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It’s time for Cal McNair to take over moving forward.


Toro de España
Bob McNair is just not knowledgeable enough to hire the right to make this team a serious contender. Sure, he’s a successful business man, but let’s not pretend that a Houston football team being a huge hit (as Houston fans are very passionate about their teams) is such a big surprise.

Hopefully Cal McNair has the desire and the uh...guts, to get rid of the vermin he has working in the front office. By the way, I o my suggested for Cal to take over because we all know the McNairs will NEVER sell me heir money printing machine that is the Houston Texans.

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Bob McNair is just not knowledgeable enough to hire the right to make this team a serious contender. Sure, he’s a successful business man, but let’s not pretend that a Houston football team being a huge hit (as Houston fans are very passionate about their teams) is such a big surprise.

Hopefully Cal McNair has the desire and the uh...guts, to get rid of the vermin he has working in the front office.

Cal is even tighter with Rick Smith .
Our only hope is that Bob makes even more idiotic statements causing the NFL to force selling the Texans. Common Bob, speak your mind, you can do it.
I'm kinda like "the galaxy" in the new Star Wars movie. I've lost hope. I didn't watch a single second of todays game. That's a first for me, since 2002, if watching or not was up to me. In an ironic Star Wars metaphor, my next team is the "Empire", aka New England Patriots. I'm closely following their game with the hated Pittsburgh Steelers. Yes, I still hate the Steelers since the 70's.
For me its Texans or nothing...... so I got stuff done today rather than watch a no win game.

In the unlikely chance we had beat the Jags that helps the Titans = Loss
Jaguars beat us = Loss

Either outcome wasn't something I wanted to see so why waste the day.
I'm kinda like "the galaxy" in the new Star Wars movie. I've lost hope. I didn't watch a single second of todays game. That's a first for me, since 2002, if watching or not was up to me. In an ironic Star Wars metaphor, my next team is the "Empire", aka New England Patriots. I'm closely following their game with the hated Pittsburgh Steelers. Yes, I still hate the Steelers since the 70's.

Son graduated from college last night.

I was on the road during the game and didn't listen to a second on the radio. Also the 1st time since 2002.
It was a total and complete dumpster fire in every single phase of the game. I watched the first half because it was a train wreck. It was so bad, it was interesting in that "I gotta see the whole building burn to the ground kind of way".

But, I didn't watch the 2nd half. That's the first time I've basically missed a snap since the inception of the team. Totally pointless.
Had to fly to NYC city today, perfect timing to get away from the team and TV. I knew today was going to be a disaster. It's sad with how great the Astros did and how well the Rockets are playing, that the Texans have just been decimated by injuries.
Really ?! Cal ?!! :kubepalm:..... How bout just sell the damn team. Maybe someone heard Bob use a racial slur or a woman comes forward saying Bob groped her .... something .... and he can be forced out like that owner in Carolina. :rake:

This post is not serious .... serious.:troll:
It was a total and complete dumpster fire in every single phase of the game. I watched the first half because it was a train wreck. It was so bad, it was interesting in that "I gotta see the whole building burn to the ground kind of way".

But, I didn't watch the 2nd half. That's the first time I've basically missed a snap since the inception of the team. Totally pointless.

Same for me , I had seen every snap in the history of this team , including preseason , until today. I watched the first half dumpster fire .... then went out to the shop and started sanding on a walnut table that I had been putting off for about 3 months.
Bob McNair is just not knowledgeable enough to hire the right to make this team a serious contender. Sure, he’s a successful business man, but let’s not pretend that a Houston football team being a huge hit (as Houston fans are very passionate about their teams) is such a big surprise.

Hopefully Cal McNair has the desire and the uh...guts, to get rid of the vermin he has working in the front office. By the way, I o my suggested for Cal to take over because we all know the McNairs will NEVER sell me heir money printing machine that is the Houston Texans.


No..... Just no. Cal is going to run the team the way daddy taught him how to run the team. Nothing will change here. It's just successful enough to keep making money hand over fist and it will stay that way. We're one of those nondescript .500-ish teams.
The whole premise is incorrect and hubris. McNair has plenty of knowledge after living this business for 20 years. He's just making his decisions. It isn't with a 'f@ck it I'm making plenty of money and don't care about winning' attitude either. That's just asinine. Once again, he's just making the decisions he feels are best instead of the fans.

None of that is to mean he doesn't make mistakes. IMO he should have fired RS with Kubiak or if only firing one, fired RS. Ed Reed was a well intentioned gaff.
Son graduated from college last night.

I was on the road during the game and didn't listen to a second on the radio. Also the 1st time since 2002.
Congrats on your son graduating and to you for the financial gain you'll have with not paying tuition.
One of these is not like the others. Good sign?

I'm kinda like "the galaxy" in the new Star Wars movie. I've lost hope. I didn't watch a single second of todays game. That's a first for me, since 2002, if watching or not was up to me. In an ironic Star Wars metaphor, my next team is the "Empire", aka New England Patriots. I'm closely following their game with the hated Pittsburgh Steelers. Yes, I still hate the Steelers since the 70's.

We've got hope. His name is Deshaun Watson.

Of course, we still have to hope that this FO puts a team around him, so there's that.

I spent the day playing paintball with my son and his friends. I recorded the game, saw the 45-7 score, and immediately deleted it from the DVR. I don't have time to watch crappy football. There's no enjoyment to it, and I'm not going to waste the little free time I have on a terrible product.

I'll probably pull the cable plug after football season. Gives me more funds to play some more paintball! And I'm not sure if I will have any incentive to pay attention next season except for DW4.
We've got hope. His name is Deshaun Watson.

Of course, we still have to hope that this FO puts a team around him, so there's that.

I spent the day playing paintball with my son and his friends. I recorded the game, saw the 45-7 score, and immediately deleted it from the DVR. I don't have time to watch crappy football. There's no enjoyment to it, and I'm not going to waste the little free time I have on a terrible product.

I'll probably pull the cable plug after football season. Gives me more funds to play some more paintball! And I'm not sure if I will have any incentive to pay attention next season except for DW4.
I was referring to this season. Paintball is a blast.
Been busy flight instructing on Sundays trying to get my hours so that I can get hired on by an airline, which is happening on Feb 12th. Thank god for the Astros and Rockets...
I was referring to this season. Paintball is a blast.

Well, yeah, I gave up hope for this season the day Watson was out. Heck, he was the only reason I ever had hope for this season, tbh. I have never thought Savage was going to be any good.
Rick obviously have deep ties to the Texans and cares about this team greatly. He is just to "hit and miss on his drafts and he hates the O-line" to build a solid playoff team. Lets put him on a different position other than GM and go from there.
When will you guy's see the bottom line here No one needs to be fired just need to get better players and healthy players the GM and coach are okay.This is the first loosening season.
When will you guy's see the bottom line here No one needs to be fired just need to get better players and healthy players the GM and coach are okay.This is the first loosening season.

The only thing preventing those first 3 seasons from being 8-8 or worse was the fact that the division rivals were much-much worse.
Cal holding his helmet the opposite direction?
OB wearing a different color tie?
Cal' mustache?
Bob holding his helmet differently?

I was going to say the first one about Cal. Maybe that’s a good sign subconsciously he doesn’t think like the others.

I never noticed the other ones.
Cal McNair strikes me as a schmoe ... Don't think it would be an upgrade sadly.

Yep. He has always come across as a giant goober to me. He seems like the stereotypical son of a rich man that you'd see in some lame comedy movie. He has an office full of stuffed exotic animals that he "hunted" and often matches his outfits to match his dad.
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Got a subtle "Big Enos - Little Enos" vibe coming off of them when they're together.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. I don't know much about the man, but it is easy to come to a conclusion that his entire life is riding daddy's coattails. It is tough to determine what kind of owner he will be, but I doubt anyone would be surprised if he does it just like Bob McNair.
Just read a recent Brian T. Smith article from the Chronicle, and he made an interesting point to ponder:

Find me another owner in the cutthroat, constantly changing world of professional football who would reward a highly disappointing 6-10 season during the fourth year with a multi-year contract extension.

Name another billionaire who would respond to 2-14 and 6-10 seasons during a five-year span with a "go get 'em next year!" pat on the back for his overprotected GM.


McNair has some decisions to make.

He should remember that his acceptance of the status quo has his Texans at 4-9 in 2017 and 110-143 all-time.
Find me another owner in the cutthroat, constantly changing world of professional football who would reward a highly disappointing 6-10 season during the fourth year with a multi-year contract extension.

Well for one thing it was 5th year after 4 years of progress. And the owner identified the problem (DC), solved it and had 10-6 & 12 & 4 the next 2 seasons. Seems to me his decision was vindicated so I don't know why this continues to get brought up.
Anyone with eyes can see the Texans are not that good of a football organization when it comes to the actual game of football. We are far from the worst though.
Well for one thing it was 5th year after 4 years of progress. And the owner identified the problem (DC), solved it and had 10-6 & 12 & 4 the next 2 seasons. Seems to me his decision was vindicated so I don't know why this continues to get brought up.

Seems like a case to be made for O'Brien after 3 x 9-7 seasons and then an injury filled fourth season but a promising young QB to develop. Just identify the problem *cough*RickSmith*cough*, solve it with replacement, and move on to potentially better things in 2018. If O'Brien cannot turn it around next season, move on to the next HC with a new GM helping analyze the situation.

It's not that McNair made a mistake by extending Kubiak (obviously, it worked out), but rather the overarching narrative of an owner that seems to hold coaches accountable (for the most part) but does not have the same standards for his GM.

I have a hard time being too negative on O'Brien without also considering the unaccountable GM in the background.
Seems like a case to be made for O'Brien after 3 x 9-7 seasons and then an injury filled fourth season but a promising young QB to develop. Just identify the problem *cough*RickSmith*cough*, solve it with replacement, and move on to potentially better things in 2018. If O'Brien cannot turn it around next season, move on to the next HC with a new GM helping analyze the situation.

It's not that McNair made a mistake by extending Kubiak (obviously, it worked out), but rather the overarching narrative of an owner that seems to hold coaches accountable (for the most part) but does not have the same standards for his GM.

I have a hard time being too negative on O'Brien without also considering the unaccountable GM in the background.
I seriously don’t think McNair knows that Rick Smith is the problem, he probably thinks he’s doing a hell of a job.
If it were my move...

1. Cal will need a mentor just as much as the new GM I have in mind. Cal will need time to learn the in-and-outs of being a proper NFL owner. I see Bill Polian as that respected authoritarian type who could take control of this organization and get it back on track.

2. I'd hire Eliot Wolf, Green Bay as the new GM. He's got the talent, knowledge and potential to be a very good one. A couple of seasons under the wing of Polian would certainly help the learning curve while avoiding any rookie mistakes.

3. If O'Brien was to be given a 5th year...then he needs to focus on being the HC not HC and OC. I'd like to think that a new GM would let O'Brien know that his conditional 5th year would include an OC or he would be allowed to move on.

4. If a new OC was in the cards, my hope would've been Frank Reich but how does the team convince him to make a lateral move with nowhere near the upside of the Eagles for 2018. Maybe the idea of him getting the promotion to HC in the event that O'Brien doesn't get the extension beyond 2018 would be appealing.

This type of situation would certainly help Cal get off on the right foot in regards to his ascension to Texans new CEO.
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