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Hopkins traded to Cardinals?

It might not be whether the players believe Irvin’s version rather him being in a position to say what they already know.

I have now gone back to thinking about how O’Brien became GM in the first place. I think I was out of town for the Denver/Texans game and was unaware until this morning when it was mentioned on First Take that O’Brien had gotten into a profanity laced confrontation with a fan and it was Hopkins leading him away and into the tunnel. Is this true?

Oh well, in about eight days my next Texans reminder will be the invoice installment.

very much true...People hear things how they want to hear them tho. I liken it to the Case Keenum thing. BoB probably told him in the actual convo 2nd or 3rd string, but all Case heard was 3rd string b/c he was so insulted. By the time Case's book comes out its only "he said i was no more than a 3rd string". These guys have egos too.
nah my guy ... there was no need for the innuendo if for no other reason than to be intentionally crass and demeaning on his part. cant spin it bro. "baby mama" is a term that is quite definitely aimed at a particular race. Then to lead off the meeting with references to Aaron Hernandez??? Appalling.
Not disagreeing with you or even trying to downplay it.
we can agree that it was both stereotypical and racist, correct?
Who Irvin? Yes he does but he also always wants to get the big scoop so all eyes are on him. See the afore mentioned Brady to Dallas story. Irvin is a blowhard and always has been. An amazing talent and athlete but that mouth has got him in trouble before.
Apples and oranges to me

Brady story.. "people in the know"
Hopkins story " hopkins told him"

I said before that michael is a blowhard and i am not a fan however. That distinction was what i got

It wasnt "someone in the know " told him about the meeting he went straight to DHops mouth
very much true...People hear things how they want to hear them tho. I liken it to the Case Keenum thing. BoB probably told him in the actual convo 2nd or 3rd string, but all Case heard was 3rd string b/c he was so insulted. By the time Case's book comes out its only "he said i was no more than a 3rd string". These guys have egos too.

Do you know how many times I've heard stories from players saying this coach told me that, and that coach told me this, and blah blah blah. I've heard a lot of other guys describe stories like that, and talk about how much it motivated them to work harder and how they used stuff like that to get that extra inch. Some react well to that, and others wither. Everyone responds to that differently.

You know who two of the worst asshole coaches are in all of football? Belicheck and Saban.

All of this stuff you hear TT members crying about and in their feelings about coaches when it comes to hurt feelings by players would be the exact opposite if those were "winning coaches." Look at all of the hoopla these fake announcers on ESPN drag out one day to whine about Belicheck when it feels convenient, but the majority of the time they've flip flopped and praised him for it and made excuses for him when he is known for similar things. If a player starts whining about this about a winning HC, they're looked at as a baby who needs to get over it and play, but if it is a bad HC like O'Brien is looked at as, then the story becomes that he is "racist, egotistical, shameful" and all of these other things. In the end these fans that get so extreme one way or the other are just followers and being told what to say and think for the most part. Think about it. Irvin of all people, and it all becomes "Truth" no matter what. No matter how many lies he has told in the past. Lol!
Apples and oranges to me

Brady story.. "people in the know"
Hopkins story " hopkins told him"

I said before that michael is a blowhard and i am not a fan however. That distinction was what i got

It wasnt "someone in the know " told him about the meeting he went straight to DHops mouth

So if O'Brien was unprofessional like this and started dropping all of these stories about players he traded away and trashed them to the rest of the league as a professional, how would you feel about him doing that? Would it be okay for the HC to drag out personal conversations and go to an ex crackhead about it to spew? Say someone like Ryan Leaf? That is the equivalent of what this is. I have no doubt that if O'Brien or any other HC did this, the media would blow bloody murder out the the rooftops. Why are some of you wanting a double standard for what players can run to the media to talk about and what coaches can?

I'm noticing this trend, and its turning very NBA like with the way that some fans want to coddle these athletes.
Do you know how many times I've heard stories from players saying this coach told me that, and that coach told me this, and blah blah blah. I've heard a lot of other guys describe stories like that, and talk about how much it motivated them to work harder and how they used stuff like that to get that extra inch. Some react well to that, and others wither. Everyone responds to that differently.

You know who two of the worst asshole coaches are in all of football? Belicheck and Saban.

All of this stuff you hear TT members crying about and in their feelings about coaches when it comes to hurt feelings by players would be the exact opposite if those were "winning coaches." Look at all of the hoopla these fake announcers on ESPN drag out one day to whine about Belicheck when it feels convenient, but the majority of the time they've flip flopped and praised him for it and made excuses for him when he is known for similar things. If a player starts whining about this about a winning HC, they're looked at as a baby who needs to get over it and play, but if it is a bad HC like O'Brien is looked at as, then the story becomes that he is "racist, egotistical, shameful" and all of these other things. In the end these fans that get so extreme one way or the other are just followers and being told what to say and think for the most part. Think about it. Irvin of all people, and it all becomes "Truth" no matter what. No matter how many lies he has told in the past. Lol!

Belicheck and Saban have earned the right to be blatant but calm assholes.
Do you know how many times I've heard stories from players saying this coach told me that, and that coach told me this, and blah blah blah. I've heard a lot of other guys describe stories like that, and talk about how much it motivated them to work harder and how they used stuff like that to get that extra inch. Some react well to that, and others wither. Everyone responds to that differently.

You know who two of the worst asshole coaches are in all of football? Belicheck and Saban.

All of this stuff you hear TT members crying about and in their feelings about coaches when it comes to hurt feelings by players would be the exact opposite if those were "winning coaches." Look at all of the hoopla these fake announcers on ESPN drag out one day to whine about Belicheck when it feels convenient, but the majority of the time they've flip flopped and praised him for it and made excuses for him when he is known for similar things. If a player starts whining about this about a winning HC, they're looked at as a baby who needs to get over it and play, but if it is a bad HC like O'Brien is looked at as, then the story becomes that he is "racist, egotistical, shameful" and all of these other things. In the end these fans that get so extreme one way or the other are just followers and being told what to say and think for the most part. Think about it. Irvin of all people, and it all becomes "Truth" no matter what. No matter how many lies he has told in the past. Lol!

I think more than anything what it says is that more than ever fans root for players not teams.
what is the health of DJ ??? is he ready to go i guess what im trying to say is what does he have to do to ease this move does he need to just ball out and be the bell cow back ???
Hopkins may have unwittingly employed a classic political strategy that was often used by a former US president: Give your supporters in media the material they need to agitate and start fires, then act like the classy guy who's above it all.

I don't think he did this on purpose, that's just how it happened.

I don't mean it in a negative way at all, but Hopkins has played this whole situation perfectly

1) Handle your core business i.e. be excellent your job
2) communicate business through agents
3) communicate negative stuff through media especially controversial members
4) never publically berate the person/organization..i.e. stay above the fray (and manage to confirm the story at the same time)
5) get out from a situation with significant cash (to be seen)and situation upgrade (arguable it is Arizona)
So if O'Brien was unprofessional like this and started dropping all of these stories about players he traded away and trashed them to the rest of the league as a professional, how would you feel about him doing that? Would it be okay for the HC to drag out personal conversations and go to an ex crackhead about it to spew? Say someone like Ryan Leaf? That is the equivalent of what this is. I have no doubt that if O'Brien or any other HC did this, the media would blow bloody murder out the the rooftops. Why are some of you wanting a double standard for what players can run to the media to talk about and what coaches can?

I'm noticing this trend, and its turning very NBA like with the way that some fans want to coddle these athletes.
What would stop obrien anyway? He already showed his colors to the fans.

Or i guess you like to see everything through steel blue glasses.. not wondering why the best players are leaving and the team is getting pennys on the dollar for skilled players.
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We got a long way to go. If you cant stomach mean things being said about OBrien, Cal McNair or the TExans as an organization then you should just pick up a new hobby or read a good book for a few weeks. Unfathomable that TRUE Texan fans are so quick to diminish and invalidate what Nuk brought to this team and side with the tyrant after the stream of information has come out. (this coming from a guy who POO POO'd the hell out of Hopkins when he was drafted saying we would "regret the day we didnt draft Cordarelle Patterson).

what is the health of DJ ??? is he ready to go i guess what im trying to say is what does he have to do to ease this move does he need to just ball out and be the bell cow back ???

He’ll need to be much better than Carlos Hyde which will be tough for him. Carlos has a more consistent track record and he would have been substantially cheaper even with a new deal.
It might not be whether the players believe Irvin’s version rather him being in a position to say what they already know.

I have now gone back to thinking about how O’Brien became GM in the first place, uuummmm? I think I was out of town for the Denver/Texans game and was unaware until this morning when it was mentioned on First Take that O’Brien had gotten into a profanity laced confrontation with a fan and it was Hopkins leading him away and into the tunnel. Is this true?

Oh well, in about eight days my next Texans reminder will be the invoice installment.

Yes, a case can be made that treating paying customers in that way is ground for immediate termination.
You throwing out your physical credentials makes you sound weak ass hell. So what if you're 6'2.

If you're an officer of the law and going around telling people that you hope they get the Coronavirus is something indicative of the fact that you shouldn't be an officer of any kind in any field.

If that's really your business physical address, you are really foolish. Anyone on this site could send this up to your job and show just how quickly you're putting people at risk for their safety by taunting people to come up there b? Did you even think about that "Officer Daniels"?

Man there are some dumba** LEO out there. I guess it's too much to expect a young man to use good judgement.

Powda would be ashamed of him.

I'm shaking in my boots.
I don't know. If Hopkins plays this season on his current deal, then yeah. Not about money.

But if he gets a new deal, chances are he's been asking for one.

okay? And?

Allen Robinson, Keenan Allen, Adam Thielen, Jarvis Landry, AJ Green, Brandin Cooks, Alshon Jefferey, Mike Evans, Sammy Watkins = all paid more than Nuk.

let me guess .. you're one of those "he needs to play out his contract" fellers.

Or you're just trying to isolate that specific comment for fact checking?

either way does it really change anything if he or his agent wanted to revisit the deal? Does it help explain the malfeasance in the return on investment?

It just magnifies the incompetence.

Im guessing Arizona is going to lock him up for as long as possible with a blank check because he's just a nice guy right?
I don't mean it in a negative way at all, but Hopkins has played this whole situation perfectly

1) Handle your core business i.e. be excellent your job
2) communicate business through agents
3) communicate negative stuff through media especially controversial members
4) never publically berate the person/organization..i.e. stay above the fray (and manage to confirm the story at the same time)
5) get out from a situation with significant cash (to be seen)and situation upgrade (arguable it is Arizona)

Agreed with all that. He's handled this whole thing exceptionally. The only point some may contend is talking to Michael Irvin. There's a risk that could end up disrupting the locker room, and by extension the careers of his friends. We'll see.

Your points remind me that we had a receiver as good or better than Antonio Brown, and he handled this situation the opposite of how Brown would have.
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no **** that. these guys coming in here acting all hurt and offended, but then turn around and do the same **** that they are complaining about? Its the typical boomer BS, these clowns should just disconnect for a few days and let the rabid fans get their fill of Bill OBrien Blood instead of making MORE AND MORE EXCUSES for the man. You're relatively new here so dont understand some of the context at play, but trust me these old coots are not innocent bystanders by any means.

The NFLPA needs to ask for an investigation into the O'Brien/Hopkins meeting. Imagine if your boss pulled you aside one morning, compared you to a known murderer, and brought up the mothers of your children? HR would have his termination papers written up before lunch.

I know Hopkins wants this behind him. Of course. But this is for the rest of the players, to ensure that this regime, and no other NFL manangement, pull this crap. Do your job, NFLPA.
What would stop obrien anyway? He already showed his colors to the fans.

Or i guess you like to see everything through steel blue glasses.. not womdering why the best players are leaving and the team is getting pennys on the dollar for skilled players.

Your response sounds like you didn't even read my post. You're reacting and not reading.

Now answer my question instead of coming up with irrational responses on things I never defended.

I didn't ask you about what you or other fans asked about him? I asked you how you would feel about him doing the same thing? Or any coach for that matter?
Your response sounds like you didn't even read my post. You're reacting and not reading.

Now answer my question instead of coming up with irrational responses on things I never defended.

I didn't ask you about what you or other fans asked about him? I asked you how you would feel about him doing the same thing? Or any coach for that matter?

Dhop said its overblown.

I look at as DHop didnt blast bill but told his side of the truth

Bill showed his unprofessionalism to the fans. So one day when he is fired. He is free to explain things too. I am sure it is a contract thing

Thats his choice
I've been reading and thinking today...either BOB didn't want to pay DHop $18-20 mil per year (dumb), or things went down like Michael Irvin said, or a combination of both. Either way, how do you get rid of your #1 all pro WR, for basically peanuts?? I'd be less pissed if it had been for a 1st and 3rd or something along those lines. But BOB has no 1st round picks to use to even try to replace DHop. Receivers like Hopkins don't grow on trees. Then he overpays a slot receiver? Why, just why? All this just a year after trading Clowney for basically nothing AND paying half his salary. FU BOB, just FU, you seriously need to be taken out behind the wood shed...
Dhop said its overblown.

I look at as DHop didnt blast bill but told his side of the truth

Bill showed his unprofessionalism to the fans. So one day when he is fired. He is free to explain things too. I am sure it is a contract thing

Thats his choice

What is so hard about answering a question on whether or not if it would be professional for a HC to leak out a bunch of things he didn't like about a player and things the player said in conversation? And did that right after he traded him. WOULD THAT BE PROFESSIONAL OF A HEAD COACH?

Saying he showed his true colors isn't saying a damn thing and isn't even responsive to what I'm asking. Just answer or advertise that double standards between what coaches and players can do with media is what you want.
I don’t want to say this. But it’s possible that Cal directed O’Brien to have that meeting. Cal could’ve had Hopkins on his shyt list due to Nuk’s reaction to Daddy’s “inmates running the asylum” comment. Still, it was O’Brien that brought Aaron Hernandez into the conversation.

Any other HC or GM would get roasted, toasted, and spit out for this. We just don’t know if Billy was doing Cal’s dirty work.
I was just thinking one day Cal will fire O'Brien and there will be joy in Mudville again. Until we find out who Cal hires to replace BO. What is the confidence factor in Cal completing this task with any satisfaction? What prospective successful HC would want to work for Cal?
What is so hard about answering a question on whether or not if it would be professional for a HC to leak out a bunch of things he didn't like about a player and things the player said in conversation? And did that right after he traded him. WOULD THAT BE PROFESSIONAL OF A HEAD COACH?

Saying he showed his true colors isn't saying a damn thing and isn't even responsive to what I'm asking. Just answer or advertise that double standards between what coaches and players can do with media is what you want.
After he is gone tell the truth
Say its fake news whatever.

While with the team be professional and bill is being professional.

we havent heard anything from him and i dont expect it from him
After he is gone tell the truth
Say its fake news

While with the team be professionaland bill is being professional.

we havent heard anything from him and i dont expect it from him

4 posts now:

I'd need some sort of code to decipher what you you just wrote instead of answering with a basic yes or no and an explanation.
okay? And?

Allen Robinson, Keenan Allen, Adam Thielen, Jarvis Landry, AJ Green, Brandin Cooks, Alshon Jefferey, Mike Evans, Sammy Watkins = all paid more than Nuk.

let me guess .. you're one of those "he needs to play out his contract" fellers.

Or you're just trying to isolate that specific comment for fact checking?

either way does it really change anything if he or his agent wanted to revisit the deal? Does it help explain the malfeasance in the return on investment?

It just magnifies the incompetence.

Im guessing Arizona is going to lock him up for as long as possible with a blank check because he's just a nice guy right?
Larry Fitzgerald's last year, they will have his $12MM to work with on Hopkins contract next year.
4 posts now:

I'd need some sort of code to decipher what you you just wrote instead of answering with a basic yes or no and an explanation.
Hows this... while with the team.. yes be PC(professional)

After the he gets let go and they ask him.. be pc and tell his side of the truth
Do you know how many times I've heard stories from players saying this coach told me that, and that coach told me this, and blah blah blah. I've heard a lot of other guys describe stories like that, and talk about how much it motivated them to work harder and how they used stuff like that to get that extra inch. Some react well to that, and others wither. Everyone responds to that differently.

You know who two of the worst asshole coaches are in all of football? Belicheck and Saban.

All of this stuff you hear TT members crying about and in their feelings about coaches when it comes to hurt feelings by players would be the exact opposite if those were "winning coaches." Look at all of the hoopla these fake announcers on ESPN drag out one day to whine about Belicheck when it feels convenient, but the majority of the time they've flip flopped and praised him for it and made excuses for him when he is known for similar things. If a player starts whining about this about a winning HC, they're looked at as a baby who needs to get over it and play, but if it is a bad HC like O'Brien is looked at as, then the story becomes that he is "racist, egotistical, shameful" and all of these other things. In the end these fans that get so extreme one way or the other are just followers and being told what to say and think for the most part. Think about it. Irvin of all people, and it all becomes "Truth" no matter what. No matter how many lies he has told in the past. Lol!
There is no excuse for trading DHop for far less than his value. I don't care who said what. This boils down to DHop wanting to renegotiate his contract and coach O’Brien thought he had too much influence over the locker room. "His Arrogance," will not be questioned even if it means giving away his best players for peanuts!

Michael Irvin should not have brought up what was a private conversation but where there is smoke there is fire and what was said by Irvin hardly comes across as something he made up. DHop is a big enough person that he was not going turn what was said into a battle. He ended up in a favorable position and he is happy.
i think its time to oust king bill we dont need a dude from boston mass running this team anymore we need a coach born right here in texas imo does not matter who anyone available
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I don't know. If Hopkins plays this season on his current deal, then yeah. Not about money.

But if he gets a new deal, chances are he's been asking for one.

Truth always comes out 1 way or the other.

Bob "disrespected" AJ according to some by telling him the truth in a roundabout way that he was done and that all he was gonna catch was 40 balls if he stayed here with us...AJ wanted out to prove him wrong.... Bob granted him that..1 year later, AJ’s season total for receptions with the Colts? 40 Receptions & he retires mid way thru the next year.

Case Keenum put in his book that BoB told him he was no more than a 3rd string qb....Keenum will be playing for his 4th team mostly as a backup since leaving here.

BoB and the Texans got blasted by fans for not wanting to pay JD what he thought he was worth so they traded him for a 3rd round pick and filler players...Here we are a year later dude's out in the media talking about getting a "market setting" contract but still, its not about the money, he wants to play for a contending team...:listening. Well, Seattle a "contending" team of his choosing wants him badly..but might lose him for wait for it....a 3rd round comp pick if he winds up signing elsewhere. Well, the word now is he's "frustrated" by the lack of a market he's seen in this FA period. Life comes at you fast my friend & he's now finding out what BoB & the FO probably tried to tell him a year ago during negotiations before he left here.

Now we have this situation with Nuk. No doubt in my mind he wanted a new contract that paid him 19-20 per. It's already started to leak out that that's what he wants. So, i'll just sit back and wait for Arizona to give him the new deal which will probably be next year when Fitzgerald retires and his money comes off the books.

The common thread is that all these players are fan favorites in 1 respect or another. Noone cried & bemoaned when BoB released Jaelen Strong...noone here screamed bloody murder about DJ Swearinger...Turns out BoB was right about both of those knuckleheads too lol.
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There is no excuse for trading DHop for far less than his value. I don't care who said what. This boils down to DHop wanting to renegotiate his contract and coach O’Brien thought he had too much influence over the locker room. "His Arrogance," will not be questioned even if it means giving away his best players for peanuts!

Who said any of that? I trashed this trade from the jump. Trashed every trade he has done.

Michael Irvin should not have brought up what was a private conversation but where there is smoke there is fire and what was said by Irvin hardly comes across as something he made up. DHop is a big enough person that he was not going turn what was said into a battle. He ended up in a favorable position and he is happy.

There is smoke on the other side as well if O'Brien had some crackhead like Ryan Leaf or Antonio Brown going to the media and saying things that took place in a private conversation. That's pretty much how silly that is based on the fact that its Irvin. Hopkins is a great player, but he hasn't been completely innocent behavior wise and also has lashed out before. I'm not here to defend OB, but if you get Irvin as your spokesman I'll definitely call your stories into question based on who is telling them and what their previous reputation has been