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Playoff senarios

I thought surley with todays results that Houston would be offically eliminated. FOX post game had them listed as still alive at 5-8. The Jets have 9 wins so they get in before we would. Denver has 8 wins so the best case senario is we finish tied with Denver at 8-8. They beat Houston head to head so they get in before we do. How is Houston still alive?? I guess it has to do with tie breaking rules between 3 or more teams for a spot, I guess there could be several 8-8 teams at the end.
Oilers/Texans said:
I thought surley with todays results that Houston would be offically eliminated. FOX post game had them listed as still alive at 5-8. The Jets have 9 wins so they get in before we would. Denver has 8 wins so the best case senario is we finish tied with Denver at 8-8. They beat Houston head to head so they get in before we do. How is Houston still alive?? I guess it has to do with tie breaking rules between 3 or more teams for a spot, I guess there could be several 8-8 teams at the end.

Yes, it would be multiple team ties. And O/T, as always, I know you'll insist we are very much in the hunt at this point for that last playoff spot...if not the outright favorite to snatch it.
I considered our playoff hopes done when we lost to Green Bay. I'm sticking to my guns.
well, it's not a lock but Houston has the schedule to finish 8-8. They could be right there. Write them off if you want to, but I'll wait a while longer.
I would not be looking at Jacksonville at home as a game that will be won. The Jag's and Texans have always split games w/ the home team winning.
I would welcome being slaughtered in the playoffs. At least we would "be" in the playoffs.
Sorry assed officiating by the refs doesn't help one bit either. It kills momentum real quick.
I'd much rather go 8-8 and not make the playoffs. This team isn't even close to being ready for playoff games. But, we're not gonna go 8-8, anyway. We'll be doing real well to go 7-9.
We are not a playoff team regardless of how you shuffle the numbers.

Even with a 0.000000001% chance numerically, we do not deserve a spot with the inconsistent play and just uninspired mentality of many of our games.
right. I don't think it would be a good thing for the development of these players to play as crappy as they have over the past month and a half and still be able to make the playoffs. This team needs a hunger again and they need to make the playoffs by winning. I don't know about any of you but my days of going to the playoffs and making a first round exit ended with the Oilers. I want to be a team that wins in the playoffs when we start going to the playoffs with the Texans.