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DeMeco Ryans traded to Philadelphia

McClain first revision:

John McClain ‏ @McClain_on_NFL
I was wrong. Texans take a $2 mil hit on cap cause of prorated signing bonus, not $6.75 mil. That figure includes base salary. Sorry.

his base was 5.9 this year so now we have a extra 3.9 mil. I think
Players being good is not the same as being leaders. Anyone not blind could see Ryans was an active and intellectual leader for the D. He walked over at times and told Cushing to chill out and keep to his assignments. Being good and being a leader are different.

Nothing takes the place of intensity. If you are at war and are on the front line do you want Cushing or Ryans in your foxhole? Yeah, thought so.
not when you consider a football team has 22 starters. Its not like baseball or basketball where you can win big with a couple of stars and a supporting cast.
Seriously? No team is loaded with star players as their starters. Teams will have some stars, but they rely heavily on the supporting cast to do their part and play their role. That goes a long way towards being a winning franchise.
What are the odds that the Texans draft a future pro bowler and team MVP (at any position) with that fourth-round pick? Slim to none am I right? Swapping third-round picks otherwise. Sigh...
What if this is what Meco wanted? Maybe he did not want to be a 2 down player anymore or did not like being in a 3-4 defense and asked to be traded. Also if you noticed Cushing was calling the defense every down and it seemed the leadership begun to change at that point.
People saying that he wasn't what he used to be need to realize he was coming off a major injury and playing in a new scheme.

Go back and look at those two playoff games and say he wasn't what he used to be.

Not for the money he was making, he wasn't. Great player, hate to see him go but I, and maybe only me, saw this coming last year when Demeco was playing maybe a quarter of the defensive snaps in Phillips 3-4.

I thought he was going to be released. At least the texans got something for him...

NEXT MAN CUT! Should be this years motto...
Hows about instead of sobbing about the sky falling all off-season why the hell aren't we celebrating the maturation of this franchise into one that doesn't overpay for injury troubled players who don't fit the scheme??

Ryans was a great guy and in his time a really good player. We handed him a contract that was heading to backfire, the guys caphit was going to be higher than our starting QB's ffs!!

Time to get a grip.

Am I really the only person on this board who doesn't have any problem with the moves we've made so far this offseason?? We're trimming the fat people, we've outgrown a bunch of guys who looked great on a poor team, who got paid a ****load of cash because we didn't have anyone else around to spend our cap limit on. Guys like DeMeco & Winston were getting paid elite money at their positions and weren't playing up to it, in DeMeco's case that was partly injury, partly that he doesn't fit the scheme, either way, he wasn't worth his cap hit to this team. Move on.

Also, talk of having to start mid-round rookies is bull****. Name a single position on our team, aside from K, where we don't have a quality backup ready-groomed to step in where our starter has left, it doesn't exist, we'll draft for depth and give these guys a camp battle, and we'll continue to develop our own talent.
Seriously? No team is loaded with star players as their starters. Teams will have some stars, but they rely heavily on the supporting cast to do their part and play their role. That goes a long way towards being a winning franchise.

Supporting castcant get paid big bucks .
If you were an Eagles fan would you rather have Demeco and his contract or just draft Luke Kuechly out of BC?

Could you imagine if the Texans somehow got Kuechly in the 1st? The instincts of him and Cushing together would be crazy.
Seriously? No team is loaded with star players as their starters. Teams will have some stars, but they rely heavily on the supporting cast to do their part and play their role. That goes a long way towards being a winning franchise.

Yup Patriots where never really loaded with stars on defense, just one huge one on offense, and they found ways to win...
I hate to see DeMeco go, but he was a below average linebacker last year even on the two downs he played. Getting draft picks for him and losing his salary is great. I know DeMeco was recovering from the Achilles injury and had a bad elbow injury, but Sharpton was playing better and he wasn't making $6 million a year.

The people who think the Texans could have got a second round pick for DeMeco are delusional. Let's look at last year's production: 64 combined tackles, zero sacks, zero interceptions and two forced fumbles. There are about 60 linebackers with better production. This is the bottom of a trend that has seen decreasing production in every year since his rookie campaign. So, how can you expect a second round pick for a player making his salary, at his age and injury history who has had, let me repeat, DECREASING PRODUCTION EVERY SINGLE YEAR? Leaders do it on the field and he's not doing it enough anymore. End of story.
Seriously? No team is loaded with star players as their starters. Teams will have some stars, but they rely heavily on the supporting cast to do their part and play their role. That goes a long way towards being a winning franchise.
you have reading comprehension issues if you think I said that the team needs to be loaded with stars...but just a couple of big time players and a larger cast of average players will pretty much get you an average team.
for me I knew there was going to be some tough cuts/trades but I was hoping to get through this season first

if the Texans go back to their "1 good draft every 4 years" habit, well there will be some more head rolling.

anyway, lets kick some ass in this draft
Seriously? No team is loaded with star players as their starters. Teams will have some stars, but they rely heavily on the supporting cast to do their part and play their role. That goes a long way towards being a winning franchise.
When you have your first successful draft from top to bottom in franchise history -- back in 2006 when they drafted Mario Williams, DeMeco Ryans, Eric Winston and Owen Daniels -- you expect that foundation to be the ground work for a playoff team. Finally we have a playoff team and three of those guys are gone in one off-season. I'm surprised we're able to hang on to Owen Daniels. Why not just release him or trade him to the Broncos for a 4th or 5th round pick? The way Rick Smith is operating this off-seaosn it wouldn't shock me. I'm beyond upset with the Texans front office right now so forgive me for being a little sarcastic.
]I think what's going on is clear: Rick bungled the salary cap. The GM's NUMBER ONE JOB is to manage the salary cap, and he blew it. [/B]So we get ONE YEAR of a good team.


Smithiak's job was on the line. See the one week old post below.

What happened to the "What to do with Mario Post" Why was it merged with Mario signs for $100 million and removed from Texan Talk??? Out of site out of mind I guess. A lot of what is happening is due to the inaction of the FO in the handling of Mario BEFORE the season started last year.

Difference between Morey and Smith is that Morey has been dealt a tough hand. With Yao and T-Mac done we were put in a really bad situation that we're going to come out of next year. Morey is doing the best he can with what he has. Not saying he's perfect, but I doubt there are many other GMs who could've done a better job than him. Plus, with super stars congregating it's hard to get one of those guys. As for Smith, I'm not going to complain too much about the Mario, Winston, and Brisiel loses because I think we have players who can replace them. My worry is that there is no one on the team right now imo who can replace Ryans. Sharpton is coming off major injury and expecting him to come in right away and replace that hole at ILB is bit unrealistic imo. It might take him up to a year to fully recover. Don't get me wrong, I hope Sharpton comes in and tears it up because above all I want my Texans to win. But it's not a realistic goal if you're going to play mid round rookies in critical position and hope to make a deep playoff run. It could happen, but imo it's not very likely. Of course, between now and game 1 we will probably sign some vets, so that remains to be seen.

I am going to complain about how Smith handled Mario because before last season started he should have known we would not be able to keep Mario this year. I have stated this before and I felt how they handled Mario would be the most important decision the FO made because of the far reaching consequences it would have on the team. You are now seeing some of them. You can't lose one of your best trade baits and get NOTHING but that is what the Texans did with Mario.

1 Week Ago #1
Hall of Fame

Join Date: Apr 2006
Age: 54
Posts: 1,016
Rep Power: 1248 Anybody else have concerns about our FO


It seems to me that our braintrust might have miscalculated. I know they were under the gun to win last year or they would possibly/probably get the boot themselves but was the team's long term quest to be a yearly contender put at risk with the moves they made last year? Did we pull a Florida Marlins and shoot for the moon with the knowledge that we would have to blow the team up as soon as the season was over? To be honest it might have worked except for injuries.

I am not sure and would like your opinion. I think the main mistake made was not trading Mario before the season started last year thus allowing us to sign some players before their FA year and allow us to accumulate draft choices.

A lot of what is happening to the Texans is due to inaction in reference to Mario.

Hate to see Ryans go. Would have much rather seen Mario go last year and had extra draft choices and money. Maybe the FO learned something from last year but a real GM would have already known what to do last year and maybe some of this year's damage could have been avoided.

Just hope Wade gets well or "The All Encompassing FIRE KUBIAK thread" is going to raise its ugly head again.
Breaking news:

The Houston Texans have traded my mother to the Eagles for multiple mid-round picks. Analysts are calling this a win-win move for the Texans and Eagles, but it's going to be tough for Nawzer. Her unconditional love, support, and wisdom will be sorely missed.
I honestly don't think we do, PFT is reporting the Eagles picked up his contract in full.
all bonuses are accelerated and cannot be passed on to the new team. They can pay his remaining salary but we have to pay the other...and that's the cap hit.
What are the odds that the Texans draft a future pro bowler and team MVP (at any position) with that fourth-round pick? Slim to none am I right? Swapping third-round picks otherwise. Sigh...

We can package that 4th and our 4th and get in the third, then use our two thirds to get a 2nd, then use our two 2nd to get RG3, LOL. OK I got carried away.
I don't F'n understand why this team always lets solid vets walk away.

Especially a guy like Demeco who was loved here by his teammates and fans and seemed willing to play here DESPITE not playing 3rd downs you hardly ever hear him complain about it.

This team is relying TOO much on the draft. Which is fine if you are not a team that people are expecting to come out of the AFC.

You don't see the Ravens trading Ray Lewis do you? (yes I know Demeco is no Ray, but the situation is kinda the same)

Ravens just let Ben Grubbs, Jarrett Johnson, and Cory Redding walk. The Pats let guys walk all the time.

Great teams are built through the draft. That's what a lot of people don't seem to understand. Who was the last offseason champion to win the Super Bowl? Teams that draft well win...period.
I hate to see DeMeco go, but he was a below average linebacker last year even on the two downs he played. Getting draft picks for him and losing his salary is great. I know DeMeco was recovering from the Achilles injury and had a bad elbow injury, but Sharpton was playing better and he wasn't making $6 million a year.
End of story.
Wait until DeMeco Ryans makes his third pro bowl on an NFC East champion Eagles team next year. Then tell me how he's a below average linebacker at that time. He was the missing piece for them. I now believe the Eagles are a better team than the defending Super Bowl champion Giants. The Eagles will spank 'em twice in 2012, and they'll probably beat Dallas and Washington twice also for a 6-0 division record.
that's bull...the better Patriot teams were loaded with talent.

Really? Most of their defense were castoffs from other teams. They had good players, but only a couple that stood out. Can u name any of their CBs from their SB days? How about their Dlineman, not named Seymore? How about their WRs?

And without looking them up....
One playoff win after a ten year slog through the desert of mediocrity and suddenly it's time to dismantle the team and start the rebuilding process.

Wait until DeMeco Ryans makes his third pro bowl on an NFC East champion Eagles team next year. Then tell me how he's a below average linebacker at that time. He was the missing piece for them. I now believe the Eagles are a better team than the defending Super Bowl champion Giants. The Eagles will spank 'em twice in 2012, and they'll probably beat Dallas and Washington twice also for a 6-0 division record.
yep, he's gonna be a beast now that he is healthy again. He's gonna make us look like morons.
Ravens just let Ben Grubbs, Jarrett Johnson, and Cory Redding walk. The Pats let guys walk all the time.

Great teams are built through the draft. That's what a lot of people don't seem to understand. Who was the last offseason champion to win the Super Bowl? Teams that draft well win...period.
Agreed but teams that have great drafts don't let the entire draft class get away in one off-season, especially after making the playoffs for the first time in franchise history and the excitement in the city for the Texans was at an all-time high. Adios to that amazing 2006 draft. We can now put Charley Casserly behind us once and for all. When I watch Owen Daniels play I'll just hang on to the one gem we were able to keep.
Breaking news:

The Houston Texans have traded my mother to the Eagles for multiple mid-round picks. Analysts are calling this a win-win move for the Texans and Eagles, but it's going to be tough for Nawzer. Her unconditional love, support, and wisdom will be sorely missed.

No loss, she has sucked for a veeeeeery long time....

You put it on a tee, I'll put it the fairway....
Wow. What a shock. But not a surprise. This team just paid bank to both Foster and Myers. Next year it will be Barwin (especially if he continues to improve) and Brown (LT money). After that, Cushing is on board to get paid.

Dunno if this was a pure salary dump with the intent of taking the hit now or opening space for other moves this offseason. But, at any rate, this team is going to continue to make a series of big pay day and enraging cut decisions. I just did not think Ryans would get cut/moved until next offseason.
Really sad to see the team leader get dealt away for a packet of peanuts.

I was worried about ILB depth before this, now I am horrified.

Sad day, this hurts much more than letting Mario walk for a big paycheck elsewhere.

UPDATE 8:00 pm. ET: The Eagles announced the deal on Tuesday evening, and they gave up a fourth-round pick in the 2012 draft in exchange for Ryans. The Eagles and Texans also swapped 2012 third-round picks.

So they'll get a mid 3rd round instead of a late one, and add a mid 4th rounder.
One playoff win after a ten year slog through the desert of mediocrity and suddenly it's time to dismantle the team and start the rebuilding process.


Why is it when the Steeler, Pats, Ravens do the same thing and let great talent walk, then go get younger talent it is called re-loading....

So when the Texans do it, it's called rebuilding?

Makes no sense to me....
If you were an Eagles fan would you rather have Demeco and his contract or just draft Luke Kuechly out of BC?

Could you imagine if the Texans somehow got Kuechly in the 1st? The instincts of him and Cushing together would be crazy.

This is the first thing I thought of. Hopefully its Kuechly if not Hightower wouldn't be a bad consolation prize.

NEXT MAN CUT! Should be this years motto...

Well so far its all 2006 guys so I guess OD is next. The TE's are under rated in this class.
Really? Most of their defense were castoffs from other teams. They had good players, but only a couple that stood out. Can u name any of their CBs from their SB days? How about their Dlineman, not named Seymore? How about their WRs?

And without looking them up....
Sure I can and I probably follow the league closer than you do since I seem to be obsessed with creating football message boards. Not that my opinion is better than yours but guys like Rodney Harrison, Rosevelt Colvin and Tedy Bruschi were great leaders and players in their prime....that's not a cast of chumps. If you haven't noticed, since the Pats have lost much of that defensive talent...they aren't as good a team anymore. This Patriots didn't have that much talent thing is a myth.
DeMeco was a hellva leader and an awesome LB when healthy but under Wade's system, he just doesn't see the field enough to justify his salary. Under a salary cap, tough decisions need to be made and this was one of them. I, for one, am not gonna freak out over this.
What are the odds that the Texans draft a future pro bowler and team MVP (at any position) with that fourth-round pick? Slim to none am I right? Swapping third-round picks otherwise. Sigh...

What are the odds that we draft a solid contributor with that pick? Someone who plays an important role when called upon?

Because Ryans certainly didn't look like a future ProBowler playing situational downs in Wade's system to me.

Or we could just pretend that we just lost 07 DeMeco. Cushing will be the leader on this D now as well, and impressive as it was, I doubt we ever have a team that bad again that a 2nd round rookie gets the chance to walk in and become the de facto leader of the entire team from day 1, which is the embarrassing state our team was in when DeMeco walked in. As fantastic as he was at the role, the dude should have been too busy getting hazed the **** out of to step up and lead.
Ravens just let Ben Grubbs, Jarrett Johnson, and Cory Redding walk. The Pats let guys walk all the time.

Great teams are built through the draft. That's what a lot of people don't seem to understand. Who was the last offseason champion to win the Super Bowl? Teams that draft well win...period.

Ben Grubbs I'll give you.

Jarret not on Meco's level. Not even close.

Cory Redding same thing.

The Pats really don't let guys go. Instead they trade them for 1st or 2nd round picks...which isn't what we just did.

"McClain_on_NFL John McClain
I was wrong. Texans take a $2 mil hit on cap cause of prorated signing bonus, not $6.75 mil. That figure includes base salary. Sorry."
all bonuses are accelerated and cannot be passed on to the new team. They can pay his remaining salary but we have to pay the other...and that's the cap hit.

Understandably, he was guaranteed 21 million of his 48 million dollar contract. I don't know his signing bonus, maybe 14-16 million? I can't see us covering more than 2 million this year.
Really? Most of their defense were castoffs from other teams. They had good players, but only a couple that stood out. Can u name any of their CBs from their SB days? How about their Dlineman, not named Seymore? How about their WRs?

And without looking them up....

Wilfork Bodden Branch, I may be wrong on a couple of them, but at least I didn't cheat and look em up.