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pick 1.15 Kenyon Green G TAMU

Here is the bottom line. Without competent support and leadership from football operations, Nick Caserio cannot evaluate NFL talent on his own. You can’t keep handing off because you have no ******* clue.
Here's the bottom line, for the 1st time in the last decade, whether right or wrong the GM and HC are working together.
Yeah so Caserio didn’t plan ahead, but I just wonder if the surgery route meant missing the season from May vs spending all that time coaching him through pre season before surgery might have been the actual plan.

Investing in spending coaching time with your round 1 pick.

I heard the young man has some concerns off the field as well as injuries & level of play, 3 factors there that exacerbate each other, he’s got a mountain to climb to save his career.
If Caserio is getting Ryans the players Ryans wants them how can that be an anchor?

It’s real easy with high draft picks and extras from the DW4 deal, everything is a blank canvas right now. At some point Casserio will have to out maneuver and out guile other GM’s with less draft capital and higher expectations, they’re still in the honeymoon phase.

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It’s real easy with high draft picks and extras from the DW4 deal, everything is a blank canvas right now. At some point Casserio will have to out maneuver and out guile other GM’s with less draft capital and higher expectations, they’re still in the honeymoon phase.

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That doesn't dispell his point.
I tend to agree. Stroud was a Cal/Hannah decision and Anderson was Ryans getting his alumni guy. The last time the Texans went after an alumni guy was when Bob McNair drafted Jadevon Clowney. I expect Anderson to produce similar results to Clowney.
I expect much more from Anderson. He's got an outstanding work ethic and is all about football. Clowney not so much.
I expect much more from Anderson. He's got an outstanding work ethic and is all about football. Clowney not so much.

WAJ has got great intangibles, probably the best asset a player can have. Because of the trade there are higher expectations on him, probably unfair on some level. It might take most of the first season for him to start to flash, so as fans we gotta be patient.

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Stroud was not Hanna’s pick. He was Coach Ryan’s and Caserio pick. And to be honest, who really gives a flying saucer. Meco stated more than once it was a collective effort between him and Caserio. And the McNair’s also stated they let the football guys handle the draft.
I remember you were saying the same thing about Gaine & O'Brien
Not so much about BOB the GM. There was nobody to be aligned with. Yes on Gaine, there have been rumors about Gaine but nobody knows for sure why he was let go.
What we (the message board) do not understand is the dynamic between the team doctors and the organization. Who hires them? Who do they report to? If the team doctors didn't recommend surgery in Green's case, it seems like they are not protecting what is essentially an asset to the organization. They are not serving the player or the team's best interest. Unless the team doesn't understand what their best interest really is.
Lol it’s really simple man. Your 1st fault is that you’re assuming the team’s look at all these guys as long term assets..they don’t. There’s a reason the avg. NFL career is only 3-4 years..and it’s not all b/c these guys aren’t good. Roster churn. The 2nd fault is that you’re assuming they look at all these guys the same...they don’t.

With that in mind, the only logical conclusion is that The team docs’ best interest is the same as the teams’…which is to get & keep these guys on the field playing as much as possible..& when they can’t play anymore they release them. THAT’s the reason they continue to fight against fully guaranteed contracts. That’s the reason the draft is so much more important for NFL teams vs the NBA & MLB. New cheap labor coming in. Time is money and in this case the time you’re on the field is the money in your pocket as a player…or out of your pocket if you’re the team owner.

As said in another post it’s been this way forever and as I’ve said its pretty much the same all over no matter the sport. The NFL however is particularly susceptible to this stuff b/c of its “tough guy” image. I mean think of the stories that have come out over the years. 1 guy finishes severing off his pinky to continue playing……at half time. Another guy playing a whole SB with a broken leg. SEVERAL guys playing games on torn knee ligaments. You think the team docs are gonna step in front of a guys will to want to play if it’s not life threatening and/or it makes them better? Hello no. The only way it MAY happen is if it’s a high profile qb. They don’t care much about any other player to step in and make those calls..they just release them.

where Green is culpable like all other players is not taking his healthcare into his own hands. No one knows better than him how he feels. And if you’ve got team docs painting rosy pictures about your situation, but you’re still not feeling right, it’s incumbent on you to seek a 2nd opinion…that just goes for any situation whether it’s in the NFL or not.
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Lol it’s really simple man. Your 1st fault is that you’re assuming the team’s look at all these guys as long term assets..they don’t. There’s a reason the avg. NFL career is only 3-4 years..and it’s not all b/c these guys aren’t good. Roster churn. The 2nd fault is that you’re assuming they look at all these guys the same...they don’t.

With that in mind, the only logical conclusion is that The team docs’ best interest is the same as the teams’…which is to get & keep these guys on the field playing as much as possible..& when they can’t play anymore they release them. THAT’s the reason they continue to fight against fully guaranteed contracts. That’s the reason the draft is so much more important for NFL teams vs the NBA & MLB. New cheap labor coming in. Time is money and in this case the time you’re on the field is the money in your pocket as a player…or out of your pocket if you’re the team owner.

As said in another post it’s been this way forever and as I’ve said its pretty much the same all over no matter the sport. The NFL however is particularly susceptible to this stuff b/c of its “tough guy” image. I mean think of the stories that have come out over the years. 1 guy finishes severing off his pinky to continue playing……at half time. Another guy playing a whole SB with a broken leg. SEVERAL guys playing games on torn knee ligaments. You think the team docs are gonna step in front of a guys will to want to play if it’s not life threatening and/or it makes them better? Hello no. The only way it MAY happen is if it’s a high profile qb. They don’t care much about any other player to step in and make those calls..they just release them.

where Green is culpable like all other players is not taking his healthcare into his own hands. No one knows better than him how he feels. And if you’ve got team docs painting rosy pictures about your situation, but you’re still not feeling right, it’s incumbent on you to seek a 2nd opinion…that just goes for any situation whether it’s in the NFL or not.
This is the reality of life in the NFL.

I'm just glad they're going to get Scruggs, Howard and Johnston healed up before they put them back on the field.

This appears to be a different philosophy than the Texans org has used in the past. A welcome change IMHO.
This is the reality of life in the NFL.

I'm just glad they're going to get Scruggs, Howard and Johnston healed up before they put them back on the field.

This appears to be a different philosophy than the Texans org has used in the past. A welcome change IMHO.

I don’t think you can necessarily say this is a Texans org thing. Never underestimate a players will to want to play for his teammates. Likewise never underestimate a team’s unscrupulousness in looking the other way if a guy wants to go out there and risk his long term health and mobility for his teammates who he may not even be teammates with next year……or an organization that will cut him lose the second he’s not as productive as he was in his prime. At the end of the day, the team is gonna win no matter what.[/QUOTE]
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Ok. Most think Green is a bust. When healthy, whats the thoughts on moving from lg to rg?

For me, he's not a bust, yet, but he's leaning that way. He's got the next year to get himself ready to play and to get himself healthy enough to hopefully last a full season.

I don't know if he can or cannot transition to RG, or if he should, but if he wants to stay in the league and be productive, he's got some things to prove at training camp next year. Being flexible wouldn't hurt.
We had 6 1st round selections after the Watson trade. The two spent last year are worthless, unless Stingley makes a huge recovery. We spent three more of them getting two players for this year.

We got one left. Better be a good one.