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Texans' Fans @ Reliant show Their AZZs to the Nation with Reaction to Schaub's Injury

It was freaking ice, oh lord i'm sure they are ok. I used to get crap and piss thrown on me daily at work for 24K a year, i'm sure these grown men will live through the trauma of having ice thrown at them. Might need some counciling or theorapy but i'm sure they can pull through :kitten:

you made a choice to work in a prison for 24k a year? well thats a bummer
Now after saying all this and believing it... if Case Keenum comes out and plays great. At that point you will finally and truly understand that Gary Kubiak is a complete idiot. I hope Case somehow gets the chance.

and if Case doesnt play well the homers can just blame Gary. Its like the VY club building under a new name
On TV you couldn't hear much cheering at all. I would venture to say the fans that were cheering, were doing so because Matt was leaving the game, not because he was hurt. I was happy to see the play happen, not because a human was in pain and suffering, but because it might give my team a better chance to win.

I don't want Matt or anyone else to be hurt, but hope he goes on season ending IR, just so we might have the chance to see what Case is capable of. You don't have to be classless, or cold-hearted to have cheered that he left the game yesterday. That is the way I see it, they were cheering that he was leaving, not that he was hurt.

As for the fans throwing ice, that's altogether stupid ...

Huh?? Not sure what yor TV set up is, but for me it was very easy to hear the cheering as soon as the fans saw Schaub was rolling around on the ground in pain. Not even debatable for me.
It was classless. Even our opponents think so...

Chris Long ‏@JOEL9ONE

This city doesn't deserve a championship.

No fan should EVER cheer for an injury, on either team. That being said, this city doesn't deserve having to watch this hot garbage called the Houston Texans week in and week out...

It is a simple case of which came first the egg or he chicken. If the Texans are not facing a 4 game losing streak, Matt Schaub's last name isn't known as a verb when a QB throws a pick 6, and Gary Kubiak isn't the idiot HC we ALL know he is...

Would fans be so disgruntle to the point they cheer for an injured player?
Outside of Romo and Brady, pretty much every late-round/undrafted QB is where they are because they suck. Romo worked his way to the backup spot over a few years. So did Brady. They didn't get tossed the keys straight out of college after Bledsoe went down. Romo and Brady also had the tools to be NFL QBs one day. Keenum is a midget that put up great numbers in Conference USA over the 16 years he was at U of H.

If he played at Alcorn State in college, would there be clamoring for him to start? Nope. UH fanboys (they have fans?) are crying for Case because he's a hometown guy.

hey hey hey......easy on UH fans....i went to UH & i want Case to succeed as much as the next UH fan but don't lump me in with the Keenum brigade.

The reason is b/c the numbers simply aren't in our favor that he'll be anything more than a good back up in this league. And as little faith as i currently have in Kubiak, i can't believe that he'd be that stupid....that keep a guy he believes is a potential starter..not even active on game days..that is the epitome of incompetence.
No fan should EVER cheer for an injury, on either team. That being said, this city doesn't deserve having to watch this hot garbage called the Houston Texans week in and week out...

It is a simple case of which came first the egg or he chicken. If the Texans are not facing a 4 game losing streak, Matt Schaub's last name isn't known as a verb when a QB throws a pick 6, and Gary Kubiak isn't the idiot HC we ALL know he is...

Would fans be so disgruntle to the point they cheer for an injured player?

you dont deserve anything in the way of good sports
I never said "every third or fourth stringer has a legit shot at being Brady." Dont try and put words in my mouth. Try re-reading my response and the comments I was responding to.

So why do you bring a unicorn up in the first place? The Brady situation is not comparable to Case
It was freaking ice, oh lord i'm sure they are ok. I used to get crap and piss thrown on me daily at work for 24K a year, i'm sure these grown men will live through the trauma of having ice thrown at them. Might need some counciling or theorapy but i'm sure they can pull through :kitten:

:) I was at the "Snowball Game" in Philadelphia vs Dallas in 1989. A ref seriously got knocked out. I also remember Jimmy Johnson getting his hair messed up which was even more horrific.

This stuff is going to happen when thousands of fans are in the parking lot pounding beer at 8am. Philly has always been a huge drunkfest in the parking lots hours before kickoff. That plus the typical Philly attitude is why the fans are the way they are there.

It's happening in Houston also minus the Philly attitude.
based on what pre-season games? That is just assinine. No way you can say Keenum is terrible UNTIL he gets a legit shot at running this offense, until then Kubiak needs to input all variables into solving this equation at QB...

Schaub was circling the drain, and is injury-prone. Was Keenum even dressed for the game? The coaches know him, see him practice, know what command he has of the playbook. If they thought he was special, he would be at least be the backup.

Belichick believed in Tom Brady when he was a backup or even before that. Parcells believed in Romo when he was in the same boat.

Keenum isn't a sideshow that can be trotted out to sell tickets, drive ratings, and tank games, unlike how Tebow was used in Denver by Elway.
Huh?? Not sure what yor TV set up is, but for me it was very easy to hear the cheering as soon as the fans saw Schaub was rolling around on the ground in pain. Not even debatable for me.

Didn't say you couldn't hear anything, but it wasn't like the stadium erupted in cheers.

Either way I don't think it was cheering for an injury, it was fans happy Matt was leaving.
There is a lot of unneeded indignation in this thread. So what fans cheered at an inappropriate time. Did they throw solid objects on the field? Were they a danger to themselves or the players? Get over it. Fans are fans. They paid their money for their tickets and that gives them the right to express themselves however they wish - UNTIL they become dangerous. Vocal taunts are not dangerous.

It was in bad taste, but I'm sure we'll all live.

That word keeps rolling around in my mind.

PATHETIC football for a PATHETIC fan base. Shit attracts flies, and they were out there on the stink yesterday cheering their PATHETIC wretched black hearts out for one of our own injured players.

Philly is nothing to this fan base. N-bombs at Warren Moon's family. Beer on David Carr's wife. Now cheering injury to one of our own.

If you defend this crap, suck an egg. You are PATHETIC, too.


Quit living vicariously through a game that someone else plays. :loser

I'm not labeling all Texans fans, but to the ones that feel the need to be complete douche bags, GTFO. Seriously, get off the bandwagon and go buy Cowboys gear if this is how you want to represent this city.

There is a lot of unneeded indignation in this thread. So what fans cheered at an inappropriate time. Did they throw solid objects on the field? Were they a danger to themselves or the players? Get over it. Fans are fans. They paid their money for their tickets and that gives them the right to express themselves however they wish - UNTIL they become dangerous. Vocal taunts are not dangerous.

It was in bad taste, but I'm sure we'll all live.


1. People watch boxing and cheer when someone gets knocked out, potentially causing permanent brain damage. Same with MMA.

2. Wonder how many Texan players do that

3. This is all on Kubiak
There is a lot of unneeded indignation in this thread. So what fans cheered at an inappropriate time. Did they throw solid objects on the field? Were they a danger to themselves or the players? Get over it. Fans are fans. They paid their money for their tickets and that gives them the right to express themselves however they wish - UNTIL they become dangerous. Vocal taunts are not dangerous.

It was in bad taste, but I'm sure we'll all live.

ummm actually they did..if i remember correctly someone said a few fans were throwing ice on the texans sidelines...maybe i heard wrong...but if true....:vincepalm:

That word keeps rolling around in my mind.

PATHETIC football for a PATHETIC fan base. Shit attracts flies, and they were out there on the stink yesterday cheering their PATHETIC wretched black hearts out for one of our own injured players.

Philly is nothing to this fan base. N-bombs at Warren Moon's family. Beer on David Carr's wife. Now cheering injury to one of our own.

If you defend this crap, suck an egg. You are PATHETIC, too.


Quit living vicariously through a game that someone else plays. :loser

I'm not labeling all Texans fans, but to the ones that feel the need to be complete douche bags, GTFO. Seriously, get off the bandwagon and go buy Cowboys gear if this is how you want to represent this city.


You mean the same Philly fans that booed Santa Claus and cheered Michael Irvin's career ending injury?
ummm actually they did..if i remember correctly someone said a few fans were throwing ice on the texans sidelines...maybe i heard wrong...but if true....:vincepalm:

If the fans were throwing stuff, that is wrong. They should get kicked out of the stadium and not allowed to return.

That word keeps rolling around in my mind.

PATHETIC football for a PATHETIC fan base. Shit attracts flies, and they were out there on the stink yesterday cheering their PATHETIC wretched black hearts out for one of our own injured players.

Philly is nothing to this fan base. N-bombs at Warren Moon's family. Beer on David Carr's wife. Now cheering injury to one of our own.

If you defend this crap, suck an egg. You are PATHETIC, too.


Quit living vicariously through a game that someone else plays. :loser

I'm not labeling all Texans fans, but to the ones that feel the need to be complete douche bags, GTFO. Seriously, get off the bandwagon and go buy Cowboys gear if this is how you want to represent this city.


Agreed. You know what's sad? I actually knew there'd be cheers once I saw Schaub rolling around holding his leg. Sure enough, there were cheers. I think Fox drowned them out a little once they started, but they were there.

We're in a sad, sad situation all together. Coach, Schaub, the entire team is in shambles. It's sickening that we have this much talent and we're this undisciplined. Zero accountability across the board. Manning wisely takes touchbacks, gets hurt and Martin's allowed to take it out? Pathetic
We have officially became a fan base where the back up QB is one of the most popular players on the team

no matter who is starting

That word keeps rolling around in my mind.

PATHETIC football for a PATHETIC fan base. Shit attracts flies, and they were out there on the stink yesterday cheering their PATHETIC wretched black hearts out for one of our own injured players.

Philly is nothing to this fan base. N-bombs at Warren Moon's family. Beer on David Carr's wife. Now cheering injury to one of our own.

If you defend this crap, suck an egg. You are PATHETIC, too.


Quit living vicariously through a game that someone else plays. :loser

I'm not labeling all Texans fans, but to the ones that feel the need to be complete douche bags, GTFO. Seriously, get off the bandwagon and go buy Cowboys gear if this is how you want to represent this city.


But... Texans fans were never Cowboys fans, they were always Oilers fans! Seriously, they always loved the Oilers! They totally didn't love the Cowboys DB! They totally didn't!:cow:

1. People watch boxing and cheer when someone gets knocked out, potentially causing permanent brain damage. Same with MMA.

2. Wonder how many Texan players do that

3. This is all on Kubiak

Well the level of stupidity of comparing mma or boxing knockouts to a football player getting hurt is beyond logic
you dont deserve anything in the way of good sports

Who IYO does deserve anything good in the way of sports?

After 11 yrs of selling to the fans we're almost there. I dont want to do anything too traumatic, while making 1 bil off of the loyal TEXANS FANBASE does BoB deserve a Lombardi?

Does BoB even care about winning a Lombardi? So far his actions make me question his commitment and dont even give me that a businessman like BoB is still learning how to be an NFL owner after owning the team for 11 yrs and counting. That's laughable.
Its ridiculous how much play this is getting. This isn't something unique to Houston. This has happened across the league. As someone mentioned, just LAST YEAR, fans in KC were called out for doing the same when Cassell got hurt.

In fact one of Jim Mora's CLASSIC postgame meltdowns was when he was in New Orleans and got irate at Saints fans in the SuperDome for cheering when Wade Wilson went down. I remember watching that game (it was a primetime game) and the cheers were LOUD. Nothing like the smattering heard yesterday at Reliant.

Here is a clip of the classic meltdown.

To summarize, I think cheering, wishing or even stating that you wish so and so player go down is bad karma and I don't do engage in that at all.
Who IYO does deserve anything good in the way of sports?

After 11 yrs of selling to the fans we're almost there. I dont want to do anything too traumatic, while making 1 bil off of the loyal TEXANS FANBASE does BoB deserve a Lombardi?

Does BoB even care about winning a Lombardi? So far his actions make me question his commitment.

No one deserves "X" in the way of sports. They are games for entertainment. Bob doesnt owe you or anyone a Lombardi, top tier Qb or playoff runs every year. You arnet entitled to crap
I'd be pi$$ed if my own fans were cheering my teammates injury.

For those of you that think its ok, walk up to JJ Watt or Andre Johnson and tell them how cool it was when Schaub went down.

Be sure to have your buddy video tape it.

That word keeps rolling around in my mind.

PATHETIC football for a PATHETIC fan base. Shit attracts flies, and they were out there on the stink yesterday cheering their PATHETIC wretched black hearts out for one of our own injured players.

Philly is nothing to this fan base. N-bombs at Warren Moon's family. Beer on David Carr's wife. Now cheering injury to one of our own.

If you defend this crap, suck an egg. You are PATHETIC, too.


Quit living vicariously through a game that someone else plays. :loser

I'm not labeling all Texans fans, but to the ones that feel the need to be complete douche bags, GTFO. Seriously, get off the bandwagon and go buy Cowboys gear if this is how you want to represent this city.



I was embarrassed to be a Texan fan yesterday!

Alcohol is not an excuse. Lord knows, I can drink with the best of them and yet I was still embarrassed.
A knockout ends the match and gives the win to the creator. Knocking out a player does not and is not an objective or a means to end the game. Terrible analogy
People want to see knockouts no matter if the boxer is seriously injured or not. They don't care.
No one deserves "X" in the way of sports. They are games for entertainment. Bob doesnt owe you or anyone a Lombardi, top tier Qb or playoff runs every year. You arnet entitled to crap

After supporting the team financially for over a decade the GREAT FANS of the Texans should be entitled to an owner that's commited to putting the best product on the field as possible. In fact BoB should just come out and say what you posted.

If he did, the town would turn on him faster than it did Bud.

So lets just say we will have to disagree.
No one deserves "X" in the way of sports. They are games for entertainment. Bob doesnt owe you or anyone a Lombardi, top tier Qb or playoff runs every year. You arnet entitled to crap

BTW, buying a ticket entitles me the right to boo when I want too.

(No I didn't boo yesterday.)

If BoB or the rest of the Texans org doesn't like it tough titty.
I see that "TexansFight" got his wish about wanting Texans fans to be more like Eagles fans.

Looks like it is official now. Anyone bringing in batteries to the next home game? Since it doesn't snow maybe chunk your snow cones at the players?

Excellent. Release your anger Texans fans.

I'd be pi$$ed if my own fans were cheering my teammates injury.

For those of you that think its ok, walk up to JJ Watt or Andre Johnson and tell them how cool it was when Schaub went down.

Be sure to have your buddy video tape it.

Some fans wouldn't be scared to do this... the gun laws in Texas haven't exactly changed yet you know.
After supporting the team financially for over a decade the GREAT FANS of the Texans should be entitled to an owner that's commited to putting the best product on the field as possible. In fact BoB should just come out and say what you posted.

If he did, the town would turn on him faster than it did Bud.

So lets just say we will have to disagree.

The only thing you were entitled to was a team coming to town. You got that. Then if you buy tickets you are entitled to go watch the game. Thats it and nothing more

BTW, buying a ticket entitles me the right to boo when I want too.

(No I didn't boo yesterday.)

If BoB or the rest of the Texans org doesn't like it tough titty.

You can boo all you want
Anyone trying to make excuses for the crowd probably wanted Matt to get hurt in the first place and truly are disgusting people When do you draw the line between being a fan and being a decent human being?

First time I've been ashamed to be a Texan fan, and this incident will live on in infamy for many years, but on the bright side some of you got your wish, maybe Matt's ankle is shredded, will force retirement and a limp the rest of his life, but he deserves it right, for playing poorly?
They made the choice to play football where fans can buy drinks and might get stuff thrown on them.

Thats not a normal function of attending a football game as a fan or player. Taking a ****ty 24k a year job you are expecting those things to happen
No one deserves "X" in the way of sports. They are games for entertainment. Bob doesnt owe you or anyone a Lombardi, top tier Qb or playoff runs every year. You arnet entitled to crap

This basically goes for all nfl teams and their fans, sad thing is if they said that i would no longer watch the NFL. We pay their salaries regardless of how you look at it, so yeah i believe teams do owe their fans a trophy. Without us watching they arent making millions cause the NFL wouldnt exist. Goes hand and hand
Anyone trying to make excuses for the crowd probably wanted Matt to get hurt in the first place and truly are disgusting people When do you draw the line between being a fan and being a decent human being?

First time I've been ashamed to be a Texan fan, and this incident will live on in infamy for many years, but on the bright side some of you got your wish, maybe Matt's ankle is shredded, will force retirement and a limp the rest of his life, but he deserves it right, for playing poorly?

The only thing sports fans remember at the end of the day is were you a winner or a loser.