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Stay Close & Hope--Capers & Carr


Practice Squad
This is not a very good football team. It seems to lack heart. It seems to believe it will lose, game after game. Most games, anyway. Carr, I'm very afraid, is not going to be the great one everyone hoped. I hoped. Look at Pitt and Rothlisberger. Geez, what a monster. Made for the pro game. Carr looks like a high school kid out there--lost and wishing he was anywhere else. The slightest pressure and down he goes. For three years I've watched game after game of these Texans, and I cannot now say, three years later, that they are that much better than the first few games of the first year. Maybe they are some better, I don't argue that. But not world's better. Capers seems like a fool, like a guy who is out of his depth. He may be a great organizer, maybe even a great buisness guy, but he and the other coaches have done a cruddy job when they had lots of opportunities to do otherwise. Does anyone think somebody like Parcells would be coming out after a game like today saying that the Colts are the hot team and we played them close? I guess I'm afraid Capers just doesn't get it. The name of the game is win and win now if you can. He can't and we won't.

And for all the yokels who want to say we're an expansion team, or the fourth eyar is the target year, I say baloney. This team should look better, more disciplined, more accurate, more powerful, just plain better than it does not. By a long shot.

Ask yourself this: Did you really believe that we were in this game with the Colts today? Did you believe that after we held the Colts to the field goal that we were going to storm back and win the game 21-20?

THe answer is no. You didn't believe it. And neither did the Colts. They had so little respect for the Texans that they took it easy, got the 2nd FG, and rested comfortable knowing that if the Texans by some miracle made a TD, that the Colts could come right back and win in the last couple of minutes. As it turned out, they didn't even need that.

All that said, I don't really see any repairs being made. McNair is probably making a fortune off this team, and his way is slow and steady. He's got slow in spades with Capers and Carr and he probably won't consider changes for at least another season, another disappointing season like this one, or last season.

Yes maybe we've got crud for an O line, but remember, they've had 3 years to build a decent O line.

And yes, when Carr gets lots of time he can throw the ball well, or pretty well, depending.

And we've got a couple world class players spotted here and there.

But how're you going to fix a team that seems content to stay close and hope--that's the coaching philosophy here: Stay Close & Hope. Have you ever heard of an idea like that winning regularly? No, it ain't gonna happen.

To win you go out and take it away from the other guy. Period. There are no alternatives. You get aggressive and you stay aggressive.

I think the best thing that could happen to this team now is a major overhaul from the top down. At a minimum you need an offensive coordinator with balls and imagination, you need a head coach who will not dictate a loser mentality to his subordinates, you need position coaches for QB, you need to draft another potential QB (not necessarily top of the draft, but somebody with a chance to replace Carr), you need O Line people, you need people with attitude. Right now this team is stinking it up out there. It's embarrassing. Something should be done.

Can I request a new feature on the board? An IGNORE button. I would love it for some of the "stuff" posted that I would rather not have to continue to see. Whatcha think? (If we have one, I just have not located it yet).

I would post the newbie site but thought maybe I shouldn't, I need to be patient. But I am not patient today so here goes.... (thanks avvie!)
Click on any user name and a popup box will give you some options. Click on View Public Profile, look for the link near the top that says, "Add (name of the person you clicked) to Your Ignore List". You can then manage the names out of your User CP located in the forum header.
Vinny said:
Click on any user name and a popup box will give you some options. Click on View Public Profile, look for the link near the top that says, "Add (name of the person you clicked) to Your Ignore List". You can then manage the names out of your User CP located in the forum header.

Thank you!
To answer your two questions....yes, and yes. I did think we were in the game with the Colts today. And, I said at 20-14 that the Texans would win it 21-20. I don't understand how you can say this team is not any better now than they were in the first games of the first season???? That makes no sense, they are a much better team now.
Deadball said:
This is not a very good football team. It seems to lack heart.

I'm sure the Texans can say the same about some of their fans.

Deadball said:
It seems to believe it will lose, game after game. Most games, anyway. Carr, I'm very afraid, is not going to be the great one everyone hoped. I hoped. Look at Pitt and Rothlisberger. Geez, what a monster. Made for the pro game. Carr looks like a high school kid out there--lost and wishing he was anywhere else. The slightest pressure and down he goes.

Do you really think you can compare Carr to another QB this early in the franchise history? 3 years really isn't a long time to build a pro football team. And I'd bet money if Carr was drafted by a not-so-expansion team there would be a lot more hype around him with everyone saying all the good things you wish people were saying now, as well as any of the other "star" players on the team.

Deadball said:
For three years I've watched game after game of these Texans, and I cannot now say, three years later, that they are that much better than the first few games of the first year. Maybe they are some better, I don't argue that. But not world's better. Capers seems like a fool, like a guy who is out of his depth. He may be a great organizer, maybe even a great buisness guy, but he and the other coaches have done a cruddy job when they had lots of opportunities to do otherwise. Does anyone think somebody like Parcells would be coming out after a game like today saying that the Colts are the hot team and we played them close? I guess I'm afraid Capers just doesn't get it. The name of the game is win and win now if you can. He can't and we won't.

Not any better? Are you forgetting the Texans gave up 70+ sacs their first year? They're making progress, maybe not as fast as you'd like, but it dosen't change the fact.

Deadball said:
And for all the yokels who want to say we're an expansion team, or the fourth eyar is the target year, I say baloney. This team should look better, more disciplined, more accurate, more powerful, just plain better than it does not. By a long shot.

Well if you think its sooo easy then why don't you goto training camp next year and make the team and show just how easy all this really is? The Texans can fire Carr, the coaches, the O-line and the D-line and watch you toss the ball into the air, dash past everyone else and watch you catch your own pass for touch down after touch down.

Deadball said:
Ask yourself this: Did you really believe that we were in this game with the Colts today? Did you believe that after we held the Colts to the field goal that we were going to storm back and win the game 21-20?

Yes, I really believe the Texans held the Colts pretty well today. Watching Manning pissed off on the side lines just shows how much he wanted to make the plays.

Deadball said:
THe answer is no. You didn't believe it. And neither did the Colts. They had so little respect for the Texans that they took it easy, got the 2nd FG, and rested comfortable knowing that if the Texans by some miracle made a TD, that the Colts could come right back and win in the last couple of minutes. As it turned out, they didn't even need that.

I don't think in the 4th quarter the Colts thought the game was in their pocket till the last minute or so in the game. It wasn't untill the last field goal that they started patting each other on the backs. Not in the 1st 2nd or 3rd quarter, but at the end of the 4th

Deadball said:
All that said, I don't really see any repairs being made. McNair is probably making a fortune off this team, and his way is slow and steady. He's got slow in spades with Capers and Carr and he probably won't consider changes for at least another season, another disappointing season like this one, or last season.

Yes maybe we've got crud for an O line, but remember, they've had 3 years to build a decent O line.

And yes, when Carr gets lots of time he can throw the ball well, or pretty well, depending.

And we've got a couple world class players spotted here and there.

But how're you going to fix a team that seems content to stay close and hope--that's the coaching philosophy here: Stay Close & Hope. Have you ever heard of an idea like that winning regularly? No, it ain't gonna happen.

To win you go out and take it away from the other guy. Period. There are no alternatives. You get aggressive and you stay aggressive.

I still haven't figured out why am I still reading this.

Deadball said:
I think the best thing that could happen to this team now is a major overhaul from the top down. At a minimum you need an offensive coordinator with balls and imagination, you need a head coach who will not dictate a loser mentality to his subordinates, you need position coaches for QB, you need to draft another potential QB (not necessarily top of the draft, but somebody with a chance to replace Carr), you need O Line people, you need people with attitude. Right now this team is stinking it up out there. It's embarrassing. Something should be done.

I sure am glad you have the answers this team needs and that you have the "balls and imagination" it'll take to win every game. I'm looking foward to reading all about your team next year in all the major papers and mags as you win the SB. And maybe then, after you get up early every day for practice, work your a** off to reach your goals day in and day out as you try to keep up with the regular NFL schedule. Then, after you've put in hours of hard work, maybe you too can find a place like this forum so you can read all about how some "fan" thinks all this is second nature and about how easy this really is and how they know they can do it better than you, and all about how your hard work just isn't cutting it. :slap:
you cant compare big ben to carr, look at the talent he came in with. Maybe ya should learn a lil about football before ya run ya mouth. And thanks for telling ALL of us what we were thinking :loser
"Well if you think its sooo easy then why don't you goto training camp next year and make the team and show just how easy all this really is? The Texans can fire Carr, the coaches, the O-line and the D-line and watch you toss the ball into the air, dash past everyone else and watch you catch your own pass for touch down after touch down."

I think I'll do that. I'll be ready by then. I just need to work out a little.
I think that it is still early to give up on Carr, but he has a lot more to prove than I think he realizes. It wouldn't hurt to give him a good offensive line like the one that Pittsburgh or New England has. A good O-line will make an average QB look like a star very often. Carr's main problem is that I don't think he has been "coached up" that well since he has gotten to the NFL. His fundamentals are all screwed up. He doesn't move his feet when he is in the pocket, and that is probably the biggest reason outside of the O-line that he gets sacked so much. His throwing angle is very inconsistent as well. If you put Ben Roethlisberger in Carr's position, my guess is that he would be no better off. If Carr had better coaching than the perennial loser Chris Palmer he would probably grow a good deal as an NFL QB. Right now, he is taking such a beating that it has an effect on his performance. Until you change the negatives around him, you won't get too many positives out of Carr because in terms of NFL QBs, he is still very young and can't do it all on his own.
first part of the season Carr is god and now he's the Anti-christ. Ya know why i dont like dogs, it's cause they'll turn on ya kinda like fans :loser
Deadball, you make a lot of good points. Don't let the Texans apologists get you down. This team is greatly under-acheiving. They may be better than their first year (well, not the defense), but they have regressed this season. At least last year's team showed some heart and character. I think the players are starting to realize that the system will not allow them to win and it is starting to show this year with all of the emberrassing blowouts.
oh so now you can think what the players and organization are thinking huh, kind of like Deadball "seems" to know what all of us fans are thinking !

((Ask yourself this: Did you really believe that we were in this game with the Colts today? Did you believe that after we held the Colts to the field goal that we were going to storm back and win the game 21-20?

THe answer is no. You didn't believe it. And neither did the Colts. They had so little respect for the Texans that they took it easy, got the 2nd FG, and rested comfortable knowing that if the Texans by some miracle made a TD, that the Colts could come right back and win in the last couple of minutes. As it turned out, they didn't even need that.))

he needs to start a physic hotline ! :loser