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Which Texan Earns Their Paycheck?


Staff member
Thought this would be an interesting topic to see what you guys thought of the Texans players and if they are truly "earning" their paycheck this season.

For starters, I'll start with Dunta Robinson:

Earns his paycheck extremely well for a rookie (learning curve). He signed a 6 year deal worth 10.7 million, and unexpectedly puts up numbers with 3 games to go of:
2 Sacks
56 Tackles
47 Solo Tackes
18 Passes Defensed
1 Forced Fumble
And 5 Interceptions

Not bad for a rookie.

So who earns (or doesn't earn) their paycheck in your book?
Jamie Sharper. Always there and always accounted for.

Jason Simmons. Lays his body out for the team to give a crushing hit to take Cris Brown out of the game and messed up his season.

But most of all, JJ Moses. If there is anyone you can see out on the field giving 110%, JJ always does. He runs hard everytime he has the ball in his hands.
The ones that don't:

B. Miller - probably not all his fault - scheme inhibits
D. Carr - same as Miller

Basically IMO, if they are a 5 year pro they should be playing solid ball. That doesn't mean all-pro, but just solid ball. Those under 5 years, but not rookies, that are payed big dollars should be solid also. 2 years or less are just babes and need time so I give them a bit of a pass.
I'm just a casual observer and just follow the ball during games so my guess is just that, a guess:

Is Todd Wade earning his FA money?
Is Robaire Smith earning his?

Its a question, not an opinion.

cac :coffee:
Robaire IMO has been a mixed bag. Good against the run as expected, a little less than expected on pass rush, but he does have 9 balls batted down so far witch is pretty heads up play.
None. But it's not their fault. No team sports figure that I know of is worth the money he gets. Nobody is worth that kind of dough unless they invent something useful to mankind, or start a company that employee's thousands. Policeman and fireman provide a far more valuable service, yet make diddly squat in comparison. So my answer is NONE. :hmmm:
Porky said:
None. But it's not their fault. No team sports figure that I know of is worth the money he gets. Nobody is worth that kind of dough unless they invent something useful to mankind, or start a company that employee's thousands. Policeman and fireman provide a far more valuable service, yet make diddly squat in comparison. So my answer is NONE. :hmmm:

I would add school teachers to that list. Its a disgrace what we pay our teachers considering what we expect of them.
No I am not a teacher and have no teachers in my family. :D

cac :coffee:
I'll have to agree with you, Texans84. Dunta Robinson

TEXANS84 said:
Thought this would be an interesting topic to see what you guys thought of the Texans players and if they are truly "earning" their paycheck this season.

For starters, I'll start with Dunta Robinson:

Earns his paycheck extremely well for a rookie (learning curve). He signed a 6 year deal worth 10.7 million, and unexpectedly puts up numbers with 3 games to go of:
2 Sacks
56 Tackles
47 Solo Tackes
18 Passes Defensed
1 Forced Fumble
And 5 Interceptions

Not bad for a rookie.

So who earns (or doesn't earn) their paycheck in your book?
If the Texans post a profit they have all earned there paychecks. I wonder how many NFL teams report a profit at the end of the year? My guess is not many.

A. Johnnson
J. Gaffney
J. Sharper
? R. Smith ?
J. Babin
* A. Peek *
A. Glenn
G. Earl
***D. Davis*** (O-line makes him look bad)

Not Earned

S. Payne
G. Walker
M. Coleman
S. Mckinney
T. Wade
C. Bradford
M. Norris

They make a lot of money..true. But their football careers are short on average.
And many have health issues and injuries to deal with the rest of their lives.
Not Earned
M. Norris

all the other names i can why some people would think those certain players weren't "earning" their paychecks. however, i am curious as too why you feel mr. norris isn't deserving?
All of them. Most will not be in the league ten years from now whereas most other professions will have the opportunity to work 30-40 years if they so choose. Any given practice or game their career could end with one hit, and God forbid the long term health consequences, all for my entertainment pleasure. Usually, those who don't live up to their contracts are cut. The only thing I do question is being locked in to paying a player millions if he never sets foot on the field.
LMBH said:
All of them. Most will not be in the league ten years from now whereas most other professions will have the opportunity to work 30-40 if they so choose. Any given practice or game their career could end with one hit, and God forbid the long term health consequences, all for my entertainment pleasure.
:thumbup Well said.
I would list Gary Walker as the most un-earned paycheck on the squad.
He had a heck of a year in 02', but ever since signing his contract...his production has tabled off and has gone downhill.

Players like Robaire Smith and Marcus Coleman I don't feel like we could accuratley grade them...due to position change.
LMBH said:
All of them. Most will not be in the league ten years from now whereas most other professions will have the opportunity to work 30-40 years if they so choose. Any given practice or game their career could end with one hit, and God forbid the long term health consequences, all for my entertainment pleasure. Usually, those who don't live up to their contracts are cut. The only thing I do question is being locked in to paying a player millions if he never sets foot on the field.

I don't disagree, but a fireman also puts his life on the line every time he steps into a burning building. If the QB makes a few million a year, what's a fireman worth. And, before you answer, yes I understand the reasons why from a purely free enterprise system why it is. But, the inequity between those who entertain us, whether via sports, movies, or song, and teachers, firemen, policemen, and service men and women has always bugged me. In the truest sense, someone is worth whatever they can bring in, and I understand that. My stance is more philospohical in nature.
LMBH said:
All of them. Most will not be in the league ten years from now whereas most other professions will have the opportunity to work 30-40 years if they so choose. Any given practice or game their career could end with one hit, and God forbid the long term health consequences, all for my entertainment pleasure. Usually, those who don't live up to their contracts are cut. The only thing I do question is being locked in to paying a player millions if he never sets foot on the field.

Bold mine

Good post. I never thought of it that way.

cac :coffee:
LMBH said:
All of them. Most will not be in the league ten years from now whereas most other professions will have the opportunity to work 30-40 years if they so choose. Any given practice or game their career could end with one hit, and God forbid the long term health consequences, all for my entertainment pleasure. Usually, those who don't live up to their contracts are cut. The only thing I do question is being locked in to paying a player millions if he never sets foot on the field.

Most of them won't be playing ten years from now. True. So what? They can't do any other kind of job? They all got free educations. I know they could get paid WAY less and still never have to work again, but I'm not buying the short career argument. The long term health consequences are part of why they make so much. I'll take a bad knee for about 50 million.

By the way, I don't think it's right that athletes get scholarships in the first place. They should just get paid. They bring fans. Pay them. But don't give them a scholarship that belongs to an academic.
All of them!

Most of these guys can't walk straight when they get into their middle years and have joint problems for the rest of their lives. Roger Staubach has the creepiest looking hand I've ever seen. One of his fingers was so badly broken it's freaky looking now.

I've always admired any athlete that can get to the top of his profession. That's what I would consider the NFL.
HJam72 said:
By the way, I don't think it's right that athletes get scholarships in the first place. They should just get paid. They bring fans. Pay them. But don't give them a scholarship that belongs to an academic.

Sounds reasonable in theory, but many fail to mention the scholarships are pennies on the dollar that top athletic programs bring to the universities in the way of finances, buildings to house the scholars, etc. Sorry, but those programs aren't that generous, and whatever they are giving out, they are getting back in spades.
Porky said:
I don't disagree, but a fireman also puts his life on the line every time he steps into a burning building. If the QB makes a few million a year, what's a fireman worth. And, before you answer, yes I understand the reasons why from a purely free enterprise system why it is. But, the inequity between those who entertain us, whether via sports, movies, or song, and teachers, firemen, policemen, and service men and women has always bugged me. In the truest sense, someone is worth whatever they can bring in, and I understand that. My stance is more philospohical in nature.

I can stand to be corrected and encourage anyone that will, please do so. FireFIGHTERS (lol), police officers, and teachers all do tremendous jobs and deserve great salaries for their service. However, the question in all three, is where the funding comes from and how much more can your reasonably expect to get from the sources that their salaries come?
WWJD said:
All of them!

Most of these guys can't walk straight when they get into their middle years and have joint problems for the rest of their lives. Roger Staubach has the creepiest looking hand I've ever seen. One of his fingers was so badly broken it's freaky looking now.

I've always admired any athlete that can get to the top of his profession. That's what I would consider the NFL.

Not all of them are disfigured for life. That's grossly overstated. I have briefly known a couple of former players, and met a couple of others, and seen many interviewed on tv. They look and feel fine. Ever seen a guy who worked in a coal mine for 20 years. All he gets is black lung disease followed by a few years of dying a slow death. Nobody gives him a standing O. Yet, he probably didn't make enough to even leave his kids a decent inheritence. Am I the only one who sees the irony and inequity of any of this. :hmmm:
I didn't say all of them...I believe I said most. Perhaps I should have said many.

I'm talking about guys like Earl Campbell. Of course many guys get out with their health intact but so many have long term injuries. Like I said to clarify MANY players have problems in their later life. So to me they earn what they make.
I would say Dunt earns his. Sharper earns his. Payne earns his. Glenn earns his. but the rest seem to be overpaid.