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What are taxpayers not being told????
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The outside of the structure would include a year-round retail village for restaurants, hospitality, exhibitions and shopping.
Nuclear silo.It's a good idea. It'll be part of a complex.
After football games or concerts at NRG, attendees will no longer be stuck taking Ubers, cabs, or the train to hotels, bars, and restaurants. They'll be able to walk across the lot to this new complex. Developers should have done this a long time ago.
The dome is a perfectly stable steel structure on a good foundation. There's plenty of good uses for it.
"It's a good idea" ?It's a good idea. It'll be part of a complex.
After football games or concerts at NRG, attendees will no longer be stuck taking Ubers, cabs, or the train to hotels, bars, and restaurants. They'll be able to walk across the lot to this new complex. Developers should have done this a long time ago.
The dome is a perfectly stable steel structure on a good foundation. There's plenty of good uses for it.
Let the McNair's pay to tear it down.Do these people realize that nobody is traveling to this part of town to go shopping, eat, or whatever it is they're planning? I mean other than the 10-12 dates the Texans play, the 3 weeks the Rodeo is there and a handful of monster trucks rallies, and soccer matches throughout the year, no one is going to that part of town. If they want to spend their own money on it, fine, let them do what they want. But to spend taxpayer money on something that has very little chance but to fail, no thank you. Tear the damn thing down.
It was pretty sad during the Sunday Night game that all the aerial shots showed the Dome completely dark and they tried hard to angle the shot where there wasn't a lot of the Dome in it.
I get the sentimentality. I loved attending games at the Dome. The cushioned, roomy seats, the cold ass A/C, a lot of great memories, but it's just building. And anybody under the age of 40 has probably never even been in the building, much less remember anything that ever happened in it.
Tear it down, make a green space out of a lot of it, a little park with some Dome history scattered throughout, an Earl Campbell statue, LYB pom-poms, a Supercross dirt hill, an old monster truck, a mini exploding scoreboard, George Strait statue, Nolan Ryan, Bud Adams urinals, stuff like that.
Enough of this trying to turn it into something crap thinking people will flock to it 365 days a year. It's not going to work.
Probably all of it. If someone wants restaurants and hotels nearby, take the dome down and build them. The time is come move on. Shed a tear and be done with it.And how much would Houston/Harris county taxpayers be on the hook for this
latest scheme by a bunch of hustlers to fire up the Dome again ?
These entertainment centers are not for us residents. They are for younger crowd and the people traveling to Houston for the games, rodeo, and other random spit.Probably all of it. If someone wants restaurants and hotels nearby, take the dome down and build them. The time is come move on. Shed a tear and be done with it.
They are if you enjoy getting out and experiencing all that this city has to offer & not being couped up at your end of town going to the same strip/outdoor malls. I say this as a 45 year old man who is probably 1 of the last generation of residents of this city to step foot inside the dome for an actual event.These entertainment centers are not for us residents.
What are taxpayers not being told????
And how much would Houston/Harris county taxpayers be on the hook for this
latest scheme by a bunch of hustlers to fire up the Dome again ?
Enough of this trying to turn it into something crap thinking people will flock to it 365 days a year. It's not going to work.
You underestimate the propensity of ~80k slightly (to very) innebriated people to spend money on food and drinks."It's a good idea" ?
Hey man this crew of promoters has another good idea involving some Louisianna swamp
ground they want to talk to you about.
Isn’t that lot surrounded by very busy streets? People still have to cross them to get to their hotels. My understanding it is extremely costly to tear the Dome down for those who have mentioned that. As someone else said, there needs to be reason(s) to go there.It's a good idea. It'll be part of a complex.
After football games or concerts at NRG, attendees will no longer be stuck taking Ubers, cabs, or the train to hotels, bars, and restaurants. They'll be able to walk across the lot to this new complex. Developers should have done this a long time ago.
The dome is a perfectly stable steel structure on a good foundation. There's plenty of good uses for it.
Why would they want to pay? I'm curious. More parking or Texans related structures?Let the McNair's pay to tear it down.
Spend baby spend!They are if you enjoy getting out and experiencing all that this city has to offer & not being couped up at your end of town going to the same strip/outdoor malls. I say this as a 45 year old man who is probably 1 of the last generation of residents of this city to step foot inside the dome for an actual event.
Funny the things people in this town/state get worked up about when it comes to how our tax dollars get spent..Don't know if you guys know this, but there's a burgeoning young adult crowd in this city. If the right thing is put there it absolutely would be a destination place for people in the city to go and hang out 365 days a year. Just like that space where Astroworld used to be.......which is where your proposed green space could go. Discovery Green downtown is always popping on the weekends with young families and the like. All the money that flies out of this city headed to the Golden Nugget and Delta Downs and other casinos, If the city & certain groups of people got out of its own way, they'd be able to make a killing off that alone. The issue has always been folks like yourselves complaing about tax if you know how they're being spent/wasted now on all these half measure freeway expansion projects that take FOREVER and still only halfway address the issues......rather than just spending the money to put in a decent mass transit rail system that services all of Houston. This is why this town/state's electrical grid is a rusting bucket of bolts and we all have to spend 2 weeks in the dark every year. This is why this city's flood water drainage is TERRIBLE. If all you care about is you not having to pay more in taxes, then no project will ever be worthy & this city will continue to slide further and further behind than it already is compared to its comparable counterparts. I welcome them do anything with that building BUT tear it down b/c if that happens, ultimately someone's gonna come along and use tax dollars to put something up there ANYWAY & it will likely cost more than whatever this latest proposal is just purely from an inflation standpoint. The longer city officials & the preservation committee allow the penny pinchers to hold them back, the more its gonna cost us all in the end..PERIOD.
It’s not even about that so much as it is about making sure this city keeps its foot on the pedal in continuing to modernize itself to keep pace with its ever growing population. The numbers suggest that that growth is mostly happening in the burbs and outlying counties due to cheaper real estate, but inside the loop Houston itself is approaching 5 million people. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter if the growth is happening inside the loop or the surrounding burbs/counties that everyone considers Houston anyway….EVENTUALLY, this growth is going to lead to more expensive living for as far as the city is concerned u might as well get ahead of it now and get the requisite things in place to accommodate that population and start making it attractive for folks to want to stay and or chill in the city as opposed to expanding further & further out.Spend baby spend!
It’s not even about that so much as it is about making sure this city keeps its foot on the pedal in continuing to modernize itself to keep pace with its ever growing population. The numbers suggest that that growth is only happening in the burbs and outlying counties, but inside the loop Houston itself is approaching 5 million people. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter if the growth is happening inside the loop or the surrounding burbs/counties that everyone considers Houston anyway….EVENTUALLY, this growth is going to lead to more expensive living for as far as the city is concerned u might as well get ahead of it now and get the requisite things in place to accommodate that population and start making it attractive for folks to want to stay and or chill in the city as opposed to them.
This project along with a few other things could be the start of making that be the case.
What you’re saying has and will always be the case no matter what they choose to do with it & There will never be a time whether now, or in the future when the costs to do ANYTHING with it will be cheaper than it is now..even if it is just a demo; The time value of money just dictates that. So whatever a demo costs now, it will surely cost more 5-10 years from now as i'm sure it costs more than it did back in 2008 or whatever. And this notion that tearing it down is the best way to go b/c its the cheapest option is short-sighted. A building that size....the clean up afterwards....& b/c it was built before might also carry the added cost of asbestos removal. & what, you think they're just gonna leave it as a big ass 400,000 sq ft pothole next to NRG? SOMETHING is gonna have to go there...May as well be something worthwhile that has the potential to showcase the city. Furthermore, even it that cost comes in nice and cheap, that money, whatever it is is still gonna likely come from taxpayers. May as well bite that bullet now & go all in & try to turn the space into something that has the potential to make the city money.The cost of doing anything to the dome will probably escalate to a similar cost of building something new.
Tell that to the millions stacked on top of each other in other comparable cities like NYC, LA. Besides that, with increases in population comes increases in crime. & as i noted earlier, the counties outside of Houston are growing faster than inside the city at this point, so the notion that you're escaping any of that by staying outside the city is incorrect.If Houston wanted organic growth in Houston then they should focus on HISD, HPD, and HFD.
No one wants to live where there is crime and poor education.
Not saying you are saying that one way or the other.
Agreed 100%. Retail outlets, lodging, roller coasters, whatever. It's a paid-off steel structure on a foundation. It has a use for a million things unrelated to sports.I still believe they really missed out on making the Astrodome a complimentary entity next to NRG Stadium. I really wanted to see a hotel with an indoor water park. It allows football fans that travel with their team to bring the family since there’d be an option for the family to attend the game or stay back and enjoy the water park while the fans enjoy the game. It’d become another major attraction in Houston when folks come to visit. Not to mention it would offer cool lodgings for all the other events NRG Stadium host(s) and the folks that would travel provided a place to stay is convenient. Could eliminate the additional cost of taxi’s, Ubers, etc.
What you’re saying has and will always be the case no matter what they choose to do with it & There will never be a time whether now, or in the future when the costs to do ANYTHING with it will be cheaper than it is now..even if it is just a demo; The time value of money just dictates that. So whatever a demo costs now, it will surely cost more 5-10 years from now as i'm sure it costs more than it did back in 2008 or whatever. And this notion that tearing it down is the best way to go b/c its the cheapest option is short-sighted. A building that size....the clean up afterwards....& b/c it was built before might also carry the added cost of asbestos removal. & what, you think they're just gonna leave it as a big ass 400,000 sq ft pothole next to NRG? SOMETHING is gonna have to go there...May as well be something worthwhile that has the potential to showcase the city. Furthermore, even it that cost comes in nice and cheap, that money, whatever it is is still gonna likely come from taxpayers. May as well bite that bullet now & go all in & try to turn the space into something that has the potential to make the city money.
Good discussionIt’s not even about that so much as it is about making sure this city keeps its foot on the pedal in continuing to modernize itself to keep pace with its ever growing population. The numbers suggest that that growth is mostly happening in the burbs and outlying counties due to cheaper real estate, but inside the loop Houston itself is approaching 5 million people. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter if the growth is happening inside the loop or the surrounding burbs/counties that everyone considers Houston anyway….EVENTUALLY, this growth is going to lead to more expensive living for as far as the city is concerned u might as well get ahead of it now and get the requisite things in place to accommodate that population and start making it attractive for folks to want to stay and or chill in the city as opposed to expanding further & further out.
This project along with a few other things could be the start of helping that become the case.
If you talk to small businesses, large businesses, restaurants, entertainment would understand that the reason why most close by 10:30 PM is that they cannot justify/support their expenses beyond that time. This is not NYC.They are if you enjoy getting out and experiencing all that this city has to offer & not being couped up at your end of town going to the same strip/outdoor malls. I say this as a 45 year old man who is probably 1 of the last generation of residents of this city to step foot inside the dome for an actual event.
Funny the things people in this town/state get worked up about when it comes to how our tax dollars get spent..Don't know if you guys know this, but there's a burgeoning young adult crowd in this city. If the right thing is put there it absolutely would be a destination place for people in the city to go and hang out 365 days a year. Just like that space where Astroworld used to be.......which is where your proposed green space could go. Discovery Green downtown is always popping on the weekends with young families and the like. All the money that flies out of this city headed to the Golden Nugget and Delta Downs and other casinos, If the city & certain groups of people got out of its own way, they'd be able to make a killing off that alone. The issue has always been folks like yourselves complaing about tax if you know how they're being spent/wasted now on all these half measure freeway expansion projects that take FOREVER and still only halfway address the issues......rather than just spending the money to put in a decent mass transit rail system that services all of Houston. This is why this town/state's electrical grid is a rusting bucket of bolts and we all have to spend 2 weeks in the dark every year. This is why this city's flood water drainage is TERRIBLE. If all you care about is you not having to pay more in taxes, then no project will ever be worthy & this city will continue to slide further and further behind than it already is compared to its comparable counterparts. I welcome them do anything with that building BUT tear it down b/c if that happens, ultimately someone's gonna come along and use tax dollars to put something up there ANYWAY & it will likely cost more than whatever this latest proposal is just purely from an inflation standpoint. The longer city officials & the preservation committee allow the penny pinchers to hold them back, the more its gonna cost us all in the end..PERIOD.
Just doing some short hand estimates with recent stadium numbers...i don't think so. Jerry World as nice as it is cost 1.5 billion............................... & it's already 15 years old. Allegiant Stadium where the Raiders play ran around 2 billion in 2020.....SoFi out in LA ran 6 billion. So, to build ANY new stadium on its own these days or in the future, you're looking at a minimum 3-4 billion dollars & that's conservative. Now, If we can't get folks in this town to pony up the money to repurpose or do ANYTHING with an iconic Houston symbol like the Astrodome, what makes you think that they'd be willing to go more in on a new entertainment sportsplex area likely costing upwards of 4-6 billion......... + whatever it may cost to tear down the Dome and repurpose NRG as you're suggesting?What I am saying is the cost year down the dome and to build a new stadium and turn the current stadium into something is near the same as compared to rebuilding the dome because eventually you are going to have to build a new stadium. And then you are left with the current stadium and the question of what to do with that. Thats just how it’s going to work out eventually.
Tell that to the millions stacked on top of each other in other comparable cities like NYC, LA. Besides that, with increases in population comes increases in crime. & as i noted earlier, the counties outside of Houston are growing faster than inside the city at this point, so the notion that you're escaping any of that by staying outside the city is incorrect.
Just doing some short hand estimates with recent stadium numbers...i don't think so. Jerry World as nice as it is cost 1.5 billion............................... & it's already 15 years old. Allegiant Stadium where the Raiders play ran around 2 billion in 2020.....SoFi out in LA ran 6 billion. So, to build ANY new stadium on its own these days or in the future, you're looking at a minimum 3-4 billion dollars & that's conservative. Now, If we can't get folks in this town to pony up the money to repurpose or do ANYTHING with an iconic Houston symbol like the Astrodome, what makes you think that they'd be willing to go more in on a new entertainment sportsplex area likely costing upwards of 4-6 billion......... + whatever it may cost to tear down the Dome and repurpose NRG as you're suggesting?
NRG still has another 15-20 years in it. Leave it be and let the McNairs deal with it when the time comes. The current proposal to do something with the dome is about as good as its gonna get.
You're right, its not NYC or LA or even CHI...... but it isn't Jasper, Texas either where there's 1 or 2 family owned local hang outs that shut down at 8 and everyone's in the bed. There's alot happening around this city well after 10 & it is becoming more and more closely aligned with those other bigger cities than say a place like Seattle; A place where the city doesn't even get up & going until like 9am and then is dead by like 9pm.If you talk to small businesses, large businesses, restaurants, entertainment would understand that the reason why most close by 10:30 PM is that they cannot justify/support their expenses beyond that time. This is not NYC.
Really can’t compare NYC and LA to Houston.
NYC and LA fans are idiots so I would expect that same of those city residents.
I agree with this. Cant tell you how many times I’ve been asked/told to sit down because they couldn’t see.Game time atmosphere in the stadium is buttoned up and trash.
Iconic stadiums get torn down right and left. Yankee Stadium, Three Rivers Stadium, soon to be Arrow Head.
You are going to have to build and new stadium either way. And like you said - it’s cheaper to do it sooner than later. So waiting to do it increases the costs.
Tear down the dome so the site for a new stadium is ready for the new stadium and repurpose the current stadium.
In all seriousness, if this was more of an investment where the county would generate revenue that could lower taxes in the county, I'd be all for it. They will tell us whatever we want to hear to get it passed, then they will switch it up on us. Don't believe me? I'm old enough to remember when the toll roads were supposed to be "temporary" and as soon as it was paid off, it would be converted to a normal highway. That was in 1983. (source:
And that's why the Dome is still an ugly rusted heap setting there because nobody yet has come along with an economicallyIn all seriousness, if this was more of an investment where the county would generate revenue that could lower taxes in the county, I'd be all for it. They will tell us whatever we want to hear to get it passed, then they will switch it up on us. Don't believe me? I'm old enough to remember when the toll roads were supposed to be "temporary" and as soon as it was paid off, it would be converted to a normal highway. That was in 1983. (source:
I thought Tex
And that's why the Dome is still an ugly rusted heap setting there because nobody yet has come along with an economically
feasible plan, i.e, some kind of going concern (with out public subsidation) that generates enough cash flow that's atleast above beak even.
Maybe the city should just commission a group to build a minature caricature of the Dome, in plywood or plastic, then build them in volume and sell them to Houstonians who are still sentimental about the Dome who could then place them in their own residences some place and admire them in their own time.
I thought Tex
And that's why the Dome is still an ugly rusted heap setting there because nobody yet has come along with an economically
feasible plan, i.e, some kind of going concern (with out public subsidation) that generates enough cash flow that's atleast above beak even.
Maybe the city should just commission a group to build a minature caricature of the Dome, in plywood or plastic, then build them in volume and sell them to Houstonians who are still sentimental about the Dome who could then place them in their own residences some place and admire them in their own time.
They stopped the dome from being repurposed back when the dome was still operational. Now if they want it gone then they can pay for it. Sad if the McNair's hadn't gotten in the way, the dome could have been made into a tourist attraction and regentrified that side of town.Why would they want to pay? I'm curious. More parking or Texans related structures?
The stopped the dome from being repurposed back when the dome was still operational. Now if they want it gone then they can pay for it. Sad if the McNair's hadn't gotten in the way, the dome could have been made into a tourist attraction and regentrified that side of town.
I need a link for this. Dome was shut down in 99 & was barely operational then. Aside from that, weren’t residents still paying off the prior renovations? If there was already money slotted for it to be repurposed, how then could the McNairs stop that?They stopped the dome from being repurposed back when the dome was still operational. Now if they want it gone then they can pay for it. Sad if the McNair's hadn't gotten in the way, the dome could have been made into a tourist attraction and regentrified that side of town.
Texas LiveThese entertainment centers are not for us residents. They are for younger crowd and the people traveling to Houston for the games, rodeo, and other random spit.
Uncle/Grandpa what's good place to go hangout.
"I think people go to that new place that used to be the Astrodome"
That been my experience with underground atlanta and whatever the thing is called attached to the Cowboys Arlington stadium. Send people who don't know better there.
Is that worth 1 billion to the city of Houston? Not sure
Search plans for astrodome repurpose. There were a lot of cool ideas back then. CnD sent me a link to this stuff yrs ago.I need a link for this. Dome was shut down in 99 & was barely operational then. Aside from that, weren’t residents still paying off the prior renovations? If there was already money slotted for it to be repurposed, how then could the McNairs stop that?
What you’re saying doesn’t make sense in light of the recent failures of all these other proposals for repurposing. IOW’s, why would residents be willing to cough up the money for it then, but not now?
Just a concept now with a ways to go before I'd have a fully fleshed out business model.IDKTexan that's a great idea- how much would you sell them for and where would the funds go?
These entertainment centers are not for us residents. They are for younger crowd and the people traveling to Houston for the games, rodeo, and other random spit.
Uncle/Grandpa what's good place to go hangout.
"I think people go to that new place that used to be the Astrodome"
That been my experience with underground atlanta and whatever the thing is called attached to the Cowboys Arlington stadium. Send people who don't know better there.
Is that worth 1 billion to the city of Houston? Not sure