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Fire Frank Bush

Y'all need to shut the f up and become a team player, that or step off the wagon just to jump back on after the next win

We need to shut the f up?
I thought this was a public forum..

Wanting to improve the d seems important
Just sayin...I don't think anyone is being a bad fan except maybe yourself

No big deal though, we are all in this together and want the same thing

Go texans
Y'all need to shut the f up and become a team player, that or step off the wagon just to jump back on after the next win

How is that even possible to be a team player when nobody on the board plays for the team?

Is there a bandwagon team that I didn't know about?
Not taking action blows up the accountability measure Kubiak is trying to instill.

This I do agree with. However, just because we don't have a press conference saying what actions were taken, doesn't mean that someone hasn't been held accountable.
How is that even possible to be a team player when nobody on the board plays for the team?

Is there a bandwagon team that I didn't know about?

Nope just the usual Joe Texan drivel of the day post.

Who needs reason and logic when you can be a "super fan" and just tell everyone to shut the F up?!

Y'all need to shut the f up and become a team player, that or step off the wagon just to jump back on after the next win

I didn't hear anybody call for a cheerleader? Did you hear someone ask for a cheerleader Joe? If nobody asked for a cheerleaders opinion then what business do you have flapping your gums....err "fingers"?
I don't think it's that they are in zone "too much" more than they don't understand zone.

Passing lanes seem to hold no meaning for them. When receivers enter their zone, they don't seem to know what to do, until he catches the ball. It seems like they don't have any peripheral vision.

The two tips, by Adibi & Ryan led to INTs..... made Nolan look like a starter (albeit Wilson probably would've dropped those)... we need more of that.

I made a thread last yr talking about 3 level defense. The opponets passing success isnt just because of the young corners, but it has more to do with the lb's other than cushing are terrible in coverage. Demeco and diles especially.

Linebacker coverage is so importat because they are suppose to sqeeze the windows between the wr,cb,and qb. Notice how davis and clark killed the texans on simple seam routes? Look at the top 5 defense and you will see lb's who understand route combinations against leverage. Thats why i said they shouldve brought adelius thomas couldve filled multiple roles on this team. He's very good in coverage and a very good blitzer. He's a joker and that would really work when trying to create pressure on opposing offenses. He can also play all 3 lb's spots and would be a better option on 3rd down nickel than ryans. Thats why the giants went and signed boley. He is one of the best lb's in coverage. Since teams use 3 wrs over 60% of the snaps, a cover lb is sorely missing. Now that ryans is hurt, they should bring thomas in for a workout.
It's the same scheme that was effective last year. I agree that it was vanilla, but it worked most of the time.

The personnel is the only thing that's changed.

There's no excuse to give up 400+ yards a game. Agreed that something will need to change in the scheme. We don't have any other choice.

One thing I find interesting, is that many people thought we would go 2-2 or 1-3 over the first 4 games of the season, because of missing Brian Cushing. I suppose they felt that we would go 1-3 or 2-2 while dominating the other team on defense.

I think we got ourselves into some bad habits trying to compensate for Cush & the rook..... & we just need to break our selves of those habits. I think we'll see our old defense after the bye.
Y'all need to shut the f up and become a team player, that or step off the wagon just to jump back on after the next win


People want to get on me for saying that our problem is the offense, not the defense. They are ok with the "easy" answer, the answer the stats point to.

IMHO, you have to look at who our head coach is, and how our team is built.

Kubiak came from Denver & San Francisco. Their defenses only looked good (great??) because of the offense. Get ahead early on the score board, shut down the run, get after the QB. That's the way it was done. If we can get out early on offense, our small quick defensive line will get you a 3 & out. They've done it this year several times, giving the offense the ball, giving us an opportunity to get on the board, tie the game, or take the lead.

You don't go down by 24 points, (or whatever we spotted Washington) then come back to tie, then take the lead, unless the defense gets a few stops in there somewhere.

We've got a DL with 4 quarter horses.... no thoroughbreds. We aren't built to spend 40+ minutes on the field on defense. I know, you're saying if they get their 3 & outs, they won't be on the field...... check the play by play, go watch the games again.... it's ridiculous how many opportunities our offense had to put points on the board, yet they couldn't get a first down.

Kubiak is playing it up, letting the media jump all over his defense, allowing the offense to figure it out, without a lot of outside pressure. The defense is taking one for the team.

But our problem is on offense.

Show me a game where Schaub & the O click coming out of the gate, & I swear you will see a dominating defensive performance.

Understand the Colts game was game 1 without Cushing & with a rookie CB..... but any game after week 3, if our O would have showed up early, we would have seen a show.
We need to shut the f up?
I thought this was a public forum..

Wanting to improve the d seems important
Just sayin...I don't think anyone is being a bad fan except maybe yourself

No big deal though, we are all in this together and want the same thing

Go texans

All of your couch drivel is giving me a headache, Yall couldn't defend yourselves out of a wet paper bag so STFU. And I am sorry Herv I do not take up your bad habbits of wearing womens skirts around cheering that all is good and save the poor little stray dogs.

This is the team we have and unless Kubes, lets his staff talk him into getting another player then your drivle is crap. We have a young defense and we have a young team and we will make mistakes, the important thing is they are overcoming the mistakes to win the game and here you all are saying fire a coach. kinda pathetic if you ask me. I bet all of you camp fire girls could not wait to start a Fire somebody thread, Well congratulations, you have started one and it is a great reflection of just why you all sit on a couch while the coach keeps his job.
I think that perhaps the problem is that our D is vanilla like last year, teams are picking up on it, and then they have the entire 16 games to look at from last year to spot tendencies.

One of the same reasons second year players faces adversity, people have had 1 year to check them out.

just my 0.02...
Y'all need to shut the f up and become a team player, that or step off the wagon just to jump back on after the next win

If they are on here discussing the Texans I think they are more than just your average fan. You only want positive things said about this team 100% of the time and that just isn't reality. We understand that you Joe will always tow the company line and thats ok. Just don't expect everyone else to. People are different and have different opinions.
All of your couch drivel is giving me a headache, Yall couldn't defend yourselves out of a wet paper bag so STFU. And I am sorry Herv I do not take up your bad habbits of wearing womens skirts around cheering that all is good and save the poor little stray dogs.

This is the team we have and unless Kubes, lets his staff talk him into getting another player then your drivle is crap. We have a young defense and we have a young team and we will make mistakes, the important thing is they are overcoming the mistakes to win the game and here you all are saying fire a coach. kinda pathetic if you ask me. I bet all of you camp fire girls could not wait to start a Fire somebody thread, Well congratulations, you have started one and it is a great reflection of just why you all sit on a couch while the coach keeps his job.

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a man who can barely make himself understood feels it's his responsibility to tell everyone to shut the **** up? You're like a HOF member of the needs to STFU club Joe. I can count on one hand the number of times you've ever said anything coherent in here that wasn't about tailgating. Granted you've got a masters degree in parking, eating, and drinking.

The Texans cheerleaders are paid to cheer through rain or shine. What's your excuse for not seeing the same defense for the 5TH YEAR IN A ROW and telling everyone else it's going to be fine?

People want to get on me for saying that our problem is the offense, not the defense. They are ok with the "easy" answer, the answer the stats point to.

IMHO, you have to look at who our head coach is, and how our team is built.

Kubiak came from Denver & San Francisco. Their defenses only looked good (great??) because of the offense. Get ahead early on the score board, shut down the run, get after the QB. That's the way it was done. If we can get out early on offense, our small quick defensive line will get you a 3 & out. They've done it this year several times, giving the offense the ball, giving us an opportunity to get on the board, tie the game, or take the lead.

You don't go down by 24 points, (or whatever we spotted Washington) then come back to tie, then take the lead, unless the defense gets a few stops in there somewhere.

We've got a DL with 4 quarter horses.... no thoroughbreds. We aren't built to spend 40+ minutes on the field on defense. I know, you're saying if they get their 3 & outs, they won't be on the field...... check the play by play, go watch the games again.... it's ridiculous how many opportunities our offense had to put points on the board, yet they couldn't get a first down.

Kubiak is playing it up, letting the media jump all over his defense, allowing the offense to figure it out, without a lot of outside pressure. The defense is taking one for the team.

But our problem is on offense.

Show me a game where Schaub & the O click coming out of the gate, & I swear you will see a dominating defensive performance.

Understand the Colts game was game 1 without Cushing & with a rookie CB..... but any game after week 3, if our O would have showed up early, we would have seen a show.

Don't want to toot my own horn, but I think this thread needs to get back on track.
Joe Texan said:
All of your couch drivel is giving me a headache, Yall couldn't defend yourselves out of a wet paper bag so STFU. And I am sorry Herv I do not take up your bad habbits of wearing womens skirts around cheering that all is good and save the poor little stray dogs.

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a man who can barely make himself understood feels it's his responsibility to tell everyone to shut the **** up? You're like a HOF member of the needs to STFU club Joe. I can count on one hand the number of times you've ever said anything coherent in here that wasn't about tailgating.

The Texans cheerleaders are paid to cheer through rain or shine. What's your excuse for not seeing the same defense for the 5TH YEAR IN A ROW and telling everyone else it's going to be fine?

OK. Is there a line anywhere? Is this thread somehow exempt from it? Sorry guys but SERIOUSLY. If you don't like each other that's fine. I've got personal rivalries with people but this is a little beyond "lets be fans". I'm not a mod but umm... if I'M calling you out for going to far? That's kind of like Vick saying "You shouldn't treat dogs like that"... yeah, time to examine yourself lol.

Look, this is how it works. Nobody can respond to Joe Texan with the truth because he's Joe Texan and that's what he does. If somebody wants to come along and clean this up I don't care. If they want to put me on a time out for throwing the poo that this guy flings back at him then fine. I can find other things to do for the duration.

People are going to say things you don't agree with. What's wrong with "Well I don't agree with that" or "Well I don't agree with that and here's why...."? The answer is nothing is wrong with that.

If you can't do that then how about "I don't like this thread, don't agree with it, and I'm not posting in it"?

That's even better but for some people nothing works as well as "STFU you lousy fans". So if I'm going too far because I'm saying "No, YOU STFU" then so be it.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a man who can barely make himself understood feels it's his responsibility to tell everyone to shut the **** up? You're like a HOF member of the needs to STFU club Joe. I can count on one hand the number of times you've ever said anything coherent in here that wasn't about tailgating. Granted you've got a masters degree in parking, eating, and drinking.

The Texans cheerleaders are paid to cheer through rain or shine. What's your excuse for not seeing the same defense for the 5TH YEAR IN A ROW and telling everyone else it's going to be fine?

I see the defense but saying fire the coach is pathetic, every one in this thread knows it takes more than whats going on to fire anybody on this team. And like it or not we have found a way to win more than lose But we still hear Fire the coach. Its the Defense fault even though they are on the feild twice as long as the offense. Maybe if you would spend more time looking at what the team is actually doing instead of watching a googly eyed at my every move you could come up with something better than another failed attempt to discredit me. I see we got problems but I will not become a team basher to get my point across. I am well aware that the head coach had better produce or they will all be gone but fact is they are performing and we got a whole thread of I know better couch coaches saying fire the coach. If any of you were really into the fixing of this team you would can this thread and make a thread titled "How to help the Defense" or something but no everyone of you guys could not wait to jump on th fire somebody thread and there is no way you can get out of that.
Reading over the PC transcript this kind of caught my attention. We have all but one player back on defense from last season and they've regressed. What does that tell you? Coaching? The bolded sounds like a half-assed calling out of Bush if you ask me. Will Bush see it that way? Probably not, but he should

(on why things such as missed tackles are the biggest problem so far) “That’s the puzzling thing for us. That’s a good question or comment. The puzzling thing for us, we have the same guys. Other than (CB) Kareem (Jackson), we’ve got the same group of guys. We’re doing the same things, but yet we’ve regressed in some areas. That’s what is real concerning for us right now and so we’re addressing it as coaches. We addressed it with the team this morning. We watched the film as a team and talked about it as a team. We’ve got to get them feeling good about what we’re doing and why were’ doing it and then we’ve got to go do it better. It’s a problem that we all have to solve, not one of us or two of us.”
Look, this is how it works. Nobody can respond to Joe Texan with the truth because he's Joe Texan and that's what he does. If somebody wants to come along and clean this up I don't care. If they want to put me on a time out for throwing the poo that this guy flings back at him then fine. I can find other things to do for the duration.

People are going to say things you don't agree with. What's wrong with "Well I don't agree with that" or "Well I don't agree with that and here's why...."? The answer is nothing is wrong with that.

If you can't do that then how about "I don't like this thread, don't agree with it, and I'm not posting in it"?

That's even better but for some people nothing works as well as "STFU you lousy fans". So if I'm going too far because I'm saying "No, YOU STFU" then so be it.

I think what I'm saying, and btw this should be something said in private in my opinion... is how about addressing THAT in private. Joe's a solid guy, I don't always agree with what he says and have made comments in private. If you didn't like what he said... that's fine. There is also always the ignore button. I've got 3 people on ignore to date. I hate using it... but it has made my experience much better. If you continually feel the need to attack someone personally, I'd suggest trying it.

Just a suggestion.

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that a man who can barely make himself understood feels it's his responsibility to tell everyone to shut the **** up? You're like a HOF member of the needs to STFU club Joe. I can count on one hand the number of times you've ever said anything coherent in here that wasn't about tailgating. Granted you've got a masters degree in parking, eating, and drinking.

The Texans cheerleaders are paid to cheer through rain or shine. What's your excuse for not seeing the same defense for the 5TH YEAR IN A ROW and telling everyone else it's going to be fine?

Lol must spread rep. Classic post.
Reading over the PC transcript this kind of caught my attention. We have all but one player back on defense from last season and they've regressed. What does that tell you? Coaching? The bolded sounds like a half-assed calling out of Bush if you ask me. Will Bush see it that way? Probably not, but he should

Well yeah, there is that. Now add in the fact that we're without our Pro Bowl MLB!!! :wadepalm:
My problem with our defense is simple..

In the famous words of Ruby Rhod..

"It was bad! It had nothing, no fire, no energy, no nothing! You know I have a show to run here, you know? And, it must pop, pop, pop! So, tomorrow, from five to seven, will you please act like you have move than a two word vocabulary! It must be green, okay? Okay?"

I see the defense but saying fire the coach is pathetic, every one in this thread knows it takes more than whats going on to fire anybody on this team. And like it or not we have found a way to win more than lose But we still hear Fire the coach. Its the Defense fault even though they are on the feild twice as long as the offense. Maybe if you would spend more time looking at what the team is actually doing instead of watching a googly eyed at my every move you could come up with something better than another failed attempt to discredit me. I see we got problems but I will not become a team basher to get my point across. I am well aware that the head coach had better produce or they will all be gone but fact is they are performing and we got a whole thread of I know better couch coaches saying fire the coach. If any of you were really into the fixing of this team you would can this thread and make a thread titled "How to help the Defense" or something but no everyone of you guys could not wait to jump on th fire somebody thread and there is no way you can get out of that.

If you'd actually read the thread you're bitching about you would see that much of it is about what can be done to help the defense. Still more of it is wisecracks (some of them pretty good) about firing people or making changes to the defense. Only a part of it is about literally firing Frank Bush and even those posts are a little deeper than just "FIRE HIM BECAUSE FIRE HIM!"

Nobody has to try to discredit you Joe. You're Joe Texan, that's what you do.
I see the defense but saying fire the coach is pathetic, every one in this thread knows it takes more than whats going on to fire anybody on this team. And like it or not we have found a way to win more than lose But we still hear Fire the coach. Its the Defense fault even though they are on the feild twice as long as the offense. Maybe if you would spend more time looking at what the team is actually doing instead of watching a googly eyed at my every move you could come up with something better than another failed attempt to discredit me. I see we got problems but I will not become a team basher to get my point across. I am well aware that the head coach had better produce or they will all be gone but fact is they are performing and we got a whole thread of I know better couch coaches saying fire the coach. If any of you were really into the fixing of this team you would can this thread and make a thread titled "How to help the Defense" or something but no everyone of you guys could not wait to jump on th fire somebody thread and there is no way you can get out of that.

Joe from my view the defense lacks creativity and effectiveness which is a direct result of the scheme and coach. We have the talent, if we don't then we have failed at many levels all the way up to the GM. Personally when a QB lines up and already knows what he's going to do in a few seconds, which was REALLY obvious during the Giants game it's a coaching problem. Now that it's mid season I'm about 99.9% sure you don't want to install a new defense but you have to be a LOT more aggressive and find ways to make it work.

IMHO Kubiak is very stubborn and low risk coach..
Look, this is how it works. Nobody can respond to Joe Texan with the truth because he's Joe Texan and that's what he does. If somebody wants to come along and clean this up I don't care. If they want to put me on a time out for throwing the poo that this guy flings back at him then fine. I can find other things to do for the duration.

People are going to say things you don't agree with. What's wrong with "Well I don't agree with that" or "Well I don't agree with that and here's why...."? The answer is nothing is wrong with that.

If you can't do that then how about "I don't like this thread, don't agree with it, and I'm not posting in it"?

That's even better but for some people nothing works as well as "STFU you lousy fans". So if I'm going too far because I'm saying "No, YOU STFU" then so be it.

Just rep'd you.

You went from 2204 to 2227. A 23-point bump. I think that's the biggest jump I've ever seen when I rep someone.

Let's face it, Herv...some people like to engage in conversation. Some like to lurk and just watch. And then there is the one person who never adds anything to the conversation, except for repeated one-liners that are like drive-by shootings: POW! and then the car speeds off down the street.

Unless you call the guy on it, and then all of a sudden he feels like elaborating on the topic. What I can't figure out is why it takes him being called out before he actually puts forth his thoughts on things. Is it laziness? Or is it a guy who wants to be the judge and hand down a one-sentence verdict without explaining himself?

Whatever it is, it has gotten old. To the point where I made a fake news story and Joe Texan couldn't even sort it out on the first try.


The Texans family is a diverse mix of personalities, that's for sure.
If you'd actually read the thread you're bitching about you would see that much of it is about what can be done to help the defense. Still more of it is wisecracks (some of them pretty good) about firing people or making changes to the defense. Only a part of it is about literally firing Frank Bush and even those posts are a little deeper than just "FIRE HIM BECAUSE FIRE HIM!"

Nobody has to try to discredit you Joe. You're Joe Texan, that's what you do.

You're putting on a clinic, Herv.
Defense wins championships. The Texans manage to win IN SPITE of their defense, not because of them.

If our defense didn't stand up & stop the Redskins in the second half, or overtime, we wouldn't have won that game.

If we didn't get two stops to end the game against Kansas City, we wouldn't have won that game.

We need our offense to participate in the first half of these games.

It's not all on the defense, not even close.
If our defense didn't stand up & stop the Redskins in the second half, or overtime, we wouldn't have won that game.

If we didn't get two stops to end the game against Kansas City, we wouldn't have won that game.

We need our offense to participate in the first half of these games.

It's not all on the defense, not even close.

Both sides of the ball have issues right now but the defense is the glaring problem. I'd say clearly the vast majority of the problems are on that side of the ball. To borrow your line "It's not even close".

We aren't getting pressure on the QB and we aren't getting nearly enough sacks. We aren't creating turnovers at anything approaching an acceptable level either. We need to be able to collapse the pocket from the inside and nobody on our team has the physical ability to do this. Thus far our coaches don't seem to have been able to work out how to teach the guys we do have playing DT how to magically get past the opponents offensive line so.... there we are.

With a pass rush and real, consistent pressure we can help our corners and linebackers in coverage. We can begin to disrupt the timing of the offense and create a few more turnovers. You're right that our offense hasn't always joined the show from the start of the game. That doesn't help our problems on defense but neither is it wholely responsible for them.
All of your couch drivel is giving me a headache, Yall couldn't defend yourselves out of a wet paper bag so STFU. And I am sorry Herv I do not take up your bad habbits of wearing womens skirts around cheering that all is good and save the poor little stray dogs.

This is the team we have and unless Kubes, lets his staff talk him into getting another player then your drivle is crap. We have a young defense and we have a young team and we will make mistakes, the important thing is they are overcoming the mistakes to win the game and here you all are saying fire a coach. kinda pathetic if you ask me. I bet all of you camp fire girls could not wait to start a Fire somebody thread, Well congratulations, you have started one and it is a great reflection of just why you all sit on a couch while the coach keeps his job.

you do realize this FIRE KUBIAK thread is about as old as your tired act, right?

just keep being a one trick pony who thinks he is cool for some reason. trust me, you're not.

personally, i think everyone is being pretty positive about the team. no we may not hold the blind Hitler Youth loyalty that you show, but that is because we actually have a brain and use it.
you do realize this FIRE KUBIAK thread is about as old as your tired act, right?

just keep being a one trick pony who thinks he is cool for some reason. trust me, you're not.

personally, i think everyone is being pretty positive about the team. no we may not hold the blind Hitler Youth loyalty that you show, but that is because we actually have a brain and use it.


Not trying to get involved in the Craigslist-esqu Rant and Rave flame war that is going on here, but I found that comment hilarious!! rep for that...
you do realize this FIRE KUBIAK thread is about as old as your tired act, right?

just keep being a one trick pony who thinks he is cool for some reason. trust me, you're not.

personally, i think everyone is being pretty positive about the team. no we may not hold the blind Hitler Youth loyalty that you show, but that is because we actually have a brain and use it.

Did you just drop a Hitler Youth reference...? Awesome.
you do realize this FIRE KUBIAK thread is about as old as your tired act, right?

just keep being a one trick pony who thinks he is cool for some reason. trust me, you're not.

personally, i think everyone is being pretty positive about the team. no we may not hold the blind Hitler Youth loyalty that you show, but that is because we actually have a brain and use it.

:spit: SH calling someone out for their tired act!!

That's funny right there!!! It's amazing that he wasn't able to mix in a "Bob McNair is cheap" take. That would've made the post absolutely flawless!!
you do realize this FIRE KUBIAK thread is about as old as your tired act, right?

just keep being a one trick pony who thinks he is cool for some reason. trust me, you're not.

personally, i think everyone is being pretty positive about the team. no we may not hold the blind Hitler Youth loyalty that you show, but that is because we actually have a brain and use it.

This is the Fire Frank Bush thread. Just thought I'd point that out for some reason.
:spit: SH calling someone out for their tired act!!

That's funny right there!!! It's amazing that he wasn't able to mix in a "Bob McNair is cheap" take. That would've made the post absolutely flawless!!

Well now that you mention it I am kind of tired of Bob McNair and his tired "I'm Cheap" act.

Well now that you mention it I am kind of tired of Bob McNair and his tired "I'm Cheap" act.


Yep, if McNair had a hair on his ass he would've brought in Peppers, Haynesworth, Marshall, Dansby, Vandenbosch, Kampman, Benson, LT, etc
Are we doing that now? Is this now a Fire Kubiak thread with just a subtle hint of "Bob McNair's cheap" topped with a big ol' "STFU you looser fans"?

Cause if we're on a Fire Kubiak run then I'm posting this


I am not the artist. I'm nowhere near this good. Here's a link for the artist. He's excellent.
Are we doing that now? Is this now a Fire Kubiak thread with just a subtle hint of "Bob McNair's cheap" topped with a big ol' "STFU you looser fans"?

Cause if we're on a Fire Kubiak run then I'm posting this


I am not the artist. I'm nowhere near this good. Here's a link for the artist. He's excellent.

LMFAO!! That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!
Both sides of the ball have issues right now but the defense is the glaring problem. I'd say clearly the vast majority of the problems are on that side of the ball. To borrow your line "It's not even close".

I think our defense has shown they can play extremely well in spurts.

I believe if we fix our offensive problems, our defensive issues will disappear.
I think our defense has shown they can play extremely well in spurts.

I believe if we fix our offensive problems, our defensive issues will disappear.

I'll go as far as "get better". I think "disappear" is overly optimistic. The defensive line still won't get much pressure and the young cornerbacks are still going to get picked on more than they should because of it. Our guys can't get to the QB when they're winded from being on the field too much but they also don't exactly scare him to death when they're fresh either.