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Who would you not have drafted?

Who would you NOT have drafted?

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Eli Manning
Phillip Rivers
Kellen Winslow II
Kenechi Udeze
Roy Williams
Phillip Rivers has the worst mechanics of any QB I have seen in a while. The hitch, the 3/4 delievery, all of it. it looks like Charles Barkley's golf swing.
The more I hear about and/or from Winslow, the less I would want him. The latest is He is complaining about Washington not drafting him, but leaves out the fact that he was late to his meeting with Gibbs. That sure is the way to impress the coach you want to draft you.
If you asked, for the Texans, who would I not take, I would say Eli Manning. He will be a cap killer like his bro. Winslow at least could be used.
Winslow is a great athlete, but his attitude and agents nullify the talent he brings to the table. I bet that Troupe guy that went to the Titans has a better year with McNair than Winslow with Garcia. Just my geuss.
I lost total and complete respect for Eli Manning after the whole Draft debacle. Someone who thinks they are above the draft just really gets under my skin. I mean he isnt even the best QB in the draft and he thinks he can tell people where he wants to go? I wish he would have stayed with San Diego just so we could get first dibs on him opening day. :banana: (< I really like that lol)

EDIT: Is Carr really the Madden 2005 cover? Good God I hope not, BEWARE THE CURSE!
i say udeze cause i really think one more year at USC and he would have been a top 10 prospect :banana: anyone else find this dancing banana strangely funny
I would have to say Kellen Winslow. Everytime I hear about him his stock drops in my mind. I think be is going to be a good player but his attitude might get in the way of his play. I have a feeling he will be making plays to help Detriot but also getting costly penalty's to hurt em. Kellen Winslow is a great player but has a HUGE attitude problem.
No Carr is not on the box cover, it's just pure genius on my part
i would have passed on Eli. we dont need another QB and we dont need whiners on this team. i'd love to have Winslow II though. he is the ultimate matchup problem for defensive coordinators.
Reddevil63 said:
I lost total and complete respect for Eli Manning after the whole Draft debacle. Someone who thinks they are above the draft just really gets under my skin. I mean he isnt even the best QB in the draft and he thinks he can tell people where he wants to go? I wish he would have stayed with San Diego just so we could get first dibs on him opening day. :banana: (< I really like that lol)

EDIT: Is Carr really the Madden 2005 cover? Good God I hope not, BEWARE THE CURSE!

You know, I don't have a problem with someone who tells people where he wants to go. I see that as being fine. Say for arguments sake that you had the biggest baddest running back to ever touch a football and he was dead set on playing in Houston where his idol "THE Earl" played.

Now if he wanted to go and say "Hey guys, I'm playing for Houston or I'm not playing because that's what I want to do and it's up to me whether I play pro ball at all so what I say goes here" then I would have no problem with that. What I would expect though is for someone that serious about it to follow through. If the Chargers picked him right out of the gate then I would expect him to not go strolling up there to take a cap and jersey. I'd expect him to be absolutely willing to start pursuing an alternate career if things didn't go his way.

The way it was done with Manning you just knew that this was all part of the negotiation process and the show. It was all about leverage and getting his way but there was no way in the world he was going to pass on the bank.

I chose Eli Manning as the guy I would not have drafted for one reason. Expectations. Every one of them could very well bust (or be the greatest thing since sliced bread, we'll just have to wait and see) but he's the guy with the monster name and all the expectations that come with being the brother of Peyton Manning. I don't think being Archie Manning's son means much at this point, it's his brother that he's going to be measured against.

If he does end up taking the Giants to a couple of Super Bowls though then I guess Peyton is going to end up being considered the older, lesser Manning.
I love the whole Eli Manning/San Diego story. San Diego played that beautifully. A really nice piece of work from San Diego. Just think about it... San Diego never wanted Eli Manning. San Diego wanted Philip Rivers and all the extra draft picks. And who can blame them they have lots of needs. But the San Diego fans had to have Eli... they didn't get Peyton and they had to have Eli... If the Chargers didn't draft Eli the fans would go crazy... What can they do... what can they do...

So enter the dupes... the Mannings... Now the Mannings knew San Diego really could go any of three ways on those three QB's... and they knew San Diego would surely want to pick up some extra draft picks... I mean I knew that... Normally a team is already working out a contract with the first pick long before draft day... but San Diego was desperately trying to find a way to trade down and get all those picks and Rivers and not make the Charger fans angry... But still San Diego might have gone with Manning if they couldn't get out of it.

Now Eli didn't want to play for such a lousy organization... and since San Diego was still trying to decide what to do... the Mannings decide... why not tell San Diego QUIETLY that Eli would rather go elsewhere... No big announcements... no headlines... just quietly, while San Diego is making up it's mind... tell them how Eli felt.

And when they did the Chargers must have cheered... Thank goodness they found their way out. The Chargers GM runs to the press and says Eli won't play for them... that he wants to go to New York... Then the you know what hits the fan... Now if I'm the Mannings and I had gone quietly to the Chargers and told them this and the Chargers went to the press.... I'd be really P.O.'ed... especially if they said that Archie had said his son wanted to go to the Giants... and if that was in fact a lie the way Archie said it was. Archie has always been a man of honor... He might not want his son to play for the Chargers, but he's not a liar. Well... if San Diego had done that to me... I would be so P.O.'ed that I would never play for them.... and I'd tell them so... and Eli did!

Then we all know what happened...

So when it is all over... look what San Diego got... they got what they wanted at the very first... They got Philip Rivers and a bucket full of draft choices... and the San Diego fans are not angry at them.... Instead the whole football world is angry at Eli... Even the Giants knew San Diego didn't want Manning that they really wanted Rivers... that's the reason the Giants drafted Rivers at 4 rather than Roethlisberger...

I mean that was a great piece of work. San Diego gets what it wanted and the world hates Eli Manning.
All should do quite well given their individual situations for the various reasons each team's GM decided.

Same for the Texans, and the Babin pick, I must admit looks better all the time.

If your asking this question if all these players where available @ the 10 spot and the Texans where on the clock I would select Manning, then trade him to the Giants for next years #1 & this years #2 & #3 & #4. Just joking :cool:
From a football fan's point of view, I would not have drafted Phillip Rivers. Guess it's his attitude and his arm.
K2 is one of the best talents to come out of the draft and he has the potential to be better than his father. But all else aside, he has one of the worst attitudes out of any player from any sport Ive ever seen. Being mad because a team drafted another player over another top prospect. Especially another prospect from your school. You should be happy for that guy not jealous he got picked before you. He has major attitude problems, and I hope some big LB knocks them out of him. :spot:
The person I would not have drafted was not one of your choices. I would have passed on Larry Fitzgerald. Granted, I have not seen all of his plays and I do not have access to all of the scouting film, but from what I have seen from him, he's always making spectacular catches because he's not open. And that's against guys in the Big East. I think NFL corners will give this guy all kinds of trouble. Biggest bust in the first round...Larry Fitzgerald.
BuffSoldier said:
K2 is one of the best talents to come out of the draft and he has the potential to be better than his father. But all else aside, he has one of the worst attitudes out of any player from any sport Ive ever seen. Being mad because a team drafted another player over another top prospect. Especially another prospect from your school. You should be happy for that guy not jealous he got picked before you. He has major attitude problems, and I hope some big LB knocks them out of him. :spot:

that shouldnt be a problem since he plays in the AFC North. the steelers have some pretty good LBs and the ravens have the best LB corps in the league.
there is nothign wrong with K2...i hate when a brother have an opinion he is bad. so what he talks. heck its competion. thats what competitors do. yeah he's a soldier on the grid iron. i like his competivness and his attitude about the sport. you need that. what you want some guy talking abou tyeah coach they hit me what i'm supposed to do. heck teams needs guys like him which are play makers. no one wants a softy on there team . any team would be crazy to not take him. his pedigre is better than the Manning. his dad was the best TE of all time!!!! not some manning who is said to been on a bad team. stop the complaining you lames.