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Texans random thought of the day

Agreed. I wish Carstereo was as good at his job as Hannah was. Now, it's about time Hannah started infringing on Carstereo's gig, because he wasn't doing as good a job as she has been.
Caserio isn't sleeping with Cal as far as I know.

Maybe you can provide us with pics?
Sorry, thought I was agreeing with you. Carstereo has been doing a crap job.
Sorry, I disagree with you. If Caserio is doing such a "crap job," so must Ryans be, since everyone accepts the fact that they are working in extremely close coordination..................and I don't believe Caserio or Ryans is doing a "crap job."
Sorry, I disagree with you. If Caserio is doing such a "crap job," so must Ryans be, since everyone accepts the fact that they are working in extremely close coordination..................and I don't believe Caserio or Ryans is doing a "crap job."
Ryans just got here. I thought you were talking "long ago"
Again, all the things in your post would have been turned around long before now if the Texans would have put all their concentrated efforts into IMPROVING the PRODUCT..............NOT the MARKETING!
Caserio is the longest tenured "football people" in the building... I'm just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Can't be ownership, they fired the guys who made the bad decisions. They're trying to improve the product on the field. If that's not been happening to your expectations the only guy to blame would be Caserio, then it would make sense to usurp his power & give it to another... that would be Hannah & DeMeco.
Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds? Doesn't follow any sort of logic.
This is a family friendly site, or I would explain to you what's really going on.

There's mamas and the wife Cal calls mamma. A different version of the 2 mammas
Ryans just got here. I thought you were talking "long ago"

Caserio is the longest tenured "football people" in the building... I'm just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Can't be ownership, they fired the guys who made the bad decisions. They're trying to improve the product on the field. If that's not been happening to your expectations the only guy to blame would be Caserio, then it would make sense to usurp his power & give it to another... that would be Hannah & DeMeco.
Ownership has been screwing the pooch long before Caserio got here and throughout his tenure. Those people that have been fired were directly empowered by Cal. Cal made Easterby his trusted universal advisor........and Cal made the decision for BOB to be appointed GM [BOB never asked for that additional responsibility].............those were things that had strong lasting negative effects on this franchise well into Caserio's tenure. For once in franchise history, the HC and GM are working well hand in hand, while some would like to take half of the important cog out of the equation again.
When you called Cal a cuckhold
Being a cuck doesn't mean he's not having relations with his wife. It means he also likes sitting back and enjoying the show. That's exactly what he's doing while his wife and mother are making the final calls.
All the things in your post would have been turned around by concentrating on improving the product. With a "business" as large as the Texans franchise, a franchise with multimillions in assets..............a franchise with so large a pool of executive and consulting minds available.............and already given 21 years of "experience" and time for improving the is beyond ludicrous to have to turn to "customers" to find those answers. Again, all the things in your post would have been turned around long before now if the Texans would have put all their concentrated efforts into IMPROVING the PRODUCT..............NOT the MARKETING!

I can see you never ran a business or sold a product.

If the best product only sells then why aren’t all the Cowboys fans turned to Chiefs fans?

Because their is something called brand loyalty.

Texans lack that. No one can say I am a Texans fans because my grandfather was and my dad was and now I am. So the Texans customer is not sticky.

When running a business, a young business especially like the Texans you have to do things to appease and keep the customer happy.

That round table isn’t providing answers as much as it is a platform for customers to heard. So I can understand that people in the Texans org who already have the answers have a hurt dik when there is a round table like this. Having the answer and having the customer feel validated are two vastly different things. So the people who feel hurt by this are missing the big picture. And those are the people that should be the first to be let go because they can’t see what the round table is for.
I can see you never ran a business or sold a product.

If the best product only sells then why aren’t all the Cowboys fans turned to Chiefs fans?

Because their is something called brand loyalty.

Texans lack that. No one can say I am a Texans fans because my grandfather was and my dad was and now I am. So the Texans customer is not sticky.

When running a business, a young business especially like the Texans you have to do things to appease and keep the customer happy.

That round table isn’t providing answers as much as it is a platform for customers to heard. So I can understand that people in the Texans org who already have the answers have a hurt dik when there is a round table like this. Having the answer and having the customer feel validated are two vastly different things. So the people who feel hurt by this are missing the big picture. And those are the people that should be the first to be let go because they can’t see what the round table is for.
We know what the round table is for and it certainly isn't conducive to winning championships.

If you want to see ownership committed to winning championships then look no further than how Crane runs his org from the beginning of the rebuild until current day. He didn't care what the fans thought or have fan councils.He hired Luhnow and let Luhnow and his people do their jobs. Crane only stepped in for the big money contracts like JV's. BTW, Crane is rolling in money over on Crawford..

All I ask is for people to compare and contrast the way the two orgs are run and why you think the McNair's will ever win a championship? Is it even a priority for them?
Have you ever had to sell something? I mean really sell something on a daily basis.

Texans sell tv time, merchandise and tickets. So do the 31 other NFL franchises so this isn’t a unique issue to the Texans.

When your returning customers are not buying from you anymore after years of consistent business you have to do something to find out what is going wrong, what is most important to fix, and letting important customers have their voices heard.

This isn’t too different than a round table with the top customers.

All the Texans have to so to fix their marketing problems is win some football games.

Fans voices have absolutely nothing to do with winning football games.

Where @CloakNNNdagger is coming from is the totally different direction the team went in the draft as compared to what high level individuals stated prior to the draft and the fan council had a huge impact upon those decisions.
Let me stop you right there. Running a large successful surgical practice for 40 years.................unlike most physicians, not once have I ever work and results spoke for itself.
Team performance-Marketing…apples and oranges. Symbiotic but separate. Both a cause and a symptom. While your business was successful was anybody wearing your jersey scrubs and responding to your message board and paying to watch your operations? Marketing helps the team, the team helps marketing.
Let me stop you right there. Running a large successful surgical practice for 40 years.................unlike most physicians, not once have I ever work and results spoke for itself.

Had you marketed you would have been more successful. It’s undeniable. You left business on the table.

Would you equate your success and expertise the same as the Texans?

No - you wouldn’t. You said as much that the Texans made bad decisions. Cal e giving OB GM duties, bringing in Easterby, etc.
All the Texans have to so to fix their marketing problems is win some football games.

Fans voices have absolutely nothing to do with winning football games.

Where @CloakNNNdagger is coming from is the totally different direction the team went in the draft as compared to what high level individuals stated prior to the draft and the fan council had a huge impact upon those decisions.
What team that has had a fan council has ever been successful?

I can just imagine Belichick, Reid, Payton being ok with making football decisions after getting feedback from a fan council. Maybe this is what Payton was talking about when he referred to the Texans org as a dysfunctional group of idiots.
Had you marketed you would have been more successful. It’s undeniable. You left business on the table.

Would you equate your success and expertise the same as the Texans?

No - you wouldn’t. You said as much that the Texans made bad decisions. Cal e giving OB GM duties, bringing in Easterby, etc.
The Texans are screwed until 1. Janice dies. 2 Cal grows a pair.

The first is likely to happen in the next 5 years. The second most likely will never happen.
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Had you marketed you would have been more successful. It’s undeniable. You left business on the table.

Would you equate your success and expertise the same as the Texans?

No - you wouldn’t. You said as much that the Texans made bad decisions. Cal e giving OB GM duties, bringing in Easterby, etc.
Don't speak to things you have no clue. I had referrals from all over the world. Thank you, I would not be able to handle any more success than I enjoyed.........nor would I want to.
All the Texans have to so to fix their marketing problems is win some football games.

Fans voices have absolutely nothing to do with winning football games.

Where @CloakNNNdagger is coming from is the totally different direction the team went in the draft as compared to what high level individuals stated prior to the draft and the fan council had a huge impact upon those decisions.

People keep on saying winning games solves all.

Why haven’t the Texans done that with the people in house the last 3 years? The same people who are in the FO complaining about the fan council have been to see over the OB and EasterOB systems. They saw the Culley and Lovie systems.

Why haven’t we won a Super Bowl if it’s that easy to win?

Cause it ain’t.

Problems arise when new people step up such as Hannah. They say to the old timers your ways of doing things led us to OB the GM and Easterby. Time for something new.

Those old timers have their feathers ruffled. Nothing more. Texans needed a QB. They got one. (I personally wanted to wait till next year but whatever.)

The fan council has its purposes. The people at the top aren’t getting it done and it’s no secret. They needed a wake up call. They led us or let the Easterby and OB thing happen. They stood by and watched. Time for something new.
SMH. Using a medical practice in a comparison with an NFL team‘s marketing department is plainly misleading. While you say you were successful without advertising I’m guessing the Hippocratic oath and Medical Association have ethical standards that address that very issue. Furthermore it’s not just an ethical issue but a practical one as well. I’m sure it’s in the form of medical malpractice mitigation. NFL teams have no limiting promotional factors. Just say they have taken the Hypocitic oath and can…must… market their product.
Don't speak to things you have no clue. I had referrals from all over the world. Thank you, I would not be able to handle any more success than I enjoyed.........nor would I want to.

You are successful because you made great decisions and have great expertise.

The Texans have shown neither.

You get referrals because of the past successes you have shown.

Tell a fan of another NFL team to root for the Texans and you will get laughed at. Rightly so.

No history of success.

That’s the marketing aspect of it. That’s why you have a round table and ask past and current clients why did you leave and why are you here. What can we do better.

You have 41 years of success. The Texans are still showing expansion team decisions. And that was BEFORE the fan council.

Texans fans have been through THREE long years of failures since 51-7. Of course fans are saying just draft a QB and win some games. The breaking point was the two QB system.

So while the people you talk to are upset they are being overridden with fan council decisions, I would ask them what have they brought to the table the last 3?
SMH. Using a medical practice in a comparison with an NFL team‘s marketing department is plainly misleading. While you say you were successful without advertising I’m guessing the Hippocratic oath and Medical Association have ethical standards that address that very issue. Furthermore it’s not just an ethical issue but a practical one as well. I’m sure it’s in the form of medical malpractice mitigation. NFL teams have no limiting promotional factors. Just say they have taken the Hypocitic oath and can…must… market their product.

Most physicians get referrals from the hospitals they work for and run their business under the hospital name.

Not saying our good doctor does.

But yes apples and oranges.
You are successful because you made great decisions and have great expertise.

The Texans have shown neither.

You get referrals because of the past successes you have shown.

Tell a fan of another NFL team to root for the Texans and you will get laughed at. Rightly so.

No history of success.

That’s the marketing aspect of it. That’s why you have a round table and ask past and current clients why did you leave and why are you here. What can we do better.

You have 41 years of success. The Texans are still showing expansion team decisions. And that was BEFORE the fan council.

Texans fans have been through THREE long years of failures since 51-7. Of course fans are saying just draft a QB and win some games. The breaking point was the two QB system.

So while the people you talk to are upset they are being overridden with fan council decisions, I would ask them what have they brought to the table the last 3?
Look to the very top for the answers regarding consistent failure. It is a sad situation when you have to look to Joe Shmoe on the street on how to make your multimillion dollar franchise successful. It only speaks to the magnitude of the organization's ineptitude. :toropalm:
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Look to the very top for the answers regarding consistent failure. It is a sad situation when you have to look to Joe Shmoe on the street on how to make your multimillion dollar franchise successful. It only speaks to the magnitude of the organization's ineptitude. :toropalm:

So the fan council is another showing of ineptitude of Cal and Janice.

Anyone surprised? No? Didn’t think so.

Then we should be somewhat relieved that ownership isn’t taking it on themselves to make decisions cause it leads to Easterby and OB level decisions.

Fans aren’t the brightest - I agree on that - and the customer isn’t always right - but looking at the decisions Cal and Co has made the three years after 51-7 it by comparison will be better. That I am willing to wager and no one can convince me otherwise. Fans don’t get all the X’s and O’s but that is for the HC and GM.

And how far off are the decisions the fan council proposed? Get a QB - that was heard here on the board prior/concurrent to the fan council. There was a pick to be made QB or Anderson and they made both.

Top tier HC, talented GM, working together, and better roster than the last three years. We will win more games. The reasons the decisions were made may be unconventional but history has shown that left to themselves ownership has a history of bad decisions.

We have a chance to win more games this year than the prior two combined or come close.

Glass is half full my friend.
The infamous Hannah-organized "fan committee."
It was an emotional 90 minutes, those who attended the June meeting say.

This couldn't be the "infamous Hannah-organized fan committee." It was a June 2022 town hall with original season ticket holders asking Caserio and Lovie questions. Wasn't there but I doubt CJ Stroud's name was brought up.

Here's an article dated 3/28/23 from regarding the launching of the Texans first fan council.

...a 50-member volunteer group that will collaborate with Texans' leaders to share feedback on the fan experience, gameday entertainment, retail merchandising and more.

To be clear, you won't be selecting draft picks or be on the sidelines talking plays with head coach Demeco Ryans. Still, fans will be expected to participate in regular in-depth focus groups whose ideas, according to the Texans, will help shape the future of the organization.

Members will serve for one NFL year, for example, from the 2023 NFL Draft to the 2024 NFL Draft, but you can apply again the next year.

Fans have until April 19 at 5 p.m. CT to apply.
The deadline for applying for the Texans fan council was 4/19/23. Not a lot of time (8 days) to go over the applications, select the council, have a council meeting discussing whom to draft, Hannah taking the recommendation of Stroud to Mama McNair, and Janice telling Cal, Nick, and DeMeco to draft CJ.

Here is the current Texans fan council. I see 3 media members I am aware of. Sean Pendergast and Landry Locker of KILT 610. And Stephanie Stradley (@Texans_Chick ) of the Chronicle.

Then enters Hannah and her Fan Committee, who went to Janice McNair who wanted a QB from the beginning, and told Janice they wanted Stroud but that Cal was against it. Janice then essentially confronted Cal telling him in no uncertain terms that he was the CEO and NOT the owner, and that her decision was final........."Stroud will be our Q."
Your source has Hannah and the fan council coming up with C.J. Stroud as their draft preference. How does that reconcile with the known facts about the fan council and the timing of its selection?
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You are successful because you made great decisions and have great expertise.

The Texans have shown neither.

You get referrals because of the past successes you have shown.

Tell a fan of another NFL team to root for the Texans and you will get laughed at. Rightly so.

No history of success.

That’s the marketing aspect of it. That’s why you have a round table and ask past and current clients why did you leave and why are you here. What can we do better.

You have 41 years of success. The Texans are still showing expansion team decisions. And that was BEFORE the fan council.

Texans fans have been through THREE long years of failures since 51-7. Of course fans are saying just draft a QB and win some games. The breaking point was the two QB system.

So while the people you talk to are upset they are being overridden with fan council decisions, I would ask them what have they brought to the table the last 3?
I get this

But if I was an employee I would ask are we in great shape pick/cap wise and you hired Ryans to do a job. If you can just be patient until the great 2024 QB drafr I can ensure you a contender that will rival the Stros rebuild. Do you think this conversation was ever had in the walls of NRG? I think they were and Janice, Hannah, didn't heed their advise and we as fans are left with hoping Strouds the guy. But hey nrg will be full again and that's what matters most to the McNair's. It's really sad when you watch this yrs college QB's play. They could've waited and had a young built out team for a young QB to grow with. But heck, what do I know?
Saw that Christian Harris Blake Cashman and Jimmie Ward were all held out of practice today. The boys just cannot get healthy huh?
This couldn't be the "infamous Hannah-organized fan committee." It was a June 2022 town hall with original season ticket holders asking Caserio and Lovie questions. Wasn't there but I doubt CJ Stroud's name was brought up.

Here's an article dated 3/28/23 from regarding the launching of the Texans first fan council.

The deadline for applying for the Texans fan council was 4/19/23. Not a lot of time (8 days) to go over the applications, select the council, have a council meeting discussing whom to draft, Hannah taking the recommendation of Stroud to Mama McNair, and Janice telling Cal, Nick, and DeMeco to draft CJ.

Here is the current Texans fan council. I see 3 media members I am aware of. Sean Pendergast and Landry Locker of KILT 610. And Stephanie Stradley (@Texans_Chick ) of the Chronicle.

Your source has Hannah and the fan council coming up with C.J. Stroud as their draft preference. How does that reconcile with the known facts about the fan council and the timing of its selection?
The Fan Council was the offshoot of the 2022 meeting. Many if not most of the Council members were in attendance at the meeting. Discussions were being held with some of these select "fans" [including choosing of the QB in the upcoming 2023 Draft] up until the actual formation of the Fan Coucil.
The Fan Council was the offshoot of the 2022 meeting. Many if not most of the Council members were in attendance at the meeting. Discussions were being held with some of these select "fans" [including choosing of the QB in the upcoming 2023 Draft] up until the actual formation of the Fan Coucil.
And was your source in these meetings? I wonder if @Texans_Chick was in these meetings.
And was your source in these meetings? I wonder if @Texans_Chick was in these meetings.
Why do you even ask these type of questions, CnD doesn't make stuff up and you want to question him. I would give you the double rods if I was in his shoes. In fact I'm pretty sure I would be banned and you mods would have to decide what's important and what's not so important.
I get this

But if I was an employee I would ask are we in great shape pick/cap wise and you hired Ryans to do a job. If you can just be patient until the great 2024 QB drafr I can ensure you a contender that will rival the Stros rebuild. Do you think this conversation was ever had in the walls of NRG? I think they were and Janice, Hannah, didn't heed their advise and we as fans are left with hoping Strouds the guy. But hey nrg will be full again and that's what matters most to the McNair's. It's really sad when you watch this yrs college QB's play. They could've waited and had a young built out team for a young QB to grow with. But heck, what do I know?

Agree 100%. Business decision was made to fill stadium. We are left hoping Stroud is the guy. I wanted to wait just like you for a QB but me wanting to root for my team am putting my best fan face on and cheering on Stroud.

If it was Hannah and Janice’s pick it is what it is. The trade for Anderson was to appease Demeco and crew which was really a trade for Stroud.

What has happened has happened and there is no sense over crying over the past. Let’s move forward.

I personally think Stroud can be better than Schaub and there was that year (2011?) we could have won it all with him if it wasn’t for Haynesworth and Kubiak calling a QB sneak when we were so far ahead in the game.

All I can say is maybe our invitations to the fan council got lost in the mail? Because then there would have been louder voices saying wait one more year.
Agree 100%. Business decision was made to fill stadium. We are left hoping Stroud is the guy. I wanted to wait just like you for a QB but me wanting to root for my team am putting my best fan face on and cheering on Stroud.

If it was Hannah and Janice’s pick it is what it is. The trade for Anderson was to appease Demeco and crew which was really a trade for Stroud.

What has happened has happened and there is no sense over crying over the past. Let’s move forward.

I personally think Stroud can be better than Schaub and there was that year (2011?) we could have won it all with him if it wasn’t for Haynesworth and Kubiak calling a QB sneak when we were so far ahead in the game.

All I can say is maybe our invitations to the fan council got lost in the mail? Because then there would have been louder voices saying wait one more year.
Great post

Larry in Stafford is on the fan council. Nothing more needs to be said.
Why do you even ask these type of questions, CnD doesn't make stuff up and you want to question him.
I'm questioning what he has heard. He doesn't claim to be at the meetings. His claim is that a source told him what happened. I'm questioning how his source learned. First hand? Second hand? Assumptions? What we're told now is it wasn't the official fan council meeting. It was an impromptu council meeting with unknown participants that has never been mentioned prior to today. Is this information reliable? Just because he takes it at face value doesn't mean everyone has to. Especially when at face value, it doesn't really add up.
I think @Texans_Chick chooses to stay out of the gossip and drama.

Smart lady.
No doubt. But I have a difficult time believing someone of her stature in terms of Texans fandom would not be included in fan council meetings. If she was there, it would be first hand information. Not gossip.
No doubt. But I have a difficult time believing someone of her stature in terms of Texans fandom would not be included in fan council meetings. If she was there, it would be first hand information. Not gossip.

I thought she said she was in her preseason thread.

I have very little doubt she wouldn’t have been in attendance.

Hannah is smart enough to include the loudest fan voices such as Larry and @Texans_Chick.

Because you want to control the message or have influence with some of the voices in radio and publication.