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QB Brain Typing


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Peyton Manning, Ryan Leaf, and Brain Typing

The Manning scenario is arguably as big a story and prediction as any in sports in recent years. Most followers of Brain Typing know that Jonathan Niednagel went on national TV BEFORE the 1998 NFL draft and predicted that between quarterbacks Peyton Manning and Ryan Leaf, only one had the Brain Type to be a star in the NFL. (Behind the scenes, Niednagel told the appropriate NFL authorities that Manning had the number-1 Brain Type for NFL quarterback and his renowned competitor, Ryan Leaf, was around number-8 of the possible 16 inborn designs at QB* [see end of article].) Though 8 is the mid-number of the 16 possibilities, it is far removed from the consistently successful NFL QBs over the past few decades. No prominent sports forecasters, including NFL specialists, paralleled JN and his "outrageous" predictions at the time. Virtually every sports prognosticator was saying the two QBs were destined for success in the NFL. Many prominent sports magazines actually believed Leaf would be the better of the two.

Obviously, Niednagel didn't make his claims based upon hunches or the player's past performances. Leaf actually performed better than Manning their senior years. Instead JN relied completely on his 2-plus decades of athletic research and Brain Typing. He knew positively that neither Ryan Leaf nor any other quarterback with his Brain Type could perform at a superstar level in the modern NFL game. This is why Jon told the appropriate NFL authorities of his guaranteed-to-happen beliefs before and after the draft. Not only did the vast majority of NFL brass malign JN for his prediction but JN even received a phone call from a well-known sports figure who had just spoken in person to the NFL's top quarterback at the time—who said that Ryan Leaf was the best developed young QB he had ever seen and that the kid was absolutely destined for certain stardom. Even a nationally-known head football coach JN had worked for previously, and who believed strongly in JN's work and predictions, told Jon to his face that he was sure to be wrong; the coach said Jon had gone too far on this one. JN conveyed he agreed with him with his heart but not with his head. He knew this inborn Brain Type could NOT perform at the NFL level expected of him.

Before we consider the present, let's remember that Ryan Leaf was voted in 2003 with the dubious distinction as the "biggest bust in NFL history. "Who could have seen it coming?” the pundits ask. Actually, it's not a tough one to answer—those who know Brain Typing.

And here we are in 2004, and Peyton Manning has been voted MVP of the NFL and 1st-team Pro Bowl quarterback! Sure, some out there thought this was possible but very few until the season was well underway—when his superlative performances could not be denied. Even a few weeks ago seemingly everyone was saying Manning couldn't win a playoff game, that he was snake bit like his father, not able to win the big ones. (By the way, Archie does not have Peyton's same Brain Type, nor does little brother Eli who's ready to come out in the 2004 NFL draft.) Do you understand how misguided it is to compare Peyton to his father, or to say that he couldn't win the big ones? Unlike basketball with 5 players on the floor, the NFL has 22 players on the field responsible for wins and losses. For one person to control the game is much more difficult in football than basketball. Even a great quarterback must have receivers who can get open, catch the ball in traffic, and perform other critical elements of receiving. In addition, the QB needs a good offensive line, offensive coordinator, and head coach. Do football fans know the difficulties (including conflicting Brain Type differences) Peyton Manning had with former Colts' coach ENTJ/FCIL Jim Mora? Nor is INFP/BCAR Tony Dungy a coach to optimally develop QBs; yet he's much more compatible with Peyton than was Mora.

No QB in the NFL can audiblize at the line as does Manning. Only an ESTP/FEIR has the mental and spatial capacity to perform as has Peyton, and he is the hardest working ESTP QB perhaps ever—mentally and physically. NO OTHER BRAIN TYPE can call plays from the line of scrimmage as can the ESTP, and especially Peyton Manning.

In conclusion, it's prudent to listen carefully when someone proficient in Brain Typing speaks of someone’s future performance. This information transcends any other methodology deciphering mental, motor and spatial behaviors. In addition, anyone who studies Brain Typing carefully can learn to do what JN did with Peyton Manning, and Ryan Leaf.

To see Jonathan Niednagel on ABC Saturday Night's "The Pulse," where they specifically mention to Niednagel, "You know we're going to be watching you," in reference to his Manning/Leaf prediction (before they came into the NFL), click here. (Real Player required)

(JN did not tell the interviewer in that live 1998 TV segment which player would do what. Since JN was working for one of the two NFL teams involved in the drafting of the top two QBs, he obviously needed to keep quiet about it publicly. Behind the scenes, however, he told the appropriate NFL overseers his insights. In fact, some 15 people involving management, coaches, and scouts were in one of the meetings in which JN sharply contrasted the 2 prominent QBs. To say the least, JN was not popular with this group when he made his bold and highly controversial findings. If it weren’t for the leaking of JN’s confidential comments to the media by one of the persons working for the NFL team JN was consulting, this story would not have been made public. It was only after the team acknowledged the relationship with JN and the QB analyses that JN ever spoke publicly on the issue. This kind of info is kept under wraps.)
axman40 said:
Obviously, Niednagel didn't make his claims based upon hunches or the player's past performances. Leaf actually performed better than Manning their senior years.
Leaf left after his junior year at Washington State. You could say that Leaf and Manning had comparable years in 1997, but not that he performed "better":

Leaf - 55.4% 3968 yards 34 TD 11 INT
Manning - 60.2.% 3,819 yards 36 TD 11 INT

Could you tell us what Brain Typing is? Is it a written or oral test, or are there wires actually connected to the brain?

What are the Brain Types of other QB's? Joe Montana's? How about David Carr's? And what's the best Brain Type for other positions?
i dunno...but on PTI they said that jon had said that eli didn't have the right brain type to be a NFL star...he didn't say who did in this draft...interesting...didn't get to see the whole show did anyone else see that?
Having been through the brain-typing exam, I have to say that the only benefit is that when the results come back, both coach and player will have a better understanding of how the player best learns. It's not anything revolutionary, it's just a bunch of silly questions that help determine if you are an intro or extravert, and if you are a thinker or feeler. If I had to guess I would say David Carr is an extravert and a feeler.