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Decline of Eddie George

Over the past 4 seasons Eddie George has seen his share of difficulties. From shoulder to groin to pulled quads to turf toe injuries, his path in the NFL over his most recient seasons his been deliberating to say the least. He has also seen less and less total on-field production. Total yards have steadily dropped over the years not to mention his receptions and touchdowns. His YPC average (2.7) is the lowest it has ever been in his entire career and entering into the 2004 season George is one more year older than the last. It has been my contention for the past several years that the Titans either trade him or cut him outright but there are those in the Taitans organization loyal to Eddie for a number of particular reasons. To start, he is the only running back in the teams history to lead them to a Superbowl and is a rugged-play-through-the-pain type leader that all football teams need. Not only that Jeff Fisher just loves him - not only as a player but as an ordinary person.

My question is what should the Titans do with a "was-great" runningback who is currently over-paid for what he produces? How do you walk the fine line between loyalty and business?
Oh that's an easy question to answer (from a Texans fan's perspective of course).

Pay him and keep paying him. I say they continue to give him top-dollar money for as long as he wants to play the game. I mean, think about what's he's done for that organization for just a moment. He's meant everything to them over the years and they all love him so much. I'd personally like to see them give him the highest paying contract a running back has ever seen and then honor that contract to the very last year of the deal (preferably something in the 7 year range just to make sure he goes out a flaming meatball of course).

Just to show him how much he means to them I'd also like to see them use their franchise tag on him every season for as long as he continues to play there whether it's needed or not. It would give him a warm feeling to know the team needs him that much.

They should hold on to him (and pass on any other great backs available in the draft) until he becomes the all time rushing leader even if it means slogging through some seasons of 1.2 yards per carry to get there and being forced to let other players at other positions go due to cap constraints. It's for Eddie after all so it's worth it.

That's what I'd like to see. If they could hang on to Steve McNair another ten or so years at top-dollar numbers to show their gratitude to him as well that would also be nice.
OK - that is not exactly what I was looking for Hervoyel and I understand entirely. And you've made you're point perfectly clear. However, some if not most Texans fans were at one point loyal Oiler fans and still hold an affinity to them except on Sudays verses Houston. What do you do from a Titans perspective? And how do you navigate a career respect for a guy and be pragmatic for your club at the same time? Its tough. And I think that the Titans will have to make some difficult choices in the next few months as to what to do with George. A paycut contract restructuring maybe? A heart-breaking release? Either way it will be a tough pill for him to swallow.
Hopefully Eddie has a copy of "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers. In that I mean, I hope he knows when to fold them. He is one of my favorite players in the NFL. And this is the Not For Long league, when production doesn't match the Dollar am'ts. I would rather see Eddie bow out under his terms then let managment decide for him. The Titans rode the horse hard. (like the Oilers did with Earl) I for one would like Eddie to have a very good season again (of course not against us), but this is a business and I could see the Titans releasing him and then resign him for lesser am't (like they did a couple of years ago with O'donnell)

I do think it depends on how well Chris Brown is doing and the other back they have (I can't think of his name at this moment but he is the one that used to play with St. Louis that they got a couple of years ago). I believe the worse thing the Titans did was somehow not keep a FB for him on a few of his years.

edit.. I still think Earl was the best back the titans/oilers ever had. To me George's career parallels Earl's where both backs carried the franchise for a while. I honestly don't want to see Eddie in another uniform like I had to see Earl in a Saints uniform
DominatorDavis said:
, some if not most Texans fans were at one point loyal Oiler fans and still hold an affinity to them except on Sudays verses Houston.

At one point, yes. Still hold an affinity for them? Gag me.
I am surprised they were willing to give him something around 2 mill. If it were me, I would be looking to give him vet. min. and use him as a backup. His tank is running on fumes. MIGHT be able to put together another half way decent year, but even that is doubtfull.
About a year or so ago i moved up to dallas, thank god im about to be out of this hell hole, but This does remind me of the Emmit Smith situation. I remember the whole city was heartbroken. I dont like the cowboys but i did like Emmit Smith he is a great person and a stand up guy that always stayed out of trouble and did alot of charity work, but he should of known when to quit. I guess that is the competitor in him, but instead of having the story book ending of capturing the all time rushing title and retiring a cowboy he went to arizona and broke his shoulder. Its truly sad and hopefully he does the right thing and hangs it up. As far as Eddie he needs to make the same decision. This is the dirty side of the buisness the fans cant have it both ways, they expect thier team to win each year so those difficult decisions have to be made. For old times sake Id make him like a 3rd down back considering he renegotiates his contract and if that didnt work cut him.
Eddie's been a standup player. He has been great for the NFL. I don't see the Titans cutting him; I think they will make a deal to make this his last year.
I dont think hes willing to take a backup role though and if hes not they should cut him for the success of the team. There could be another rb that has been in eddies shadow that then has the opportunity to step up and shine
Well one thing is for sure. The Titans will do what is best for the team and Eddie will either comply or move on.
you know i have not kept up with the titans draft picks the past years but this is exactly why i liked St Louis draft. They thought about the future and reconized that marshal faulk's best days are probably behind him so they traded up and grabed stephen jackson, out with one pro bowler insert another.
Hervoyel said:
Oh that's an easy question to answer (from a Texans fan's perspective of course).

Pay him and keep paying him. I say they continue to give him top-dollar money for as long as he wants to play the game. I mean, think about what's he's done for that organization for just a moment. He's meant everything to them over the years and they all love him so much. I'd personally like to see them give him the highest paying contract a running back has ever seen and then honor that contract to the very last year of the deal (preferably something in the 7 year range just to make sure he goes out a flaming meatball of course).

Just to show him how much he means to them I'd also like to see them use their franchise tag on him every season for as long as he continues to play there whether it's needed or not. It would give him a warm feeling to know the team needs him that much.

They should hold on to him (and pass on any other great backs available in the draft) until he becomes the all time rushing leader even if it means slogging through some seasons of 1.2 yards per carry to get there and being forced to let other players at other positions go due to cap constraints. It's for Eddie after all so it's worth it.

That's what I'd like to see. If they could hang on to Steve McNair another ten or so years at top-dollar numbers to show their gratitude to him as well that would also be nice.

Ok, All this gratitude crud is bs. He got payed top dollar money when he did give them the run at the superbowl and all the good things he helped them do, he got payed for it already. To pay him top dollar now when hes washed up? Crazy, release him if he don't wanna play for less, they dont NEED him anymore... Bye Eddie
I think we will work a Bettis-type deal, significantly less money in order to finish his career with the Titans. I don't think it's just out of loyalty mind you...can anyone name the guy "waiting in the wings" so to speak to pick up for Eddie.
< ...crickets chirping... >
That's what I thought.
I'd give him near minimum salary with bonuses if he meets certain incentives. If he is still a workhorse and stays healthy, he is compensated. Otherwise he makes close to minimum and rides the pine.

In the NFL, you cannot afford to pay players based upon past performances. That is how teams get into cap problems. You pay for the here and now. If a top player's skills drop off, so does their pay. It may be hard to swallow, but that is they way of the business.
DoCt3rJ said:
Ok, All this gratitude crud is bs. He got payed top dollar money when he did give them the run at the superbowl and all the good things he helped them do, he got payed for it already. To pay him top dollar now when hes washed up? Crazy, release him if he don't wanna play for less, they dont NEED him anymore... Bye Eddie

Dont you know sarcasm when you see it I really dont think Hervoyel was serious.
J-Man said:
I think we will work a Bettis-type deal, significantly less money in order to finish his career with the Titans. I don't think it's just out of loyalty mind you...can anyone name the guy "waiting in the wings" so to speak to pick up for Eddie.
< ...crickets chirping... >
That's what I thought.

chris brown
Correct, it was nothing more than sarcasm. The Meatballs aren't going to pay him the kind of money I was talking about and nor should they. I'd like to see them do it of course but I know it's not going to happen.

I'd be happy to see any team in our division make a stupid mistake like that and further complicate their cap situation. That doesn't mean I think it will happen, just that it'd be nice to see.
I get a warm fuzzy seeing Bud Adams back to making decisions for the, Titans.

"Decline of the Tennessee Titans" will soon be a reality. :)
Yeah...Eddie should have taken the cut if he wanted to stick around. The unfortunate thing is that he is a class guy who will be seen as hanging around way too long if he takes a 1-2yr contract with another team.
I am not even sure who would pick him up to be honest...someone probably will...but it's a big reach for a running back with as many years in the league as he has.
Don't underestimate him. He had a great game against the Ravens if I remember right. He may just still have something left.
I would have taken it too because where is he going to sign and get carries??? The Browns or Steelers? I am not even sure about the Browns. Wouldnt that be something, Eddie George going to the Steelers.
__V__ said:
I can see the Raiders taking a shot at him.

There might be some validity to that...I heard they were trying to talk Jim Brown in to a come back too! :hehe:

Truth is I don't know that they would have the cap room to pick him up...and they just added a couple running backs to shore up their almost non-existant ground game. I actually thought that the 49's might take a flyer on him, but it's tough to figure out what the heck they are trying to do in SF right now.
WWJD said:
What about the Dolphins? To back up Williams for the year.
I didnt think about that, could be a good fit.

The Raiders take a chance on almost everybody. Plus, if I were them I would think about getting Fargas more carries this year.
One important thing to note is how the Titans handled Randall Godfrey last year. They asked him to take a pay cut, which he did, and then still cut him after June 1. Eddie George was very upset about that, and compared it to stabbing his teamate in the back. I don't expect him to take a pay cut, and he'll definately be on the market after June 1 rolls around. Raiders are always a good bet to take an old player with not much left in the tank, but with the cap they have I wouldn't expect them to sign him. He'll probably end up somewhere as a situation back to pick up 3rd and shorts or goaline type yards. My best guess would be either Miami or perhaps even the Bears.
texasguy346 said:
One important thing to note is how the Titans handled Randall Godfrey last year. They asked him to take a pay cut, which he did, and then still cut him after June 1.

Gosh...I forgot how much I miss Bud Adams.
Adams mentioned last night, the Titans will cut him and said he is sad to do so. I think the Bears would be a great place for Eddie, and I also think he would probably want to play for one of the teams in Ohio or more likely another Superbowl contender.
El Tejano said:
I think the Bears would be a great place for Eddie, and I also think he would probably want to play for one of the teams in Ohio or more likely another Superbowl contender.
I dont see why he would go to the Bears, they have the A-Train and just signed Thomas Jones to a BIG deal as a free agent
I think Chicago would be a good fit for him due to the fact that the Bears haven't been all that happy with the A-Train not being able to deliver the goods when they need him to, and the best hint of that was the signing of Thomas Jones. The one thing about Jones is that he's had a bit of a shaky NFL career so far too, and I think Eddie would only serve as added insurance. Not quite sure if two 'iffy' halfbacks, and one aging one add up to one whole halfback but what do you expect... its 'Da Bears'.
If I was Eddie George I would go to Dallas. All they have is that rookie running back so it figures the #2 back will get alot of touches, especially in a Parcells offense. Plus Dallas will be a playoff contender, unlike Chicago
There is no doubt in my mind that Parcells will not sign Eddie George. They just released Hambrick because he went soft on some of his running plays. Eddie will not run soft - he has just become that through the wear and tear of the league. Remember it has to be a fit for both sides - yeah, a player might want to play for this or that team but those teams will have to want him as well. In Dallas's case there is just no way.
I didn't think about the Cowboys. I don't know that I agree that he wouldn't fit in there. He's always been a hard working back and if he is willing to work hard and fits into a role I can't see why Parcells wouldn't go for that.

I still think he might end up in Miami though for some reason. :idea:
Yea you may be right V about Philly. I guess it depends on what he's willing to sign for and what a team can offer.

I thought though that Philly had 2 or 3 fairly good backs besides Staley.
I like the Philly pick too. Staley has moved on to Pittsburgh, and it looks like Buckhalter is the lead back in the Eagles backfield. They have another back that is a special teams guy and returns punts. I bet Andy would love a guy to get him the tough yards when he needs them. Don't count on George to carry the load. I believer that they also got a decent back in the draft, but surely they could make room for Eddie. The one concern is the Eagle's salary cap space. I am sure that there can't be much with guys like McNabb, TO, and Kearse on their payroll. Very good pick though V.
If the 50% deal is still on the table, Eddie needs to take the money and run ( I doubt it is though). Otherwise, I doubt Philly or anyone will pay him much more than 1 Mill for the season to play backup. I kind of agree that Eddie will want to play for Fisher before anyone else, but good ol Dud Adams may prevent that from happening.