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Lack of Discipline


Practice Squad
DD thanking his fullback for DD getting his yards and for DD looking good for getting his yards after the team lost, is another example of what is wrong with this team. THE TEXANS TEAM LOST... WHAT IS HE DOING TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS?
The Texans have consistently shown a lack of discipline, I think Capers has not had a grasp of this team players from day one. Most of the players come for winning teams, some examples of Capers lack of discipline are:
1. When Payton Manning was directing the Colts last year for a fourth quarter victory against the Texans, the CBS cameras all of a sudden switch to Carr and his OL laughing and totally not paying attention to the playing field. While Manning was moving the ball against the Texans for the go ahead touch down, our multimillionaire quaterback wasn't even paying attention to the game. I just hope that the jokes were very good. It falls on Capers, right after that shot, the cameras showed Capers taking notes and not even paying atttention to what was happening on the field!!!
2. False starts, illegal motions...all fall under the coaches responsibilitiy
3. Can I ask a simple question? I am not as smart as most people on this board are, as far as football is does Caper know when to ask for a Coaches' challenge when he is not looking at the action on the field because he is writing notes? When the opposing receiver was clearly inbounds and he challenged that ruling, can anyone honestly say that Capers was looking? Someone upstairs yelled CHALLENGE and he threw the flag.. the more I see Capers, the more I remember Jack Pardee...nice guy, excellent person, everybody likes him, but his headset is NOT on!!!!
And while I am at it, can anybody please tell me why our genius Fangio coordinator insist on having a 250 lb Linebacker cover a 180 lbs receiver all game long? Why do we go to a zone defense when it's first and goal for the opposing offense? Why do we rush 2 guys and send 9 guys into coverage on second and third downs... Why Mr Capers are we last in the NFL in third down allowance? Why is it third and 10 for the opposing offenses and we have 2 guys rush the passer???
Houston is not an expansion city. We were all at one time Oilers fans. We know a good defense when we see one. Buddy Ryan took an average set of players and molded them into one of the top 2 defenses in the league in just one year!!! Those players were going at it 200% because they didn't want to miss an assignment and go back to the sidelines a look at Buddy's face. With this team, players can miss assignments all day long and Capers is not even looking!!! He is taking notes!!!
Wow.. lotta questions in there - may want to search some past posts for some that have all the answers. But let's see if I can make a go at it.

DD thanking Norris - I'm sure DD was bummed about the loss, but why not take some light out of it and also bring in a player that attitude.

Carr laughing with OL - can't do much when the defense is on the field. It's just a game, would one rather see Carr and the line screaming at each other? Apparently they did their part if the Colts were driving to take a lead. Capers and his note taking... it's so he has notes to refer to what worked and what didn't throughout the game in certain situations.

False starts... agree it starts with coach responsibility, but ends with players responsibility.

Challenge confirmations often do come from upstairs for many teams - they have access to the replays to see if there's a chance to win a challenge. Coaches are on the headset asking the coaches upstairs if the call should be challenged.

As for a 250 covering a 180... maybe the CB slipped, went into a zone coverage (most likely resulting in a short completion over the middle), no telling. I don't think we rush 2 - though it seems like it. Capers addressed the bad 3rd down prevention on 610 today... well, not really - kinda danced around it talking about execution.. or something.

Casserly, I'm fine with. A few stinkers acquired, but a few hidden diamonds as well. If the fans are looking for the screaming and finger pointing and heads to roll now - it's not gonna happen. The season is not over and to do it now, would implode the final 3 games and the team chemistry - no matter who we think should be playing or not. So, we'll continue to hear the "it's all good" answers with some questions being danced around in the public eye. However, when the cameras are gone - I think there's some new one's being ripped and for those that don't step up (at any level) will be relieved of duty.... once we have one to replace them I'm sure.

Discipline - I think we have more than quite a few other tenured teams. Not quite the level we should be at, but getting there. Now, as for some fans being disciplined.... :coolb:

Whew. I think that was about 2x :twocents:
Marcus said:

Yeah, that's what we need. Buddy Ryan again. :thud:

That is what we have now. A defensive cordinator that should have stayed a defensive cordinator. Minus the attitude of course.
maybe we should look at wade phillips who has san diego playing like champs right now...dick labeau is doing wonders in pittsburgh...i mean all you really need to do is look at the aggresive play calling that those two guys do and it's easy to see why their defense is greatly improved...especially dick...he's re-establishing himself as a nfl coach...although i think he is an awesome d. coordinator i wouldn't make him a head coach again just yet
Well the D coordinator of NE just got the head coaching job for Notre Dame.. what about the O Coordinator :P.

Ive been following the texans from day 1 and I have agreed with Dom and his decisions up until now.. and I dunno why but ive just started to get tired of him and what he brings to the table.

His "lack of execution" smacks of what so many other failing coaches have been known for. picking some vague comment and repeating it in every interview to explain away all the shortcomings.

That is a little harsh.. but I dunno.. looking at other coaches in the league.. Dom just doesnt seem to stand up to them anymore. He is a great defensive mind. But I just dont think that, when it comes to head coaching, he can compare to the really good head coaches out there.. like NE, Carolina, Tennessee, Kansas City, and Green bay have (easier to name the teams than spell all those coaches names).

I dont want the Texans to be a contender.. that would be great.. but I want a championship team.. a powerhouse in the league.. and to get that in todays NFL... you gotta have a great head coach. I think we give Capers another season.. see how things are looking at the end of next year.. and if there isnt an OBVIOUS, MAJOR improvement.. McNair could look into stealing one of those great head coaches. I dont want to speak for McNair or say what he should do with his millions :)..but he has the income to pay a coach more than he will make in alot of other places.

Hell.. I wouldnt mind having Parcells :)

Yah I know.. 5 year plan.. but if we arent getting close next season.. then I doubt we will be there the year after. We have all this talent and it would be a real shame to waste it under the wrong head coach. These guys arent gonna be in the league forever.. and if after 4 years we arent a real winning team, we need to show them we are gonna make big changes to make SURE we are a winning team.. so they arent tempted to go somewhere else.

I swear im gonna cry if Andre Johnson or Dunta Robinson ever leave this team.
His "lack of execution" smacks of what so many other failing coaches have been known for. picking some vague comment and repeating it in every interview to explain away all the shortcomings.

Ya know... I think he went to the school of "execution" while Van Gundy went to the school of "intensity". Substitute the words and you pretty much have both coach's post game comments.

eech... Parcells? No way. Now Fisher on the other hand... :hmmm: Come on Bud - don't you wanna REALLY jack up another team?
TexansNFL said:
DD thanking his fullback for DD getting his yards and for DD looking good for getting his yards after the team lost, is another example of what is wrong with this team. THE TEXANS TEAMS LOST... WHAT IS HE DOING TALKING ABOUT PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS?

He actually was down and didn't want to talk after the game. Moran Norris pushed him to talke to the media about it.
Well the D coordinator of NE just got the head coaching job for Notre Dame.. what about the O Coordinator :P.

ND got the O Co-ordinator.

Pete Sampson Editor

When Kevin White stepped away from the podium on Nov. 30 after announcing the dismissal of Tyrone Willingham, the Notre Dame athletics director promised that he wouldn’t return until he had the 28th head football coach of the Fighting Irish with him. White kept his word. Monday, White introduced New England Patriots offensive coordinator Charlie Weis after cross country flights with hundreds of phone calls mixed in.

cac :coffee:
let D.D be happy about his performance, he did all he could sunday, the rest of you can thank carr and capers for the loss ! Well D.D is running so good so lets pass on 3rd and 2 considering D.D has been doing it the whole series (capers) what an ***** !