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No Fun League?


shiny happy fan
By Mike Chappell
May 3, 2004

In at least one instance, the NFL stands for the No Fun League in the eyes of Mike Vanderjagt.

The veteran place-kicker described as "ridiculous" the league's decision to include the Indianapolis Colts' pre-kickoff "sway" in unsportsmanlike conduct that will be subject to a penalty and fine in 2004.

"We're not taunting the other team," Vanderjagt said after Sunday morning's minicamp practice at the Union Federal Football Center. "We're just trying to get our crowd excited.

"It was just to have some fun and enjoy the moment."

The league's competition committee determined the motivational routine fell under the unsportsmanlike/taunting umbrella. At home games, the Colts' kickoff unit was known to huddle up and sway rhythmically as the RCA Dome's public address system blasted out music. League officials have decided that is a choreographed, group demonstration -- which is subject to penalty.

If the Colts' kickoff team allows itself to be moved by the moment this season, it will receive a 15-yard penalty and Vanderjagt will kick from his own 15-yard line.

"There's nothing we can do about it," Vanderjagt said, "but it certainly wasn't taunting. That wasn't our intention at all."

Despite understanding his players' intent, coach Tony Dungy doesn't have a problem with the league's decision.

"I'm probably old school in that regard," he said, adding he's opposed to anything "that you feel could be directed at the other team."
That is the most retarted thing I have ever heard. The NFL has gone to far in my eyes. Yes this players get paid millions of dollars, but they also put the ability to walk, talk, etc. on the line when they play this game. Give them some fun and enjoyment or it becomes a life threating job.

And I dont like the excuse "act like you have been in the endzone before" or "act professionaly," owners pay millions of dollars to get into the endzone, to pin teams deep in their territory, let em celebrate!!!!!!!!!!

I hope T.O. finds a loophole, which he probably will.
I cant stand the NFL here. Your team works so hard to get in the endzone. And not letting them celebrate it, is cheapening it, IMO. I like when David Carr runs it in, and gets a little wild. It makes me feel good. Now when the other team gets in the endzone and starts dancin around, I could care less. He deserves to just as much as Carr. The NFL is starting to become the no fun league.
What a joke. The players should go on a STRIKE! lol

Group celebrations, players taking their helmets off (like Sapp says->it'll help their marketability), & taunting has always been entertaining imo.
I would recommend that the Texans take $1 for every ticket sold & put it in a slush fund for the Texans' end zone celebrations. The players want to do it, the fans want to see it, so, if the league won't allow, work the system.
its not only a fee but like in collage u loose 15 yards on the kick off. cris start working that leg out i love the celebrations. :woot: :banana: :spot:keep um coming
We need some young blood on the NFL board. Then maybe he could talk some sense into those old bones.
To me this is saying you can't pump up the home crowd. Well that sucks because if it wasn't for the crowd the NFL wouldn't be what it is today. This is the way the players get to interact with the fans during the games. I can understand the endzone celebration, although I don't like that rule either, but something that happens before a play even happens is ridiculous.

I wonder if they would allow it if the player made the celebration on the sidelines. To me that would be a nice compensation.
I guess I have the opposite viewpoint of most posters here.

I find the celebrating excessive and self-serving. It always leads to one player taking it to an extreme where it becomes taunting your opponent. I just don't like it at all.

I much prefer the Earl Campbell approach. Hand the ball to the ref and act like you've been there before. Didn't Bum say that?
Yeah, but this was a group celebration before the game started or before the kick. To me, these celebrations is what has brought certain teams together. I do however hate to see a receiver celebrate after they make a catch. To me that is what they get paid to do.
Celebrations are not hurting anyone. I dont understand why people freak out about them. Now if in the celebration, a guy pulled out a gun and started shooting around. Thats a diff. story. But the point is, that its fun, and gets people hyped up.
WWJD said:
I guess I have the opposite viewpoint of most posters here.

I find the celebrating excessive and self-serving. It always leads to one player taking it to an extreme where it becomes taunting your opponent. I just don't like it at all.

I much prefer the Earl Campbell approach. Hand the ball to the ref and act like you've been there before. Didn't Bum say that?
I like taunting, it shows you actually care about making a play

What happens when Steven Jackson gets into the endzone, he hasnt been in an NFL endzone before???? Maybe a college one, but its a different game in the NFL. What about JJ, Robinson and Hollings?

Do you want AJ to catch a game winner and hand the ball to the refs???? So anti-clamatic!!!

I like the celebrations, dont worry everyone that likes these celebrations,T.O. will do something :evilb:
This is what I like to call the T.O rule. After he pulled the sharpie out of his sock and signed the football the league was never the same. Then after joe horn did what he did the league had to do something. The league voted this rule in at the annual meeting and they said the 15 yard penaly isnt against spontaneous celebrations but against planed and choreographed routines that teams plan days before gameday. So if carr runs one in he can still go wild and there wont be a flag thrown. this is a rule the league had to make and im glad they did. The way things were escalating they were getting out of hand. A sharpie and a cell phone have no place on a football field.
I loved the sharpie, it was an all time classic
yeah and he got a multi million dollar sharpie contract after that , thats why the league had to do something. I mean whats next a player runs in then takes a bottle of shout and scrubs out his grass stains to get a couple of more bucks
I loved the Terrell Owens sharpie incident, I loved Joe Horn's cell phone call, and Carr and McKinney's impression of it. Thing is, actual props are eventually going to get out of hand, and I understand allowing none of them.

But the I think the dancing is fine, as long as there is no delay of game. If you allow a team to get into the endzone, then let them celebrate.
I think people misunderstood the new rule players can still dance in the inzone as long as its not a rehearsed team cellebration