note: If Walter continues to be non-impressive and Jerome Mathis continues to play well, is it possible that our once proclaimed 2nd reciever winds up 4th on the depth chart ? or lower? :yikes:
I have never personally been impressed with Kevin Walter

Sure he's big, but he's not particularly fast and he's not particularly shifty or quick
Kubiak said his biggest asset was his consistency, but from what I've seen on the field, that seems to be his biggest flaw
I have never personally been impressed with Kevin Walter

Sure he's big, but he's not particularly fast and he's not particularly shifty or quick
Kubiak said his biggest asset was his consistency, but from what I've seen on the field, that seems to be his biggest flaw

Seems the worst thing you can receive, as player, is an early statement of faith from Gary Kubiak.

Last year, the top story was how Gary said Wali Lundy just has "that look" in his eyes..that Wali had the stuff of great RBs...that Wali is going to be playing RB in the NFL for a long time.

Fast-forward to the present: Kevin Walter deemed to be Numero Dos by El Capitan Senor Kubiak. And we see the same free-fall that enveloped Wali.

At what point will this coaching staff admit that Jerome Mathis is a pretty doggone good football player? This is starting to bug me. For all the ruckus that T.O. creates in his greatness as a player, can we indulge Mathis just a little bit?

I'm not excusing all-out rebellion and anarchy from Mathis, nor from any other Texans player, but it seems Kubiak has ridden Mathis a little hard considering how much MORE Mathis has contributed than about 90% of the rest of the team.

Outside of DeMeco, no other player but Mathis has performed as if he's tailor made for the NFL every time he steps on the field.

I mean, when was the last time you can remember that Mathis did NOT send opposing special teams units into full blown panic attacks when it came time to punt or kick the ball? They are flat out SCARED to see him get the ball. They almost stand still and just seem to watch him more than try to position themselves to actually tackle him.

At some point, Kubiak is going to have to swallow some pride and let Mathis step up and be a player alongside AJ.

AJ-Jacoby-Mathis-Daniels/Putzier should be on the field together pretty much the entire game with the exception of some 3 or 2 WR sets.

Seems like a fairly good idea to me.
All I can figure is that Kubiak wants to reduce Mathis' time on the field, not allowing him to play many snaps on offense, so that he is available for special teams so we can get good field position.

Maybe Kubiak is trying to protect him, and is using these little side stories he tells the media about Mathis as a way to shield Mathis from the chances of getting injured out there as a WR?

Maybe Kubiak is afraid to admit that he is indeed reserving an entire roster spot for Mathis as just a punt/kick returner? He thus is sending Mathis out onto the field as a WR a few times a game JUST to keep up appearances.

This whole arrangement of why Jerome is not out there regularly as a WR is beginning to rub me the wrong way. The guy is a talent. Use him, please.
I think you need to step away from the ledge, take a deep breath and reach for a nice cool drink of logic...
Mathis should just return Kicks this year...

Look at our depth at WR...

Johnson, Walter, McCardell, and Jones...

I think Mathis out of all those guys is our 5th best WR... Why have a average WR when you can have a GREAT returner...

Hester won some games on returing the ball and field position is EXTREMELY important...

As long as we have that kind of depth at WR then Mathis should be returning kicks IMO.
For all the ruckus that T.O. creates in his greatness as a player, can we indulge Mathis just a little bit?

Not just "No." but "hell no."
Indulgence went out with Carr, Buchanan, Domanick, Moulds, etc. Everyone works to keep their spot.
If Walter gets beat out by Jones or Mathis (and the signs are sorta pointing to that occurrence) then one of them will start.

I'm not excusing all-out rebellion and anarchy from Mathis, nor from any other Texans player, but it seems Kubiak has ridden Mathis a little hard considering how much MORE Mathis has contributed than about 90% of the rest of the team.

And guess what? Its working. He's in the best shape he's been in since he's been here. He's been as close as he can be to a model player. And he's working his butt off to beat out Walter - which I think he can. And about that 90% you spoke of; have you noticed that most of them have stepped up or are gone?

Outside of DeMeco, no other player but Mathis has performed as if he's tailor made for the NFL every time he steps on the field.

I guess Andre Johnson, Owen Daniel, Charles Spencer, Dunta Robinson, etc. were just slacking or struggling along, huh?

attention gpshafer...
the pharmacy called. your meds are in.

I mean, when was the last time you can remember that Mathis did NOT send opposing special teams units into full blown panic attacks when it came time to punt or kick the ball?

I can think of about 14 games last year alone that he didn't strike fear into opponenets.

But of course, that is your point. It isn't about his ability; it is about his health. The Texans need to figure out how much they can use him and still keep him on the field the whole year.
Why can't we field two KR guys at the same time? Mathis and Jones. Can't kick it away from both of them. This would also help both of them get snaps at WR. Makes some sense in my head.
Why can't we field two KR guys at the same time? Mathis and Jones. Can't kick it away from both of them. This would also help both of them get snaps at WR. Makes some sense in my head.

Well I would think since special teams is a violent 10 seconds, that having two KR in there, one would have to make a block when bodies are coming full speed would not be a wise thing...Thier bodies are not that big and to take an extra hit would most likely be more harm than good...
This whole arrangement of why Jerome is not out there regularly as a WR is beginning to rub me the wrong way. The guy is a talent. Use him, please.

You're acting like Kubiak has intentionally not played Mathis a bunch. Fact is Mathis was only able to play in two games last year due to injury not coaching decisions. Kubiak has always maintained he wants Mathis on the team as more than just a returner.
Didn't see this posted yet...

Let's all wish him luck this upcoming game and hope he proves to the coaches he deserves to start!


On a side note, Patrick Pass is starting at FB. Is there something wrong with Leach?

I think I heard Kubiak call it "the zebra" package. WTF does that mean?:wild:

I noticed Mathis limping around the other night at practice. It appeared he was favoring his quad muscle. I didn't see him participate in anything after I'd noticed this. It's probably no big deal, but looking at his history and the beginning of this camp, I'm treating him as just a bonus if he's healthy.
Mathis should just return Kicks this year...

Look at our depth at WR...

Johnson, Walter, McCardell, and Jones...

I think Mathis out of all those guys is our 5th best WR... Why have a average WR when you can have a GREAT returner...

Hester won some games on returing the ball and field position is EXTREMELY important...

As long as we have that kind of depth at WR then Mathis should be returning kicks IMO.

I dunno...

If McCardell makes this team, I'm not sure I wouldn't want Mathis on the field over him...
Seems the worst thing you can receive, as player, is an early statement of faith from Gary Kubiak.

Last year, the top story was how Gary said Wali Lundy just has "that look" in his eyes..that Wali had the stuff of great RBs...that Wali is going to be playing RB in the NFL for a long time.

Fast-forward to the present: Kevin Walter deemed to be Numero Dos by El Capitan Senor Kubiak. And we see the same free-fall that enveloped Wali.

At what point will this coaching staff admit that Jerome Mathis is a pretty doggone good football player? This is starting to bug me. For all the ruckus that T.O. creates in his greatness as a player, can we indulge Mathis just a little bit?

I'm not excusing all-out rebellion and anarchy from Mathis, nor from any other Texans player, but it seems Kubiak has ridden Mathis a little hard considering how much MORE Mathis has contributed than about 90% of the rest of the team.

Outside of DeMeco, no other player but Mathis has performed as if he's tailor made for the NFL every time he steps on the field.

I mean, when was the last time you can remember that Mathis did NOT send opposing special teams units into full blown panic attacks when it came time to punt or kick the ball? They are flat out SCARED to see him get the ball. They almost stand still and just seem to watch him more than try to position themselves to actually tackle him.

At some point, Kubiak is going to have to swallow some pride and let Mathis step up and be a player alongside AJ.

AJ-Jacoby-Mathis-Daniels/Putzier should be on the field together pretty much the entire game with the exception of some 3 or 2 WR sets.

Seems like a fairly good idea to me.

Mathis has exhibited he is a "pretty good" returner. He has NOT exhibited that he is a "pretty good" WR. Not that he can't be but facts are facts.
All I can figure is that Kubiak wants to reduce Mathis' time on the field, not allowing him to play many snaps on offense, so that he is available for special teams so we can get good field position.

Maybe Kubiak is trying to protect him, and is using these little side stories he tells the media about Mathis as a way to shield Mathis from the chances of getting injured out there as a WR?

Maybe Kubiak is afraid to admit that he is indeed reserving an entire roster spot for Mathis as just a punt/kick returner? He thus is sending Mathis out onto the field as a WR a few times a game JUST to keep up appearances.

This whole arrangement of why Jerome is not out there regularly as a WR is beginning to rub me the wrong way. The guy is a talent. Use him, please.

Hey COACH, gpshaper called you a "fraidy cat"! What you going to do about that? What did you say? 3pm after school? Dude, where's my car. I'll be there.
Mathis has just recently started showing that he might be a decent WR. But he's always had issues with his hands, and his injury problems are self-explanatory.

I'm not sold on JJ being ready for #2 at this point, either. The WCO requires receivers to run precise patterns and Jacoby is still a young kid learning the pro game. I'm not convinced that he's mentally ready to handle the weekly responsibilities of the spot.

Walter is going to be alright. He's not about speed, but possession. If he can step up to be Schaub's no. 2 or 3 target (behind AJ and the TE), then he'll do what his job calls for in taking pressure off of Andre and providing the short passing threat that we'll need.

Whoever Kubiak chooses, though, will deserve the spot, IMO. I do not believe that our HC plays favorites. His career cannot afford to play that game, and he wants to win regardless of whose feelings get hurt.
I went home for lunch, just in time to see JJ's catch and his return in the 1st Q :) And Schaub's over-throw :( Looked like Walter being tied up caused the over-throw; Schaub didn't adjust for the bump.
I went home for lunch, just in time to see JJ's catch and his return in the 1st Q :) And Schaub's over-throw :( Looked like Walter being tied up caused the over-throw; Schaub didn't adjust for the bump.

I went home for lunch and caught that as well. I think Schaub was already in his throwing motion when Walter broke loose for the endzone. Of course we'll never know for sure do to the outstanding camera view. Pfft! That crew was pathetic.:bat:
I think Schaub was already in his throwing motion when Walter broke loose for the endzone.


A lot of people focus on that slight over throw (that I think Walter could have caught, btw) and totally ignore the read he made...

Those are the kind of throws upper echelon QB's make..
i think it's important to mention Andre Davis as well when talking about the WR's. He looked good in the first preseason game. To be honest, unless McCardell can get Healthy he may end up being the odd man out. Even Bethel Johnson is looking pretty good. I often wonder though if we're all just so used to mediocrity at the position that when we span the depth chart in search of a #2 we see alot of potential that may be pretty average compared to the rest of the league. I'm not sure, just wondering. I would like to see McCardell healthy so we can see him at full speed and see how he looks this year. Also I am quietly hiding my extreme excitement towards Jacoby Jones' potential.