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Get Together to Welcome Welsh Texan


2024 / Rebuilding Block 4 After Playoffs / Texans
Hey guys….looks like we’re going to make a Texas effort to welcome Welsh Texan to the City of Houston this coming Saturday, 28 September 2024 (hope the day is right).

Mojo’s Sports Grille
18323 West Lake Houston Parkway
Humble, TX 77346

Time: 1400 or 2:00 pm

Welsh Texan, I know this may be a bit of a drive, but I’m sure we can come up with something that can make it worth your while.

Texans Talk folks who’d like to commit to this get together, just reply to this post and we’ll see if there’s enough of us to make it worth Welsh Texans time to come out.
That's an awfully long drive from the Galleria area. Is that the best you can do? Asking for a friend

I think we’ll try to be flexible based on who commits to the visit. If there’s a better response from the SW side, I’m fairly certain we could find a place closer to the Galleria side. If the commits come from the NE side, maybe we find a place a little closer to the group of commits. Are you looking to attend?
When agreeing to attend, it would help me with the logistics if you identified your location. This will make it easy, so everyone is within a reasonable drive time.
That's assuming little or no traffic or construction issues. And some rentals have a mileage limit.

Most rentals come with unlimited mileage now days. I’ve pretty much gotten unlimited miles for the past 20 years.
Hey guys….looks like we’re going to make a Texas effort to welcome Welsh Texan to the City of Houston this coming Saturday, 28 September 2024 (hope the day is right).

Mojo’s Sports Grille
18323 West Lake Houston Parkway
Humble, TX 77346

Time: 1400 or 2:00 pm

Welsh Texan, I know this may be a bit of a drive, but I’m sure we can come up with something that can make it worth your while.

Texans Talk folks who’d like to commit to this get together, just reply to this post and we’ll see if there’s enough of us to make it worth Welsh Texans time to come out.
I was born and raised in Humble. Wish I could be there.
Hey guys….looks like we’re going to make a Texas effort to welcome Welsh Texan to the City of Houston this coming Saturday, 28 September 2024 (hope the day is right).

Mojo’s Sports Grille
18323 West Lake Houston Parkway
Humble, TX 77346

Time: 1400 or 2:00 pm

Welsh Texan, I know this may be a bit of a drive, but I’m sure we can come up with something that can make it worth your while.

Texans Talk folks who’d like to commit to this get together, just reply to this post and we’ll see if there’s enough of us to make it worth Welsh Texans time to come out.

Okay folks…..the location, day, and time are set. Any last minute folks wishing to come by, address and phone number are listed above. I guess the attire will be any shirt with the Texans name or logo so we’ll be easy to identify. Look forward to seeing everyone.
Appreciate you brother and yes everything is much better.
Good deal and I’m glad to hear it! As I get older mortality is a ***** and I’ve become adept at being more grateful being on this earth every day. My 76 year old mother is in Rockwall and she just had a hysterectomy to remove cancer. I felt like **** that I couldn’t be there but she came through just fine. Tell the ones you love that you do every day.
Good deal and I’m glad to hear it! As I get older mortality is a ***** and I’ve become adept at being more grateful being on this earth every day. My 76 year old mother is in Rockwall and she just had a hysterectomy to remove cancer. I felt like **** that I couldn’t be there but she came through just fine. Tell the ones you love that you do every day.
Brother already. I’m the same way now at this point in my life.

I’ll be praying for your mother as well. I’m
glad she pulled through it just fine.
Pics or it didn’t happen! **** man, wish I could’ve been there but I’m in AZ where it’s officially fall and 108!

I was on the HT site since it went up after the franchise was awarded in 99’ and migrated here in 2018 so I’d bet I know more of y’all then I know.

Texazan, wished you could’ve been here as well. Glad to hear your Mom is recovering and doing well. Sorry about missing on the photos….hell, we just jumped into conversation like long lost friends and completely forgot photos should’ve been in order.

We will definitely do this again b/c there’s nothing like putting faces to names and enjoying a great visit. By the way, Mojo’s was a great sports grille and the owner joined in like we’ve all known one another forever. Good time had by all.