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Am I the only guy thats excited?


All Pro
I see a lot of negativity, and I understand why.. but am I the only guy that is excited about where we are going?

I mean.. Offensively we are really looking good.. despite the lack of heart lately. Every team goes through periods like this, its not surprising that we have hit this "wall". And I seriously doubt we are going to stay this way for long. But anyway... like I was saying.. offensively we are looking really good. We have one of the best groups of WRs in the league. Including the future best WR in the league in Andre Johnson. Davis has shown me enough in the last two weeks to reaffirm my beleif that he is still our guy and we just need to work on our run blocking. We have a talented Oline that is getting better and has gotten infinatly better at pass protection. Our only hole right now is at Tight End.. and we have a #2 draft pick that is supposed to be something else.. who will probably be ready to start next season. The best thing about our offense is NO ONE IS LEAVING. Except bradford of course but we already have two nice prospects waiting to take his place in Armstrong and Starling. These guys are all going to be back next year.. with a full season of experience playing together. We went through a period this season where we were a top 10 offense, its only going to get better next season.

What im REALLY excited about though is our defense. We are just starting to get glimpses of the kind of defense Capers will be fielding in the future.. and I gotta admit I like it :). Alot of people get down on our lack of pass rush, saying that the 3-4 is supposed to give us a BETTER pass rush. Well, I think Capers might be using it a different way.. depending on playmakers on the line and in the LB corps to focus on the pass rush.. and letting the rest of our guys focus on stopping the run and generating turnovers in the secondary. I think we could end up being a bit like the Bucaneers were when they went to the superbowl.. a strong secondary creating turnovers, giving our offense lots of opportunities. This is all conjecture on my part.. I could just as easily make an arguement that the only reason we have so many interceptions this year is because our 3rd down percentage is so horrible and opponents are throwing alot more. But Im not even sure that that isnt all part of Caper's strategy. We seem to have a bend but dont break defense.. we keep the receivers in front of us. They can nickle and dime their way down the field but they wont get the big play. They keep throwing and we keep getting opportunities to intercept. Of course if we had a running game this year, it would work even better. Allowing us to intercept and run down the clock before scoring a touchdown.

Anyway.. We have 3 rookies starting on defense and all of em look awesome.. we have a superb scouting team and very intelligent people making our draft picks. I have absolute, 100% faith in this front office. And I have no reason to beleive that we wont have another great draft and even more big contributors on defense next year.

Alot of people are dogging capers for being too conservative.. and he is a conservative coach.. but I cant wait to see how things work once he has a good defense to work with. He is a defensive genius and I can just imagine where we are going to be in a season or two.

Anyway.. buck up boys.. our losses the last few weeks are not the end of the world.. it has not ruined our team and we are still showing improvement all over the field. They have already proven to me that they have made alot of progress this season, and I wouldnt mind if they lost the rest of their games to get a better draft position.. but I also take pride in the fact that no one on this team beleives in giving away games and there is no way they would do that :).

Btw.. for you doomsayers. Didnt Mr. McNair say in an interview that we better go 8-8.. not in so many words but that was the general idea I think. Im just surprised no one has brought it up and started wondering if Capers is on the hotseat.
Good post, man. :thumbup

I agree with you for the most part. The Texan's future is looking bright. We have a lot of young talent that possess a vast amount of potential. Once the gears start clicking and this offensive unit finds it's groove, watch out league! I think the main thing we need on the offensive side is a consistent line that provides both a safe pocket, as well as making holes for the running game. The jury is still out on the new zone blocking that has been implemented this year, tho'...

As far as defense is concerned, we still seem to be missing that one dominant player than scares opposing offenses. We have the makings of a good unit, but they just don't seem to put much pressure on the QB. I know one of the big reasons for a 3-4 is just the lack of good d-linemen in the league right now.

All that being said, I feel pretty good about the future, too...I mean, there have been some great milestones for our young franchise this year...first back-to-back wins (twice!)...first time to beat the Titans (twice!), which is also the first sweep we've had of a division opponent. In addition, when you look at other NFL teams' records, we are not bottom-dwellers. There are many other well established teams that would give anything to be in our position.

I think many people are getting down because of the perception of the lack-of-fire that we sometimes reveal. It is one thing to lose, but it is another thing to look like they are quitting during the second half of a blowout game. I can't say for sure, because I think players never really "quit". It just seems that way from a spectator's perspective, and that is what so many fans are worried about at the moment.

The team needs to scrap even in losing. It is about heart and soul, and it scares a lot of fans to see very talented teams that do not win because they don't have the fire *cough*Pardee-era-Oilers*cough*
I agree that we need that one player on defense (either on the line or an LB) that forces opposing offenses to game plan around. A dominant pass rusher. Id like to see us get Derrick Johnson this year.

And I hear you on the lack of fire.. but I just dont think it is something that we need to worry about. If anything, I think that the Texans have gotten MORE confident in their abilities.. and get down on themselves when they screw up cause they know they are capable of so much more. I think that a bit more stability on defense and on the Oline, will make a world of difference for us. We have all the important players who were hear the last two seasons.. and we still have that "never say die" attitude.. it has just been a tough month for the Texans AND for the fans.. but I dont think there is any reason to say that we dont have heart.. just that it has been a bit more dormant than usual.

I like the zone blocking.. just because ive seen what it can do when its working right. Id rather us spend two seasons with losing records and get the zone blocking down pat.. than go back to the old system and make due. I think going for the zone blocking NOW is a smart move. Time will tell though.
Exactly i mean every year we have improved that is called moving forward this year we won 2 games back to back,allowed alot fewer sacks on Carr than the first year,swept the Titans,and more,sure things went wrong during the season,and yes Texans fans have high expectations for their Team,and we should,I expect things to get better and they will. :survivor:
Although, beating the Colts this week would take much of the sting out of a few of our losses.... *fingers crossed*

Now THAT would be a moral victory! :thumbup

(and we could still beat the Jaguars...which is potentially two sweeps...but I digress, the Colts first!)
If we beat the Colts, I think we will win out to finish 9-7. The playoffs are still possible as well. Let's see what happens now.
hetero doxy said:
to go 8-8, it would help if mcnair would spend to the salary cap. he needs to do his part. pockting cash after the gift of the stadium is a bit unseemly.

Ahhhhhh here it comes. :thud:
I thought the stadium was built with Enron money. :hmmm:
No matter how badly we lose a game, by the time next sunday rolls around I'm excited to see our team play again. No matter how few games we may win in a season, I'm always excited to see what we do in the offseason and the following year.

We've still got alot of football to play, and I think we'll take the season out on a positive note. Everyone seems to get down on the team when they're losing and it's past mid-season. Playoff hopes disappear and everyone seems to think we're not fielding good enough players, or a good enough scheme.
Our players are good enough, our scheme is good enough, we just happen to be playing very good teams.

I want to see us finish the season strong, and over the off-season pick up some real play makers on D. The seeds are planted for our offense, we just need to let it grow. Coach Capers is a defensive minded coach, we need to give him the personnel for a defensive minded gameplan. I'd like us to go get a stud MLB, and a mammoth DLineman to work into the rotation, that would make me really happy this offseason :banana: . Anywho, no Grid, there's still plenty of people who are excited about the potential of this team.

"I think many people are getting down because of the perception of the lack-of-fire that we sometimes reveal. It is one thing to lose, but it is another thing to look like they are quitting during the second half of a blowout game. I can't say for sure, because I think players never really "quit". It just seems that way from a spectator's perspective, and that is what so many fans are worried about at the moment.

The team needs to scrap even in losing. It is about heart and soul, and it scares a lot of fans to see very talented teams that do not win because they don't have the fire *cough*Pardee-era-Oilers*cough*"

Very true.....I have absolutely no problem with a Texan player getting a personal foul....roughing the passer...when you are down 50 points in the fourth quarter and the other team is still passing thirty yards downfield into the end zone. If Capers does...........then that is a problem.
But thats just me.
IMO, Grid's take is a bit of a homer take, and O/T's is a huge homer take, but I would almost be disapointed in some kind of insightful analysis from him/her. Welcome back O/T!

Rose colered glasses isn't just a hobby for some people, it's a way of life.
lol.. call it homer if ya want :).. im just as capable of looking at the negative and thinking the worst.

But look at the facts :P. We have made progress this year.. zone blocking IS a better blocking scheme if done right.. our draft picks HAVE been great.. our WRs are awesome.. our coach IS a defensive genius whether you want to admit it or not..

the sky isnt falling no matter how much more entertaining it is to think so.
"But look at the facts :P. We have made progress this year.. zone blocking IS a better blocking scheme if done right.. our draft picks HAVE been great.. our WRs are awesome.. our coach IS a defensive genius whether you want to admit it or not.. "

I disagree on all counts. The running game is worse than last year. The draft picks have been average. It does not matter how good the WR's are if your QB can't get them the ball. And our coach is far from a defensive genius. This unit is one of the worst in NFL.

Dude... wake up.
1. didnt say our running game was doing well. I said zone blocking is a better scheme if done right.. and we are getting valuable experience with it now. if we keep at it we will have a good oline later.

2. our draft picks have been great.. dont gimme that average ****.

3. Our QB can get them the ball and was doing so earlier in the year.

4. our coach is a defensive guru and alot of people smarter than us will agree with that.

5. we are far from the worst unit in the NFL

dude.. wake up.
There is no logic behind those observations...

1.) The fact is that their running game is well below average, ranked 23rd in the NFL.
2.) The draft picks have been average. They have played decent, but are not big time playmakers.
3.) Carr is regressing by the game and is terrible on the road. He is proving to be an average quarterback. Look at the stats.
4.) Any coach that is charge of the 23rd ranked defense is far from genius. This equates to below average.
5.) True the defense isn't the worst unit in the NFL, they are bottom 10 though.
... Im not seeing the logic in your comments either..

whatever.. im going out to dinner :) adios.
Grid said:
lol.. call it homer if ya want :).. im just as capable of looking at the negative and thinking the worst.

But look at the facts :P. We have made progress this year.. zone blocking IS a better blocking scheme if done right.. our draft picks HAVE been great.. our WRs are awesome.. our coach IS a defensive genius whether you want to admit it or not..

the sky isnt falling no matter how much more entertaining it is to think so.

...'defensive genius'--what a thought!!! I had a rough day today and
sure thank you for this 'revelation.' And, out of curiosity, when will we see
the 'fruits' of our genius translated to the playing field?...just curious idonno:
boy im gonna regret making the defensive genius comment.

Look.. the guy knows defense.. look at his credentials if you dont beleive me.

And I imagine we will see it on the field when we have the personel.. kinda hard to show your stuff when all your starters are injured.. or you are starting 3 rookies.
Considering this is supposed to be the week Manning breaks the TD record and a Colts win clinches the division, you're darn right i'm excited to watch neither of those happen
Oilers/Texans said:
If we beat the Colts, I think we will win out to finish 9-7. The playoffs are still possible as well. Let's see what happens now.

Surely you're not serious, I hope. Not only will it be impossible for the Texans to win out, even if they did they wouldn't make the playoffs.
They have to go in with as corny as it sounds a "no one comes into our house and comes out alive" type of mentality if they're going to have a chance this week. This has to be the most physical game of the year. Someone is going to have to make a statement hit (Dunta) to make sure they know that no one but us will win this thing
jhawktx said:
Surely you're not serious, I hope. Not only will it be impossible for the Texans to win out, even if they did they wouldn't make the playoffs.
They wont make it but it's not impossible. 2 losses will get us eliminated
If we were in the NFC, I would still have hope for a wildcard. There might even be a 7-9 division winner this year! eek:

Unfortunately, the AFC is the much better conference right now, and it might even take a 10-6 record to secure a wildcard over here.

But I never really believed they were a playoff team this year, even at 5-4. It's not about being down on the team, it's just a realistic understanding that this is still a building year.

As far as zone blocking, the problem is that you need the right personel to run it correctly. You need smaller, faster, and quicker linemen with this scheme. The talent we have seems more geared towards man blocking, IMO. We'll see next year, because they won't have any excuses with zone blocking in it's second year of implementation.
the wonger need food said:
There is no logic behind those observations...

1.) The fact is that their running game is well below average, ranked 23rd in the NFL.
2.) The draft picks have been average. They have played decent, but are not big time playmakers.
3.) Carr is regressing by the game and is terrible on the road. He is proving to be an average quarterback. Look at the stats.
4.) Any coach that is charge of the 23rd ranked defense is far from genius. This equates to below average.
5.) True the defense isn't the worst unit in the NFL, they are bottom 10 though.

Draft picks that are not playmakers...David Carr, Andre Johnson, Dunta Robinson?

David Carr is ranked fourth in the AFC...

:loser :thud:
I have said some negative things, but I'm very excited and optimistic about this team. I live in California and bought the NFL ticket just to see the Texans play every week. I think there are good days ahead it's just been hard to watch the last couple weeks. I've got a good feeling we'll end the season strong and carry it into the off-season and next year. We've got a goos team and people are just frustrated by recent play things will get better. Go Texans
Grid said:
I see a lot of negativity, and I understand why.. but am I the only guy that is excited about where we are going?

I mean.. Offensively we are really looking good.. despite the lack of heart lately. Every team goes through periods like this, its not surprising that we have hit this "wall". And I seriously doubt we are going to stay this way for long. But anyway... like I was saying.. offensively we are looking really good. We have one of the best groups of WRs in the league. Including the future best WR in the league in Andre Johnson. Davis has shown me enough in the last two weeks to reaffirm my beleif that he is still our guy and we just need to work on our run blocking. We have a talented Oline that is getting better and has gotten infinatly better at pass protection. Our only hole right now is at Tight End.. and we have a #2 draft pick that is supposed to be something else.. who will probably be ready to start next season. The best thing about our offense is NO ONE IS LEAVING. Except bradford of course but we already have two nice prospects waiting to take his place in Armstrong and Starling. These guys are all going to be back next year.. with a full season of experience playing together. We went through a period this season where we were a top 10 offense, its only going to get better next season.

What im REALLY excited about though is our defense. We are just starting to get glimpses of the kind of defense Capers will be fielding in the future.. and I gotta admit I like it :). Alot of people get down on our lack of pass rush, saying that the 3-4 is supposed to give us a BETTER pass rush. Well, I think Capers might be using it a different way.. depending on playmakers on the line and in the LB corps to focus on the pass rush.. and letting the rest of our guys focus on stopping the run and generating turnovers in the secondary. I think we could end up being a bit like the Bucaneers were when they went to the superbowl.. a strong secondary creating turnovers, giving our offense lots of opportunities. This is all conjecture on my part.. I could just as easily make an arguement that the only reason we have so many interceptions this year is because our 3rd down percentage is so horrible and opponents are throwing alot more. But Im not even sure that that isnt all part of Caper's strategy. We seem to have a bend but dont break defense.. we keep the receivers in front of us. They can nickle and dime their way down the field but they wont get the big play. They keep throwing and we keep getting opportunities to intercept. Of course if we had a running game this year, it would work even better. Allowing us to intercept and run down the clock before scoring a touchdown.

Anyway.. We have 3 rookies starting on defense and all of em look awesome.. we have a superb scouting team and very intelligent people making our draft picks. I have absolute, 100% faith in this front office. And I have no reason to beleive that we wont have another great draft and even more big contributors on defense next year.

Alot of people are dogging capers for being too conservative.. and he is a conservative coach.. but I cant wait to see how things work once he has a good defense to work with. He is a defensive genius and I can just imagine where we are going to be in a season or two.

Anyway.. buck up boys.. our losses the last few weeks are not the end of the world.. it has not ruined our team and we are still showing improvement all over the field. They have already proven to me that they have made alot of progress this season, and I wouldnt mind if they lost the rest of their games to get a better draft position.. but I also take pride in the fact that no one on this team beleives in giving away games and there is no way they would do that :).

Btw.. for you doomsayers. Didnt Mr. McNair say in an interview that we better go 8-8.. not in so many words but that was the general idea I think. Im just surprised no one has brought it up and started wondering if Capers is on the hotseat.

Davis is running more confident and it is showing, I still would like more speed there and an upgrade is needed. In my book and I think of playmaking RB's ... he doesn't come to mind.. but as solid NFL backs.. he comes to mind .. nothing against him,but he isn't in the same class as james. LT,Holmes,J Lewis,A Green.. etc, etc

I'd say our draft picks aren't bad.. I wouldn't give it a great but for above Average.. We haven't bombed on your 1st round picks or our 2nd round picks (not counting injuries to Joppru).. For every DD there is a charles hill in our later rounds.. and the jury is out on how we use the extra 3rd in the Henson deal .. maybe that is either a move up in the 1st to get a D. Johnson or maybe we move a few spots in the 2nd to get another guy.. Jury out on that.

defensively.. we need help badly.. no pass rush, can't stop the run and 3rd down conversions are horrible.. To shine a light on it.. 3 years of the team and last year was the 1st time we addressed the defense.. next year I expect us to build on that. so all we can do is go up ...
Most of us predicted 8-8 or 7-9. With that type of record alot of inconsistency is to be expected. Blowout losses one week, Come from behind victories a next week, last second losses another week, to pretty solid winning performance another week.

I think for the most part, especially those of us who hoped for the playoffs but figured 8-8 or 7-9 wouldn't get us there, the disappointment has been that the season has gone opposite of expected. I know I though we would have our share of difficulties early but showing some real good football in December. For the most part the month of October was a great month and I think it allowed us as fans to get ahead of ourselves.

One thing that I can say is that until we take control of the line of scrimmage on both sides of the football, we will continue to see these types of seasons. The Oline has played well at times, just not consistent and David has had to move around alot. Other teams QBs get to stand upright and wait for receivers to get open against our defense which is why we lost so many 3rd and long battles this season. To me, that is where the majority of our games have been lost. The LOS.

I too want to see us get a stud Dlineman or MLB. Foremans injury may provoke that decision even further.
El Tejano said:
The Oline has played well at times, just not consistent ...

If by well you mean above average for the league I would disagree--they have just looked like they are playing well because it is relative to how bad they have looked at other times. Overall this year they have taken a major step back on run blocking and sacks. To their credit there have been more (but still nothing like a significant portion of the playing time) occasions on which Carr has had time in the pocket--actually that is new this year, a few times with a pocket.

Having said all that, I don't think the best improvement will come from imploding the line. I would replace McKinney, keep 4 of 5 positions the same and let them gel.
By well I meant better than before in our existence (except running game was much better but then again new players or new positions). I also mean they haven't been injured as much like before. Is there a possibility that some of these sacks are due to Carr holding on to the ball too long by any chance?
El Tejano said:
Is there a possibility that some of these sacks are due to Carr holding on to the ball too long by any chance?

I suppose you could argue that the vast majority of sacks in the NFL are because the QB held onto the ball too long and if he had just had better instincts for "feeling the pressure" would have avoided or thrown the ball away. My impression is that very few of this years sacks have been because Carr held onto the ball too long--unless someones definition is more than 2.5 seconds. Now that isn't a ringing endorsement of Carr's field vision, just an impression that most of the sacks have come pretty quickly--I am sure there are exceptions.
I'm not sure whether or not I am excited about this team at this point. We have improved in some areas and digressed in others. I hope we are not a tiger chasing his tail as our "Veterans" become "Old". The most disappointing area to me is run defense and the obvious pass rush. Regardless of what the numbers may say I think this is an area we have not improved since day one. Not sure if it is players or scheme. As far as draft picks, personally I couldn't be happier with Carr, Johnson, and Robinson. I am a fan, season ticket holder, and father and have no problem with the way these three carry themselves on and off the field. I am sure of one thing however. I am disappointed that for the third time at this point in the season we are just happy to have football back in Houston. that you in that picture?

sorry, didn't even read the post

AHHH she's a cowboys fan! but then again, she knows football...tough decision to keep or ban...
texansfan88 said: that you in that picture?

sorry, didn't even read the post

AHHH she's a cowboys fan! but then again, she knows football...tough decision to keep or ban...

haha let her stay, very pretty and loves football ! I could almost cry.

But yes Earl has done pretty good as well Cowboys fan !