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Barkley to do MNF?

WWJD said:
Why would MNF want him?

Because they wanted to try to capture some of the success he had on TNT. The funny thing is that Charles was the smart one, and realized that it wouldn't be a good fit for him. :bag:
Bottle-O-Bud said:

No kidding. If that happened, guaranteed I would put the TV on mute and turn on the radio coverage of every MNF game. I can't believe they would consider that bum for MNF.
He would have been very anoying. If you watch him at all, you know that all he does is insult players. And say he was better than so and so. Im glad he is not going to be on MNF.
I think they should bring in some comedians and sports icon to do some half time entertainment (like the hardest hits of the games the night before,the longest run from scrimmage etc...) and leave the play by play calling to Madden and crew.
Personally, I like guys like the Chuckster. He doesn't sugar coat stuff, is not politically correct, and tends to speak his mind and "tell it like it is". To me, that is a breath of fresh air from all of the suits on tv I normally see. My only concern would be his knowledge of pro football and it's players. I would see Chucky as a Howard Cossell type. Some would love him, some would hate him, but he would be controversial, and people would tune in to see what outragous thing he says next. This = higher ratings. Higher ratings = more dollars :popcorn:
I like Barkley. I think he was smart to turn down MNF though. It has all the makings of another 2 year experiment gone bad (like Dennis Miller). Personally I like the combo of Michaels and Madden. As long as Dan Dierdorf is gone, I am happy. That guy whined more than John Stockton flopped.
Nothing will ever top Howard Cosell and Dandy Don Meredith.

Good Post Gwallia.

Charles Barkley for MNF? LOL. I didn't know he knew anything about football. He should stick with NBA. Good for him to realize that NFL is not his sport.
Why does everyone assume Chuck does not have any knowledge of football. He is no different than me or you and I am pretty sure everyone here thinks they know football. Just because a guy was a basketball player doesnt mean his mind is somehow incapable of understanding football.
gwallaia said:
Did ABC learn anything from the Dennis Miller experiment? :crazy:

I actually like Miller! I thought he was pretty funny...what didn't work (and was actually pretty funny too!) was Al Michaels shear undisguised hatred of him...which Miller knew and continued to poke him in the eye every chance he got. :twocents:

As far is goes the Barkley thing (I HOPE) is just some non-starter idea that a pencil-necked-media-executive-who-is-trying-to-be-edgy-and-cool came up with. Ok...I think I just broke my hyphen record. :disco:
Barkley would definitely be a trip. What ABC is really trying to do is get more diverse in the MNF booth. I would love to Amhad Rashadd or Bryant Gumbel in the booth, but not Barkley.
It would be interesting to see Barkley in the booth. I don't doubt he has a good insight for football. I think it's sad how everybody wants to pigeonhole an ex-athlete into their sport just because they think that it's their area of expertise. In which case, I shouldn't even be allowed to talk about sports because I don't play. Unless you want to count the year I played basketball in junior high school. It's not about how much you like or hate a guy but it's the spin that they add to the game. I'm trying to get into a position where I'm in the broadcast booth and I'm being payed for my opinion on what's going on in the game. It's just a matter of finding someone who'll listen. That's how it is in the world of sports broadcasting: a battle for who will listen.
BigBang said:
It would be interesting to see Barkley in the booth. I don't doubt he has a good insight for football. I think it's sad how everybody wants to pigeonhole an ex-athlete into their sport just because they think that it's their area of expertise. In which case, I shouldn't even be allowed to talk about sports because I don't play. Unless you want to count the year I played basketball in junior high school. It's not about how much you like or hate a guy but it's the spin that they add to the game. I'm trying to get into a position where I'm in the broadcast booth and I'm being payed for my opinion on what's going on in the game. It's just a matter of finding someone who'll listen. That's how it is in the world of sports broadcasting: a battle for who will listen.

Ok...that's pretty legit. Athletic chops really shouldn't have anything to do with whether you can preform on the mic or not. I think Costas and Berman are fantastic sports minds and suspect that the only All-Pro votes Costas got was in stickball and same deal with Boomer. I simply don't like his personality and on air manner...he might be a pretty knowledgable football guy, who knows?...I just don't like HIM.
I understand ABC trying to hire colorful guys that can appeal to broader range of fans that watch MNF. But fans want to hear knowledgeable people at the same time.

My suggestion is to hire Terry Bradshaw away from CBS, that guy is as colorful as you can get but still knows the game.