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Texans DE J.J. Watt undergoes back surgery (out for season 9/27)

Looking at this season only, Watt was not himself in three games. Reality says his 2016 effort can be replaced elsewhere to a certain extent. Of course a healthy Watt is OMG, whoopee! He is not healthy. I think Covington and Still will be productive. Also our linebackers will pick up slack; not saying Watt's sack capability will not be missed but RAC gets to earn his paycheck now.

Don't know what is there in free age agency, but Spotrack our cap space at $7 m and OTC at $9 m and that is a decent salary for right player if that player exists.

It is okay to pout, whine, complain, gripe ... it doesn't change anything now. What is Texans approach now?

Next Man up and pray LOL.... IMO even a 75% Watt u cant replace but u can just insert youngster and hopefully it sticks
Looking at this season only, Watt was not himself in three games. Reality says his 2016 effort can be replaced elsewhere to a certain extent. Of course a healthy Watt is OMG, whoopee! He is not healthy. I think Covington and Still will be productive. Also our linebackers will pick up slack; not saying Watt's sack capability will not be missed but RAC gets to earn his paycheck now.

Don't know what is there in free age agency, but Spotrack our cap space at $7 m and OTC at $9 m and that is a decent salary for right player if that player exists.

It is okay to pout, whine, complain, gripe ... it doesn't change anything now. What is Texans approach now?

Same as always, be mediocre. Compete against mediocre teams and get smashed by the good ones.
The really awesome thing about tanking this year is that at least Myles Garrett is available in the draft so we can switch to a 4-3 and have Garrett and Clowney rush the passer and slide JJ inside when he comes back... jk I kid

This ******* sucks
The cynic in me thinks that McNair wanted his big white marketing machine to be out there selling jerseys and getting housewives to tune in on Sundays.

Honestly, it probably boils down to the same incompetence in the training staff and medical professionals that has been rife since the team's inception.
Looking at this season only, Watt was not himself in three games. Reality says his 2016 effort can be replaced elsewhere to a certain extent. Of course a healthy Watt is OMG, whoopee! He is not healthy. I think Covington and Still will be productive. Also our linebackers will pick up slack; not saying Watt's sack capability will not be missed but RAC gets to earn his paycheck now.

Don't know what is there in free age agency, but Spotrack our cap space at $7 m and OTC at $9 m and that is a decent salary for right player if that player exists.

It is okay to pout, whine, complain, gripe ... it doesn't change anything now. What is Texans approach now?

Now we know why Rick was holding on yo that extra cap space.
The cynic in me thinks that McNair wanted his big white marketing machine to be out there selling jerseys and getting housewives to tune in on Sundays.

Honestly, it probably boils down to the same incompetence in the training staff and medical professionals that has been rife since the team's inception.
Nah quite possible Osweiler can somewhat fill the role you identify.

Next Man up and pray LOL.... IMO even a 75% Watt u cant replace but u can just insert youngster and hopefully it sticks
But we don't have nor will we have a 75% Watt.
I don't get it. I really don't. I've been bringing this up for years now, and many others have as well, but what the hell do our doctors and trainers actually do?

We have the least effective training staff in the NFL. We constantly miss on draft picks and FAs that have injury red flags, we constantly have players get re-injured or suffer injuries related to a previous injury, and we constantly throw guys back on the field before they are healed from injury.

It was mentioned multiple times before the season started. Why was Watt given the green light to play so soon?

Seriously, what do they actually do?

I wonder what their prognosis was. We like to think time heals everything but for all we know the Texans were told it's a run him thru his paces & see how he holds up. If he can play, he can play. If not, waitingood two months, three months isn't going to change anything.
I see a lot of people posting "Welcome back Ninja Assasin" posts on Facebook. Like Antonio Smith is going to make anything better...
2015 in back up limited plays, 9 tackles 2.5 tackles. IMO, Covington move to Watt's role and Ninja steps in other side. We could have a good rotation with Devon Still resting both a few plays
I see a lot of people posting "Welcome back Ninja Assasin" posts on Facebook. Like Antonio Smith is going to make anything better...

I doubt he sees much playing time. Covington & Heath should be getting more snaps.
Brown- Quad and Clowney foot are the next Texans medical staff screw ups that are going to happen. I look for Clowney's knee to be needing surgery again due to being allowed to play on a bad foot.
I wonder what their prognosis was. We like to think time heals everything but for all we know the Texans were told it's a run him thru his paces & see how he holds up. If he can play, he can play. If not, waitingood two months, three months isn't going to change anything.

This doesn't make any sense.

I can assure you that the severely herniated disc in his back was identified no less than 3 days before I posted about it, which was pre-season. The recommendation was for there to be another surgery. This is 100% accurate. You can fantasize about what ifs all you want but I'm telling you what happened straight up.

If you think it through, you can come up with one scenario, at least, where the Texans didn't know this but it's highly unlikely and downright unethical.
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McNair "forcing" Watt to play through injury just for $$$ is ludicrous to me. If you have an asset that brings in money, your first instinct is to protect that asset and make sure it has good long term value.

If I was McNair, and all I cared about was money, I would be telling the coaches the exact opposite and make sure my asset is well protected.

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McNair "forcing" Watt to play through injury just for $$$ is ludicrous to me. If you have an asset that brings in money, your first instinct is to protect that asset and make sure it has good long term value.

If I was McNair, and all I cared about was money, I would be telling the coaches the exact opposite and make sure my asset is well protected.

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Texans will continue to sell out tickets. Watt brought much more than game play to Texans. He was gathering national attention again as he had before. He was the multi year shiny bike even if the frame was looking fragile and ready for a break down.
McNair "forcing" Watt to play through injury just for $$$ is ludicrous to me. If you have an asset that brings in money, your first instinct is to protect that asset and make sure it has good long term value.

If I was McNair, and all I cared about was money, I would be telling the coaches the exact opposite and make sure my asset is well protected.

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I think that it is highly likely that this is a medical staff issue, not a McNair issue. If you combine this with other things that have happened, a lot of it has been talked about in this thread, it is even more easily inferred.
I think that it is highly likely that this is a medical staff issue, not a McNair issue. If you combine this with other things that have happened, a lot of it has been talked about in this thread, it is even more easily inferred.
This I agree with 100%. With this team, for the past several years, I never thought talent was an issue. Keeping that talent on the field was always my biggest concern.

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This I agree with 100%. With this team, for the past several years, I never thought talent was an issue. Keeping that talent on the field was always my biggest concern.

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There have been many issues. Talent has most definitely been an issue with this franchise. There are always position groups that are woefully poor, with other position groups having good to decent depth. This year the OL was mostly ignored, and the MLBers have not been well thought out. They cannot build a team here, never have been able to.

The medical staff has also always been an issue, yet no change. Rick Smith hasn't built a complete team even once and yet no change. This organization is poorly run, plain and simple.

McNair may not be at fault for some of these specific issues, but he's at fault overall. This is never going to change and I highly doubt he will ever stumble upon a well constructed team with a support staff (medical) that is competent.

This is it, Michael Jackson, baby. This is what we signed up for and this is what we are going to get, over and over. I'm so close to dropping this annoying habit of a franchise.
I think that it is highly likely that this is a medical staff issue, not a McNair issue. If you combine this with other things that have happened, a lot of it has been talked about in this thread, it is even more easily inferred.

Purely speculation on my part but i think coaching staffs have always had to much influence over our medical staff - all the way back to dom's days. Coaches have changed. The Gm has changed. This is a structural authority issue.

Right or wrong on that watt was never gonna say he shouldn't play. We all thought - he's just a superior athlete. Common sense should've had more people including me clamoring for a more cautious approach.

Great way to polish off last Thursday.
This doesn't make any sense.

I can assure you that the severely herniated disc in his back was identified no less than 3 days before I posted about it, which was pre-season. The recommendation was for there to be another surgery. This is 100% accurate. You can fantasize about what ifs all you want but I'm telling you what happened straight up.

If you think it through, you can come up with one scenario, at least, where the Texans didn't know this but it's highly unlikely and downright unethical.

I can't remember what I posted much less what you did three weeks ago.
Wouldn't it be gratifying to publish an open letter to McNair in the Chronicle about his medical staff?

"We knew in 2013 that an epidural for Foster would later result in serious injury. We knew that clipping Andre's hamstring would shorten his career. We knew in July that JJ Watt required a minimum of three months of recovery time from a microdiscectomy. How is it that a bunch of common fans can see these realities every season, but you, Mr. McNair, as head of your organization, do not?"

Hell, what harm would it do?
If JJ 'forced' his way onto the field. The coaches/front office should be sacked, players play when coaches say not the other way around. No one is bigger than the team.

If the coaches forced him to play they should be sacked. Them trying to win a game is not worth a career.

And if no one knew this might happen, they all should be fired because even the collective wisdom of the board knew coming back this fast was idiotic.

Oh and I'm not going to miss the 99% of the game focus from commentators on polishing JJ's 'heisman' if you know what I mean.
... even the collective wisdom of the board knew coming back this fast was idiotic.

Yep. And the owner of a billion dollar franchise did not see it.

It really is time to confront the FO on this. They may have jeopardized Watt's career with such unprofessional judgement. Stephanie Stradley called out Rick Smith once before, but I imagine that she generally has to play nice in order to maintain the relationship, so I don't know if she's the right conduit for expression.
Wouldn't it be gratifying to publish an open letter to McNair in the Chronicle about his medical staff?

"We knew in 2013 that an epidural for Foster would later result in serious injury. We knew that clipping Andre's hamstring would shorten his career. We knew in July that JJ Watt required a minimum of three months of recovery time from a microdiscectomy. How is it that a bunch of common fans can see these realities every season, but you, Mr. McNair, as head of your organization, do not?"

Hell, what harm would it do?

I would absolutely love to screenshot CND and send about 5 years worth of predictions to the Comical. I don't know if he'd appreciate the attention, but I would certainly appreciate the attention that it put on the ownership, coaches and training staff. Even lay persons in regards to medical procedure like myself knew immediately that Watt had no business being on the field. This is a time where I agree with SteelB. Culpability climbs to the top. How many levels did he have to clear to see time on the field? Medical did their job and passed him off to the team for rehab. Training cleared him because Watt said so and coaches need him. Coaches approved him because Watt decides their jobs and management agreed. Management is an area that I think most Texans fans agree is where we **** the bed.
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Betting against CnD is NEVER a good bet. There's a reason I trust him with my life (and have).

As much as I love Watt as a player, and understand that his ego has helped make him the player he has become, that ego also makes events like this happen. It feels as if the Texans medical staff has simply rolled over and said (at least in the case of star players) "we'll let the player be in control of their return". That's not how it's supposed to work.
I've got to place a lot of the blame on JJ here. A medical staff and trainers can only do so much. The player has to be fully honest with them in order for them to properly rehab an injury. Also, the stupid box jumps and tire flips were on JJ. I wonder if the trainers/ medical staff ever counseled JJ to cut that stuff out.

I'm certainly no fan of the medical or training staffs, but in the macho world of professional sports, players are going to do everything they can to get back on the field.
I've got to place a lot of the blame on JJ here. A medical staff and trainers can only do so much. The player has to be fully honest with them in order for them to properly rehab an injury. Also, the stupid box jumps and tire flips were on JJ. I wonder if the trainers/ medical staff ever counseled JJ to cut that stuff out.

I'm certainly no fan of the medical or training staffs, but in the macho world of professional sports, players are going to do everything they can to get back on the field.

That's all well and good IF they have to rely on the player in order to determine how injured the player is. That's not the case in this situation.
I've got to place a lot of the blame on JJ here. A medical staff and trainers can only do so much. The player has to be fully honest with them in order for them to properly rehab an injury. Also, the stupid box jumps and tire flips were on JJ. I wonder if the trainers/ medical staff ever counseled JJ to cut that stuff out.

I'm certainly no fan of the medical or training staffs, but in the macho world of professional sports, players are going to do everything they can to get back on the field.

This is where I'm at as well. No one is going to make a 3x DPOY do anything he doesn't want to do. It seems his mouth said yes but his body was saying no; he just didn't listen. As bad as our medical staff has been, I'm placing this on the player until I hear otherwise.

Greg Hardy is available...I'm just saying hahaha
Watt is a fantastic player, and seems to be a good dude, but he is a thirsty attention whore. Could be him wanting to keep his John Cena gimmick alive, along with the moronic training/medical staff, that led to this happening.
Watt is a fantastic player, and seems to be a good dude, but he is a thirsty attention whore. Could be him wanting to keep his John Cena gimmick alive, along with the moronic training/medical staff, that led to this happening.
Or it could be he just wanted to play the game he loves, despite what his doctors and body were telling him. "Thirsty attention whore" seems entirely unnecessary to the discussion.
I am so mad I could burst a blood vessel! Our season is over because our Medical staff and front office is too pu**y to tell players to sit long enough for thier own good.

JJ could be done as an NFL player. I will watch the most likely train wreck that our Texans will most likely be but it won't be easy.
I am so mad I could burst a blood vessel! Our season is over because our Medical staff and front office is too pu**y to tell players to sit long enough for thier own good.

JJ could be done as an NFL player. I will watch the most likely train wreck that our Texans will most likely be but it won't be easy.

Our season is over? If our season was dependent on one player not a QB, we didn't have a season to begin with
Not trying to deny or excuse away the medical staff's incompetence on dealing with player injuries. But is this just a Texans issue? It seems to be league wide. Has the league as a whole every really concerned itself with player longevity? Or the long term health implications of its players?

Honestly the system is rigged for these kind of events, most of the players have hero complexes and want to prove how tough they are and if they think they can go try and come back, and coaches and GM's and owners want them to be on the field to keep their jobs, make money etc.

Cam Newton not being put in concussion protocol after being beaten like a rag doll?
Patriots pressuring Garoppolo to play because it is just "soreness".

Honestly NFL team doctors are likely the most underused / non-powerful voice in the room. Just my opinion, but it is how it seems.
JJ could be done as an NFL player. I will watch the most likely train wreck that our Texans will most likely be but it won't be easy.

That was most likely the case regardless how much time he took off. Not a lot of people come back to make a difference after this type of surgery. Especially not after all the collateral damage Jj suffered as well.

They may have let him play so it can be charged as a new injury instead of a prolonged recovery.
JJ Watt ‏@JJWatt 8m8 minutes ago

Adversity sucks. Your attitude towards it doesn't have to. I will be back.

Or it could be he just wanted to play the game he loves, despite what his doctors and body were telling him. "Thirsty attention whore" seems entirely unnecessary to the discussion.

Don't think it's unnecessary when it could well be a part of why he pushed himself to further injury.

Not saying it for certain is or isn't a direct reason either, but it's hardly out of the question and so hardly unnecessary.

If Watt had on any other laundry that comment would likely be met with a round of applause.
Don't think it's unnecessary when it could well be a part of why he pushed himself to further injury.

Not saying it for certain is or isn't a direct reason either, but it's hardly out of the question and so hardly unnecessary.

If Watt had on any other laundry that comment would likely be met with a round of applause.

Do you always look for the negative in people?
Wouldn't it be gratifying to publish an open letter to McNair in the Chronicle about his medical staff?

"We knew in 2013 that an epidural for Foster would later result in serious injury. We knew that clipping Andre's hamstring would shorten his career. We knew in July that JJ Watt required a minimum of three months of recovery time from a microdiscectomy. How is it that a bunch of common fans can see these realities every season, but you, Mr. McNair, as head of your organization, do not?"

Hell, what harm would it do?
Not a bad idea. Maybe even better we send Bob a private letter pointing out CnD's record on the forum and encourage him to hire CnD to oversee the medical staff and give him enough authority so there's no temptation to knuckle under to coaches and trainers.
I look for all sides in people. Have you not read the praise I've given a number of people over time or just looked out for the negative in me?

No, I was just responding to the one post where you basically alluded to JJ coming back just because he was an attention whore
No, I was just responding to the one post where you basically alluded to JJ coming back just because he was an attention whore

Except no one is saying 'just because'. And you couldn't have been just responding to that one comment or you wouldn't have chosen to ask if I 'always' something.
Not a bad idea. Maybe even better we send Bob a private letter pointing out CnD's record on the forum and encourage him to hire CnD to oversee the medical staff and give him enough authority so there's no temptation to knuckle under to coaches and trainers.

At the very least one of our crack reporters should ask O'b a series of tough questions concerning the pattern.
I have it on good authority that the disk is still severely herniated and will require another surgery. What that means as far as rehab is unknown to me, but I would assume 6 weeks at least. Take the information for what you will.

Damn, man, that's a real bummer. I knew it was only a matter of time before we started seeing the signs of wear and tear on his body from his high motor play.

Even if it means losing him for a season, I hope they don't try to rush it. Back injuries tend to linger, especially if not rehabbed correctly. Obviously, the doctors know this, but there is also the reality of needing him on the field that tends to cloud those kinds of decisions.

We had this conversation barely over a month ago. Considering CloakNNNdagger's insight, I think it was stupid on J.J., the medical staff, and coaches to rush him back into games.

J.J. will never be the same player again. We've got to just accept that. He could still be a great player, but this could also potentially end his epic career.

At this point, though, all we can do is hope for the best and ultimately hope that J.J., the person, fully recovers regardless of how it impacts the franchise.

As a fan, this is freakin' depressing. I'm not superstitious, but this city's pro football is cursed. We are fortunate to be in a bad division, but I feel no joy in them 'winning a championship' of a four team crap division, especially when they don't make any noise in the playoffs other than a whimper.
So I'm curious about thoughts on this.

What about moving Watt to OLB?

The reason I suggest this move is the extreme pressure placed on the backs of lineman, both offensive and defensive. Their position inherently brings tons of contact and pressure for the entirety of the game. Playing OLB could still afford JJ the opportunity of almost exclusively rushing the passer, but while being matched up mostly with TEs and OTs. Right now, he's going up against the strongest players on the field routinely being double-teamed by OGs and OTs, and even sometimes a TE. Move him to OLB and a lot of this lessens. Less pressure on his back, less contact with the biggest and strongest players on the field, and less time for Clowney at OLB. Move Clowney to DE and Watt to OLB.

Lastly, Watt's proven he has decent enough ball instincts to defend short routes. His height would be a huge advantage, he's fast enough, especially in short space, and has the mental makeup to play anywhere. Thoughts?