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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

Again I’m by no means an expert but you can’t just file a lawsuit against anyone that has said something about you to try and get their identities. Even if he could you really wouldn’t want to because then Buzbee turns around and say that Watson and his team are trying to force victims of a sexual assault to be revealed publicly and open them up to public humiliation and attack. All he has to do is pull up all the Internet comments being made about how these women are this and that and that’s while they are anonymous. No Hardin has to be really careful about how much he pushes to get identities.

If it does go to criminal court then Watson can face his accusers, if it stays civil then having the identities wouldn’t help him much anyway. I think they mainly want the identities so they compare them to the list Watson has given them of ones he’s gone to. That way they know what others might be coming down the pipeline.
Thanks, it just doesn't seem fair someone can hide their identity while destroying someone else, but it is what it is. Another thing I find interesting. It sounds like, according to Busbee, that Watson was given the opportunity to settle this without publicity. I guess the only way that could have been done, would have been with NDAs. I don't think Watson would have had to admit anything just paid the hush money. But on the other hand, the woman Burney spoke of cuts out the middle man(an attorney), goes straight to Watson(or his rep), and offers to keep quiet(NDA), for 30,000. Why is it when she does it, it's blackmail or extorsion but when Busbee does it, it's fine? Could be because lawyers make the laws.
Yeah that’s one my old stumping grounds. Grew up around. Now after 75 years they’re closing one of my favorite meat markets Burts Meat Market and Cajun Foods.

They use to hanging out on Crosstimbers and Airlines.

Most definitely, a lot of people are trying hustle over the net. There’s a bunch of women tweaking on there.

Ha .... my old hood too.

We had an auto shop on Fulton & Crosstimbers next to the Dairy Queen
No, I don’t see how it would benefit the Texans by diminishing Watson’s trade value?

But still... the timing of this is just hard for me to believe the Texans are not involved in this in some way. I keep thinking there is some kind of morality clause they are looking at to get out of that contract. I mean bailing out after the contract extension has been signed??

Why would they want to get out of the contract ? - They don't , they want him to suit up and play for them.

Even if they don't want him to play for them , having him under an exclusive rights contract is how they extract value from him via trade.

The only way they want out of the contract is if he's given a lengthy prison sentence.
I was listening to Stephen A on ESPN, painful but I was curious how he would spin this, and in between him calling the Texans out for not defending Watson and supporting him, why they should do this when he tried to screw them over was not answered, he said something interesting.

That if Watson is put on the Exempt List the Texans would have to pay his 10 million for this season but they can cut him and completely void his new contract. He of course was against this because it would take money away from Watson, again not sure why Texans should care, but I was wondering if anyone knew if that was true.
I’m going to throw out a couple of thoughts off the top of my head. Understand this is simply my imagination & though some events may be similar to actual persons & events, it’s entirely made up.

Imagine Jane Doe approached Watson with the intent to extort money. He told her to take a hike. He tells his agent/fixer. He is then advised not to react until they find out if she will continue to pursue or if she’ll just forget about it having struck out.

Jane Doe goes to the Texans with her unsubstantiated story & her “manager” again she is told to pound sand.

Texans approach Watson about it, he denies any wrongdoing, & informs his agent/fixer. He is advised to relax not worry about Jane Doe and her “manager.”

Jane Doe pops up with Buzbee filing a civil suit along with four other women. His agent says, “Get a lawyer, a good one.”

I imagine when Jane Doe approached the Texans they sic’d Easterby on him. They most likely advised him to take this seriously & if there was any truth whatsoever he needs to address the situation & not blow it off.

I’m thinking Watson did not appreciate the Texans acting as if there might be a problem when his agent/fixer believed Watson 100% no questions (when the truth is his agent/fixer is only worried about the brand & will advise his “client” to the next payday regardless the reality of the situation.... wormtongue if you will). “They wouldn’t treat you like this in New York”

In my land of make believe I think Watson is wishing he listened to the Texans back then & not his hanger-ons.

If that’s the case why isn’t Watson answering the Texans phone call now?
I was listening to Stephen A on ESPN, painful but I was curious how he would spin this, and in between him calling the Texans out for not defending Watson and supporting him, why they should do this when he tried to screw them over was not answered, he said something interesting.

That if Watson is put on the Exempt List the Texans would have to pay his 10 million for this season but they can cut him and completely void his new contract. He of course was against this because it would take money away from Watson, again not sure why Texans should care, but I was wondering if anyone knew if that was true.

That is stupid as heck, why would anyone support Watson in this situation? Steven A is always flipping back and forth. That’s why you can’t take anything he says seriously.
Okay.......... this is just silly now. He freaking molested or alledgedlly molested the whole Houston masseus community.

This guy was BUSY. :D

Okay I am doing this..... a gif on this thread ;) ....... 4734758947589.gif
I can believe that. However, I doubt Buzbee wants any of these women to be cross examined by Rusty. I doubt it gets that far in any of these cases.

This is why I think Watson is now admitting sexual relations with some of the women and then exposing one of them as a clear extortionist. They want to make the other plaintiffs start to feel a little nervous.

Best case scenario (for Texans fans) is Watson is exonerated and Caserio immediately trades him for a number of first round picks. Dust off and move on.

Agreed, but something's are more important than football. If he's guilty fry his azz.

I just hope he loses all of his money at the least if this case gets settled out of court.
I just now got on this thread, and have no intention whatsoever of going back and reading it all from post 1.

But does anyone besides me find the timing of this just a little suspect? I mean, here we have Deshawn signing a huge contract extension, and then later saying he doesn’t want to play here anymore (and who blame him), with the new GM saying that trading him is not going to happen.

And this sex assault lawsuit business pops up. NOW!!!???

Anyone find that just a little too co - incidental?

(apologies if this is all been previously batted around)

16 have filed, do you find that number to be normal?
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Do we know that he is not? But if he isn’t I would think pride is an issue?

Maybe but if Watson is smart pride is taking a back seat to his lawyer's advice. I mentioned it before but I don't think Hardin is letting Watson, as much as you can disallow a grown man, to talk to anybody because if this does go to court the DA will pull anything and everything. Fact is not getting to play football or having a team cut you, trade or not trade you or even suspend is minor compared to possible criminal charges, decades of jail time and forever being on the sex offender registration. I was actually very surprised by what apparently some of Watson's crew have said and I'm wondering if they didn't go off the reservation when they posted stuff.
I understand that aspect.
It just seems odd that not one of these 22+ women mentioned anything before many SMP's are out there including Twitter and Instagram...

if your ever unlucky enough to
Thanks, it just doesn't seem fair someone can hide their identity while destroying someone else, but it is what it is. Another thing I find interesting. It sounds like, according to Busbee, that Watson was given the opportunity to settle this without publicity. I guess the only way that could have been done, would have been with NDAs. I don't think Watson would have had to admit anything just paid the hush money. But on the other hand, the woman Burney spoke of cuts out the middle man(an attorney), goes straight to Watson(or his rep), and offers to keep quiet(NDA), for 30,000. Why is it when she does it, it's blackmail or extorsion but when Busbee does it, it's fine? Could be because lawyers make the laws.

Because if those names were out against a sports celebrity they would be attacked and threatened-see Kobe when his attorney 'accidentally' leaked the names.
Also, Watsons defense is his Marketing Managers testimony. Yeah I'm going to need more than the word of someone your paying a bought a car for.

Oh my. Buzbee says he has a copy of the Non Disclosure agreement
Watson won't be the first high-profile Texas athlete to go down. Undefeated boxing star Tony Ayala Jr was sentenced to 35 yrs in 1983, but he was paroled in 1999, only to go back to prison a few years later. IMO, Watson will be going down as well, but won't be getting as much time as Ayala.
Watson won't be the first high-profile Texas athlete to go down. Undefeated boxing star Tony Ayala Jr was sentenced to 35 yrs in 1983, but he was paroled in 1999, only to go back to prison a few years later. IMO, Watson will be going down as well, but won't be getting as much time as Ayala.

I haven’t lived in a Houston for a long time but I seem to remember a Mexican Restaurant with that name??
Thanks, it just doesn't seem fair someone can hide their identity while destroying someone else, but it is what it is. Another thing I find interesting. It sounds like, according to Busbee, that Watson was given the opportunity to settle this without publicity. I guess the only way that could have been done, would have been with NDAs. I don't think Watson would have had to admit anything just paid the hush money. But on the other hand, the woman Burney spoke of cuts out the middle man(an attorney), goes straight to Watson(or his rep), and offers to keep quiet(NDA), for 30,000. Why is it when she does it, it's blackmail or extorsion but when Busbee does it, it's fine? Could be because lawyers make the laws.
Just pay us an it goes away, huh ?
If that's not the definitive example of a shakedown I dunno what is, which is what it's all out with a sleazbag like Buzzbutt at the controls.
What an azz-wipe dick !

Oh my. Buzbee says he has a copy of the Non Disclosure agreement
What I find interesting is that he says Watson tried to get them signed before & after the massage appointment.

I thought it was brought up when they tried to settle with Watson.
Not only that. Hardin claims he was blackmailed in January. Yet did not go to the police. Nor hire a lawyer. He requested a trade. THEN went back to Instagram in March
People forget that Watson's NFL agent is an attorney. He no doubt ran the show in the beginning. Poor decision on the part of Watson to rely on an attorney with obvious conflict of interest.
Just pay us an it goes away, huh ?
If that's not the definitive example of a shakedown I dunno what is, which is what it's all out with a sleazbag like Buzzbutt at the controls.
What an azz-wipe dick !

If that's your opinion of Buzbee then can I ask what you think of Watson's attorney? If you'll recall Hardin was also the defense attorney for Timothy McVay that claimed his OKC Bombing was justified because of Waco and Adrian Peterson and countless other less desirable individuals?
If that's your opinion of Buzbee then can I ask what you think of Watson's attorney? If you'll recall Hardin was also the defense attorney for Timothy McVay that claimed his OKC Bombing was justified because of Waco and Adrian Peterson and countless other less desirable individuals?
Yeah I mean it’s awful. His agent told him to request a trade? That only made it worse
Sure went from nothing happened to consensual sex pretty quick
Saying nothing happened is not saying they didn't have sex, he's saying he didn't do anything wrong. This thread is full of assumptions which are crazy as hell to me. What happened to let him defend himself and see where the facts lay in the end? I admit, the amount of women is staggering, but I also think he deserves the opportunity to tell his story and provide his facts before a conclusion is reached. Seems like a lot of you have been drinking that haterade with Steelb recently and it's tainting your judgment because you are mad at Watson.

I said months ago that there was more to the story than Watson being upset he didn't have a say in who the GM was. I have no idea if this ties into it or not, but it shows that things aren't always as they seem. He has an uphill battle to clear his name, let's see if he's able to.
Why I think DW4 is GUILTY. A normal person in search of a massage would hire a reputable professional masseuse to visit or come to their home or business. If you like a deep tissue massage you would go back to to the masseuse that met your satisfaction much like a barber or a hairdresser. I would bet DW4 has one person who cuts his hair, not 24. You wouldn't be flying people in from Atlanta. You wouldn't be visiting 24 masseuse, barbers or hairdressers. There is a pattern of behavior here and so far they all portray DW4 as a sexual deviate and predator. This on top of the fact he had a masseuse at his beckon call from the Texans training staff. DW4 had something he needed to hide.
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Ok.....a conspiracy theory. The Texans FO is too stupid to come up with this "Destroy Watson" game plan. You know who isn't? That same person is in dire straights QB1 wise? This individual is devious as his years in the NFL have proven.....essentially win at all cost.

Belichick plants his minions into this gullible and idiotic organization like the Trojan Horse. They destroy Watson's NFL value. Belichick will grumble and call Caserio and let them know he'll take Watson off the teams hands at a bargain basement deal b/c he's just a great kind of guy. He'll even offer to throw Newton into the deal just to take some of sting out of the fact that Cal (nudging from Easterby and Caserio) accepted the offer of (2) RD3 picks, (2) RD4 picks, and (1) RD5 pick.....just to rid himself of the Watson Wake.

Caserio and Easterby quit at the end of 2021 b/c they say that working for man/child Cally Boy is unbearable. They return to the Patriots organization to the cheers of fans. Seemed somewhere along the way, Watson apologized, got counseling while willfully serving his NFL suspension, and Belichick brought him in on a re-worked contract.
Remember what Belichick did to Denver.
Sent his little minion to run the team, forced them to trade Cutler who looked like a pro bowl level QB at that time.
Minion then gets fired a year later.
That was not too long after DEN had beaten NE in the playoffs with Plummer.
It’s been done.
That’s not the kind of attorney you need for blackmail attempts. Civil or criminal defense attorney is more like it.
I think his agent/fixer/lawyer blew it off at the time. He probably believed Watson's side of the story & I believe that was the source of Watson's animosity towards the Texans. That they did not believe his story without question the way his agent/fixer/lawyer did.

I'm sure this happens to young wealthy people all the time & they don't file a report every time. Especially if they don't believe the other party is willing to pay $450/hr to file.

Also, if he believes this woman to be a sex worker it may have led him to believe she was not going to go through appropriate channels.

It’s all moot though. He claims blackmail yet went back to soliciting on Instagram

I agree with this as well.

I also think it was a mistake for Watson's team to put out he was looking for a massage. He shouldn't have said anything at that time.

It made it worse, I think, when he admitted to consensual sex. Now if it comes out that all or a majority of his relationships involved sex (consensual or otherwise) it will be clear sex was an expectation at least on Watson's side & his "looking for a massage" statement is a bold face lie, making DW4 a liar.
Why I think DW4 is GUILTY. A normal person in search of a massage would hire a reputable professional masseuse to visit or come to your home or business. If you like a deep tissue massage you would go back to to the masseuse that met your satisfaction much like a barber or a hairdresser. I would bet DW4 has one person who cuts his hair, not 24. You wouldn't be flying people in from Atlanta. You wouldn't be visiting 24 masseuse, barbers or hairdressers. There is a pattern of behavior here and so far they all portray DW4 as a sexual deviate and predator.
I believe he flew them in from Miami and Beverly Hills too.
If that's your opinion of Buzbee then can I ask what you think of Watson's attorney? If you'll recall Hardin was also the defense attorney for Timothy McVay that claimed his OKC Bombing was justified because of Waco and Adrian Peterson and countless other less desirable individuals?
I did not recall that he was part of the McVay defense team. What I do remember is his representation of the Big 8 accounting firm in the Enron mess and also his rep of Roger Clemons.
Anyway I was surprised that DW4 hired Hardin who is now 80 years old and also doesn't seem to have any experience in the legal area of the Watson "situation".
I dunno but it's looking more and more likely that the Texans come out of this whole sordid mess with nothing, zippo, nada, goose eggs !
With this thing dragging out who knows how long, and so much uncertainty as to a resolution, the Texans may well have to cut him outright, even though I think Watson is ultimately playing in the NFL again, but not until the 2022 season
I did not recall that he was part of the McVay defense team. What I do remember is his representation of the Big 8 accounting firm in the Enron mess and also his rep of Roger Clemons.
Anyway I was surprised that DW4 hired Hardin who is now 80 years old and also doesn't seem to have any experience in the legal area of the Watson "situation".
The only case I can remember Hardin having somewhat similar.............Calvin Murphy indecency with a child/sexual assault.................but this was a single accuser...........and taking a child to court has its own unique inborn difficulties for the prosecution, in favor of the defense.
I dunno but it's looking more and more likely that the Texans come out of this whole sordid mess with nothing, zippo, nada, goose eggs !
With this thing dragging out who knows how long, and so much uncertainty as to a resolution, the Texans may well have to cut him outright, even though I think Watson is ultimately playing in the NFL again, but not until the 2022 season
Yeah, I think Watson deserves to have his truth told, but the team is going to suffer majorly because of this. It's likely he ends up on the exempt list, and Houston will have to make the tough decision to cut him. No way can we afford to pay him while he sits out.

Either that or they need to come out in strong support and stand by him, which is unlikely.
I agree. I don't believe Watson wasn't going for massages. I'm only trying to keep the facts straight.

Watson's lawyer has not put out a statement claiming Watson was seeking consensual sex.

& it was more than 24 times. There are many masseuse out there who are not complaining.

That's the dumbest arguement-like congrats? Their are lots of women not complaining that Cosby or Weinstein or Nassar assaulted them too.