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Brian Flores lawsuit, etc.


The lawyers have to show a few of Culley's press conferences to defend the firing of Culley.
I don't think the racism part was in firing him (I could be wrong, I haven't seen the law suit.) I would have thought they were talking about the 27 years of sideways promotions.
In the lawsuit, Culley is one of the coaches named as an example of discrimination.
Interesting. His firing I suppose, not his hiring. Maybe we'll find out why he was fired. Discrimination will likely be impossible to prove. Can't say much more. Too political and controversial.
That's pretty much the story out right now.

But who's to say Daboll was given the job when Belichick sent the text? It's possible Belichick was told the Giants were most likely going to hire Daboll.

Meaning Flores would have to really wow them & explain the offensive problems he had in Miami.

Unless they have Daboll's signature dated prior to Flores' interview It's hard to prove
Well, let's see if they can get a subpoena for some of those records.
Who forced Flores to go to dinner and interview for a job he knew he wouldn't get.

..and if he said no, how would that look? "Flores turns down interview with NY Giants".. wouldn't really look good on his resume.

Props to him for finally bringing this stupid rule back to the surface. And yes, probably won't get another NFL job, but I'm sure he already knew that when he filed.
Who wasn't following the rules

Miami - Flores didn't do what his owner told him to do and got fired. Just like you and I would. If Flores didn't want to do what Ross wanted him to do he could've taken his grievance to God'ell an/or quit his job.

Denver- Elway was late to an interview and according to Flores appeared drunk, This just in Brian, the boss gets to interview people when/how he wants too. You dont like having to wait then leave.

NYG- Brian, you didn't have to waste your time having dinner/doing an interview with an org you knew had already made up their mind who they anted to hire. You chose this

On the first part -

If your employer tells you to do something that is unlawful or against a broader professional code of conduct and you knowingly break the rule and do what your employers says to do than you are at fault too.

On the second part - if the boss shows up drunk or hung over that proves he isn’t taking it seriously. Did he show up to all the interviews hung over or just Brian’s? And if just Brian’s then why?

NYG - you are the one unemployed. You break the appointment that looks bad on you and prospective employers. Maybe he showed up thinking he still had a chance to change NYG’s minds.
Who wasn't following the rules
Ross. Elway & the Broncos. The Giants.

Ross was tampering. Ross was overtly telling his head coach to lose games.

The Broncos were following the letter of the rule. But not the spirit of the rule. They are supposed to interview minority coaching candidates, and give them due consideration.
Ross. Elway & the Broncos. The Giants.

Ross was tampering. Ross was overtly telling his head coach to lose games.

The Broncos were following the letter of the rule. But not the spirit of the rule. They are supposed to interview minority coaching candidates, and give them due consideration.

Just telling you, if you asked Ross if he wished he would've hired somebody besides Flores what his answer would be. Sad thing is I doubt Ross ever hires another minority and he's the guy that hired both Greir and Flores. Flores is doing potential minority hires a disservice when it comes to Ross and the Dolphins.

They followed the rules. Like I said, when you're the boss you get to set your own schedule. If Flores didn't like it he didn't have to interview.
On the first part -

If your employer tells you to do something that is unlawful or against a broader professional code of conduct and you knowingly break the rule and do what your employers says to do than you are at fault too.

On the second part - if the boss shows up drunk or hung over that proves he isn’t taking it seriously. Did he show up to all the interviews hung over or just Brian’s? And if just Brian’s then why?

NYG - you are the one unemployed. You break the appointment that looks bad on you and prospective employers. Maybe he showed up thinking he still had a chance to change NYG’s minds.

1. No laws were broken, also I dont take Flores word as gospel. He most likely is a disgruntled ex employee, who will never be hired by an NFL team again and this is his cash grab.

2. Nothing was done wrong, was Joe Ellis drunk too. Was Elway drunk or did he have a couple of drinks at lunch? Was Elway hungover or was that just Flores perception? I know myself my mind really doesn't start working full bore until about 8:45-900 am.

3. His choice to do dinner/interview, maybe he did show up hoping to change their minds. Happens in interviews all of the time. He failed to change their minds. Are there any laws that have been broken?
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1. No laws were broken, also I dont take Flores word as gospel. He most likely is a disgruntled ex employee, who will never be hired by an NFL team again and this is his cash grab.

2. Nothing was done wrong, was Joe Ellis drunk too. Was Elway drunk or did he have a couple of drinks at lunch? Was Elway hungover or was that just Flores perception? I know myself my mind really doesn't start working full bore until about 8:45-900 am.

3. His choice to do dinner/interview, maybe he did show up hoping to change their minds. Happens in interviews all of the time. He failed to change their minds. Is there any laws that have been broken?

Agree to disagree.
..and if he said no, how would that look? "Flores turns down interview with NY Giants".. wouldn't really look good on his resume.

Props to him for finally bringing this stupid rule back to the surface. And yes, probably won't get another NFL job, but I'm sure he already knew that when he filed.

Guys turn down interviews all of the time. Look at this MB, many posters have said Caserio has requested interviews and been turned down several times.

Liked for the last paragraph. Spot on.
What does hiring a minority have to do with anything? If Flores wasn't a minority, he wouldn't have exposed Ross' ethical failings?

What's the lawsuit Fores brought about?

That says it all.

Once burned, twice bitten
This is all the Texans need............a HC in the midst of lawsuit against the NFL..........and new serious Dolphins tampering charges potentially involving Watson (the early tampering I alluded to months ago)................
I think it is fortunate that the tampering charges seem to be coming from a non Texans source.
That lawsuit was destined to happen, Flores or no Flores. Why would Ross specifically not hire another minority?

Once bitten/twice shy baby.

There's a song that's applicable here.

This is going to probably cost Ross millions. You think he's going back to that well anymore than he absolutely has too?

I'm just surprised that the Texans org wasn't named in the lawsuit. After all Flores did interview with Caserio twice. I guess Caserio and maybe Easterby were true friends of Flores.
Which well is that? Or is he so racist that he can't tell a difference between two different black people?

He knows who he hired and it will probably cost him millions. I doubt he does that again. This is an uncomfortable truth. Funny thing is Ross is one of the least racist owners in the NFL. But I bet he becomes one of the most racist. Losing millions tends to make people change their thought processes and not always for the better.
He knows who he hired and it will probably cost him millions. I doubt he does that again. This is an uncomfortable truth. Funny thing is Ross is one of the least racist owners in the NFL. But I bet he becomes one of the most racist. Losing millions tends to make people change their thought processes and not always for the better.

Does what again? Hire Flores? I'm sure he won't hire him again, and I'm sure Flores wouldn't want to work for him again. If you're saying that because one former black employee uncovered and made public Ross' unethical if not illegal activities, he won't hire any more black employees, that makes him extremely racist. Can't understand how you don't see that.
After today I doubt Flores will ever be able to ever get any job in the NFL. However if he was named the Texans HC tomorrow my thought process wouldn't change. Not who I would hire but the safest hire out there and I would root for Flores to be successful.

If Flores was offered $100k per loss and turned it down, in addition to walking away from a meeting tampering with another team's QB, I think I actually want him to be hired now tbh.
Those things seem to explain the friction between him and Miami management, as well as his firing.
If those things are true, it seems to me he has a lot of integrity.

Having said that, obviously I know it will never happen
Does what again? Hire Flores? I'm sure he won't hire him again, and I'm sure Flores wouldn't want to work for him again. If you're saying that because one former black employee uncovered and made public Ross' unethical if not illegal activities, he won't hire any more black employees, that makes him extremely racist. Can't understand how you don't see that.

I cant understand how you dont understand how losing millions might make Ross racist?
Based on losing millions.

Accountability seems to be very important to you when it comes to Watson. How about Ross? Why not blame him for putting himself into this situation by being unethical (allegedly)?

And again, why would Ross hold anything he thinks Flores did to him against other potential future minority hires? Explain, please...
Accountability seems to be very important to you when it comes to Watson. How about Ross? Why not blame him for putting himself into this situation by being unethical (allegedly)?

And again, why would Ross hold anything he thinks Flores did to him against other potential future minority hires? Explain, please...

I didn't say Ross was ethical, most billionaires aren't.

Losing millions of dollars would be the reason why.
The only way anything you're saying makes any sense is if Ross is already a racist asshole.

SMH, a guy can not be a racist but be turned into a racist through life experiences. This can and has happened in all races. People learn through life experiences be it good or bad life experiences. To think differently is living in denial. IMHO
Don't you understand that Ross would already need to be a racist to associate losing millions with the color of another man's skin, versus associating it with the specific person he blames, regardless of skin tone???

I understand fully , but I happen to think losing millions could make a man racist. Good thing is we will get a chance to see in real time what Ross does with his HC hire this yr and what he does with Greir over the next couple of yrs.

There's an old saying that has nothing to do with race, you dont think about the good when you hire someone. You think about how things go down when you have to fire someone.
I once bought out a German in my industry & employed him in an expansion...turned out he was an idiot
Ever fired a white guy?

More than I would ever want too.

I've only had to fire 2 African Americans since I went into business in 1994. One struggled to make it to work and another was stealing. If you're trying to imply I dont employ minorities you're wrong. I have minorities working with me right now and I'm lucky to have them.
More than I would ever want too.

I've only had to fire 2 African Americans since I went into business in 1994. One struggled to make it to work and another was stealing. If you're trying to imply I dont employ minorities you're wrong. I have minorities working with me right now and I'm lucky to have them.

not what i meant
it's the inability to separate a bad actor vs an entire race
& I think poorly of those that can't make such a distinction
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Just thinking out loud here......why would an owner have to offer his head coach $100K for each game he loses? Could the owner not just tell his HC that the top priority for the team in 2019 is to have the #1 pick in the 2020 draft?